Newspaper Page Text
Die Brunswick Times.
Established MS9.
The Brunswick Call.
JCutiblufted 1 me.
The ltaswick Tiraes-Call,
■ ..
BBTHUB H. LEAVY - - - - - Editor
BOLAND A. MULLINS, Business Manager
o HCE } 8t " B ‘
Subscribers are requested to notify the office
when they fail to get any issue of the Timea-
OalL Attention to this matter will be appre
elated by the publisher*.
the Times-Call [will be; Delivered by
carrier or mail, per year, f 5.00; per week 15
seats. Correspondence on live subjects
e olloited. Beal name of writer ahould ac
sompany tame. Subscription! payabla in
advanoe. Failure to receive paper ahould be
reported to the.buaineis office. Address all
communication* to
Hereafter all legal advertise
ments must be paid for after the
drat insertion. The management
baa been pat to t great deal of
trouble and delay In collecting in
the pant, and in future must take
advantage of the Georgia law on
thia subject. Oot. 10, 1900,
Mr. Albert O, Anderaou baa pur
chased the circulation of the Times-Uall
sue hereafter he vu nave abaolute Con
trol of aarae, By the circulation ia
meant simply thia; Every paper print
ed ia turned over to Mr. Anderson aud
he haa thorn delivered and collects for
eame. Id other worda, be owne every
paper printed lu thia office—the same as
anew depot when it buys out of town
The management has decided on this
move after mature consideration and
we think subscribers will got a better
service and the plan will work more
satisfactory in every particular.
The circu'ntiou of the Trans Car.L
Out grovr the other part of the business
ID feet, it bas nearly doubled within
the past two mouths, ami for tire
business manager to attend to this de
partment, as well as tue others, would
be almost an impossibility, hence the
sate of this important part of the burl
Mr. Anderson, the circulation man
. ■ t ■'
ag*>, Is a young man of excellent busi
ness qualifications, and wc are sure that
the public, aj well as ths office, will be
satisfied with bis work.
With this Issue, Mr. Anderson takes
charge of the circulation department
and all complaints, irregularities, etc.,
should be reported to him.
The Atlanta Journal draws a moral
from the fact that a man named A. M.
Rich died of starvation In Chicago the
•tbor day.
According to the Augusta Herald
dynamite on the stove is stiil making
an gale.
Champion Jeffries is soon to be mar
ried. He can then have a bout every
The Louiayille Post says that the
American people “have emerged frea
* foreign war,"
The Brunswick circuit ia bleased with
one of the beat jadgea who ever Berved
on a Georgia bench, and the grand ju
ries in every county in which Judge
Benoet presides ahould eo-operate with
Matin'hla endeavor to enforce the laws.
A sacred duty rests upon the shoulder of
every grand juror, because he ia there
as the representative of a great state to
see that our laws are obeyed. When
the judge in hla charge to these juror
Monday, told them of their duty in re
gard to gaming and selling whiskey
to minora, he meant that the violaters
of these laws Bhould be indicted and
now it is up to the grand jury.
Do your duty gentlemen.
General Lee succeeds General Wheel
er, This ia great succeeded by great.
The police commissioners bad a
meeting in their rooms at the cityjiall
yee'erday, No business of Importance
was transocted,
Matineo today at 3,
For Asthma use CHE
jf I Should
Tell You ■*
. That right hers in
A Brunswick you can ■’
see as fine a lihe of
beautifulotiooolstes R
a s y o u could In
New York iteslf, you would
probably be inclined to teke
my statements “enm grano
sails.” But I would like for
you to look in for yourself.
Just to see whether I am lying
to you or not.
You can lie ebout who you
are ttoibg to vote for in itu
coming municipal election,
but you can’t lie about our
fine obooolates. The wildest
apparent, exaggerations about
them are mere foothills
around the summits of truth.
And cur prloes sre about half
what such goods are usually
sold for.
’PHONE 256-3
X (Next door to Fleming & Waff)
Special Attention to Crown
and bridge york.
5022 Glou’ster St.
Bean the _/? Tho Kind You Hats Always Bandit
From man or beast ss to quality or
quantity of the grain and feed we sup.
ply. The beast as well bb its master
will be satisfied—the beast because it’
well nourished, it’s matter because bis
atook presents a .good appearance and
does good work.
K wrl
Seems easy to man, but there is r
great deal of Tiffing nnil reaching to do;
a great many *ri;e t:p and down stairs to
make in the course of day’s hots - * ■vexi.
