The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, December 09, 1900, Page 10, Image 10

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10 XMAS is but a short month off and as it .is time to begin looking around for presents, we wish to nail your attention to the fact that our new goods are beginning to arrive and we are going to have an exceptionally large and handsome line of and Novelties. . ... Don’t Send Away * for anything in my line for 1 wihUmarantee to sell you at the same price and some times less than you can get the same goods away for, and besides saving you all ex’ pense, we are here at home wnere you can reach us should the goods prove unsatis factory. Watch for our special ad next Sunday KENNON MOTT, Jeweler and Graduate Opticiani Sir, Nvic<i*Ue Street, ''N Invpesto." ot WstsHen for Southern Rstlwsy. Time It, Wire -lady from WlUnj;tOß Coney <& Parker DEALERS IN 1 Coal and Wood, Brick, Lime, Cement, Plaster, Hair, Shingles and Laths. Dorris' Brick, Phone 18 ' 5?5 Bav St. $35.00 \Vill buy a Ladies’ Chain! obs Bicycle as a holiday offering we will include a nice Lari' tern and Bell tor same. These make excel lent Christmas present as we only have a few to offer at this price. Don’t delay or you may miss an opportunity that is not often offered. Bor further information inquire at The Downing Cos. Hoj'^dovelties % will make nice pr fonts for Men's Fancy Vests, Silk Umbrellas, en luitia 1 Hand’kfs, Elegant Neckwear 1 ••* , l x St , Hnilkero)Al(f nd Droning biota \ UKFNSWICX TiMES-CALL. DECEMBER 9 190 b, THINGS THEATRICAL. Harry Ward’* M*gu4cs-n MinUr-le Bftird'ftTr Trid**, D e ■ -r r •• ••„ *i*'? -'jx ' y ‘ • -1 '-'if- * Hrrrv Ward'e msgulfic m mkjjrtrst* will b-her* oo Erid-Vy,"-J4, Tbit miDotfel rho* claims ?tiy : day, ahead of the ume*, end is atrotiy. first class and. up to d.ue. .• Tlivjafr-et parade oft Sis urganixs'i tiopitpse of the feyi.wros at t be abifr Seati g j on sale • Monday at Bu-. *’ orujr .tore, . Fricss are aa (oilawa; down stairs 50 end 7a cent*; Oa let? 23: baleooy 33* MABEL PAiOE Mabel Ps’gp, B> nawlck’s favorite, is c imlng. She will be herd ok Monday Dec. 17ib, for a limited engagement. As the theatre goers turner} eut in tul> force to witness her in alden days; no dunbt the greeting will be similar oa bar appearance on the 17th in the Cap tala’s ssate. OTHER PEOPLE'S MONEV. %'s The 0 taws Herald has tha follow- IBg to say of i&iher Pejp’.w* Money wti ph will oe seen here shortly . The spending of other people’s money would certainly bs a most pleasing and enjoyable pastime fr. -J**t people, bet when you look at it trom iUa~ standf point of other people spending jours it does net teem % fanny. This in a lew words as possible, is tke subitanee r.f Mr. Hen n easy Ltroyie’s lsugbab’e comady produced at tke liuktsll thea ter last mgbt under the title of “Oth er J’eomVs Money,*’ and in the expla nations seessty te expound thin ar gument to the public some most ma log complications arise. The comedy was certainly a success, and ai’.tough a a very fu'l hi use witnessed it last aliht the final performance tonight wUI have a still larger audience. "WHEN 1 WE WE HE TWENf* ONE” Tiff cntk**fantn whicli -the play o{ Whin We Were Twaivy-One li receiv ed everywhere li aitnbu’able to Ute (jwssu.oa e ait of Mr. Geirg© Clarke’* p rtreyaee of the loveable Otck Car • t*. life of the loytj •Vs'-Mut ig c f th* same stamp as bia Pei uoio in of the Shrew,. 