The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, December 13, 1900, Image 4

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The Brunswick Times. *#tablihe4 USB. * ' The Brunswick Call. JCutatiluked im The Brunswick Times-Call, COHeOLIDATEI) IWO. FSlJinbed ’ RVKKY MORNING KXCEI*T MON L>Al\ 4WHBK H, UEAVY ‘ - Editor IOUSC A. MULLINS, Bosinass Manager I in Oglrtbory* RlocV,*n T Utrwrt NOTICE. He; eoftcr all legal ad vertke moßts mast be paid for after the first insertion, The management has been put to a great deal of trouble and delay In collecting in the pant, and in future must take advantage of the Georgia law on this subject. JDot. 10, 1900, CHRISTMAS ISSUE. Next Sunday The Times- Call will have a special Christmas edition which will give advertisers a rare op portunity to reach the Christ mas trade. Get your ads ready. Atlanta and her depot hill are having a hard time of It. The wise man goeth and buyeth his Christmas things before the rush begin* nctli, The Atlanta Daily Hews iafast taking its place as one of the Booth’s leading newspapers. It in not often that Brunswick hd a geuulno circus, bnt such was the rase yoste; day. “there Is a vast difference,” observes the Washington Post, “between busi nesslike proceedings, and legislative pi racy,' ’ The officials of Wajcross would not' let the itobic son circus give a parade, for fear that It might ruin the City’s atreete(?) The managemeut returns thanks to Hobson's circus for their courtesy and attention to the Times -Cam. cirou party. Wo will always have a warm plsce in ohr hearts for the cieyer crowd. V, g'Sirg i-..x-i'..' .. tHIHEH BLOOD AND SKIu TROUBLES. Trial Treatment Eye( v Is your blooa pure? Are you sure of It? Do outs or scratches heal slow ly? Dora your skin itch or burn? Hays you Pimples? Eruptions? Aob- Ing bones or baok? Eczema 7 Old Bores? Boils? Scrofula? Rheuma tism? Foul Breath? Catarrh? Are you pale? Then B. B. B. (Botauio Blood Balm) will purify your blood, heal every tore, and give a clear, smooth, healthy skin. Deop-aeated cues, like ulcere, oanoer, eating sores, Painful Swellings, Blood Poison, are quickly cured by Botanio Blood Balm. Cures when all else fails. Thoroughly tested for thirty years. Drug stores, fl per large bottle. Trial treatment free by writing'.BLOOD BALM CO„ Atlanta, Ue. Describe trouble-free medical advice given. Over 8,000 vol untary testimonials of cures by B. B. B. <* CORD WOOD, Large quantity of oak and pine wood 01 band, for prompt delivery. No rotten, storm wood sold by u. ’Phone *4-3 I'l.t'Oi’woaru & Jonkh. mm s. Mr. Louis N, Jones Is spending a week or so I ja Brunswick, before going out on the road again. . Mr. Frederick Pabniwan Will be • sobg the sob ml boys borne for the holidays. Mr, Aaron Has?, formerly of Bruasr Wiejr, now Of New Y-drk.-tshifre.for several days, with odd friends. . i- Mr,'Walter Cosby is,!?peditjg seyefa dsys in Bracawrolr, shaking bands with old friends. . Mr. il- 9. Cate#?-lntT*i .ng IsancpgcF sgeat'Of the Soul lit rh road, wl.b head quarter# in Macon,-Is spending a or two in Brunswick. ‘ Mr. Owens Johnson experts to leityp about Ihe middle of the month/ior At -. lints, where he will Join his wife Srd make his fnfure home, to the regret of many Brunswick frhn Is, . / Mr. N. H. Btrnwsll.of Kvalyhr had as bis guests yesterday and the day before, Mr, J. H. Polhill, Dr. 1 N , Bishop and Mr. Lswi# Beaeb, for s big hunt around his home, where wild hogs, turkeys and ducks are In great numbers, . We have received the agency of a celebrated 10a, pattern fashions ah*etc* fere. J, H. Hsller A Bro. If I Should Tell You j* k That right here id ■ - Brunswick you can JB * A see as ttne a libe ef B boautlfalobooolatos L 'as yon could in New York itself, you would probably be inclined to take my statements “enhi grand sails." But. I would like for you to look in for yourself, just to see wbetbtrl am lying to you or not. You CAD lie eboUt hn you ara going to vote for in ib coming mumolpsl ei>ct,ion, but you cao’t lie ebont