The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, December 11, 1900, Image 5

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woman’s § life.... I I is hard enough as /t J it is.' It is to her that / ti owe our world, / \\ Bi everything be made as jK*9<n\\ as possihddi for <?/ \ at tite time of W J\ \ This V \ what 7*! sA ' momws (L _ |Ff >r It will make 11 iuy easy a *’ a-..'l v iluout tak- Jmsß''':' ‘irsss ii-io the sys ■■■ simply to be applied to the abdomen. It sens i MKY ■ \ t, '' r. ; ■-.{ Mtfj&w-fTi i ■. ■* ■ V; highly.” K ; '. Got M>Oher^Hߣll|A|P Oruq Store, J s *f I Jgß The Brad field R^PfffffSFxo., ° ATLANTA, GA. Write for our free illustrated book, “Before Baby is Born.” ELI ZISSIMATO, mi Newcastle St,. ill 5i.... v.JIBICM J&AR3 AND T )BACCO p--' All Kinds of Oaniti "Silvir Plate that Wears." _ * * :' L L ' ; u The All Important Subject We know that this is a hard question to solve'', and \ r ai re'a y to help you. There is nothing better, nicer, more lasting • For the Sideboard than JEWELRY and its kindred line*. *'• " Call and see the pretty things already here, the advance guard of the' Xmas provisions. Looking around involves no obligation to purchase; we are glad to have your present praise, we know you #’ buy later. A halt hour in our store will prove a liberal education in the latest phases .ot t e beat ful in art. Isn’t there anything in this line to suit you ? Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry ot all kinds, Sterling and Plated, Flat, Hollow and Novelties = verware, clocks, Cut Glass, Leather Purses, Rich Fans, Gold Pens, French China, Statuary, ry, Opera Glasses, Spetacles, and Eye Glasses, Gold andSilver Headed canes, and Umbrell Lamps, curios Souvenirs, Etc. We are going to sell you our goods at the Very Lowest Prices that good goo sold for anywheres, and at the same time we are going to give you_FK.EE a chance i> Grand Prize r:L *** ii , Ist Prize—Fine Oxidized Silver Clock va.i;d at S4O Drawing from November Ist, to December 31st, 1900 These expensive presents are given away absolutely worth FREE, as a compliment to my customers, Livery pur-- W e give Silverware Stamps, Ask for them. v /J)) chase to the amount of SI,OO entitles you to a ticket FREE, your tickets, v md YOU ARE INVITED TO CAhl AND LOOK. WE WILL GLADLY SHOWYOU m. ■[NEWCASTLE ST. KFNNON MOTT JEWELER .. Mjnswick, cTa. ivi\j i i , graduate op,. ■( f) Time Daily From Washington by wire, Inspector of watches For Southern Railway , . . FEMALE WEAKNESS CURED. I ws troubled with severe femsl* weakness for oyer six month*. I.was treated by six v~ry fcrouiinent tihysi cians, without any tnarfesd behftftt. My last doctor ws* a skilled 6p*otsl ist. sod he told me the only hope lay in an operation. I heard of Smith’s Sure Kidney Core, and if:rr usinx It for one month I find rojeplf cured, and even the doctor who last treated ci now prooottnprs ip® well. ..Mrs, .f. R. favor, Atlanta, (Is. Pnoe 60 cents or silo by all truryi fcq. --. .. . ’* ' v*. — Money loaned on personal property and real estate. Ap ply to J. W. Wat Kin s. • ’-l' : &.' ■ WOOD-Most for the mon ey 1 .. Phone 31. Yard coiner Gloucester and Grant streets After exposure or when you feel a cold coining: on, take Fulsy’s Hor.oy snd Tar. It never fails to cure, and will prevent pneumonia or consump tion if taken id time . Gentlemen like exquisite Neckwear. We bsve some to nnr all tastes - J. H. &'4|er & Bro. TAX NOTICE. Tax-payeisere hereby notified the all taxes due tb*. o : ty of Brunswick, | G-sorfts, for the y*r 1000, were due i .ind payable cn or beTore the first day lof December. 1900. In complian.