The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, December 09, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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8 has been sounded to all kind—success unparalleled in the v /l ( 5 mr/ “ i history of light beverages has every/ where marked the introduction of BjfeA/B V §§■ SOHBMJAN | "I fjgl§ It stands preveminent as the finest §J <^3hl . g bottled beer brewed in America, ’* */ S -md leads all others in annual k* { jj'S N exportations countries, ■?**9 l[W • r n*w,ctf W o.t>h.e '-Vine and Liquor Cos , jiff ■■ To Our Patrons: We always keep in stock all of the standard brands of goods. Headquarters for the finest wine and liquors in the city. Special qualities for medicinal purposes. Our phone is 144*3, and if you need anything in our line, call us up and we will deliver, ftee of charge, all goods bought of ns. Nice pool tables for the use of our customers free of charge. Best line of jc cigars in the city, including “Little Nobles,” “Saratoga” and many others. “Tom and Jerry” prepared in bottles. Try it. Tl —IF=- F=>XKFRI CDFR 200 Monk Street J. MIOUELSON, Manager, TM iuch Expansion JB'or mo. My plants havo grown so large that I have not room for all ot them in my green house. Will sell part or all of them at bargain prices. They must go, and the quicker the bettier I’ll like it. ; C. S. TAIT, ‘JOB Dartmouth St, f licfei ail flfini 1 When the Mqlld( mjio fru.p out w * '**''** * uba **• oi \ 1* liowwstM* to find a brand aaf ji 5 ioh no* ple&aing in ntUM point Tin T'TiIM I li HBrlP Tbofl {rood* are fully maturtKlf JxV'’rl S y Ve * Sue rich body and moiiow *Je Excellent for faulty or any ufio, R- V- DOUGLAS. * *■ 206jBay Street. CHINESE RESTAURANT ESTBLISHEi) 1889. CHI3E HAL, Proprietor You can get the best the market affords by eating here 2IS ORANT ST. Furnishing Our Furnishings this season has Our shirt stock is not excelled Manhattan, Eclipse and Cosmopolitan Both colored and stiff bosom, 7?c to $1.50. The new NECKWEAR just received, consists of Batwing, Narrow Four-in-hands, Puffs and Imperials 26c to $1.50. Gloves, Underwear Collars and Cuffg. LEVY’S. U£ BftUNSWICX 11MES-CALL, DECEMBER 9, iwo HARVEY CASE IS NOT READY . ' f ' ■ I L * - / May Not Be TriiiSat fits Ten of tie Curt- Jtli more than prebaoleHial the case! Harrey ca:e will not too iried at thu Mm at the Superior cort, I Via mu that Solicitor Grtlfral Ben - nejt bps Bit to prepare the. ,& For the state and on thi* ucaount a eoatinitaoce until the May term will be {(ranted. The tie* fend ent le ready. The profit of a fold ntiae depend*, (not oa the amount of roek crashed ander the etampe hat pon the smountol gold wfa-vi can be eitraet od from the roek. la a similar way the raise of food which la eaten doe* aot depend on the natality which It taken tneo the etomeeh but upon the amoaat of nourishment ex Wee ted from U by the organ* of nutrition and digestion When these organ* are dlaeaaed they fall to ex tract the nouriaJinaeot in svOteientquantitiee to eupp’y the needs ot the several organs of the body and tbeae organs cannot work without nourishment. Tlio result it heart trouble, liver trouble and many other ailments. Dr. Pierce's (loldeu Medical Discovery, acting on every or an of thedlgestlreand sutrittsifeaystera, re orea It to healthand rigor. It cures dlEearos remote from the stomach through the stomach la which they originated. Golden Medical Discovery contains jieJUiOrsieoboS nor ear ottos. * TrhtP WILT. REMOVE. ■'% Mr. A. E. War/., the well know* Say glrest ib'ip .'cliandicr, w ill on Jaa ftfi'ry 1 remove foom hi* prekent qiiar tsra into the stor* formerly t-ciipUd );y : Mr. J E. Sheppard 03 Bav gfreet, .The build ihg hat st.n add i<\At> and it now ISO feel in frem Bay ta Whsa cumpleted tbit will he one ol the moat eommod ioue aton oogaeain tbaetty. - FIRST AND FOREMOST In the field of medicine i Hood's war,a pariilu. It possessesactnai and unequalled merit by which ft cutes all diseases caused or promoted by Impure or iipporerished blood. If you have rheumatism, dyspep sia, scrofula or catarrh, you may take Hood's Sarsaparilla and be cured. I t you are run down audfeel weak and tired you may be sure it will doyoagood. The favorite family cathartio is Hood’s ruia, __ E. S. PLjJMB, Practical and §ciHMfi Ilorseshoer. now open. i tiro hnp Oh’ street, botwun) MausfleM and Howe A trial wi‘l convince you that ho kn*w* his business. J. W. Watkins will loan you money on personal prop erty and real estate. , A battle of Prickly Ash Hitlers kep in the house and usd occasionally means Kood health to the whole house hold. w.J. Butts, Stops theiCouflh and works off tls Cold. I.aiaiiTS Bronwi.gnlnloe Tablets cure a sold la one day. No Cure. No Pay. Price is caaw Our Greatest Specialist For 80 yesrs Dr. J. Newton Hath away has ao successfully Ircatedjchronlc diseases that he la