The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, December 06, 1900, Image 6

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i I has been sounded to all many 4} © I V kind —success unparalleled in the s (* /l (if®®®*! ■ history of light beverages has every-' lSte£>^v ■ where marked the introduction of sg§lf '■ - •• mMmR - -■ So HEM lAM I 1 (mm "King of all Battled Beer*." 'MI h stands pre-eminent as the finest L [M boillcd beer brewed in America, 1/ f\W and leads all others in annual Ik ( exportations to foreign ccuntrics, f/l>. Order trae WU? 9 J - i r.-w m ,V o.'.hh e Wine aud Liquor Cos <7 Jll^M PLANT SYSTEM PASSENGER DEPART!! ENT. .7'..’7' uoWS ukau lip' ~7.~77777 no. i; no.•. Tim© Table * 0 ** ............ Delljp. Daily, .7!!'**.!! DUt. Pally. WJSHpm... 145 am... nr Ttllon tv 150 pm.... a 15am itf. tOS f.m... 400 am... ar Albany It IS !pin.... 11 01am IS 10pm... Ik 10am... ar Bavanneii It ikoam tk Mare... 11 45 pm... ar Vatdoata It 4 90am lOOOpro ar Tampa It S OOpw ViA WAYCROSS & MONTGOMERY. ,rr* 800 am..,1 5 46pm... It Brunawlck ar nno pm... 10 00 a m 46ara... H|oo i-re... ar Waycroar It 4 16am,. 7Soam .. OkOlpm.. a lojam... ai Montgomery It r 46 pm 0 50am... 710 pm... Naunvilte It 800 am VIA SAVANNAH AND CHARLrESTON. 77'..,7 8 oo£m~r 5 46pm ~ i7v Branxwick At] Iwim fo~6o“jm’’" ...77*7777 •> 419 pm.. 028 am.. Ar (..baric* tot Lv .. .... lilspm .....a,... J 7 01am.. 1120 pm.. Ar Washington Lv 4 80am 9 33 am.. 1 08 am.. j Ar ft a Ufa: or© Lv S 56am ~~ BETWEEN BRUNS WICII AND~ SAVAJW AH VIaYmUpV Wpid.. It iSriinawidk Sr -8161 pm aSapm . ... BOn am.. 10 JO pm., ar Jesnp lv 690 pm 865 pm ;. . . 10 15 am 12 10 am, at Savannah lv 325 pm.. 500 pm Lrrcct connection mad© at Waycroaa with Pnllman Sleeping Q*r Tor all point#/ Between. Port Tampa, Key West and Havana. GOINO | tUCTUUNING XiT Pen Tampa 11 00 pm Mon. Thura. Sat Ar Port Tampa k am Thar. Sun. and Tnea Ar K.v West 8 00 l-m Tnea. Frl.Sun l,v Koy West 10 00p m. W*d. Bat. and Mon... I,T Key West 9 00 pm Tues. Frl. Sunday Ar Key Went 9 oopm Wed. Sal, and Mon,. . Ar Havana 500 am Wed. Bat Mon Lv Havana tBO pm Wed. Sat. and Mon.. .. Sitisiii mi Sir When th<i liquids coTie from our itootc. VV* carry iuch * fina line ot Wines and Liquors —— JS'iH'lf* I ’' " that It ia impossible to Roil a braoii -lfc;.y: V\\ • xJ which is not |ilealui; in tomo potnl, V jm/rWm These (roods are fully matured. have a tine rich body and mellow -S Excellent for faulty or any use. R- V- DOUGLAS. ••• : \ _ CHINESE RESTAURANT ESTBLISHED 1889. CHEE HAL, Proprietor You can get the best the market affords by easing here 215 URANT Furnishing: Good Our assortment of Men's Furnishings this season has eclipsed all former efforts* Our shirt stock is not excelled by any*. JMalfan, Eclipse and Cosmopolitan stiff bosom, 7?c to just received, consists of Four-in-hands, Puffs and Imperials 25c to $1.50* Gloves, Underwear Collars and Cuffs. LEVY’S. AMEIBtUNSWiei. IIMES-CALLi, DECJMIBER 6, iwo SESSION OF THE COURT lesMaf Coni By Loi Wiaflefl Little Gases. Yesterday could not be called a day with the Sunjrior court. The ewes tried were ling winded but the court manigud to tfet the fl> low of four off the docke 1 : H. H. Coben & C rt. J’ H. Scars lattdolae business as Bruo*wjek Tract ier Cos . ppel: verdict for plaintiff in the auin ol MO. Xliza E. Smith, trassfarfee va. J. W. Crew and Milo R. Smith: mortgage foracloau-a; .nle abaolate Granted. C. 1 Turner va. T. H. Searlctl and Fraoti K. nilip, auit on ao'ea; ver dict for plaintiff, R. V. Dour la* y*. W. H. #trrle •ber,ff uioney rul*‘, ea trial. At the conclunieu at the daylf fcual aest, Judge Rennet adjourned