The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, December 08, 1900, Image 4

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The Brunswick Times. iittWiM ust. The • Brunswick Call. -'■ ‘ . Katabluhed IBM. . Tbc Brunswick Times-Call, CONSOLIDATED WOO. ; Published EVENT MOUNINU EXCEPT' MONDAY. cRTHUR H. UtAVT Editor •ULAND A. MULLINS, Business Manager TO SUBSCRIBERS: Subscribers sre requested to notify the o flier when they fell to get nay luiu of the Tlmee fJUU. Attention to thte matter will be appre •Mtlad by the publishers. The Timei-Call Iwill 'be: Delivered by terrier or mall, per year. $5.00; per week 15 seats. Correapoudence os live aubjeeta aellaiied. Beni same of writer tbonld no •entpasy aame- iubaeriptiona payable is advance. Vnilsre to receive peper abonld be reparted to tbe bsaineia office. AWrssi nil •auennlentione to THE TIMMB-CALL, Brnnawlck. On. NOTICE. Hereafter til legal advertiie menta must be paid for after the first Insertion. The management hat been pat to a great deal of trouble and delay In collecting in the past, and In future must take advantage of the Georgia law on this subjeot. Oct. 10, 1900, This la “possum and potato" season. Savannah ie soon to have a warm city •lection. The Hew York Sun Is anxious to get another name for tha Philippines, Oace more, says tha Memphis Scimi tar, we have on band that team of wild horses called congress. The Southern Industrial Convention, In session in Haw Orleans, is one or the most important assemblages that the south has had in years. WHAT BRUNSWICK NEEDS Any fair minded parson will admit that a city mutt regulated largely in its growth and development by its rail road facilities. A manufacturer will not locate in a town which is tba victim of discrimina tion in rates or the freights to the ter ritory whlth be wltbee !o reach are not the cheapest. We must awaken to the taot that Brmusilok needs mo-a rail road competition. min-L nil 1 , 'ij Tbe Philadelphia Prass suggests that the a scssment ofsu'tabl* British is con# upon millionaires who go to Eng land to spend the fortunes Which they acquire in the United States John Bull and should aerve as a hint for Un tie Sam. The Ladies Tour intention is celled to our elegunt assortment of Fur and Cloth Capes Golf Waists, Silk Waists, Walking and Regular Length Skirts, Silk and Sat teen Underskirts Met the Cueap kind but the Good kind CUKAI’, LEVY’S WANTED TO MARRY A6AIN. On Thursday Inst while attend ing. her husband’s funeral at Hew Yirginla, Mrs. John Hosaaek was ar ■•''■y'f-' * J■■ *• * * - rested at the cemetery, charged with hia murder. She was placsd ie jail at indlanala. She took the arrest palunty, bat protested her innocence. Hossaok, who was a well-to-do farmer, was killed by a blow on the head while' deeping beside bis wife. Mrs. Hosaaek claimed te have found her husband dead. The above item wae sent out by the P fees Associations Thursday and 1 aler developments show conclusively that the woman murdered her husband in order that the might marry again, We often read of auch characters in books—the trashy kind—and it appear* that tbs authors are having daily oc currances of this kind on which to write. WE MUST REACH-fluff. The Tums-Call fail* to undarstand why the local merchants make no effort to get business from town* ad jacent to Brunswick, *“ '•- Atlanta, Savannah and even the thriving little city of Waycross are running free trading excursion* sad the result in each casa has bees satis factory,; With oarjlnsi of steamer* to Hew York and other advantages, there is no resson why we should not get our share of o*t-of town business. Bayou need "Other People’s Money?’ Don't wait until the coot wave cornea before having your overcoat eleaaed, pressed or repaired by Jim Carter S-nd it In now. CORD WOOD, Large quantity of oak and ping wood on bird, for prompt delivery. Ho rotten, storm wood sold by us, 'Phone 94-5. ilt.eoDwoitTH A Josae. If I Should ! Teh You a* ; . That right here in i ■ Brunswick you can I see as fine a libe of j beautiful ohooolatus K as you could in New York itself, jou would probsbly be inelined to tsJie my statements “ oum grsno salis.” Bat I would Bke for you to look in for yourself. Just to see whether 1 am lying to vou or not. You can lie about who you are going to vote for in the coming municipal election, but you can’t lie about our fine obooolite*. Tbe wildest apparent exaggerations about ihem are mere foothill* around the summits of truth. And our prices are about half wbat such goods are usually sold for. LLOYD’S, ’PHONE 256 $ 1 (Next door to Fleming & Waif) THE BRUNSWICK TIIUS-CALL. DECEMBER S, 190S mmmSnmm. ■ IT M AKITA WEAK WOMEN MRON6 AND SICK WOMEN WELL. ' ■■ .-au ■■ ■ A Bight of Terror. “Awful anxiety wae tell tor tbe widow of tbs brave.aen Dura haw, of MasblrS, Me. when tbe doe ton Mo;he could rot Ute till morning, write* Mio. 8. H. Lincoln, who attended her that fearful night. AU thought tbe muss toon die from Pneumonia, but the begged lor Dr. King* Kew Dtseoveiy, saying it bad mom than once saved her Ul* and had cured her of consumption-. After thteesmaUdoaes she rested easily aU night, and its former urn completely sored her." Tbit marvelous medicine I* guar anteed to core ail Throat, Chest and Lung Dm earn. Only 500 sod tl 00. Trial bottles Ores M H Stag stores. This is the season when mothers are ala .-mod on aeoeunt of croup. It I* quiokly cured by One Minute Cough Cure, which children like to take. W, J. Batts. , of|RR £OOD A&D bKljt Trisl Treatment Free, -Z Is your blooo port? Are you sure of it? Do outs or scratches ties! slow ly? Doe* yonr akin itch or burn? Have yon Pimples? Eruptions? Aob ing hone* ori beck ? EozoojS t Old 8ore? jytolle? Scrofola? Bheuma ttern? Foul Breath? Catarrh? Are you pale? Then B, B. B. (Botanic Blood Halm) suit purify yohr blood, heal evety sore, and giva a clear, smooth, healthy skin. Deep-sea'ed oases, like uieers, eaooer, eating aores, Painful Swellings, Blood Poison, are quickly cured by Botahtc Blood Balm. Cures when all else fait*. Thoroughly tested foY thirty yeasts. Drug atoree, $1 per large fbottle. Trial . treatment free by writing.BLOOD BALM CO„ Atlanta, (ia. Describe trouble—free medics) advice given. Over 3,000 vol untary testimonials of cures by B. B. &: You osu’t along without “Other People’s Money.” SWEET HONEY A J uet from the e<Kntifj. in one pound section*. Try one pound, only’istc. If its good we keys it. cheap mam CASH IK ADVANCE Advertiaemente in this column wIU he insert ed at the unilorm rate of One Cent a Word for each insertion. No advertisement, however m alb less than 59 came. Cash la advance. Morphine, opium, habit; myself cuted. will inform you of harmless, permanent borne cure. ILary 8. Baldwin, box 1212, Chicago, v Hustling young man can make SSO per month and expenses, Permanent position. Experience unnecessary. Write quick for particulars, Clark it Cos., 4th A Hocus Streets, Fhiladel phis, Pa. HELP 'WANTED-M A Le7"~T'- Mapager.—Old established mercan tile bo us a wants honest, capable man ro unKage branch. Balsry |125 mouth, extra commissions. Ho soliciting re quired, but must take general direc tion and be ambitions. Good refer ences and sßoooasb required. Experi ence as manager not necessary, if qaalified mother respects. “Opportu nity,’’ Drawer 74, Hew Haven, Coao, FOR SALE-BUTLEB’S ISLAND. — This well-known rice plantation, sit uated on tbe Aitsmaba river, opposite .Darien, containing 1,300 under bank; algo, summer residence on tbejsaite, wftq small .house, five miles from Da rien, containing 17 sores. Priee for Whole, fill ,000. For farther particulars, apply to Mr. B. T. Sinclair, Darien, Mclntosh county, Gt. FOB SALE-LITTLE BT. SIMON’S ISLAND, containing] 0.000 seres Good game preserve—deer, ducks, etc besides best fishing on tbe coast, with hard beach of several miles in extent. Excellent oyster -bod. Price, $20,000. Also, Canon’s point, on Great Bt. Kirn on’s Island, containing about 580 acres, directly opposite Little St. Bi nion’a Island. GoUd tabby foundations for anew bouse. This property i* sixty milra from Bavaonab, fourteen miles from Brunswick, with both of which places there Is daily oonnestfon by steamer. It as on the Island next to Jekyb and suitable m every respect for a huqtlug and fhbing olub. Priee, SIO,OOO, For further particulars, apply Mr. James TANARUS, Dent. Evalyn, Glynn county, Georgia. . ' .iw'.jr .a ** m ale H elp waHtkd.