acknowledged today !u,* U , nd ak % hcsJ ot k iproioaeion in this line. His exclusive n>ethod of treatment for Vatioocele and Stricture without the aid of knife or cautery oures in 00 per cent, of oU cases. In the treatment of loss of yltal forces nervous disorders, kidney and urinarv oomplaints, raralyala, blood poisoning rheumatism, catarrh and diseases pernl iar to women, he la equally suooese? il- Dr. Hathaway's practice u morethan doable that of snv other specialist Caima pronounced hopeless by other physicians, readily yield to his treat ment. Write him today fully about your case. He makes no charge for consultation or advice, either at hU of. dee or by mail. J. NEWTON HATHAWAY, J|. D. 05 Bryan Street, Savannah, Ga STOCKHOLDERS’ HBBTING. The aonual meeting of the stock' holders of the Brunswick Bank & Trust Company for the purpose of aleellng a board of director*, and transacting any other business that may come before them, Will" be held at the banking rr'ima af -a and company on Tuesday, January 8,1901, Ijetweea the hours of 10 a. m. , and 2p.m. IlovT W, GAtE, (Jaßfcii-r, Wood Wood Wood; King up phone 31 or eall at yard oor* ner Gloucester and Grant streets* . v On exhibition today;„|Large assort meat Boys’ and Girls’ Bsefsrt. Get then now! J, H. Heller Sc Bro. A Meneier iDeril Pisa. EDestroylng its victim, is a type of Consump tion, The power ot this murderous malsdj is >t 'on organs] and nerves and muscles and brain. There]* no health till it’s overcome But Dr. King's New Life t'ille ere esafe and certain cure. Beet la the world for Stomach Direr, Kidneys aßd; Bowels. Only XS cents at all druggist*. jL -4.,., .'-S—r George A. Burnt*, Upper Sandoeky, 0., writes: "1 have been using Fo l*y’a Honey and Tar for boarseuesi, and find it the beet remedy I ever tried. It stopped the eougb immedi mcdiatsty, and srelieved all fiarenea*,” k Frightful Blunder 2 Wit: oftca>scje a lioi-nbio Burn, So}u, cut or Bruise.* Biicklun s .Saive, the best in the wrld,.wHl kill the pain and promptly heel It. OareeOld Swee,*Fever;),,ires, Pleers, Bolls Felon*, Corns, all Skin Eruptions. Best Pile core on ’earth. Only *s ct. a box. Core gear 'sites'!, Sold by all druggist. Bright’s Di*ne. - High living, Iniemperance, expoenre and iuajr other thluga bring oa Bright's disease, Foley’s Kidney Cure will preveut Bright’s dis ease and all Other kidney or bladder disorders tf taken In time. Take'nothing 'else, w. J Butts. Bhair^bluSim””i **!<* and a* Ut hAlr,f •ver Falla ta Hk it frc Gr Kf iV t** H* Towthful Co!--*r. j wffwu % ri V&!r**UoC> wtAfi-'U)*' tLMiO£)~ . At do time Is mao' secure from at taoks of such disorders of tbs stotnaoh a# cholera morbus, cramps aud diar rhoea; blit these complaints are com mon difringf the heated term, when it is largorcus to neglect them. Pain- Killer lee r>'ro;ly thef has pevor fail ed, and thr .** veresf s'tgrks ’.l v* ti-rr cured by it, /* '.-urerTu'e*. is but aws Paio-K'.l?r, IVrry Davis', SW.aud sdc. K- I •* A, •*' ' <•*•aa.uH-r CHRISTMAS Oo.HEa iiCT ONCE A TEAR, But that’s no reseca why you should not eiveyaur stock the b-st of feed t il the time. Cbristssas quality of feed given to year stock all the time it like bread east upon the water—it brings Its sole lerhvo. Play Santa Claus to your ITT# stock every day, by buying their feed here. J. M. BURKETT, FKKD STORE. T.LTOOI^TVy Contractor and Builder, |llO Scrub S tons wait Street. Brunswick, - 0 borgia. THE ONLY BIG SHOW To visit Br ini wick this season NOTHING OLD BUT THE NM 76 Years Catering to American People OUDIJOHN ROBINSON'S 10 Big Shows In One In conjunctioHgWith the grand sublime spectanle of King Solomon and the [Qjueeivof Sheba. Thejnewest, Greatest and Kichest Circus In America coming to fl™** , , ...V, ,■ . ■% c Brunswick, December 12th Great World’s Kxjpsitiou. 4 circuses in one. 2 menage ries in one. 2hippodromes. 1 gigantic museum. 1 grand Biblical truly good shows merged into one. 1000 men, women and children. 200 horses. 60 ponie 30 camels, 2 herds of elephants, 50 cages, 5 brass bands, 20 chariots. The circus features this season, obtained froi/ 1 America and Europe, will startle the world; nothing liki them ever before presented in this country. A recent acquisition, a baby sea in captivity, the only event of that kind that ever ocurred in America , An Algerian cow. the only one ever in America, 3o inches high. A herd of Philippine water buffalos from the island of Luzon, the only ones ever exhibited in Afnerica "aMra'iu'r —„ . x * jgj.yl "•* -V ' ■• v ■" ’’ "V . ■- V .-T' .. # A family of 20 black maned lions, b mammoth snow white polar bears, 6 royal Bengal tigers, Herd of sacred cattle from India. A feature of the street;[parade: 30 camels driven to a 120,000 cnariot’ 40 Shetland ponies harnessed and driven time 1 10Jhandsome f andjcostly [trapsnThe cages and chariots alone m this glittering procession, the only