The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, December 07, 1900, Image 4

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The Brnnswick Times. bUkliAli lilt- The Brunswick Call. Established 18a*. Tie Brunswick Times-Call, CONSOLIDATED 11*00. Published CVCUV MOENINO EXCEPT MONDAY. -KTHUR H. LEAVT Editor -.OLAKD A. MULLINS, Bnsinest Manager l inOglethorpe Block,2llTStreet "{ tSLEPHOHa HO 81. TO BUB80RIBERS: Subscribers are requested to notify tlie office when they fall to get any Issue of tlie Tlmea- OaU. Attention to tbls matter will bo appre ciate 1 by the publisher*. the Timee-Call. twill be Delivered by earrler or nail, per year. *5,00; per week 16 seat*. Correspondence on live subjects to lulled. Seal name of writer should ae lasapany same- Subscriptions payable in advance. Failure to receive paper should bej reported to the business office. Address agl emnnnieations to THE TIMES-CALL, Urasswlok, o*. NOTICE. Hereafter all legal advertiee ments must be paid for after the first insertion. The management hat been put to a great deal of trouble and delay In collecting in the past, and In future must take advantage of the Georgia law on this subject. Oot. 10, 1800, Wo have a touch of summer, winter spring a.ul autumn ali within a single day. Let the democratic states enact strict anti trust laws. Hanna says after bis present tern expires never agsin Offer for public office. Let us hope ho Is in ear* best about this matter. =*7-.-^=rr= ■An example of the twentieth ctniury annihilation of lime and space occurred in New York the other day, when a Wall street broker received an order to bay a certain stock, transmitted the or der to his representative on the floor of the exchange, bought the stock ami reported H to theollent in San Franclaco in just two minutes actual time. # Hon. B, O. Middleton, of Atkinson, planted flye acres of sweat potatoes this year, and the yield is fully four hun dred bursts per acre. Estimating the pota'ocsK fifty cents per bushel would give bimwfccp valued at S2OO per acre, or sl,oooon five acres. The cost, cf planting and harvesting the entire crop is estimated at $10(1, leaving a tn t profit •of S9OO on the five acres'. Gar farmers shou'd follow the esarap'u of Mr. Mid dleton. The sweet potato Is a staple and there is no trouble in disponing of large crops to horn* consumers. The Ladies Your attteotiou is called to our elegant eseorttnent of Fur Collarettes, Fur and Cloth Capes Golf Capes, Flannel Waists, Silk # Waists, Walking and Regular Length Skirts, Silk and .Sat teen Underskirts * r ’H* hut the Good kind CHEAT, —-TiEW’SL TALK OF UNSEATING SENATORS, Tbe impression exists in Washington that when tbs next congress assembles in December, 1001, the senate will take atepe to keep out three democratic sena tors elect. Hr. W. E, Curtis, corres pondent ot the Chicago Record, writes to his paper as follows; •‘There will be contests over the ad mission to the United States senate of Mr. Blackburn, of Kentucky; Mr. Sim mons, of North Carolina ;and'Mr. Clark of Montana. Mr, Blackburn’s admies-i 1 ion will be objected to on the ground that tbe legis’aiuro which selected him was tainted with fraud; Mr. Simmons because a large majority pf tbe voters of North Carolina were disfranchised, and Mr, Clark, of Montana, because of bribery. It ia proLaUy-Ahat all three of these tnembeij|Sßsßf|imiUed to aals sooner orAjaiffiMß ntTWrell the moth ods ui^gpThi!ir election baye been opposed and discussed.” F*Tf they are indeed to be kept out only [to be admitted at last, why such a dis play of arbitrary power. It the repub licans themselves had never done any thing wrong, had never sent senators to Washington who were admitted but ought to have been kept out In tbe cold always, they might possibly indulge for brief apses some of their hostility to the south, but tbe proposed opposit ion is spiteful and vicious The r&s calLtics hitherto perpetrated on north ern ststall by the republicans in tbe election of members of both houses are too notorious and near to be igeored or