-rsi•.bi. mce tu sell our Due of fine lubricating oils, and pahrir. - alary , > oomßrisSiAii. A.ddra "Kes*rve Oil GO." Offices Ho. 82 Sop.nor street. Cleveland, Qiq. WANTED-Three or lour boardsrs by private family. Tab'* strictly first data. Apply at tbi* office. C - WANTED TOTrfcr,—A good piano. Must be cheap, ABd on installments. Address “B, xjw.," general delivery. FOR RENT,— Unfurnished rooms, with use of bath, at, 700. Q strict. For Asthma use CIIK NEY’S EXPECTORANT; The editor of the Fordvllle, Kj-„ Mitctllaa eons, writes as a postscript to a business letter: “I Was cored of Sidney trouble by taking Foley’s Kidney Cure,” Take nothing else. IV. J. Unite ANEMIA Pale, thin, weak, run-down, o\v spirits, no appetite. Rosy and plump, fair strength, with pleasure in work, get hungry three times a day. and like good food. Which of these two pictures is yours ? There are ways to either condition. Skip the first, for nobody wants to be in it, If in it, the way to the second is Scott’s emulsion of cod-liver oil, with proper attention to course of life. We’H send you a Uni* t try £1 you like. SCOTT & BOWNE, fear! street, New York ( )OOl)BOPS AVfcgetable Prepacadonfor As similating the Food andfiegula tog the Stomachs and Bowels of lM VMh.'t HIL DHEN Promotes D'tgeslion.Cheerfut nessaiidlfest.Contains neither Opium,Morplune nor Mineral, notHarcotic. J^efOUnrMKmjmUSß Pempitn Sad- . AbcJmmi - J SaMUSJm- I jtam Saft . I I Ss^k mm ) A perfect Remedy for Constipa tion, Sour Stomach.Diaixhoea Worms .Convulsions .Feverish ness and Lossof Sleep. Facsimile Signature of > HEW YORK, AI to miiuUiN fil (! J ) Dusts - MS PACT CaW>CW*ABgQL, Duringi DecemDef Our store will be open until 9 o’clock p. m. Space does’nt permit us to go into details as to our magnificent ttock of goods, it would take pages. All we ask is to pay ua vleit and it will fully pay you to go to that much trouble, tor will be astounded at tbe revelation. When in search of a wedding present you will Rad what you want, atfour store. I. S. MILLER t SM. WINE OF GARDUI HEALTHY JILD AGE. jflglj Linen, B arrow Cos. A**., Awf. 4 W )j[ ILW Iu years old end here been entterincwlth ■ )JJ' ■ Cbenge of Life. I bed flooding apeUa eo bed the* m r-. pone though. I could lire. My buebend go* me wine of Oerdal end it eered my lit*. lu> like H T* ’TH eeotber person since taking It. X W MBS. B. B TOWNSEND. jin' j\ V A b the devout wish of nearly iS people to live to t ripe old age. None of us want to die young. This universal desire can be realized U are be taken of the health In early and Biddle life. A little precaution then will add many year* to our eaistence. Death can be kept away a long time. Happy, healthy old age will be tbl lot of the woman who promptly corrects the ailments which afflict her sex. la youth. Wine of Cardul will take the female child safely over the dividing line between girlhood and womanhood Asa wife she needs tt to help her through the trials of pregnancy and childbirth with aa little discomfort as possible. At the Change of Life it will help her over the dangerous place that appear* la her pathway between 40 and 50. Then will com* many years of truly blissful existence. She will grow old slowly and gracefully. To the hit she win preserve that charm'and beauty which art always characteristic USitr aevuear irnireiir. 11 u “ u for women alone to decide Tarpdrice In oim requiring gr*rial whfthtr tu€y Will be healthy Of ttamsss * ick -. Th "“£ f ? r their Sicks nxmrisiio, chutanoom. Tens. ness is dose at hand. .. LARGE BOTTLES OP WINE O F CARtUJI SOLD FOR *I.OO BY DRUGGISTS?* WINE OF CAR DU I CUSTOM! For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the £ t Signature /aNp For Over * -- ■<£ -■ V Thirty Years Msniu THE MNTkUH SOMMT. NKW VOffift CITY.