The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, December 07, 1900, Image 2

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‘ Eruptions Dry, motet, scaly tetter, ait forms of •ccema or salt rheum, pimples and ether cutaneous eruptions proceed from humors, either inherited, or acquired through defective digestion and as similation. To treat these eruptions with drying Medicines Is dangerous. The thing to do Is to help the sys tem discharge the humors, and to strengthen it against their return. f Hood’* Sarsaparilla permanently cared 3. GJBlnes. franks. 111., of enema, from which halhad suffered for soms time; and Mist Alvina Woltar, Box 21!, Algona, Wls., of plm plaa on her face and back and chafed skin on har body, by which she had been greatly troubled. There are more testimonials In favor of thia great medicine than can ha published. Hood's Sarsaparilla Promises to cure and keeps the prom ise. No longer put off treatment. Buy a bottle of Hood’s today. Both makers and circulators of counterfeit* commit fraud. Honest men will not deceive you Into buying worthless counterfeits of De witt’s Witch 11 axel Halve. The orlglnel Is In fallible for curing piles, sores, eczema and aUf skiu diseases. W. 3. Butte. .dgipj w CALENDARS FOB ImT The riant System passenger depart ment has recently issued a beautiful calendar for the year 1901, which also contains a sheet for December, 1000. You can obtain one by calling at the Plant System passenger office loot cf Gloucester street or telephone 52 and yon will haye one sent to your office, For LaGrirme and enzause CHENEY’S EX PECTORANT: "*j£. 4 xi. ‘ ** Ney >or to the Gourt House. Miches IJewelry Silverware f)IfICKS ELECTED A DIRECTOR. At a masting of the directors of the Brunswick Bank and Trust Company held yesterday, Cap*. W. M. Tapper was elected a direotor of that institu tion. Captain Topper it one of Bruns wick’s most popular and suooessfnl business men, and it goes without say ing, that be will be e valuable addition to that bank. ADJOURNED, TOO. The grand jury held a busy session yesterday, and found a number of true bills. After the day's work, they ad journed to meet again Monday morn ing. i. Odgers, of Frostburg, Md., writes;' “I bad a very bad attack of kidney oomplalnt and tried FolA*#* Kidney Cure wbiob gave me Damediate relief, and I was after taking wo bottles.” no substitute. W*l|glst for the mon jgfewßone Il‘. Yard corner pioucester and Grant streets CITATION. Georgia—Glynn County. Whereas, John 3. Spears, administrator of D. B. Emory estate, represent* to the court in his petition, duly eiail and entered on record, that he lias fully administered said D. B. Em ory estate. Thia is therefore to cite all persons concerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause, if any they ean, why said administrator should not be discharged from his administra tion and receive letters of dismission on the first Monday In February, 11)01. HORACE DART, Ordinary.^ For Whooping Cough use CHENEY’S EXPECTORANT DeWltt** Witch Hazel Halva will quickly heal the worst burnt and scald* and not leave a scar. It ean be applied to cuts and raw sur faces with prompt and soothing effect. Uaelt for piles snd sklu diseases. Bewars o< worth less counterfeits. W. J. Butts. A Talk On Lumber With any builder in Brunswick will prove to your entire satisfaction that vou can buy tbe best quality of soft or b#f|frood lumber, fancy hardwood or flooring at price* that we will Walienge oompetHio > ou, quality con sidered, with anyone dealing in lorn br in the State of Our atock is picked from tbe cbotwaf, LANG, WOOD & CO. ITIONS ! BjECURED' dung Men! ‘‘Women sir\esS (Surse ejsn-nifsob i BUSINESS < fpjpawa/Jjl/i/ |! COLLEGE 1 Sm4ArCahAyi INSTRUCTIONS i L Wm£7?Mrvm(A VJL OABTOnXA. Bears th* llw Kind You Haw Always BongM AVe will show ji yeai; the finest and most Varied stock ot Diamonds, Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware, Bric a-brac, Umbrellas aod goods too numerous to mention—ever seen in the city obßrunswick. We also have a->mplete line of spectacles and eye-glasses and can save you money. Give us a call and come early to avoid the rush. f Our Repair Department is Complete.^ All goods bought of us engraved free. We Give No Presents, but Our Prices Make Up. Time Received Daily by wire from Washington THE BIDNSWICK TIMEB-CALU DEGHIBES 7, !*• Christmas 55 eta can of Asparagus f&L. 25c 20 cts can of Pears for...TP 12c B 5 cts can of Apricots for 20c 25 cts can of white Cherri#®or 20c 15 cts can of Baked BeanfPlor 10c 15 cts per lb. Candy for 8c 5 cts pkg Diamond Starch for 3c 30 cts per gal white Vinegar........ ,20c 25 cts bottle Urange Marmalade at—lsc These prices good for a few days only- A. CZJ . JEFFERS „ SI S rsiewCASTI e:. RECOMMENDS IT TOJTRAINMEN. G. H. Hauvan, Lima, 0., engineer L. E. &W. railroad, writes; “I bare been troubled a great deal with back ache. I wae Induoed to try Foley’e Kidney Cure, and one bottle entirely relieved me. I gladly reoommend it to any one, especially my friends among the trainmen, who are usually similarly afflicted.” When yon feel tt at life 1* hardly vrorih the eamlla take a dose JL,Chaml>erlain'a Stomach and Liver TabfSibThey will eleaase your stomach, tone op your liver and regniaU yonr bowel., making yon feel like a new man. For tale a Bishops Drug Store. J. W. Bryan, of Lowder, Illinois, writes : “My little boy was very low wiih pneumonia. Uoknown to the dootor, w* gave him Foley’a Honey and Tar. Tbe result was magical and puz zled fbe doctor,a* it immediately .top ped tbe ranking Oo.ugh, and tie quickly reouvered.” STOVES REPAIRED. Hiop, tbe stove doctor, repairs all kinds of oook alovee and range*, and buys and sella second-hand stoves. 414 Bargains \ 51b crock of Hein*s fine Preserves 4wt. .Sfel 50c size DuTkees Dressing for, 40c' 35e can of 8 cans of Potash... .., .isc 35c bulk Coffee, .m ,-25 c 15c Eat Well Gelatin for 10c 25c Ham Loaf for 16c 15c Brook Trout... lOe 5 Pillsburry’s Vitos .... L 10c Clothings suits made an made:sdits, No master which yon want, we can figure with you to advantage. Onr RafdyJou)* Cloth ng stock Is com plete, with a range in price from fti 0C to *BO.OO Made to Order Suite from the beat tailoring house in the business. sl6 00 t *SO 00. Top Coata. ulsters, overcoat*. ail prices. V LEVY’S' BTOVEB REPAIRED. Rice, Ihe stove dcotor, repair, kinds or cook stoves and ranges, buy and sella second hand stoves, 414 Bay If reet * > While it fa warm, you should have your winter slot bin g pt*in good or der. See Jim Carter.