The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, December 11, 1900, Image 8

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XMAS - ... * v . . , •, .1-. ■t •••- ■-■ ■ -- -g— ', • is but a shprt month off apd as it is time to begin looking around for presents, we wish to call your attention to the fact that our new goods are beginning to arrive and we are going to have an exceptionally large and handsome line of .Jewely and Novelties. Don’t Send Away for anything in my line for 1 will guarantee to sell you at the same price and some times less than you can get the same goods away for, and besides saving you all ex* pense, we are here at home where you can reach us should the goods prove unsatis factory. Watch for our special ad next Sunday KENNON MOTT, Jeweler and Graduate Optician; 1B Sewtmlle Street, XcpeoUn' of WtchH for Bonth.rn Railway. Time hj Wire dully from Wauhlngton Coney & Parker DEALERS IN Goal and Wood, Brick, Lime, Cement, Plaster, Hair, Shingles and Laths. Agents for Morris’ Brick, Phone 18 525 Bav St, " .-.ssjim $35.00 Will buy a Ladies’ Chainless Bicycle aa a holiday offering we will include a nice Lau tern and Bell lor same. These make excel lent Christmas present as wo only have a few \ to offer at this price. Don’t delay or you may miss an opportunity that is not often offered. For further information inquire at The Downing* Cos. Holiday Novelties Things of use that will make nice pr-senta for Ohriitniaa Men’s Bath Robes, Fancy Vests, Walking (Jjstnes, Silk Umbrellas, Silk and Linen Initial Hand’kfs, SUk Suspenders, Elegant Neckwear Ladle* Umbrella., Silk Uo^erekirte. Silk Waift*, Handkerchief# and Drettlug Sack* ‘ ——^LEVY’S BiiUNSWIGX TIMKS-CALL. DECEMBER li 1900. <§>o©iekg. BY MART M.S4BH -SIHiUOUUHB. * ** BEAUTY’S fiFICS. V— r*' I Want no utara ttt bunion to guide #. -f *• ■ ■ -£ .’ ' I need uo nun to iblne, , While I bare yua, awe<ttfceon,*l>e,sidf me, WhUel kbow cbdt yon are mi no, T need not (ear wliat *’er beticte me For utralgbt and uweel my pathway liar, l want poatava In heaven to guide me, While lgas-e (a your daar ay -* ■ '■ ■- ' ' l ; : f hear no 6u ill at twilight calling, I ( itch no murib lit Vue atrcauac. While your goldea worde ftref'aUota. While you wlifui*,- > W dfeamj iiiury uound ol Joy eathralling Bpeahu la. your dear voice atoue. While I hear your fond lipv calling, While yon epeek to me, mine own, I want no kingdom where thou art love, I went no throne ta make bleat, Willie within thy tender heart, lore Thou wilt take iny heart to reel. Kings most play a weary part, love Theme# moat ring with mild alertoi, . But the kingdom of my heart, love, ' Lieu within Ufy loving ai tea. SELECTED. A tiJ.l wave of weddioßu ie prtdipi cd tor aoc al Bnm'.wick tbie winter and eariy {spring, In whieff* soma of the moat charming and popular peo ple will take rrlnciDai paru. * • **'- '/ -■" f *- Dr. and Mia K. £ L, Burford and little daughter, Mfls' Lila BarfWß, apeat a delightful tall with relailvea-la Kentucky. Mauy fiieads 61 Mr. Thomas W. Wrench, of Madison, formers qf Brunswick, will be late Muted it know ing that Ire h* f,t>u* to Texas, there he wiil iie’ipto busine, and make his home tot tie pre en'. His brother, Mr. Harry Wrench, who ivtjhl out some time ago, bee met with moat gratify ing success. The Christmas linn*, with its holly and mletletoe and turkey aud fcranbegiy •auce aad bolidavn and Chrtutmas trees usd Santa Claus, stockings and fire works and toys is almost here, and in Brunswick the season promisee to be one of turnsaal pleh ureaad happiness to all. i Many frieads are gUU to know that Alisiea Lilly and Lula Bqrbage expect to spend a part of thin winter io Bruns wick, S.c’al St. Simon promises to hare many obarmieg entertainments during he holidays, at whlob a uambjc