The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, December 04, 1900, Image 8
XMAS • _ ~ • . -■ £: ' ' ■■ v ■- y is but a short month off and as it is time to begin looking around for presents, we wish to call your attention to the fact that our new goods are beginning to arrive and we are going to have an exceptionally large and handsome line of Jewely and Novelties. Don’t Send Away for anything in my line for 1 will guarantee to sell you at the same price and some times less than you can get the same goods away for, and besides saving you all ex* pense, vre are here at home where you can reach us should the goods prove unsatis factory. Watch for our special ad next Sunday “ r ‘ l ' ~' T ‘ “ * KENNON MOTT, Jeweler and Graduate Opticians MS Newcastle Street, Inspector ot Watches for Southern Eatlway. Time by Wire daily from Washington Coney & Parkier DEALERS IN Goal and Wood, Brick, Ume, Cement, Plaster, Hair, Shingles'and Laths. Agents for Morris’ Brick, Phone 18- . 525 Bay St. Eiderdown Dressing Sacks 0 * '* . . An immense assortment of blue, red] and pink Eiderdown Dressing Sacks, new effects SI.OO to $3.50 Don’t Forget the AMERICAN GIRL, A shoe as good as the name S. 5 O, OXFORDS $2.00 LEVYS. BKUXSWICX 1114 Eh-CALL. D CEMBEJt 4,190 b, VOTING WAS VERY BRISK - •'* , ill mates Me a M Mian Yesterday wm another he-.tyr voting day In the Tarea-CiM. cirevs party con teat, and all the candidates revived a good number of vote*. Miss Collie Tisoa led In the day’* voting, receiv’og 194 votes, the largeet number y rr lived by any one candi date in >' lay’s voting. Mies Claudia Lucas nil I leads, however, With 437 rotes to her cief”t. HOW THEY STAND. Mite Claudia Loote 487 Miss Addle Tsnkersly.:. _.447 Miss Doille Tieon r ...38® Scattering .. . v..wU. 306 v ‘. v - -■ Totel east 1860 OFFICIAL BALLOT. For the Host Popular Young Lady la Brunswick, I Vote tor Miss S ROBINSON’S BHOW . Deoemba. 4., FIRST AND FOREMOST In the field of medicine le Hood's Bar*- parllla. It possesses actual and unequalled merit by which it cures all dleeaeea canted or promoted by impure or impoverished blood. If you have rheumatiem, dyspep sia, scrofula or catarrh, you may take Hoods Harsaparilia and be aured. It you are run down and feel weak and tired, you may be cure it will do yon good. The favorite family cathartio la Hood’s Pills. f WOOD~Most for the mon ey'.. Phone 31'. Yard corner Gloucester and Grant streets To Stop a Cold. After exposure or when you feel s cold com ing o take a does of Voley’s tloaey and Tar. It never fails to stop a cold If teksn in time..lf latte. SHIP NOTICE. Neither the master, nor owners Of the Russian bark Pber Brahe, will be responsible for any debts contracted by the orew of said 3>ark. W* TERbrsn, Master. CURES BLOOD AND SKltf TROUBLES. Trisl 1.-eatment Free. Is your blooa pure? Are you euie of it? Do cuts or soratobes heal slow ly? Doe* your skin itcb or burn? Have you Pimples? Eruptions? Ach ing bones or back? Eczema? Oid Borec?2i;Bbils? Scrofula? Rheuma tism? Foul Breath? .Catarrh? Are you pale? Then B. B. B. (Botanic Blood Baim) will purify your blood, heal every sore, and give a clear, smooth, akin. Deep-seated case*, like ulcer*, osooer, eating sores. Painful Swellings. Blood Poison, are quickly cured by Botanic Blood Balm. CuredVhen all else fail*. Thoroughly tested tor thirty year*. Drag storst, *1 per large bottle. Trial treatment free by wrttinglßLOOD BALM CO„ Atlanta,'Qa. Desoribe trouble-free medical advioe givMgf Otor 3,000 vol untary testimShfaflEif ourea by B. B. B. 