The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, December 06, 1900, Image 4

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The Brunswick Times. KsUbhihed IMS. The Brunswick Cali, lUUbliahed ISW. lie Brunswick Times-Call, COHSOLJDATgD IIW. FoblMted C VICKY MOONING. EXCEPT MOM DAY. * KTHUE H. USAVY Editor POLAND A. MULLINS, Bui&Mi Manager I j n ()<rttborpe B lock, 211F Straei OttiC* | taL r KPHOMB HO 31. TO SUBSCRIBERS: Bebacribar* arc requeued to notify the office wtoe they fail to get any leaue of the Tlmea fiB n Attention to thta matter will bo appre eUMed by the publi there. tke Tlmea-Call [will be Delivered by earner or mall, per year. *J.OO; per week IS eeata- Correapondenee on live enbjeete aolleited. Beal name of writer ehonld ao eoapany same. Bubacriptiona payable In advance. Failure to receive paper ehonld be reported to the.huiineaa office. .Addreaaall TUK TtMKB-CAIiC,- Brunewick,<ia. NOTICE. Hereafter all legal advertlae mente must be paid lor after the first insertion. The management has been pnt to a great deal of trouble and delay In collecting in the past, and in future must take advantage of the Georgia law on this subjeot. Qot. 10,1900* Mr. Dooly la slok. The News aays Macon's" firet white primary waa a big auccess. Your holiday advertisement sbou and be in the Times-Uai.l right now. - Ex President Harrison would not s*. slat in re-electing McKinley and now Mr. Harrison’s son has lost his job in the army. If the Boers are bunting liberty the Chattanooga News advises them to go to Arkansas where only half the people pay taxes, Many of the great leaders and large papers have been giving reasons why Bryan was deleated. After mature consideration we are able to tell the real cause ol it—McKinley got too many votes. MKINLEY'S MEBSA66., For the benefit of those who could mot find time to read through the pres ident’s message, wo publish the follow ag synopsis of I he same : China must make full* reparation in money , security and op:n market*, • Our friendly relations with Great The Ladies Your attention is called to our elegant assortment of Fur Collarettes, Fur and Cloth Capes Golf Capes, Flannel Waists, Silk Waists, Walking and Regular Length Skirts, Silk and _Sat teen Underskirts Not ttte Cheap kind but' the Good kind CUEAI’, jm^LEVY’S Britain to continue:. At peace with Germany, though meat inspection still weighs against ua. Fronliei line of Alaskan ..boundary should be p eedily established. Building of Isthmian canal urged and Nicaragua's favorable action reported. WaitiKg for the Sultan of Turkry to settle oar claims. aDd indications favor able, Leghlation desired to continue the parity of silver and gold. A war tax reduction 0f'.|30,000,003 recommended Measures to promote American ship ping tmd foreign trade urged, V • . .. •• v- ! .V '' V VV~> As to trusts, uniformity of legislation in the states is desired, together with restraint upon injurous corporations. Steps taken towards establishing a government in the Philippines, Civil government inaugurated in Porto Rico Is in snccesrfut operation. When Cuba’s want* are made known by the constitutional convention rela tions to the two countries witl be con sidered. Authority asked to incrsas& the army to 100,000. v ' For Asthma use CHE NEY’S EXPECTOBANT: If I Should Tell You j* Tnat. right here in 4 Brunswick you can (M% X see as fine a llhe of 1 beautiful ohooolatea as y o n could io New York ttaetf, you would probably be Inolided to take my statements “cum graoo aalia.” But I would like for you to look in for yourself, juat to aee whether I am lying to you or not. You oan lie sbdut who you sre going fa vu'e for in the coming nniniolv"l elf Min, hut you lie ftbaut onr flue ot.oo tstea. Th- w,l<lat apparent exaggorst on< about 'hem sre mere foothills nroimii ib summit* of truth. Anil our O'ices sre about bslf what euob goods are usually sold for. LLOYD’S, ’PHONE 255-3 X (Next door to Fleming A Waff) E. R. BAKER, Dentist. Special Attention to Crown and bridge work. Otfico: Glou’ster St. OJt JTOHIA.. Beats the a Tin Rind You Hats Atoms Bougl.i **T‘ _ = There ia no pica aun in life if you A road ftoing (o the table to eat and can’t rout at uight on ac count of indigestion. Homy William*, of lioonville, Itid., aay* ho Buffered that way for yeaia, till he commenced the nae of Kodol Dya pep'daCure, (and adds: “Now I can e;iiany thing l like and all I want and sleep soundly every night.