court, aatll Manday at 10 o'clock, when the criminal doeket will Jle takeaap, wins? ~ Wa offer One Hundred Dollar* Re ward for aDjr oaie of Catarrh that can not be cured by Halt’* Catarrh Care, f. J. CHENEY & 00., Toledo,Q. We, the undersigned, bare known F, J. Cheney for the laet fifteen years and believe him perfoatly honorable in all business transactions, and dnan oialiy able to carry out any obligation* made by their firm. West * Truax, wholeiale'drnggiata, Toldo, O. Wslding Kmnan &#arin, wholesale druggiste, Toledo, O. Hall’s Catarrh Cure la taken inter ally, acting direetiy upon the blood and muooua surfaces of the system. Teatimonials sent free. Price 7So,per bottle. Sold by all druggist*. Hall’s Family Pills are the beat. The profit of ft fohj min topemls, not on the amount of rock f riit,hed under the stomp? but pon the amount of fo’d whfeh can b# ertra*f ed from tbo rook. In a almilar way the value of food which U eaten doea not depend on the quantity which is taken into the itomach but upon the amount of trouiUhinent extracted from it by theorem of nutrition and dlgortion Whoa the., organs are diseased they fail to ex lret the nourishment In laffletent qnanUltaoto upp’r the uredo of the mreral organ* of the body and these organ, r.aonnt work without nourishment. The mult it heart trouble, liver trouble and many other allrrenti, Dr; Picrep'B Gulden Medinl DDeovery. acting on every or *3 of tbedige.tive and nutritive system, re ore* it to health and vigor. It cure, disc.'** remote from the stomach through th* stomach In which they originated. Golden Medical Discovery contain* neither alcohol nor nar otlc e. A Nigit of Terror. ■ anxiety wa* felt for th* widow of the brave Gen Burnham, of Michira, Me., when tb< doetoiw said she could rot lire till monilng, write* Mrs. 8. B. Lincoln, who attended her that ft.rful night. "Alt thought she mM toon die from Pneumonia,but ho bogged tot Dr. Kiug’a New,D.saovery, saying it had nvt than, once savegjfcrlife and had cured her ol eeugnmptttfirtta ifrethree small doth* .he rested easily .11 night, and its further am oompletcly cared her.” Thl. marvelous mediaina i gaar aalaad to care all Throat, Cheat and J.ung Dim eaaaa. Only Mhand IIM. Trial bottle, tree ol n drag Horn. Fragrant at ripe frnit—Pur# aa a mountain spring—a aery with age end a blessing to mAo, when rightly need. Tbel’e Whiskey ie. Sold by KiMii-*, Brunswick, Os. ■ A Oari. Th* mcaarsetararser BoaatrSolva have ta therised the r.wdarslgwod to rear an tea it for Sous ruta. tore*, r-loave, tatter ecoama nl *ll skin d;**aaa* Toa hsf" yuur ***a*y back t ml ; ti s>( It sialnfl rfj Batts. This Is the eeteon when mothers ere eia.-ned on sooouotxf eroup. It is qniokly cared by On Minute Cough Cure, which children like to take. W, J. Butte. S WHY MRS. PINKHAM Is Able to Help Biek Women When Doctors Fall. How gladly would men fly to wo man's aid did they but understand a woman’s feelings, trials, sensibilities, and peculiar organic disturbances. Those things are known only to women, and the aid a man would give is not at his command. To treat a case property it is neces sary to know all -about full information,, many times- cannot be given by a woman to her family phy- Mxx. a. H. CaxrrELL. sieisn. She cannot bring herself to tell everything, and the physician ia at a constant disadvantage' This ia why, tor th past twenty-five year*, thousands ot women have been con fiding their troubles to Mrs. t’inkham, and show advice has brought happi ness and health to countless women in the United States. Mrs. Chappell, of Orrtht Park. 111., Whose portrait we publish, advises all suffering women