The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, December 09, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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2 The Stimulus ot Pure Blood That Is what is required by every organ of the body, for the proper per formance of its fuactions. It prevents biliousness, dyspepsia, constipation, kidney complaint, rheu matism. cT2**rjrh, nervousness, weak ness, faintness, pimples. biotch&S, and all cutaneous eruptions. f W. P. Keeton. Woodutock, At*., took Hood's Sarsaparilla to mke bis blood pure. H* write* that he bed not felt well but tired for woroe time. Before he bed finished the first bottle of this medicine he felt better end When he bad taken the second was like •aether man— free from that tired feeling and able to do his work. Hood's Sarsaparilla Promises to cure and keeps the promise. Accept no substitute, but get Hood’s today. Beth makers snd circulators of counterfeits eeainilt fraud. Honeat men will not deceive yea Into buying worthless counterfeit* of De- Witt's W Itch Hare! Halve. The origins! Isin falllble for curing plies, sores, ecisma and all tkla diseases. W. J. Butts. CALENDARS FOR 1901. The Plant System passenger depart ment has recently Issued a beautiful calendar for the year 1902, which also •estalnsa sheet for December 1900. Teu oan ob’a’n one by calling at the Plant System passerger office loot of •loucester street or telephone 52 and you will hsye one sent to your office, For LaGriDoe and enzause CHENEY’S EX PECTORANT*. A. ROTHSCHILD Tlxe Jeweler. ♦ Next Door to the Gourt House. We will show you this year the finest and most varied rviarnnnfk stock ot Diamonds > Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware, Bric -5 dlllUllUc) a-brac, Umbrellas—and goods too numerous to mention—ever Kfej| T seen in the city ot Brunswick. We also have a complete line BUI "1 fill PA ° f spectacles and eye-glasses and can save m you money. Give us a call and come early to avoid the rush. IHllOlril our Re P air Department is Complete. <|Bi RfHP All goods bought of us engraved free. o|f|l| ailVßfWarS We Give No Presents, but Our Prices Make Up. fig P 1 1/ O Time Received Daily by wire from Washington % ulUblVc) „ ill SHI PPXNOJRPORT: OhmM Daily ky Gayt. Ott* i*tomu But *f Brtuuwisk, De. 8, IW. AKKIVS*. Behr. Helen M. Atwocd, Wafe, Point Pitre. #L*ABE*. Norw, bark Rosen i us, Bogvald, Lon don. Sebr. Harry A. Berwied, Welleee, PSflwM.pb**. Sebr. HaroldC. 9ober, Lvw.New York. Hchr. Wiley W. Newton, Coomb*, New York. Sohr. Thelma, Moody, Bolton. Sobr. Sagamore, Sanford, Boaton. BAILED. Sebr. Win. Neely, Thompson, New York. Sebr. Viking, llammett, Perth Am- Sohr. Hareld J. McCarthy, Fljno, (from Satille.) New York. J. Odgere, of write*: “I had a very bad attack of kidney complaint and tried Foley’a Kidney Care wbiob gave me immediate relief, and I waa perfeotly cured attar taking wo bot'les." Take no substitute. For W hooping Cough use CHENEY’S EXPECTORANT DeWitfa Witch Hatel Halva will quickly heal the worst burna and aeald* and nut leave a tear. It can be applied to cut* and raw aur face* with prompt and loothin* effect. U*eit for pile* and ekln dUeate*. Beware of worth leu counterfeit*. W. J. Butte. Brunswick want* “Other Paopl*;* Money.” THE MHJNSWICK TIMBB-CAU. DEOBMBWE 9. H*s. A Christmas House Wili'De do bettr than a 7m ot June bouse or an fttil of November domicile, ante** the lumbar Wbish enter* intoits makeup la of tha very tMSJf, manufac tured from the very beattimWT. Toat’a what we elaim to anpply, and our prinolpal patrons will oorroborate ot* statements. Telephone 197- LANG, WOOD & GO, TION9 BIECJJRED oungMen '’VfQMEH tS\eourp.jc.tic) sH\e(otJrse picn-n-iov I l “7;*r v ' Business {" COLLEGE 1 INSTRUCTIONS i “c3jEtXiCf Bear* the KIM You Haw Always BoagM Christmas --■ - ’ • 35 cts can of Asparagus for 25c 20 cts can of Pears for 12c *5 cts can of Apricots for *Oc 25 cts can of white Cherries for 20c 15 cts can of Baked Beans for 10c 15 cts per lb. Candy for 7. .. 8c 5 cts pkg Diamond Starch for 3c 30 cts per gal white Vinegar 20c. 25 cts bottle Grange Marma]ade at 15c These prices good for a few'days only- A'. CD . UEI F=- E= FR SIS NeWCASTLE. RECOMMENDS IT TO TRAINMEN. G. H. Hausan, Lime, O-, engineer L. E. &W. reii.vred, writes: “I have been troubled a great deal with back ache. I waa induced to try Fuley’e Kidney Care, and one bottle entirely relieved me. J gladly recommend it to any one, especially my friends among the trainmen, who are usually similarly afflicted.” When you feel ttalllfe • hardly worth the *iuUn take a dote of Chamberlain’* stomach and l.lver Tablet*. They will cloacae your stomach, ton* up your liver and regulate your bowels, making you (eel like a aew man. tor tait: nt iltDbov* ®rßf*Btore. J. W, Bryan, of Lowder, lUioola, write*: “My little boy waa very iow with pneumonia, Unknown to the doetc# tire gar* Mot Fuley’e Hooey and Tar. The remit waemagioaland pua trted tb*doctor, as it Immediately stop ped the rflcfcisg oougb, and he quickly recovered.” , & *--*- STOVES REPAIRED. Ktoe, the stove!doctor, repairs all kinds of cook stoves and range*, snd buys atrd*ellssecond-htnd stoves. 414 Bargains slb crock of Heins* fine Preserves for. .Blc 50c size Durkees Dressing for 40c J 5 oan of Lobster 25c 8 cans of Red Seal Potash 25c 35c bulk Coffee 25c Isc Eat Well Gelatin for loc 25c Ham Loaf for X 16c 15c Brook Trout 10e * Pillsburry’s Vitos . 10c Clothing SDITS MADE Hi M ADE 'SUITS, No matter which you want, we can figure with you to advantage. Onr Ready Made Cloth'ng stcek is com plete, with a range In price from tb 0C to f20.00 Made to Order BuHff from the bett tailor! y house in tho Business. 18 00 t > 850 00. Top Comte, -listers, overcoats, all prices. Mrl| levy( STOVES REPAIRED. While it is warm, yon should b^| Rice, the etove dcctor, repairs kinds or cook stoves and ranges, buy your winter olothlog put in good or and sella second hand stove*, 414 Bay .. der. gee Jim Carter. \9 tool