-e ! Tith the tax ordioar-a's of force, I i .hall at once begin issoirg #ecutiun vs. ell dclicquent sax pV"rs. City Clerk. THE BRUN WICK riMES-CAL DEOEMIIKR 11 It*JO ttcscassa ’’ ' ' *‘s • Rheumatic pains are the cries-of .prolast vn ! liislr'ess from tortured musCtesfachiug . joints .and excited nerves. The blood baa beeu poisoned by the accumulation of waste matter in..'the system, and cau no longer Supply lire pure and: Jicklth suV taip lug food they reqaireo; .T'fie'Wht'te'syStL'tii fecls the eflect of, thlLhSid poison ; and not until tbe blood has purified and brought back to a heaftlty condition will the aches and pabis cease: • Mrs. JatncS Kelt, of 70? Ninth street, N. Tt.,' WasUinston, IT- C., vnritev ■ follows: “A few 'souths ago I t"vthsttucg..of bcuitic Rhtamia ti-im in its \yoUii form Tit*: v was so. yst t psti fefcu I ivc.vne completely jintsv ' t rated. The at beck was 9 a unusual It Severe cue, arttl fW my coudifiOdv wds Legaid- . fX rd very (Linger- mdl CHi*. J I>y, v ILa ■ :>nc cf-Gro mt>t abl doe- V x tot* io Wu.shingtou, who is cuf Die f.ic uTiy of a leading tnedical ;VT>uv-KT college hurc. He told me f o c milaae hU prcscf4pi . ... ■ .'• 1 lioui*and I well. Afitf havffig fc‘fitted ' twelve tin es without the' slightest bewlit, T declined his treAtijxent'aiV longer. Having S. S.^'B.l Swift’s SjKe'ihcL. reeoipiucurWd for Rheumatism, ! decided, almost In despair however, to give the medicine a trial, and .vut I hud taken a Tew bottles l was able to UoM ie rowuud <*n crutches, had very soon there, after hart no use for them at all, S, S. Svhiivlupr cULed mo Senna nud well. A ll the distressing pains have left, me, my nppethe 1148 returned, and 1 am happy to he aguu perfect health. preat vegetable purifier and tonic, h 'S&k tlie Meal in a IJ ri WHimatic troubles. There are no opiates ot minerals in it to disturb the digestion and lead to ruinous habits. We have prepared a special book on Rheumatism which every sufferer ■ from this paiAfui disease should read. It is the most complete and interesting book of thd kind in existence. It will be sent free to any one desiring it. Write our physi cians fully ana freely about your case. W# make no thar#e for medical advice. the swjpt Specific co.. Atlanta, ga. *~—■ —'-ftr*".-’. '.rfr; " • —* ■*■ - 1 t•" •*; SHAKE INTO TOUIt.SEOES. A neu , Foot- Efl*o. a p(wder. Jt cnvcfl nalnfui, Hmartjhg, nervoim feet and IhiiTOYvlag nartß,atd instantly iakob the Btiugout of. eoras ahd bun ions* * t’s the erestoLt comfyrt dteCovery ot the age-. Alien’s'Fevit-KttSO 'BiakeH tight or new chef's W>i t'flßii. it ih • e**rtstr, cure for x\vm<~ ‘.opr, hftt. tSted, adUng feel. Try it UKlsy. Sold hy all druggief* and shoe eturds. By mall ror £>e uiSluOlps. TfWl paekrge Fine. AildiobS AlienQlntsteert. Le Hoy, N r. When yon want prompt acting little pills that never gripe use I>c Witja LUtle i arly Kißert -W. J.ButrW ■' Our Aim is to.give the public perfect satisfaclion for everything bought at our .Pharmacy. The people have bc’-u very generous in giving us> liberal share of theit patrouage for Which favor we shall make efforts to please them Prescription the pieseniptioti department and our geneTal business has grown to such an extent as to demand the soi vices cf a first class assistant. Mr. .Tamerson, who is now with us, comes well recommended and will take pleasure in Serving you in any . , Department Oui- stock is now complete, includihg best lines of Toilet Articles. We handle the best stock of Soaps, from any imported to the cheapest American brands] We can satisfy the most fastidious, in Perfumes, as we carry the most complete assortment to be found