The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, December 06, 1900, Image 8

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XMAS is but a short month off and as it is time to begin looking around for presents, we wish to call your attention to the fact that our new goods are beginning to arrive and we are going to have an exceptionally large and handsome line of .Jewely and Novelties. Don’t Send Away for anything in my line for 1 wllf&uarantee to sell you at the same price and some times less than you can get the same goods away for, and besides saving you all ex’ pense, we are here at home where you can reach us should the goods prove unsatia factory. Watch for our special ad next Sunday KENNON MOTT, Jeweler and Graduate Optician; SIS He wo Mile Street, inspector Pf '.Vatcbei lor soothers Railway. Time by Wire doily from Wo.hl*ton ‘ . ' ’• - ' . . - " ' • ' ’ --.r_ Coney & Parker DEALERS IN Goal and Wood, Brick, Lime, Cement, Plaster, Hair, Shingles and Laths. Agents for Morris’ Brick, Phone 18 525 Bav St. $35.00 Will buy a Ladies’ Chainless Bicycle aH a holiday offering we will include a nice Lau tern and Bell for same. These make excel lent Christmas present as we only have a few to offer at thiß price. Don’t delay or you may miss an opportunity that is not often offered. For further information inquire at The Downing Cos. Holiday Novelties Things of me that will make nice present* for Chriatma* Men’s Bath Robes, Fancy Veßts, Walking Canes, Silk Umbrellas, Silk and Linen Initial Hand'kfs, Silk Suspenders, Elegant Neckwear Laditt Umbrtlla*. Silk Underskirt*, Silk Whitt*. Hthdk*rbl*f* and Dreiaiag Back* JKUNBWICK lIUMS-CJLLL, DECEMBiJt f, 190 p. A NOTABLE AMUSEMENT EVENT. BOLOMOJfhaiS TEMPLEA.ND THE ftUE-fcN OF SHEBA. The Grand Bib'teal Spec tacle by the John Robinson’s Great World’s Exroeition, John Robinson’* ever popular sod -ver-wtlcoen-. shows come to if this year with such important accsssions and augmen’alions as to overshadow all contemporary amust-ment yeaturea. 1 hey have not only materially etieMn, thened their riOg and hippodrome per* formancee and largely added to their aUttily vast menagerie, hut et* pro* dacing an astounding new feature, which esn but commend itself to all els tees of palroni. We allude to the grand biblical rpectacle of “Solomoo, his Temple, and the Queeh of Sbebs.” Unerring in his* torioal accuracy, faithful in tee tic de lineation, realistic in depletion of Ittei dents and events, impressively grand to pegeantic effects, magnificent in cos* tbmeaand appo ntments, entrancing in musical features, bewitching in beauti ful ballets, ond exciting in games and chariot races, this unprecedentedly su blime epectscle will commend itself to every visitor. Asa contrast to this notable dkiiitle production, and for the especial edi fication and delight of the younger members of the audience, the mirth provoking and aver-occepteble panto mine of “Humpty-Dumpty, his For tunes, Misfortunes and Mishaps,” will find place in the programme of the Robinson show, and will pc presented by an unoxcoptionable company at' specially engaged skilled and comic pantoinimists, and replete with new, | original and highly diverting tricks, transformations and surpriiaa. The show will exhibit In Brunswick on Drcrraber 12. h. * • ■ - y STOCKHOLDERS* MEETING, The annual meeting of the stock holders of the Brunswick Bank A Trust Company for ihe purpose of akctlgg a board of directors, and transacting any other business that may come before them, will lie held at the