It’s hard where a vrorruitj ia weii For
s woman suffering with some form of
"female trouble” it / ...
is daily torment. fe
There are thousands \ J J
of auch women wjiplk V*
by day, in increasing SslflPAk
misery. There are JFp
other thousands who Sy&w? vV v*4j
have found a com- STS M
plete cure of their Jjpjw sp jH
disease in the uae of 'tj If ;
Dr. Pierce’s Favorite JxJl) } js
Prescription. It
stops debilitating j*T TK /cJOWBr
larity, heals inflam- JQjj \
mation and jflf
tion, nourishes the —V4
nerves, and giv*
vitality and vigor. I- XStUQKffC'
It makes weak j-v'V fji 8|
women, strong and l /* j V
sick women well. It / 1 8..
contains no opium, / j
cocaine nor other I • ■■
"For a number ot //
mouths 1 suffered with j j
female trouble.’' write* J /
Mias Agnes McGowae, ' I IMt
of ISIS lsak Si., Wash- . JB*
last on, D. C. ’’l tried MOWHK3
various remedies, but
aoae seemed to do me euy permanenl rood.
The doctor* **ld it was the worst cast of liiUr
nal trouble they ever had. I decided io write
to yoo-fbr help. 1 received a very eneonragieg
Kily. and ccupsenaed treauneut at ouoe. I
1 not uaad rour 'Favorite Preacriylion’ a
week before 1 oeoan to feel better, end, as I
C attnttrd, my health cradually improved. IS la
proving every day.*
Dr. Pierce's Common Sen* Medical
Adviser ia sent frtt on receipt cf eturnpe
to pay cost of mailing only. Send 21
one-cent stamps for a bock in paper
covers, or 31 stamps in cloth, to t)r.
R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N1 Y.
Petition for Charter,
GEORGIA—GIynn County. ‘
, D’ourk of U'j™ county A*d
to the Honorable Jos.W, BenaetL Judyc thereof,
Tho Femme of Edward ilarn, UH. Dam*.,
specifuUrslew's-*™ aß< * Alt ‘ xku o'i|^ l: sj re
1. i'hst Ibey and such others as may hcreSf
ter be aasoeiaied with them, deeire tone iuw>r
i>o reted. and exist as a bod* politic, under the
!ws ot the ffitate ef Georgia, with tile name,
and for the purposes and objects and exercise
uf the rights snd powers as follow*:
*. The name or said corporation to l.e “The
Mutual Benevolent Association of Brun-wietK
Georgis," by wh eh name it shall be known,
contract aud be eoetiacted with, sue snd be
sued. j
*. That aald corporation shall exist Joe
twenty (SO) years from tba date of m.'e-pora
tlon, and they desire the right of at
the expiration thereof,
*, The principal pltto% <3 bnalnesa to bo
Brunswick, Goorgia, fWynn ct.uoty, with tin
right to establish brae-h offices in other place*
in Georgia, by direction of the Board ot Di
5. This oo poratiop to be entirely a mutual
aWNjeiatlon, snail hsve no capital stock, but
will nert. e the fnnd* tom paying benefits and
defraying expenses from the fees, due* and
assessments of its members.
G. the objects and business of ssid associa
tion to he: (a) To pay weekly benefits to its
members In case of sickness, accident or per
sonal Injuries, rendering such mmntwm unable
to iierform tlieli usual avocation; (b) to pay a
funeral or death benefit upon the death of sank
member ot ssid association.
:. Said corporation to have the following
powers: The tight to have a corporate seal, to
make by-laws, to prescribe In said by-l*w the
place of meeting of said association shall be
held to name the officers of said association, for
terms of office and compensation to be paid
them, to primes for a toard of diiectors to
control the business,to issue polloies to mem
bers, to provldo the amount of slek, accident
snd .loath l>en*fits,*nd to make rules to pay the
sains, and to do all things that are necessary, to
pcipcrly control tire business of said associa
tion, snd the authority to eferelse all powers
Incident to private corporations, as prescribed
by law.
Wherefore, petitioner* pray that they may
be incorporated, with their associates, under
the name sforesald for the period and the pur--
po-e, named, and with the rights, power* aud
privileges aekea for, snd tliev will ever pray.
Attorney for'Petition.
GISOROI*—GIvnn oSiimty.
1 hereby certify tint! the above aenliealkm for
i barter for ’The Mum ,1 Hauer,nent Asool-
Uon of Brunswick, Gem via” was filed in office
this rath day of November. A. D. HkSc
H. F. ot’IHGOV. .
tlerk Superior Court, Glynn county, G:i
Gentlemen like exquisite Neckwear.
We bare some to tuilall tastes. J, H A Bro. -
Just arrived: Articles too numer
ous to mention. Call and sss! J. H.
Heller & Bro.
