The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, December 09, 1900, Page 7, Image 7

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Special Sale In consequence of tremendous purchases of Holiday Goods we are competed, to rIFI ce our profits For the time being, in order to give room to show this magnificent stock. Worth will not be consider ed during this sale, to move the goods is what we want, and we say candidly now is your chance to secure Don t wait, come now and look at our stock. The shelves are teeming with new and stylish Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Clothing:, Notions, Etc., Etc. And everything in the store will be sold during this sale at Prices. Read Tliese Trade Catchers Millinery—We are shewing the swellest and most up-to-date Hats in the south. Give us a call. A big line of boys all wool Caps. Solid colors and plaids, worth 39c, a bargain at 25c Ribbons—A fine assortment of Satin in all colors; special, yard 4c and up Hats—We are showing the largest and most complete stock of “Ready-to-Wear” Hats in the city* Correct styles . 65c, up Neck wear—Just received tull line of Ladies’ Stock Collars, fancy Ties and Chiffon Boas, new and pretty styles 15e, up Petticoats—A big assortment Mercerized Petticoats, with wide plaited flounce. All colors and black. Special si. 39 Skirts—Just received a large assortment Skirts. Correct styles. A leader Waists—A fine assortment Taffeta Silk Waists; new and pretty effects. All new shades worth $7.00. Special ss. 98 Suits—One lot Tailor-made Suits, new and correct styles. Jacket lined with Taffeta Silk; MRS. JVC. ISAAC, THE LEASING frRY (MHDBg EME6RIBM.' 808-8081 NEWCASTLE ST. J. J. LISSNER, • WHOI.BUiLB Tobacco, Flour, Bacon and 0 Provisions, GRAIN, HAY AND BRAN / SPECIALTY. 216 Bay Street, Brunswick, Georgia. W- H. BOWEN yxrvJCD BUIL-DEIRS Of Storwj- Brick and Frame Building Manufacturers of Cjmnt, Tile and Artificial Stone- SHOES , . Ask most anybody where to buy shoes, and most everybody would say, “Why, at Levy’s.” Selling the best Footwear at moderate prices makes our shoe department popular. Clapps and Bfirt & ackard For men, s3.f>o to $ 6.00 Drew Selby & Cos. ancLThe American Girl oFox Ladies $2.00 to $4.00 The.beatwe can bay for f th# Boys and Girls. J LEVW ’S. ifljK|Kua3Wic*Eri’iMKs-L'ALL decsubs* tvi. Cures Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Consumption, Asthma, Throat and Lung Troubles. DR. J. H. MEAN'S TAR WINE LUNG BALM An unfailing remedy for Irritation of the Throat and Lungs. This Medicine positive?, contain, no opium or other drug, injurious to th, 25c, SOc and SI a bottle, at druaglsts. THE OR. i. H. MCLEAN MEDICINE CO.. T. Louis, HO. ' lAV/sWi FOR SALE BY AAA W J. BUTTS, The Druggist. WHEN LAGRIPPE BEGINS, CURE IT I If you waft yon will be sorry. People take quinine for it, and when they are welt, tbe effect* of la Grippe and quinine together, often on use more sickness. JOHNSON’S CHILL & FEVER TONIC Curee la a Day or Night, Ho bad effVeta are felt end you don’t have to pet yourself on a steady diet ot It, ee you do with quinine. Mr. W. W Caldwell, of Chicago, write# that eight doees taken la one day oared him eompletely. It will cure you. Mo. per bottle If It core*. Hot on* cent If It does not earn. A. B. GIRARDEAU, Savannah. Oa. The.TiMM Call job faffloe Is now la fulTblait again and thoie gwhe desire to save money Qgkould Ist it bid on thtir work. leaV workman faad) hast egu<M<. I In castor, gray and brown. A bargain 8.98 Ladies Undershirts 17c Best gingham, per yd 4ic Best Calico, all color, per yd 4k Ladies Jackets from $1.2? up Boys Waists from 15c up Boys pants from 20c up Boys Suits from $1.25 up Men’s pants worth $1,50 at 85c A special sale on Men’s Clothing and gents Furnishings Counterpane, all colors, worth, $1.50 at 96c Lace Curtains worth $2.25, at ki orv Bureau Searf worth 7?c at 590 Full leHgth sheets worth 65c at 45c Ladies’Gowns worth 65c at 4.q Red Table Cloth worth 35c at .!!..... 