banking rooms of said company on Tuesday, January 8,1901, between ihe hours of 10 a. m., and 2p. m. Hoyt W, Gal*, Cashier. CURES BLOOD AND SKltf TROUBLES. Trial Trn(tlet Free, I* your blooa pure? Are you eure of it? Do cute or acratohes bet! •low ly? Doe* your ikin itch or burn? Have you Pimples? Eruption*? Aoh ing bone* or: buck? Eczema? Old Borei?J! Boils? Soroful*? Rheuraa tim? Foul Brshtb? Otttrrb? Are you psle? Then B. B. B. (Botaolc Blood Balm) will purify your blood, heal every wore, a®d give oler, ..nnnthX haaltjjfaT akin. Dep-eted oaaee, llkenloere, oanoer, ettiog sore*. Painful Swelling*. Blood Poion,are quickly oqrsd by Botanlo Blood Balm. Cura* when all ele fail*. Thoroughly tested for thirty year*. Drug (tore*, $1 per large bottle. Trial treatment free by vrritiOfflßLOOD BALM CO., Atlanta, 6a. trouble—free medical advicygiven. Oenr ,000 vol untary testimonial* of enree by B. BB ' Joat arrived: AnteT*, too numer al to mantioa. Call and aaat J. H. Heller h BrO. |)[\y QUAC QUAD 1 have opened anew HE If OIIUE oniir Shoe Repairing Shop in the Opera House Building Best Material at the Lowest Prices. Shoes made from the Ground TJp, Give me a trial. B. Sauimsskj. <§)O©ioty. 7921—Ladies* Corset Cover. 32, 3t>s, 38; 40, 42, 44 inch busk There will bean important meeting of ihe Daughters of the Confederacy on Friday afternoon at 3 o’clock at the residence of Mrs; I. F. Coney oa Union straet. All Confederate veterans desiring the cross of honor can obtain blank applications from Mr*. E. P, Coney, President of U. D. C, which most be filled out and returned to her by Dec. 12 Mrs. Emmlt Calnsn entertained the Ladies’ AW Society of the Catholic church very pleasantly on Tuesday af ternoon at her home on £ street. De lightful refreshment* were served and ail bad an enjoyable tlaae. SHIPPING REPORT. Qsrrsstod Daily kyl Oapt. OtW Jehasasssa Fart tf Brussaisk, Drs. 5,1#0*. ci.siaan. S, Carlb, Ingram, Boston via Charleston. M sails n. 6<SUiy Annie L. Henderson, Barttr, Belton. Itohr. Frederick I’rosasener, Eaaimaa, SrtUla. Sciia, {John H. Bultrisk, Sprague, Satme. FOR RENT.— Unfarniebed rooms, w(tb in of bath, at 70_G street. . On exhibition today: Large assort men< i! Roj’ and Girls' R-efer-t. Get them now ! J, H. Heller &fßro. The kidneys are rmtll bnt iraptfrlaat organs. They u#-d help oceaytimally. Prickly Ash Bitters is a *hecesful kidney tonic and system regulator. W. J. Butts. SWEET HONE! Jut fiotn ihe fount?*, ia one poattl fOCtIOD*. Try oat pmnJ, oaly lJiu. If it good we h*we it. TRY^. Boronfll Tool Powder. BUTTS, The Druggist. broWn’ Hot Chocolate and Cold Soda Something Delicious PRESCRIPTIONS Filled accurately. DRUGS Sold cheaper than the cheapest All we want is someone to enquire into the truth ot the above assertion to make a customer of you Perfumes and Toilet Articles in abundance, Call in and make yourself at home BroWn Drug: Cos. mRUGS wards, in latest designs and patterns. Fresh and new goods arriving weekly. See our new ling oil Ms. LOOK THE WORLD OVER ANDiYOT CAN’T BEAT CREAM OF -KENTUCKY Whisky. 5 SI.OO PER QUART; $4.00 PER ffityOi; NOT MADE BY AfTRUST* I. Tragor <t Cos,, Independent Distillers. Sold Kxolttsirely U fcraaaswick by 206 Bay Street. The World Listens When Leaders Talk. This is as true of Jthe Fur niture business as of state craft, nifcuraily, we we have considerable pride in being LEADERS IN OUR RDSINESS. Quite a strong expression, but quite easily proven—the fur niture and prices to be the evidence, you to be both judge and jury. Come <md be con vinced.