1 in which t o.carried off the honor. so great an actress as Mias Ada Hehae, It was generally supposed i *• that Mr, Clarke wonlil, thl* Mason, ba ajalo wtih Miss Rehan, but Mr. Rica is 100 clever a mausger to loss a t>oiat, and, whh characteristic energy ho baa secured Mr, Clarke for the pari of Dick Caterer. A brildsut tnovcu.for the author of U.a Vcautlful c medy car lately bad Mr. Clarice in his '’mind* eye” when hr. writ* the play of When We Wore Twenty-One, is George Clarks is Dick Carerec and D.cU Ca rewa U G.vorgs Clarke. NOTES. Seats for the minstrels go oa sale on Monday, get yours early, for a i afiked nouv wilt arcet thciß. llitinswlok theater goets who are fond of the artistic and refined attrac tions, wi'l h*e their tastes gratified When We Were Twenty Oce ooee: for an evening of pure onjojrmeat, go and see When We Were Twenty Oae. NEW SHOE SHOP :rs in the Opera House Building Best Material at the Lowest Prices. Shoes nude from the Groundup, Give me a trial. B. Sauebessig . JOHN ROBINEON’S SHOW. A Generous Monopoly. Monopolies are almost exctua r vely n-gaiiTk and upon the baais of giving people tbp leaf t; po'-aibie quantity and eßargjng-tbs bigg*yt.-potsiM prtce tor it. In p'aj i word-, thuf-ii swindling. • # -v • Envious 'lnferiority sefirhtlrees calls ' • r ' ’* ’ •*-" r . oar “G e'.Ujh Snow on Sfxrlfa” a mo n tips If. W, 1, so it is: but mark well in Whpt.a different reuse I m3; upon whav'idferrnt prirc pi?*, it gives; the p.ubrie'S great desl more, and of a bel ter quail y, for ih leset postib’c priee "tbaa was ever given, oiugpy one el a can gire. This is the broad; tipne-t and generous basis upon which we are moaopohz ng the buduetsof travelivg show*. The fi Id is a big one. Let Other, do likewise, if they want to, • r ean. A riait to Ihia great show, vastly augmented by the addition of the ma terplcoe of the matter aaind of A ncri han artiste, viz , King Solomon, hit Tempi*, asd the Qaeen of Sheba, re plete with aaored realism, bistoMoal aeoorac'es, biblical evente, colossal professional feature*, bewitching bal lets, ssorificist earemonies, and tha splendors and glories of the court of Solomon, the seer, the patriarch, and grandest and greatest of sncießt king*, wilt prove one of the most interesting and enjoyable events of our day. FOR SALK—TWO GOOD HOUSES IN OLD f OWM-TO THE HIG H • EST BIDDER. TV* wdl sell en Tuesday , Jammy Sth, !o the highest bidder for the cash, .. ■ r that cestsm two-story hous*, situated in the Old Town of this oity, oj Ellis street, and known a* the western oie hyif of the northern one-half of Old Town lot 820. Also, tbat enc-story hoove, sltua'ed on Egesout street, said bmise being on lot known as the east ern one-baif of the northern (Tbe-helf c ef Ofd Tjwn lot 3*o. Tbi* preperty is in good condition, and both relate and. BBObsook, Fsnmg A Cos. It*e t gentjemen's .whiskey, a pure delioioiis bav-.fag-*, and a giaud *cpi>- tistr. t> i .b, forget the name, qj w Flsrps,'’ wlii-i.c —the fcihj ycUf grandfather u-*d. Sold by T. N rwraan, Brunswick, Gs, D yi nnud "O'-her tVtpfeVMowiey ?’ • PICKLE TALK. j v w**” I’ic'sL* TVacUas, \j<r .. 25c l Sweat Ind a Coop. jor. -4f>c Swc r Misrud, Pickles, ioul,v.. 103 Sau;*; ku lie.. J.ijje Stuff Mangora (ir: bulk; Garrnaa UIU -in Sonr (!u ottm-ser, in b-uk. TRY Boromol Tootli Powder. BUTTS, The Drnggist, BROWN’ Hot Chocolate and Cold Soda Something Delicious PRESCRIPTIONS Filled accurately. DRUGS ' Sold cheaper than the cheapest All we want is someone to enquire into the truth ot the above assertion to make a customer of you Perfumes and Tiiilet Articles in abundance, Call in and make yourself at home Brown Drug Cos. I RUGS Square; 36 7)C and up wards, in latest designs and patterns. Fresh and new goods arriving weekly- See our new lis if ills. LOOK THE WORLD OVER — ANI>„YOT CAN’T .BEAT CREAM OF KENTDCK.Y Whisky V SI.OO PER QUART ; $4.00 PER GALLON. NOT MADEIBY ATRUST* I. Trager & Cos., Independent Distille t Sold Exclusively in Brunswick by V- DO § 206 Bay Street. The World Listens -When ' Leaders Talk. This is as true of ;the Fur* nit are business as of state craft, naturally, we we have j considerable pride fir being LEADERS IN OUR BUSINESS. I Quite a strong expression, but quite easily proven—the fur niture and prices to be the evidence, you to be both judge and jury. Come ;nd he con vinced.