forgotten. Don’t wait until tbe cool waveoonies before having your overcoat oleaoed, pressed or repaired by Jim Carter Send it in now, CORD WOOD, Large quantity of oak ami pine wood on hand, f< r prompt delivery. Mo rotten, atorm wood sold by u*. ’Rhone 84-3 Broonwoirru A Joneb. If I Should Tell You -f That right here in § Brunswick you can I aee as fine a liba of beautifulobooolatea B a s y o u could in New York itself, you would probsbly be inclined to take my-Biatenaenta “oum grano •aIK.” But I would like for you to look in for youraeif, Just to see whether 1 am lying to vou or not. You can lie about who you are going to vote for in the ooming municipal elsotion, hut you can’t lie about our fine ohocolatss. The wildest apparent exaggerations about ibetn are mere foothills around thesugynitv of truth. And our pi ioeswre about half what suob goods are usually •old for. LLOYD’S,' *’PHONK 265-* (’Next door to Fleming & Waff) THE BRUNSWICK TIMBB-CALL, DECEMBER 7.190* NSJJtSINCMOTOtBS. IT MAKES WEAK WOMEN STRING i AND SICK WOMEN WELL. 'wmmmmrnmmmmmmmmminmi n ei ——s—es—fiWw—■—— — <So©iety. The many friends of Mr. and Mrs, L. TANARUS, MoKinnon regret tbe deatb of their son, L. T. MoKinnon, which oc curred recently in Gainesville, Fla. Rev. and Mrs. D. Wataon Winn r of St. Btpon’s, epent yesterday in tbr oity. | Dr, and Mrs, R, E. L, Borford and daughter, Lila, have returned from a vieU to hentuoky. Mr*. A, M. Way lft last night tor Stvannab, where she wttl spend a few day*. Miss Little FoetergMbp ie attendilqM Lnoy Cobb, will *F*Syffe* holiday* on S*. Simon’s. —_^r Mr. and Mrs, Avery, of SanFrancU co, California, reached the city last night and are the guests • t Oapt, At* ery, of the Mallory line. Hr. Avery is tbe American representative of the Tokio-KalshervKheim steamship com pany, of Japan, and is a prominent citizen of the Golden Gate mstropoli*. Mr, and Mr*. Avery will bo in tbe several r The tallowing Invitation La* been re* eeived by many tripods of the llitle lady who will be the hostess on the oc casion of her third birth— -1807 7 tkio Mlm Josephine Bays Cline. At Home. Wednesday morning, December 12 h, from Ten to Twelve. Mr, Thomas Fuller leaves after the holidays to epend saveral months in Charleston. A debate uf anusual Interest will take plaoe at the next meeting of The Exoelaior literary society. The sabject under dtacuaaion will be the relative Vtiuea of old maids and bachelors. Mrs. W. M. Parker, after spending several months In Atlanls, under trust* ment by a specialist for throat trouble has returned, much Improved, to her home on Halifax Square. Juet arrived: Artioles too numer •ut to mention. Call and see! J. H. jleller A Bro. CHEAP AQ7ERTISING. CASH IN ADVANCE Advertisements in this column will b Insert ed at the uniform rate ot One Cent a Word for each Insertion. No advertisement, however m all, less than 50 cema. Cash In advance. Morphine, opium, laudanum,cocoslus habit; myself cuted. will inform you of harmless, permanent borne cure. Mary B. Baldwin, box 1212, Chicago. Hustling young man can make iSu per month and expenses, Permanent position. Experience unnecessary. Write quioft for particulars, Clark A Cos., 4th & Locos Streets. Philadel phia, Pa. HELP WANTED-MALE Manager.-Old established mercan tile bouse want* bonesr, capable man To manage branch, fcjN*ryjsl2s monlb, extra commissions. NFYtnoiting re quired, but must take general direc tion and be ambitiou*. Good refer ences and SBOO cash required. Experi ence as manager not necessary, if qualified mother reepeote. “Opportu nity,” Drawer 74, New Haven,Coon, FOB SALE—BUTLER’S ISLAND!— This well-known rice plantation, sit uated on tbe Altamaha river, opposite Darien, containing 1,200 under bank; also, summer residenee on tbe silts, with small .bonse, j£s3?lis?lea from Da rien, containing 17 aoree. Prioe for whole, SII,OOO. For further particulars, apply to Mr. B. T. Sinclair, Darien, Mclntosh county, Ga. FOR SALE—LITTLE BT. SIMON’S ISLAND, containing] 6,000 acres Good game preserve -deer, ducks, etc besides bsst fishing on the coast, with bard beach of several miles in extent. Excellent oytter bod. Price, $20,000. Also, Canon’s point, on Great Bt. Simon’s Island, containing about. 