** Kodol Dyspepsia Cine will di geat what yon eat. W. J. Butts. THE BRUNSWICK TIMES-CALL. DECEMBER 6, IS* irs Time wasted And strength wasted, to try to posh back thy r-. si tig tide with a broom. It’s juat as great a Waste of time and a far more serious waste ol strength to try to push back the rising fide of disease with dhe " nervines, ” " com pounds' 1 sod "nerve foods" which ‘ simply drug the nerves into adronk en stupor. They make you feel good ? So does whisky, while the feeling lasts, but the reaction is dan gerous and deadly. Dr. Fierce’s Golden Medical Discovery is a tem perance medicine. It contains no al cohol, opium, cocaine or other nar cotic. It strengthens the body by purifying the Mood and increaaing the supply <ri that vital fluid. It heals diseases of the stomach and or gans of digestion and nutrition and thus removes the obstacle* to a per fect nourishment of the whole body. "Six years ago my spnaach and heart troubled roe ao much l hid to do acme ‘deg as the doctor* could see help me," write* lira. 3. A. Knapp, of San Jose, California, Bo* 39#. I went to Bau PAuciacofcsd Ji4 treatment for catarrh of the etomteh and W better for some Hlpe, (Sen it came back. I then uaed J>r. Wrrte'B Ciolden Medic*! Discovery and 'fleasant Bejleta,' These medicines cured my atomsch. f do not “ 1 fore ’i commenced taking your valuable medicine. SH" V I recommend it to all cr A the sufferers whom I AemMMK ’’“far. Pierce’s Pleasant jnldtSfW Pellets strengthen and stimulate tlie liver. Yi/siiffll TOO SWIFT. Philadelphia Wanted No New Luoef Wagons. Mr. Charles H. Yak is#* inventor of * wonderful bioyolj,which is prom inently need In the i&finetlon of “The Evil J2je,” which will be here January 20, tod he ie ns proud of the aohieve ment 39 it is possible for 3 m*n to be, end justly so; for it i* not only an entertaining feature in the play, but 3 most practicable and ueefnl machine in life—in fact, too useful, if one were ro judge from the folluwiftgadveetH'*; When “The Evil Eyt" was pisyleg it Philadelphia lest Obristmae week, Mr. Tale issuived to wuunt hi* Won derful wheel and psy visit to rela tive living thirty miles from U>| city., Tbe hour of noon found him in Fair mount Park, through which bi* jour ney took him. The panga of hunger becoming evident, he determined to oall into play the “kitchen" of the wheel, and to SncldenUliy anoni.b tbe Quakerite* with the progre*aot human invention. In this, his su*oes* w* complete. He was soon tbe center of a crowd that would do credit to a pre*. Too Much Expansion For me. My plants have, grown so large that I hav® not room for all ot them in my green bouse. Will sell part or all of them at bargain prices. They must go. and the quicker the bettier i'll like it. C. 8. TATE, 903 Dartmouth St. To Oui^ Patrons: We always keep in stock all of the standard brands of goods. Headquarters for the finest line of wine and liquors in the city. Special qualities for medicinal purposes. Our phone is 144-3, aid if you eed anything in our line, call us up aiyl WS'Will deliver, fiee of charge, all goods bought of us. * r Nice pool tables for the use of our customers free of charge. Best line of ;c cigars in the city, including “Little Nobles,” “Saratoga” and many others. “Tom and Jerrj£ prepared in bottles. Try it. 200 Honk Street ideatial campaign, and he opnld not reeiat the temptation to invite overy body to sample the coffee. The invita tion was accepted with alacrity. Pres ently, however, the