22k Linen Towels 19x40 inch worth 25c at 17c Lace trimmed Handkerchiefs 2 for 15 C Elastic, all colors, worth 10c at 5c yd iysooHQt of Christmas Holiday Ex ouraion Bates, Southern Railway wil sell tickets between all points east of tbe Mississippi B nd south of the Ob-o and Potomac rivers at rate sf one fare and one-third for the round trip. Tickets to be sold December 22, 28, 24, 25, and 81, 1900; also, January 1,1901, with extreme limit January 4, 1901. Have you a sense, of, fullnrwslon .the region join sLmmoh.'ertcreatlngf If go you will I* twnoflted by nsing Chamberlain’* Stomaeh and ll! r Tablet*, they also cure belching and *oi utomaeh. They regulate the bowels too ' Pi i earn-. Hold by Bishop's Drug Store CASTOR IA for Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Don't be deceived or humbugged by people who claim the discovery of some hitherto un known herb or root in swamps, or on some mountain or .prairie for the cure of kidney and bladder trouble*, Any doctor, or druggist with toll you that such claims or fraudulent. Foley’s Kidney (Jure simply contains remedies that are recognised by the; most skilful physicians as best for tbtse complaints, so don't he credulous or foolish. \V. J. Butte. Half the World is in Dsrkners as to?the cause of their ll! health. If they would start to treat their Kidneys with Folcy’j, Kid ney. cure;i he; wi erli ess of body and ml nd.bscr jpsirie would disappear. U W ,;j 41 tu its. KBEKVICK BT FUIIiJUATION. Sttta of Georgia—County of Glynn." Mrs, Ilia Markham Libel for divorce; in the Superior conrt of Glynn V*. county, May term, fOO. Order to perfect service Martin 11. ’.Markham granted at said term. To the Defendant, Martin B. Markham. You are hereby required, in person or by at torney, to he and appear, at the December Term, JtKXh of Glynn Superior court, to be hold n in and for said county, at tbe court hotisejn Brunswick, Glynn eonnlv, Georgis, on the first Monday In December, 1900, and yon will be there by ten (10) o’clock, of the forenoon of said day, then and there to answer the complaint of tbe plaintiff, Mr*, hi la Markham, in the above stated ease, in her libel for dlvoree. Witness the Honorable Joseph W. lies not, J edge of the Superior court of Glynn eousty, tbi* the Mlfc day of Aagutt, IWO. A. O.TOWNSMND, Depely Clerk of the Superior Ceart, kii (Joumty, Georgia. ■KKMBT DABT, Attorney fee Plainer. SSOO Reward. UWe will pay the above reward for any case Diver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Bick Headache, indigestion. Constipation or Costivenose we cannot cure with Liverata, the Up -to -Date Littfe Liver Pill*, when the directions are strictly complied with. They are purely vege table and never fail to giro satisfaction. 2‘e boxes contain 100 pills, iiic boxes contain 40 pills, 6c boxes contain 16 pills. Beware of sub stitutes and imitations. Sei tbymail. Stamps taken. NKRVITA MEDICAL CO., cor. Clin ton ond J tekson Sts., Chicago. 111. For sale by Brown Drug Cos,. Brunswick, Ga Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digest's what you eat. ItartillciaUy digests the food and aids Nature in strengthening and recon structing the exhausted digestive or gans. It is the latest discovereddigest ant and tonic. No other preparation can approach It in efficiency. It In stantly relievesand permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, Sick Headache, Gaufctalgia Orampsand all other results pf imperfect digestion. Prlcesoc sn<J SI. targe site cent: Ins2l4ttmei small sin?. Hook ala- ooutdyspijis,:, untiled free PreDoi fee 5. C. DeWITT A CC. Chicago. W. J, BUTTS. fl.-ij Liu, IT ILItl fS nothing so ood.'as Chamberlain’*, i'sin Bairn Trv it. For *ale>t Dr. Bishop’s drug store. Mrs. T. Biiddlenian, of Parebaiiville Mich,, was troubled wiib salt rheum for thirteen years and had tried a number of doctors without relief. Af ter two or three applications of Ban ner Halve, her bands brosme better, and in a short time she was entirely cured. ——— - Second hand household furniture bought and sold, also pianos, organs, trunks, mirrors, carpets, e*-9. J. W; Watkins'. Yo san’t afford to eisk yoer life by allowjjMf 1 a oough or a sold te develop Into paeueqjdTeor eonssmplloh Cue Minute Cough Care will cure throat and lung trouble* quicker than an y other prepeyaliee known. Many doctor us* it aka ipesia* fer grippe. It la a. iafallikle ■Hi hr Chlldree like U aad weth ra eiders# Itr W .J. uni tWOH FACE rs your fortune. Throw away Cosmetics. American Women throw aw ay sevonty-fl ve million , dollars annually for fau pow levs,lotions, etc., mo which are m adr cl pots mens islitircr stroy the ski n. To time n bin m ,i Healthy Complexion, get a VIRGIN RUBBER MASK. Restores original contour, permanently re- P,™!’ *’,*, freckles, blackheads, and all oemptoiloualimperfectioas.uu, go-.ante.; V, fltefor peTtlnulars. Price 83.00 by mat Gloves s2.o* and $2,50. VIRGIN RUBBER CO., No West 11th St N. X Brown Drug Cos,, Sole Agts Brunswick, Georgia. GomoTete IS^THbQLINE^CF 1 lilt MS whicker now have on ((exhibition. CAU^^EXAMINE. SIkTAILOR, s tle St. Live iad Mtlo stabler. Vtaaatti Itf.y Tel, 27. Newcastle St 7