'y FEMALE WEAKNESS CURED. I wae tronbled with sevar* female weakness for over nix month*, i was treated by nix very prominent physi cians, without nay marked benefit. My last dootor was a tkiUtd apecinl- Ut, and he told me the' oily hope lay in an operation. I board of Smith’s Sara Kidney Core, and after using it for on* month I find my self oared, and even tb* dootor who last treated mo, bow proaouaoea me welL Mrs. J. R. Pavtr, Atlanta, On. Prtoo 60 osnts. For sale by all druggist*. <§o©iet>g. Mr. and Mrs. J. B, Wright and Hiss Msy Wright spent Sunday in Bruns wick- Dr. and Mr*. C. fl. Meidrim, of St, Simon’s, have returned frbm'w visit to Baltimore. . . Mr*. I*l E. Way and Miss Kathleen Norris, fit Daneo, spent several days of 1 i*. week in tfie city. Miss Be*sieafter a pleasant summer in Euroy* and the North, is the guest of her sitter, Mr*, C. H. Mel drim, ou St. Simon’s. Mr. W. F. Parker leave* tonight for Brooklyn, after a visit of several weeks to the South. Mis* Lettioe Fceter, formerly of Bt. Simon’s, is at LuoyCobb, in Athens. Miss Neilia CBeibnry has returned from a visit to Savannah. Mrs. J. H. Whitmire spent yester day in Brunswick from St Simon’*, the gneat of her son, Dr. Charles Gowan. Miss Flsariee Madden leave* after the holidays, to visit friends in Mont gomery and several other oitiss. '■Tv'. - Mist Msda McDonald returned to Frederica yesterday, after a pleasant visit to Bruuswiok. Miss Lily Burford, of Kentuoky, will return to Brunswick with Dr. and Mrs, H. E. L. Burford, and wi” make her bommhere for the future. * Mr4lat Bonn is still quite 111 at the homo daughter, M-e. H. L. Hlne, on <3loucet#r street. Wood Wood Wood. Ring op phone 31 or sail at yard our n*r Gloucester and Grant streets g.—JJf.'JiAt-'jf.-.-.M* I yuwHii f>n wi ii iw ii .iinweniwi siinis—y I Tbauksgiviug, coery sad harness ! beet at Lloyd*. ’Pkoae 3r>s-d ‘CORD WOOD. Largequantity of oak and pine wood on baud, for prompt delivery. No rotteD, storm wood sold by us. ’Phone 24-3. . Bi.qod Worth & Jowxs. The kidney* arc small but important organs. They need help occasionally. Prickly Ash Bitteri is a successful kidney tonic aud system regulator. W.J. Butts. SVEET HONEY Jult from the country, ia oue pound section. Try one pound, only 131, If its good wa have it. TRY_^ Boromol Tooth Powder. BUTTS, The Druggist. BROWN’ Hot Chocolate and Cold Soda Something Delicious PRESCRIPTIONS Filled accurately. DRUGS Sold cheaper than the cheapest All we want is someone to enquire into the truth ot the above asseriion to make a customer of you Perfumes and,Toilet Articles in abundance, Call in and make yourself at home Brown Drug Cos. g§ggggßllGS Art Mg| Square -Bsel in tapestry '-i-x IhURMiS 36 7£c and up wards, in latest designs and patterns. Fresh and new goods arriving weekly. See our new Mailing- ml unguis. LOOK THE WORLD OVER AND TOT CAN’T BEAT ' CREAM OF KENTUCKY Whisky. \ $l.OO PER QUART; $4.00 PER Gitjp. I. Tracer & Cos,, Independent Distlers. Sold Exclusively in BrVwswick by F=*. V. CZDC3 LJ C3l L-.XW.-gK 206 Baf Street. W The World Listens When Leaders Talk. This is as true of *tke Fur niture business as of state craft, naturally, we we have considerable pride in being LEADERS IN OUR RUSINESS. Quite a strong expression, but qilite easily proven—the fur niture and prices to be the evidence, you to be both judge and jury. Come £nd be con vinced.