680 aeres, dfrectly opposite Little St. Si mon’s Island. Good tabby foundations for anew house. This property Is" sixty milts from Savannah, fourteen miles from Brunswick, with both of .which places there is daily connection by steamer. It is on the island next to Jekyl, and suitable in every re-peot for a hunting and fishing olub. Price, SIO,OOO, For further particulars, apply Mr. James T. Dent, Evelyn, Glynn 00/fifc Georgia. Wan rED.—Relisbl mes line of fine lubricating oils, gres-ci sod paints, salary hr oommissmo,. Atdria# “K<* rve |i No, 82 Sup-nor e’rfl, mro*md, o;-.-,-. PfANTBlTWhree or lour boerdf rs irivate family* Tab's atrictly first a. Apply ai this office. WANTED TO BUT.—A good piano. Must bn cheap, and on installments. Address “B. X. W.,” general delivery. LOST,—Paokege loose lepers and bills pinned together. Kindly return and get reward. R. H. Evrbbtt, FOR RENT,—Unfurnished rooms, bath, at 706 G street. For Asthma use CHE NEY’S EXPECTORANT. ANEMIA Pale, thin, weak, run-down, low spirits, no appetite. Rosy and plump, fair strength, with pleasure in work, get hungry three times a day, and like good food. Which of these twoßctures ;s yours ? “ There are ways to either condition. Skip the first, for nobody wants to be in it, If in it, the way to the second is Seat’s emulsion of cod-liver oil, \flkh proper attention to course. <LifV We’ll send you a Hitletot^bb^lUk*. SCOTT & BOW>U, Ywk. J liMiiiliiiia iUSTORi4 I AvegetaUe PrepsrationforAs sinulaling flteFoodandßegula ling the Stomachs andßoweis of f ‘‘ ~~ IJlin "" ' ‘ ' Promotes Digestion.CheerfuF j nessandßestContains nejliter i Opium.Morphim. 1 nor Mineral. I TSoxNarcotic. W Ote DrSAMVELHTCHBR Aw4h Sod - . dhiSaum * I - j . Apetffed Remedy forConstipa- Tlon.’Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsiores .Feverish ness and LOSS OF SLEEP. Fat Simile Signature of NEIV VOHKT. EXACT copy OP During { DecamDer • - Our store will be open until 9 o’clock p. m. Space dora’nt permit Us to go ioto details as to oor magnificent stock of goods, it would take pages. All we ask is to pay ui visit and it will fully pay you to go to that much trouble, for * * will be astounded at tbe revela^^^^^— When in search of a wr will find what you want at'our stcre. 1 a MILLER ( SO, WINE OF CARDUI HEALTHY JJLD AGE. jppf Liace, Bavro* 00. Am*., Aag-fc lam 49 rear* old and have be*n eofferlnx wittt ■ ijLVV//* fl Change of Ufa. I had flooding apella so bad that A •on* though. I could Ur*. My hatband got m* Win* of Cardai and it aaved my Uf. lam lik* H V* ’U| another person lino* taking it. n, Jt MBS. B. B. TOWNSBXD. jW' ' A * R ts the devout wish of nearly all people to live to a ripe old age. None of us want to die young. This universal desire cu be realized if ore be taken of the health In early and middle life. A little precaution then will add many years to our existence. Death can be kept away a bog time. Happy, healthy old age will be the lot of the woman who promptly corrects the fitments which afflict her sex. In youth, Wine of CarduiwUl taka the female child safely over the dividing line between girlhood and womanhood. Asa wife she needs Rto help her through the trtala of pregnancy and childbirth with as littla discomfort ts poastfcbt At the Change of Life It will help her over the dangerous place that appears ta her pathway between 40 and 50. Then will come many years of truly blissful existence. She will grow old slowly and gracefully. To the hat the will preserve that Charm and beauty which ire always characteristic _ _ of perfectly healthy grandmothers, uaitTasvVosi wutiht. j \V o^ronw^n^ to J! < and d ‘ 1 • reredvtevleauNMmqntnnimeM } whether they wig be healthy or Thc rcm *y for their sick- Unicoi <<*.,, Lam MAORIS The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the £ * Signatur^f^^' Ai f Use For Over Thirty Tears GASTORIA -asi Twr CHWTKWK COMPANY, NEW TON* CITY,