of guests from Brnnswiek will 08 present. After spending some t me with hit parents in Atlanta, Mr. Goldsmith Lehman bat returned to Branswiok, where be is welcomed by many friends. O Many friends of Mister Clere Hymaies will bs glad to know that he is one of the brightcsf.'ifld moat popu lar s’uuents at L'cast Grove Institate this year. Miss Lila Stallings has returned from a delightful visit to friends in Kentucky. A wedding wbioh will he one of tha interesting esrly spring events, will bs that of Miss Da’ty Mclntosh and MEW CUfIE CUn9 I have opened anew lit If Oil lit 011111 Shoe Repairing Sfc.'p in the Opera House Building Best Material at the Lowest Prices. Shoes made from the Ground Up, Give me a trial. B. SauErkssig. Mr. Nathan Emanuel, in wbich the beauty and chivalry of social Bnjra wick will take a graceful part, w— Jx* - M>et Rosalie Atwood, of Darien, it .one of Lbe bright pnpils at tbs Normal and Industrial school at MHledg* vlile. Col. W. E. Barhage and > idmily. formerly of Brnnewiok, are cpw pleas antly located in a pre'ty bom* on West Psaontrsy* airset, AUams, . ; —°— Miss Burford, of Kentucky, is spend • iag the winter in Brunswick, the at trsc'ivs gnestof her brother, Dr. It. E. L. Burford, at bit pretty home on Wright’s sfjuarc, where the is rseeiv ing Many charming attentions. ,—Hi-—— ■ '' , Judge and Mrs. K. T. Hitrb are piravaotlv looattd on Houston street, in Atlanta. Many friends are giaiTto know that Miss Hallie Brebitoo will' not retorn to her beautiful home atßrownwood for-tbe holidays, but will remain tn Brunswioh, where she is receiving many oharmiog social aitantions. Mrs. Owena Johnson and little dangh er, Mias Eta Putcam, are spending several weeks at Indian Saving. The many friends of Mrs. A. G. Curtis will be sorry to lsaAt that her mo'her, Mrs. G. W. Gordon, It se riori-lj lil in HriijgeVra’er, Mass. v . Mrs. U. L. Hioe is ill at her home on Gloucester street. ROCK II ILL-T URNER. The following invitation is out: Mrs. Tarner requests the bonouV of your pr-sence at the tnarriage. if "'her daugU'-r, Ruth, to Mk, Havrie Coo is H lekhill, oo Wedots-, day afteruoqo, Deoensher nineteenth, at half pact four o’clock, First Mth olist church, Brunswick, Gsorgia, .-'3 WANTFD-A lady to act as cashier Apply by letter ’Wgjvi a.,.-' ♦ ' only Levy’s ■ jjfe" It’s a gentleman 1 * whiskey, a pure delioious beverage, and a grand appe> tizer. Don’t'forget the name, “L W. Harper” wt;tkej—the kind youv graodfalliqf jtsiril. Sold by T. Newman, ' Brunswick, Ga, Do you lift t “Giber ple‘d M-b**.. f . V? PICKLE TALK. Sweet IMckle. Peaches, jit,-- ,24c Sweat India Chop, Jur ,15c Sweet Mixed Pickk, hwiltV>. . 10c Chili Sau<*r. t>o lie 'J.- Stuff Mangoes pn bulk) German Dfl! fin bu k) Sour Oucumier, n bulk; TRY^ Boromol Tootli Powder. BUTTS, The Druggist, BROWN’ Hot Chocolate and Cold Soda Something Delicious PRESCRIPTIONS Filled accurately. DRUGS Sold cheaper than the cheapest All we want is someone to enquire into the truth ot the above assertion to make a customer of you Perfumes and Toilet Articles in abundance, Call in and make yourself at home Brow Drug Cos. I RUGS | Square; 36 75c and up wards, in latest designs and patterns. Fresh and new goods arriving weekly- See our new 101 l it W. LOOK THE WORLD OVER CREAM OF KENTUCKY Whisky SI.OO PER QUART; $4.00 PER GALLON. NOT MADE.BY£A TRUST* I. Trager A. Cos,, Independent Distillers. Sold in BraudWick by FR. V. ZZD CD l IC3L-A SB , 206 Bay Street. The World Listens When Leaders Talk. This is as true of the Fur niture business as of state craft,jmt ttrally, we *ve have considerable pride in being LEADERS IN ODD DUSINESS, Quite a strong expression, but quit© easily proven—the fur niture and prices to be the evidence, you to be both judge and jury. Come and be con vinced.