The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, December 02, 1900, Image 5

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Rock=a=Bye Baby These are sweet words, but how much pain and suffering they used to mean. It’s different now. Since Mother’s Friend has become known expectant mothers have keen spared much of the anguish of child birth- Mother’s friend Is a liniment to be applied externally. It Is rubbed thoroughly Into the muscles of the abdomen. It gives . elasticity and strength, and when the final great strain comes they respondiqdieklySnd easily without pain. Mother’s Frieni'i? hever taken internally, . riiteriial remedies at this time do more harm than good ff .ir jgmii 'Css|HßS&k. W M -4 A.” W ■Wry 1 \ v wjf ■ Jk\ I J. |f’€^vx Pli. wcrriaa Is supplied with this splendid llnl mnS she need never fear rising or swelling breasts, morning sickness, or any of the dtteomfortft which usually accompany preg nancy. - The proprietor of a large hotel in Tampa, Fla., widest “My wife had an awful time .with her first child. During her second pregnancy, Mother's Friend was psed and the baby was bom easily before the doctor arrived. It’s certainly great.” <Jet Mother’* Friend at the drug store. $1 per bottle. THE BRADFIEID REGULATOR CO., Atlanta, Ga. Write for our free illustrated book* ** Before Bab U Boro." NOTICE TO VOTERS. Bhi3Nßwick,*No. 3, 1900. t> To the Voters of 26th DisL G. M., JGlyoo County 1 respectfully solicit the votes, and ask the support of my friends and fellow-citizens of the 26th Diet. G. M., of Glynn oounty, for the office of Justice of the Peace for said District, at the eleotiou to he held next month, December, 1900. Respeotfully, A. W. Coke eh, Lumber Inspector, J. W, Watkins will loan you money on personal prop erty and real estate. WE MUST HAVE ROOM I In consequence of tremendous purchases of Holiday Goods we are compeled to WMMMM&MMMMMMmS A.C R IFI G E OUR RRO FI SMMMlMfit'iMtMlftMtJlMMM; f. For the time being, in order to give room to show this magnificent stock. "Worth will not be consider ed during this sale, to move the goods is what we want, and we say candidly now is your chance to e le Bargains In Every Line Monday and Tuesday Only. Monday and Tuesbay ONLy Don’t wait, come now and look at our stock. The shelves are teeming with new and stylish Dry Goods, Dress Goods? Clothing, Notions, Etc., Etc. And everything in the store will be sold during this sale at Money Saving Prices. ■C Trade Oatcli ersßiii Millinery—We are starving the swellest and most up-to-date Hats in the south. > Give us a call. M and big line ( boysMl Solid colors and plaids, worth J9c, a bargain at 25c T&bbons —A fineJrssortment of Satin in all colors; special, yard .. .3 4c and up Hats—We areJnowing the largest and most complete stock of “Ready-to-Wear” Hats in the Correct^ styles 65c, up Neckwear Just received full line of Ladies’ Stock Collars, fancy Ties and Chiffon Boas, r )Mi and pretty styles 15c, up [ big assortment Mercerized Petticoats, with wide plaited flounce. All colors and black. Special SIJ9 f JVC RS . JVC . ISA.A. o, THE*LEA©fk(3 ©RY (S(M)©S EMEORIHM. 208-2081 NEWCASTLE ST. Mete r. IS >ms LINE CF I id li Ms figsfe?; •' •* -'V' . 'Whichjl now have on | (exhibition. CALL AND EXAMINE. Th. F. Winter, THE TAILOR, 311 Newcastle St. MALE HELP WANTED.—Reliable me* to sell our line of line lubricating oils, greases and paints. Salary or commission. Address ‘‘Reserve Oil Co.’’ Offices No. 82 Superior street, Cleveland, Ohio. For the serious diseases thataitsei the kidneys. Prickly Ash Bitters is an unfailing remedy. Believes backache, swelling of the feet, and persistent headache—symptoms which indicate kidney trouble. W. J. Butte. TChe editor of the FordvtHe, Ky,, Miscellan eoas, writes as a posuoript to a business letter; “I was cared of kidney trouble by taking Foley’s Kidney Cara,” . Take nothing else. W.J. Units ISff^heTConfllt 'and works off the Cold. Laxative BromolQulnlne Tablets cure a cold in;one day. Ho Cure, No Pay. Price 5.5 cents THE BRUNSWICK ITMEB-CALL, DECEMBER 2,1 W BAD BLOOD, BAD COMPLEXION. The skin is the seat of an almost end less variety of diseases. They are known by various names, but arc all due to the same cause, acid and other poisons in the blood that irritate ami interfere with the proper action of the skin. To have a smooth, soft skin, free from all eruptions, the Wood must be kept pure and healthy. The mWay preparations of arsenic and potash atul the lurge number of face powders and lotions generally used in thi? class ot dufeaaes cover up for u short time, but yahhot remove pets tunhently the. ugly btotches and the red, disfiguring pflnp’.es. , Ehavnal vtglfanoo is the prioo of si isoauiifol aampfexion whim such remedies are rolled on. . Sir. IL X. Shobe, 1704 I.bcas Avenue, St. Louis, M. 0., mys : “My tA vughitr was afflicted for years xv;Ui a'disfiguring- eruption on her fate, which resisted all ceicMtaied Benlth r-priugs, but .received no bene fit. Many medicine? were prescribed, but wilfc out vt unit, until we decided to try S. S. S., and by tlc time the first bottler as finished the eruption beg ji t? disappear. A dbjfeti bottles cured her completely ana left her skin perfectly smooth. Shers now seventeen years old, and not a sign of the cuiLarrassiag efts ease h&4 ever returned." S. S. S. is a positive, unfailing cure for the worst fornis of skin troubles. It is the greatest of nil blood purifiers, and the only one guaranteed purely vegetable. Bad blood makes bad complexions. S/Mfe iftte purifies and invigo vwT” rates the old and Nffig makes new, rich blood >K. that nourishes the body and keep# the skin active and healthy and in propet condition to perform its part towards carrying off the impurities from the body. If you have Eczema, Acne, Salt Rheum, Psoriasis, or your skin ia rough and pimply, send for our book on Blood and Skin Diseases and write our physi cians about your case. No charge what ever for this service. SWIFT SPECIFIC COMPANY. ATLANTA, AA. SHAKE INTO YOUR SHOES. Allen’s Foot-Ease. powder, it cures palatal, smarting, nervous feet and lagrowing nailmand instantly takes tbo sting out of curns and bun ions. It’s the greatest eomf yrt dluoovery of the age. Allen’s Foot-halo make* tight or new shoe* feel oasp. it is a certain cure for sweat ing, callous and hot, tired, aching feetl Try it today. Sold liy all druggists and shoe stores. By mall for 25c in stamps. Trial package Free. Address Allen 8. Olmstead. Le Kov, N. I. STOVES REPAIRED! \ Rice, the stove dcctor, repairs kinds or cook stoves and rouges, buy and sells second hand stoves, ili Bay 1 treat ~?■ , • -* <v * t.gie Whea you want prompt acting little gills that never gripe use De Witt's Utile Early Risers. W. J. Butts. ;’-s •. HI Pliici Inm Piicy THANK ISA* IST ELEI GIVEN To our Drugs and Medicines for restoring health to many and permitting them to enjoy their ~ T MANKSGIVING Holiday- Those who are suffering should avail themselvesjof the advantages that our unlimited Stock of DRUG jjAND;||M EDICINES Offer. We can fill the physicians’Jprescriptions or supply a remedy from] the. many poprietary articles, -.---■ - ■ ...... , .. , T WH A |vj Is some where on our shelves.U Jar Stock of Drugs and Medicines contains that which is necessary to cure youi ills, give you strength and restore you to health. Whether you prescribe for yourself or get a PHYSICIANS PRESCRIPTION We can fill it. Our compounding department is in competent hands and we use the purest drugs obtainable at SMITH’S PHARMACY, Skirts—Just received a large assortment Skirts. Correct styles. A leader Waists—-A fine assortment Taffeta Silk Waists; new and pretty effects. All new shades worth $7.00. Special SJ-98 Suits—One lot Tailor-made Suits, new and correct styles. Jacket lined with Taffeta Silk; In castor, gray and brown. A bargain B.£B Ladies Undershirts 17c Best gingham, per yd 44c Best Calico, all color, per yd 44c Ladies’ Boys Suits from $1.25 up Men’s pants worth $1.50 at 85c A special sale on Men’s Clothing and gents Furnishings