Matinee today at 3.
To Our Patrons:
We always keep in stock all of the standard brands of
goods. Headquarters for the finest line of wine and
liquors in the city. Special qualities for medicinal purposes.
Our phone is 144-3, and if you need anything in our
line, call ireup and we will deliver, fiee of charge, all goods
bought of us.
Nice pool tables for the use of our customers free of
Best line in the city, including “Little
Nobles,” many others.
“Tom prepared in bottles. Try it.
JEEiShiib F***^2[
200 Monk Street
>IS MSSM If 1 Till
ltd 11 SI
The Soldiers’ home Mil was killed la
the legislature Monday by a vole of 83
to Sflt'
The bill provided for the acceptance
by the ata’e of the baildiogt and
grounds, and was defeated for each
of constitutional majority, failing by
five yotea to have the required number.
The veteran* and tbeir friends who
bad watched the fight with much in
terest ere disappointed greatly at the
*. -an**.•>*,..
action of the bouse. **.;
It had been confidently expected
that the MU at
last the persistent efforts that bad been
made to seeure a shelter for the fast
declining Confederate veterans would
prove successful.
MaJoriGary, author of the hill, did
noble work in Us behalf.
Matinee today at 3.
mum ram.
Detective Conoley, of Atlauta, is
spending some tl*se In the city.
The Mallory steamer this week
brought B large cargo of holiday good*
for Ike Brunswick merchants. -
Mr. Ernest Fleming is spending
few day A in tbs oity.
This R’flemsn will hold a meeting f n
tbeir armory tonight, at which a •<*
ond lieutenant will be nom ns’.-d.
City Couooit meets in regular ssssioa
tomorrow night
Mr, R. B. Owens is to move his meat
market into the store formerly Occu
pied by the Elk saloon, corner Grant
and Monk streata,
Mr. U. H, Raymond left last night
for Bit future home in New York,
today at 3. •
Tax payers are heieby notified that
all t*x*a due the e ! ty of Bmnawlch,
Goorgia, for the year 1900, were due
and payable on or before the first d*y
of Deoember, 1900. In compliance
with the tax ordinance* of force, I
• hall at once begin issuing executions
ve. all delinquant •ax-payers.
City Clerk.
9 oo Drops
AVcgetable Preparatioofor As
- the Food andßegula
ling the Stomachs and Bowels of
Promotes Digestion.Cheerfuf
ness andP.est Contains neither
Opium,Morphine nor Mineral.
PemfitU Seed' .
Mx. Smote • J
Aperfed Remedy forOonslipfH
Ron, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea
Worms .Convulsions. Feverish;,
ness And Loss OF SLEEP.
Facsimile Signature of
new yohkt.
At i> months, old
Our store will be open until 9 o’clock p. m.
Space dots’nt rernUt us to go Into details as to
our magnificent stock of goods, it would take
.page*. All we ask is to pay us visit and H will
fully pay you VO go to that much trouble, tor
will Be astounded at the revelation .
When in search of a wedding present you
will find what you want aftour Borc.
— o Inttl
Laboi, Burrow 00. Abk., Aaf. t. W Jl
lis *• years old mod bar* been with ■- i ’! • am
OkvnieofLlf# I had flooding pell o bad that ‘A
aso thought I eonld Uvs. My hnaband got mo
Win. of Cardni and It saved my Ufa. lam lika am >fw v a|
aaothar paraoa aiooa taking it. * \ w
R is the devout wish of nearly tO people to five fla, ape old age.
None of us want to dia young. This universal desire abe realized tf
care be taken of tba health in early and middle Ufa A Uttle pKaution then
will add many years to our existenca Death can be kepflLway t long
tlma Happy, healthy old age will be the tot of the woman wWcromptly
correct* the ailments which afflict her sex. in youth, Wine of ■Adui will
take the female child safely over the dividing line between g:r a&d and
womanhood. As a wife she needs it to help her through themils of
pregnancy and childbirth with as little discomfort as possible K the
Change of Ltfe it will help her over the dangerous place that apHn ta
her pathway between 40 and 5a Then will com* many years
blissful existence. She will grow old slowly and gracefully. To VRaj]
she will preserve that charm and beauty which are always eharscSkt!*
. .. ..... of perfectly healthy grandflM)pSj*,
. unit' ASVISORT SifAITBUT. \“,. fo^ om Sn^
*ygr adviM to m mantas nwet*) whether they Win be health for
,lck - "& >eirl|i.
naicna co, cbamnooaa, im. ness is dose *t hand.
For Infants and Children. \
The Kind Yoip Have
I' Alweys Bought
Bears the 1 i
For Over
Thirty Years