The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, December 05, 1900, Page 5, Image 5

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A Wife Says: “We have four children, With the first •itee I suffered almost unbearable pains from C to 14 hours, and had to be placed under the influence of chloroform. I used three bottles of Mother’s Friend before our child came, which is a strong, fat and healthy boy, doing $1 my housework up V*• W to within two hours . _ of birth, and suf- S\\ • ■• \ fered but a few hard \\J t" /-w pafijs. This lini- /[■ 'IEm, V* mentis the grand-/ /Aim/ A f// est remedy everW 1 ™ fwjfi do for every woman what it did for the f Minnesota mother who writes the above let ter. Not to use it during pregnancy is a ni~ ake to he paid for in pain and suffering. Mother's Friend equip* the patient with strong body and clear intellect, which in turn are imparted to the child. It relaxes the muscles afld allows them to expand. It relieves morning sickness and nervousness. It puts all the organs concerned in perfect condition for the final hour, so that the actual labor is short and practically painless. Dan ger of rising or hard breasts is altogether avsided, and recovery is merely a matter of a few days. Druggists sell Mother's Friend for $| a bottle. The Bradflelil Regulator Cos., Atlanta, Ga. Ssnd for oar free Illustrated book. * " -—a-- . j.j ii t The profit of a gold mine depends, not on the amount of rock crushed under the stamps but ion the amount of gold which can be extract ed from the rock. In a similar way the value of food which is eaten doos not depend on Rhe quantity which is taken Into the stomach but upon the amount of nourishment extracted from it by theorgans of nutrition and digestion When these organs are diseased they fail to ex tract the nourishment In sufficient quantities to supply tho needs of the several organs of the body and these organs cannot work without nourishment. The result is heart trouble, liver trouble and many other ailments. Dr, Pierce’s tiolden Medical Discovery, acting on every or anpf the digestive and nntritive system, re ores It to health and vigor. It cures diseases remote from the Stomach through the stomach in which they originated, tiolden Medical Discovery contains neither alcohol nor nar eotioe. Special Sale fg In consequence of tremendous purchases of Ploliday Goods we are compeled to RIFICE OUR PROFlT s**™**^^™*,. ' For the time being, in order to give room to show this magnificent stock. Worth will not be consider ed during this sale, to move the goods is what we want, and we say candidly now is your chance to secure Bargains In Every Line Monday and Tuesday Only. Monday and Tuesbay ONLy Dont wait, come now and look at our stock. The shelves are teeming with new and stylish Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Clothing, Notions, Etc., Etc. And everything in the store will be sold during this sale at Money Saving Prices. These Trade Oatch sHIMB Millinery-We are showing the swellest and most up-to-date Hats in the south. In castor, gray and brOwn. A bargain • _ 8 M R-hf line A of f bo d^ l F SO,i - d Co l l , ors , and P'aids, worth 39c, a bargain at 25c BoyT’wlishfrom \scuv Ribbons--A of Satin in all colors; specia , yard 4c and up Boys Suits from 11.25 up Men’s pants worth $1.50 at 85c y 1 * f ~ oc up Hats—We are tMmmg the largest and most complete stock of “Ready-to-Wear” Hats A. special sale on Men’s Clothing and gents Furnishings in the Correct styles 65c tfp Counterpane, all 4jolors, worth, $1.50 at ~r Neckwear—Jfust received lull line of Ladies’ Stock Collars, fancy Ties arid Chiffon Lace Curtains worth $2.95, at f Boas, vjM and pretty styles up Bureau Scarf worth 7Vc at *Vq J big assortment Mercerized Petticoats, with wide plaited flounce. All legth sheets worth 65c at colored black. Special ’ 29 Ladies’ Gowns worth 65c, at .*.'! ..*!.’.*'.!!!! In, f Skirts—dß received a large assortment Skirts. Correct styles. A leader ed Ta * d ® Cloth worth 85c at 22i c Waists—Wfine assortment Taffeta Silk Waists; new and pretty effects. All new shades Linen Jewels 19x40 inch worth 25c at ! 17 0 ► wort#s7.oo. Special $3.98 Handkerchiefs ‘2 for J Suits—lot Tailor-made Suits, new and correct styles. Jacket lined with Taffeta Silk;|Elastw|colors,' worth 10c at..'