The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, December 09, 1900, Page 5, Image 5

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Woman’s J Lite.... 1 is hard enough as /l it is; It is to her that f \ we owe our world, / \\ and everything should be made as easy as possible for V her at the time of W '/\ \ childbirth. This J\ ~ r ' f V \ is just what ' Mother’s yj cp Fr id will do. I; will make \Hj Uaoy's coming easy an i pa ini os, and that without tak -lUK d„nc .r: ous drugs into the sys tem. It is simply to be applied" to i the muscles of the abdomen, It P through the skin carry * - strength aud elasticity with it. It ttreagthmH the whole system and prevents all of the discomforts of pregnancy. The mother of a plumb babe in .Panama, Mo., says: ’’l have used -Mother s Friend and can praise it highly." Get Mother’s Friend at the Drug Store, SI per bottle. The Bradfield Regulator Cos., ATLANTA, GA. Write for our free illustrated book, " Before Baby is Born." ELI ZISSMATO, 3021 Newcastle St. flip 111 .... .... 11l Eli CIGARS AND TOBACCO All Kinds of Candy. “Silver Plate that Wears* ■'i i. V ' The All Important Subject Is the One of Christmas Presents. pRPE^ We know that this is a hard question to solve, arid vve are ready f° Lelp you, There is nothing better, nicer,, more appreciated, or more lasting For the Sideboard than JEWELPY and its kindred lines. - Call and see the pretty things alrgady^ere, of the Xmas provisions. Looking around involves no obligation to purchase; wtTare glad to have your present praise, we know you will buy later- A halt hour in our store will prove a liberal the latest phases ot the beauti ful in art. Isn’t there anything in this line to suit you ? Diamonds, "Watches, Jewelry of all kinds, Sterling and Plated, Flat, Hollow and Novelties in Sil verware, clocks, Cut Glass, Leather Purses, Rich Fans, Gold Pens, French China, Statuary, Potte ry, Opera Glasses, Spetacles, jnd Eye Glasses, Gold andSilver Headed canes, and Umbrellas, Fine Lamps, curios Souvenirs, Etc. s We are going to sell you our goods at the Very Lowest Prices that good goods can be sold for anywheres, and at the same time we are going to give you FM.EE a chance in the ■ ■■■—"—"Grand Prize \y i / Ist Frize-Fine Oxidized Silver Clobk * am-*-} at S4O Drawing from November Ist, to December 31st, 1906 2nd Prize—A pair of fine large Vases valued r sl6. FREE —A handsome calendar to all who purchase $lO These expensive presents are given away absolutely worth FREE, as a compliment to my customers, Every pur-| \A e give Silverware Stamps, Ask for them, and also SUSfc' chase to the amount of SI,OO entitles you to a ticket FREE, your tickets, f YOU ARE INVITED TO CAfch AND LOOK. WE WILL GLADLY SHOWYOU AROUND 2'5 NEWCASTLE 2F. M OTT JEWELER and "BRUNSWICK, GA. Time Daily From Washington by wire, Inspector of watches For Southern Railway FEMALE WEAKNESS CUBED. Iwm troubled with severe female weakness for over six month*. ljvas treated by six wry pronaiaeut physi cian*, without any marked.benefit. My last doctor was a skilled"speoial igf, and he told me the only hope lay in an operation, I heard of Smithy Sure Kidney Cure, and after using it for one tnotitb-I find myself cured,and even the doctor who last treated me, now pronounces me well. Mu, J. R. Fever, Atlsore, G. Price 60 cents or s >l hf alt dra{*utr. Money loaned on personal property and real estate. Ap ply to J. W- Wat Kins. WODD—Most for the mon ey:, Phone 31‘. Yard corner Gloucester and Grant streets After exposure or when you feel a cold coming: on, take Foley’s Honey and'far. It never fails to curs, and will prevent pneumonia or ooatump tion if taken in time. Gentlemen like exquisite Neckwear. We have eome to t uit all testes. J. H. Heller & Bro. TAX NOTICE. Tax payers are hereby notified ttia a!! taxes due tbe C'ty of Brunswick, Georgia, for the year 1900, were due and payable on or before the first Any of Oecembcy. 