to seek Mrs. Pink ham's advice and use I.ydia E. Fink ham>#Vegtable Compound, as they cured her of inflammation ol the ovaries and womb; she, therefore, speaks from knowledge, and her experience ought ,to give others confidence. Mrs. Pink ham’s address is Lynn. Mass., and her - advice is absolutely free. G-orge A. Points, Uj per Saoduekv, 0., writes: “I hav# been using Fo ley’s Honey and Tar for faoaraeneae, and find it the beat remedy 1 ever tried. It stopped the cough immedi mediately, and relieved all sorenea*.” •“ 1 Frightful Blandtr tVUI ottea cfliwea horrible Burn, Boxld, Cot m Bruiera- Bueklan's Amies ;Blve, the best in 11,*.' w?ti£ Kill bltl the pain sad promptly best- It. CMdSWId sores,’FeveLSores, Ck-ere, Boil* Pel,,os, Cora*, *ll Skin Krupiloe*. Best Hie cure on earth. Oaly S5 ct. a box. Core guar antee-C BoM by aii druggist. Bright's Disease, Higtf atvlug, Istempersß-c. eiiKture and tuany othar things bring on Bngbt’s disease. rley’* Kidney Cure will prevent Bright’. di cass aadkll ntbrf kidney or bladder disorders jf taken lit Mote. Take; nothin*;*!**. W. J Butts. ! . ' ' 7 Cb.mberlaln's Btouarb and Liver Tablet* euro btliouanen, eensttpotlon and beadaeho They are easy to take and .pleasant In effect For sale at P.lbop’ Drug Stor At no;, line IS tn*n secure from at* tsoks Of tuob (ii.oedera of the elemsch ] is cholera morl>u, cramps end diar rhoea; but tt e-e rnipleirt's ere com mon during the Heated term, when It (a diageroufi to n-gi-ct <bem. Psio- Killer is s remedy that b*s ntrer fail ed, and tbe severest sttecks have been cured by it. Avoid sabot" utee. Tbere is but one Pain-Killer, Perry Dsvts*. its. sod 50c. Mss g fiecftiiii ST from tbe many beentifu! models in our display of TRIMMED HATS theo ascertain tbe priee. It will be leas than yon think the bat is worth. Our milliners got the inspiration from ex pensive French model#, bat tbe mate* riel and workmanship are Amerioen therefore much cheeper, hot aoae the ees good and artietio HSS KITE SLiTEB, ta* oir.rrnrxx sv. WANTKU—’lhree or tour boarders by private family. Tafc'e etrictly ftnt claee. Apply at thte office. THE ONLY G SHOW To visit season dIOTHIM OLD BUT THE N^ 76 Years Catering to American People OIDIJipHN ROBINSON’S 10 Big Shows] flnfpiOne Iw conjunction with the grand sublime spect&nle of King Solomon and tUe iQueeii o! Sheba. Tlielnewest, Greatest andJßichest Circusfcin America coming to Brunswick, December 12th Great W'orld’s ries in one. 2 hippodromes. 1 gigantic museum. 1 grand Biblical spectrcle. 10 truly good shows merged into one. 1000 men, women aud children. 200 horses. CO ponie 30 camels, 2 herds of elephants, 50 cages, 5 brass bands, 20 chariots, The circus features this season, obtained from America and Europe, will startle the world; nothing like them ever before presented in this country. x A recent acquisition, a baby sea liojY born in the only event of tliat kind that ever ocurred in America An Algerian cow, the only one’ever in America, 2o inches high. A herd of Philippine water buffalos from the island of Luzon, the only ones ever exhibited in America I . A family of 20 black maned lions, to mammoth snow white polar bears, 6 royal Bengal tigers, Herd of sacred cattle from India. A feature of the street parade: 30 camels driven to a $20,000 cnariof 40 Shetland ponies harnessed and driven at one time - . lCflhandsome and costly [traps. o The cages and chariots .alone in this glittering procession, the only / ones of the kind in the ,v U *t dSt t t * money than the entire outfit of any three or dina*7 circuses. l Don't fail to see this 3a? new and grand pro cession Two* performances opens