. V J > MRB. 3VC. ISAAC THeLIEABING ©RY G@tss EME®RIBM. 208-208! NEWCASTLE ST' Complete IS the line cf Ml. id Hi Ms .V wbich[l now have on | |exhibition. CALL AND S'EXAMINE. Til. F. Winter, THE TAILOR, 311 Newcastle St. MALE HELP WANTED.—Reliable toot tp sell our line of fine lubricating oils, greases and .paints. .Salary or' oommisaion. Address ' l, Re*rve Oil Do." Offices No. 82 Superior street, Cleveland, Ohio. Fur the serious diseases that attack the kidneys. Prickly Ash Bitters is an unfailing remedy. Believes baebaohe, swelling of the 'feet, and persistent headache—symptoms which indicate kidney trouble, W. J. Butte. The editor of the Fordvllla, Ky„ Miscellan eous, writes as a postscript to a business letter: “I was cared of kidney trouble by taking Foley’s Kidney Cnre,"„Take nothing else. W. J. Butts Stops the Cough „ and works off the Cold. Laxative BromolQulnlne Tablets cure a cold in,one day. No Cure, No Fay. Price iE cents THE BRUNSWICK fIMES-CALL, DUMBER 5, IWO: CANOED Sufferers from this kerrible malady nearly always inherit it— not necessarily from the parents, but may be from some remote ancestor, for Cancer often runs through several generations. This deadly poison may lay dormant in the Mood fot Jtoftrs. or until you reach middle life, then the first little sore or ulcer makes its ap pearance— or a swollen gland in the breast, or some other part of the body, gives the first warning. To cure Cancer thoroughly and perma nently all the. poisonous virus must be d.iuinated from the blood—every vestage if It driven out. This S. S. S. does, and s the only medicine, that can reach deep seated, obstinate blocK) Iroubles like this. When all the poison has-been forced out of tile system the CancerVbeals, and the disease never returns. >. Cancer beginsoften ittasmallnvay, as the following letter from Mrs. Shirer shows: A small pimple eamebti rny jaw u‘>out an inch below the ear on the left side of my face. It gave me no pain or inepuven- _ and have eon, in ur 1 for -'‘me lime, '' end it was ic-markable ' T what a wonderful effect ‘ ' ■ It had from the very beginning; the sore began te heniaudafter taking a lew bottle* disappeared entirely. Tbi* was two yeart ago ; there are at Hi no signs of the Cancer, and my general health contniugood.-MRS R.Siuana, DaPlata. Mo. A |is the greatest of all Ik ’ blood purifiers, and the k only one guaranteed IkaJS fejp k, W purely vegetable. Send tor our free book on Cancer, containing valuable and interest ing information about this disease, and write our physicians about your case. We make no charge for medical advice. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, GA. SHAKE INTO YOUR SHOES. Alien’s Foot-Huso, a powder. It cnics painful, smarting, nervoua foct and ingrowing nailannd instantly laces the sting out of corns and bun iona. it’s the greatest comfyrt discovery of the age. Allea’e Foot-Ease makes tight or new shoes feel eaep. It la a certain cure for sweat ing. caUouaand hot, tired, aohtng feet. Try it today. Hold by *ll druggists and shoe stores. By mall for Stic in stamps. Trial package Free, Address Allen 8. Dims toad, Le Boy, N. Y. ’ STOVES REPAfBED. "" Rice, tho stove doctor, repairs ' kinds or cook stoveß and ranges, bay and seifs second hand stoves, 414 Bav Jtraet ■ When you want prompt acting, tittle pill* that never gripe use DeWltt’a Lit We Karly Rise™. W. J. Butts. * Our Aim is to give the public perfect satisfaction for everything bought at our Pharmacy. The people have been very generous in giving us'a liberal share of their patronage for which favor we shall make renewed efforts to please them Prescription The prescription department and our general business has grown to such an extent as to demand the services of a first class assistant. Mb. Jamerson, who is now with us, comes well recommended and will take pleasure in serving you in any Department Oi|r sock is now coinple, includihg the best lines of Toilet Articles. We handle the best stock of Soaps, from any imported to the cheapest American brands] We can satisfy ■the most fastidious in Perfumes, as we carry the most complete assortment to be found SMITH’S PHARMACY. 5