190(1. In complUßte with the tax ordinances of force, I •hall at once begin issuing executions vs. all delinquent asx psysrs. City Clark. THE BRUN WICK IIM.EB-CAL DECEMBER 9ld JO Rheuism Rheumatic pains are thet-He? of protest and distress from tor'tiifcM muscles, etching jditus and excited Serves. The bk>6dhss beeu poisoned by pie accumulation of waste matter in the avstem, and cap lio U-mgStr supply thf pure and health sustain ing toed they, require. The whole system tlic efiect of-kbia. arid poison; and not until the blood has been purified and - baek to a healthy eomlkioii will the achea aud paina cease. ,\ s V Mrs. Jame.s Kc \ t ,of 707 Ni. n 'tTi street; >l. R., Warrington.. D. C., \vrites ns followsV W A few taontbs-ngb I hjnl an attack of Scuric JOitum* In its.wot6t form The that I becanve. Completely pros- • -■?' I rated. The attack was on I nuiunaTTv severe one, ami J ! mv coaditiou'was regard- JL ca us being danger- ijcpf jBB* ; ous. 1 was attended by s. yXak 1 ojjc of the inoH able doc- x V&j* loratn Washington, who ia * also a iu|tnibcr of tlie ftic aliy of (Heading medical college here. He told me to contlmie bis pics&rfi*- - ..V" 1 tronsahd I would gei.wtU, twelve trniea wiGjoiit xeceTvinU, the slightest I beuefit, 1 declined 16 ccYntiuue his treatment any ; texiger. Havhie heard of S. S.'S. (Swift's Specißc) ; recommended for RUeumatisrh, I decided, Id despair however, to give the medicine a frial, fctid a iter I had taken a few bottles I wapetjlc to bobble itronud on tjrytches, atid sodti there, alter bad no fur them at all, S. S.'S.' having cured me unud and wen. All the distressing paias liave left me, my appetite has returned, and. I am happy to be again restored to perfect health. preat vegetable ®L purifier arid tonic, is the ideal remedy hi all K Kg rheumatic troubles. There are no opiates Or minerals in it to disturb tire digestion and lead to ruinous habit*. We have prepared a special book on Rheumatism which every sufferer from this painful disease should read. It is the most complete and interesting book of the kind in existence. It will be sent free to any one dejlring it. Write our physi cians fully ana freely about yourcase, Wa make no charie for medical advice. the swift Specific co., Atlanta, g/l ’ ■ rUjfaiXjSlHTO YOUK.3HOIffIf *l l cjvflpjW-X 1 e, a n.rwdcffe It curvs psltitui, ralic, nervous fei t and loumnliig nail.jvild !\ist*ntljja*3 tlio snugout of oorv ami I'an ion. 1 V tlie Ktv.tesl convtfre discovery .of the aae. Atta* Foot- Kane mnkea t'alit or now 3kse I tl- a reitain ants for sweat *-OK,callous and hot. Uiwl, aoMag feet. Try ;t today. Sold y.v a'l and Bhoe stores. By malt tor r.e in stamps, TriU ratckugu ; iea ' ' ——T— When you wart prompt acting "lltfie pills that never grlpoi use UoWiti’* Ultisaarl;, Rtseiv. W. J. Butts. M ' Our .. .. ... vt>-'. • •;. ■ Aim is to give the public perfect saftsfactfon’-for' everythfog : ;b6ught- at our Pharmacy.; The people have been very goHcrpus. in ; '.giving u£a- liberal share of theii patronage for which favor we'shall make i*eiiewed effoits to please; tkeui .- ; Prescription The prescription department and our general business has grown to such an extent as to demand the services of a first class assistant. Mr. .Tamerson, who is now with us, comes well recommended and will take Mre in serving you in any Department Gur stock is now complete, includihgbest lines of Toilet Articles. We handle the best std£k of Soaps, from any imported,to the cheapest American brands} YVe can satisfy m I,rf" 10,-. O. wt on, ih, mo, ;om[,].r, 5