olasp of a heavy hand upon hie shoulder aad a jerk, which brought him nose to nose with a park policeman, convinced Mr. Yal that the unexpected always happens. He waa not too gently informed that be was arretted for running anew ftngled Mlumsn; wagon, M prohibited in public parks; sod before be coald explain, he became impressed with the idea that, 'although Philadelphia is supposed lo be stow, some of tbe peo- get a hustle on them when the ocoasios require*. To add to hit chagrin, ibe unsympa thetic crowd made a running fir* of uncomplimentary remaiks, and be re alised tbe aad tru’h that but'le end dignity never go band in hand. After a fashion which can be best imagined, the limits of the park were reached, and he waa released with an admonition to “get a move on him.” MALE HELP WANTED.—Reliable men to sell out-Lae ol fine lubricating oil*, greases and paint*. Salary or commission. Addles* “Reserve Oil Go.” Offices No. 82 Superior sutof, Cleveland, Ohio. ** From >o or bea*' vll ' <,ui>U: y of the grails and f" ‘ ply. To- ht a '■!>•“ •’ •'*•• will Ims cbr-i.fled— h# be' b> eaifte *'’ wall, i*'t m**ttr b>taue bia •took preaanu a food appearance and doe* gom’ woek. J, M, BHRSETT, FEKD STORE. T. POOL., Contractor and Builder, 119 South Stonewall Street. Brunswick, - Georgia- 9 oo Drops. v - r v AVugetable Preparaiianfor As similating litcFoodandßegula ting the Stomachs andßcwels of lM IMS-’C HI Ii) H IN' Promotes DigesticmCteerfaf ness andHest.Contains neither Opium. Morphine norMuieraL IkOT "NARCOTIC f\onfJw Seul- Mx.Se/utn * K*kUU.Utt- Auee&mL * IjsgL , Aperffecl Remedy forConslipa- Hon, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea Worms,Convulsions,Feverish ness and Loss or Sleep. Facsimile Signature of NEW VO Rif - A1 b ni>ntb% <ilU }j. Dost s--J jC i MS tXACT COSY OF WHARF During, December Our store will be open until 9 o’clock p. m. Space does’nt permit ns to go iolo details as to our magnificent stock of goods, it would take pages. All wc ask is Vo pay us visit and it will fully pay you to go to that much trouble, tor wilt be astounded at the revelation . When In search of a wedding present you * will find what you want atfour Store. I. a MILLER ( SON. WINE OF CARDUI HEALTHY OLD AGE. Labcb, Bbktob Cos. Ax*. , An*. *. W)l [ tL.^ I Bm 49 yean old Bnd have boen suffering with a . k.\ ) J / ' I Oh*nge of Life. T bed flooding epells so bad that a bob a thought I could lire. My huaband got m, win* ot Cardui and It eared my Ufa. lam lika Bf ' ei aaother parson tinea taking it. N. 'S MBS. B B TOWNSEND. |W' JA WwTonW 1 Igs^ R Is the devout wish of nearly all people to live to a ripe old age. None of us want to die young. This universal desire can be reafeedlif care be taken of the health in early and middle life. A little precaution that nrill add many yens to our existence. Death can be kept away a long time. Happy, hetithy old age Brill be the lot of the Broman who promptly corrects the ailments which afflict her sex. in youth. Wine of Cardui win take the female child safely over the dividing line between girlhood and womanhood. Asa wife she needs it to help her through the trials of pregnancy and childbirth with as little discomfort as possible. At the Change of Life it will help her over the dangerous place that appears In her pathway between 40 and 50. Then will come many yeirs of truly blissful existence. She will grow old slowly and gracefully. To the last she will preserve that charm and beauty which are always characterlsti* of perfectly healthy grandmothers. rise*? DCfAiTHEiT. It is for women alone to decide n requiring ip?rtai whether they wiU be healthy or SR , The remedy for their sick- Chattanooga, Tain. Ufts IS do St it tund. LARGE BOTTLES OF WINE O F CAI&UI SOLD FOR fl.oo BY DRUCOIBTB. WINE OF CARDUI CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the M 4 ' SignatureVj/yr it# Use \J> For Over Thirty Years MSIM <S *A„ THE CENTAUR COMPANY. NEW YORK CITY.