our Hoe ohcooistes. Tha wildest apparent exaggeration* shoot them are me r 0 foothills around, the summits of truth. And our prices are about half what snob goods are usually sold for. LLOYD’S, PHONE 355 3 Z (N*xt door to Fleming Jfc Wtrtt) Bargain days, Monday and Tuesday, Decomber 17 and 18, atj, IT. Bi-ller & Bro’s. OperaTouse One Right FRIDAT, DEC. 14th An Ocean of Merriment Without a Lobster In It. Harry Ward? MINSTREL, Manageuont Ward & Morphy. America’s Largest, Granites and Best Minstrel organization, 40—Celkbratei> Artists-- 40 HARRY WARD Thu Next Pre-imcnt op Mi.ssthiimy Burt Gardner, the great Newton. Eddie Doyle, Mullen & Vondcr, The Marvel ous Brigs:*, Decker & Rasch’ The II ar monic (Juartcf?, Prof. Mason’s Solo. Grand Street Parade Reserved scatfl on sale at Butte, the druggist. We have received tbe agency of a celebratid 10c. pattern fashion fbeD, ree. H. Heller A Bra. Wc hive rco?iv#d’the agency o? a oeicl'raled JOo. pattern fashions she*b>, free. J, 11. Heller A Brd. THE BRUNSWICK TIMES-CALL. DECEMBER 13,1908 _State o Georgia—County ol Glynn. --I! 1 ® ® a JPftir eeort of said count j: J. J. Lott and W. K Cox, of *4ld fftte and county, snd J. J. Lewis, of tha staff °* Alabama, respectfully show*:. Tint— That than desire for tlj-m elves, and • uch other aeVsoba as may hereafter be associ ated With them, to he lneorj,orated under the style and nafne oftoeUmt Lewie Company. , Sec(m(J.-Tbe 3>4*ete of said corporation are to bar and sell aifhinds of.articles of genera* merchandise; to do .a wholesale-grocery i.uH nezf; a naval stores.eochmisaton bus-nesf: and to buy and sell turpeutfnG, rosin and nsvst store* generally: and twluijr. Oh 6, lease or dpfflr rate-aheli turpentine privileges or far n, as In lbs opinion of rile ■ board of directors Of sard corporation maybe to tbe interest said corpor ation. ~ • - Third—Tire principal oflkie erf |rutf<l'*eOfpnr tionsball bn in the Lily of Brunswick In said oOunty of Glynn. ' ' - Perlh~TJie csjutal stoek of said'eosperatioa ehsilba tbesuut'of sjventy-flfvo thotisnnd dol iarsi(*jS,oSo);such capital be dirtd-.ti into seven liuart red ami Kftj- shares of the par v-altteotonv hundred doliarK'SiWi eacb, fnat soclrgapitai stock may he paid for in coeds, wares, aasfehandisr. note;*. account-., chosen lit action a-nd other valuables personal or rear property at a value td )*- tlrp.d by the directors of s!a 6otfijsrtipn. They • desir." the i i„'ht upon tlfe.part-of such Corporation to increuee -fttrcll cspwsl stock, Uaa> time to i^,e fc r.; ;, ■ lie •nrVroffTal*Utiud'red and (Hly thousand doilars herqtu named, or J jt.niajoflry of thorn, itiiair bace ttie mitliority yT.iTjtinKt.f4he cit.ikr beretn pirayed ! f,>, tdotjen.root,?, „f std/. ripth.n t,. -thu capr. 4MknMrwie(<t Otkh&m mi after sash sevan Jtuhdjodaiid Afty shares of stuck have Iwun immUHat. .to titHl a ojeoting of sttrh stre':. Sroirdtmr.' written'notice, for the. i.'.Ot *(WWißt?'fSe ciiai ter i,j adeeiiug KuMrjnß'e.aes>n>sb y. ■aTSabthor deWrc to-bureba, >, and hi eefSW asabiUHnsr, ferjbnsl property. iiapriWe v : >*. th-Tbttltte company sligti be k preaklehT. vicc-pre'-idfett'ana aeeie tary anti trkitritrer and Mr-id priK-r oraosra or ageofs sa Ur* stopk li .taeri <>r liMrd of AUeotora triay rleom keeecssrr itttd advisable •tn -illarf.iu duot of their said burla. That thobdhgd or dtrrtetor*shall coiwd.d of iioyttH Oran fere* MeptlWiA not rnfrj..Uwn ivbn. who'sbaJt )k elected iry.ttin aWCk holder* at their ugsbt shiwai mecUnics. Tiii, pre.ideut and other pfe floersaball be electMiny the bcaAl-ei dilWtirs mtfttlh ?#&■ rurckiid'dehaah til hold aenturi meetings in the eilty of Br unswick, said ootlß -fy, st uc!t'td'uS a, may be Used .and prescribed, l.y the board .-rf direct,,i s, At such ftoclUJ'dd ers* shall be eialtT ed to doc fotcior each chare oAchiek !u food etaniUnjfcheld.W,him}, and a, msjofity of tire atooltßlrail otMßttai* a quoruna ,sp ctsi or Halted ntecttogs of the stockholders m*y tie held at Auv ttnie upoii saren days'; written Vie tlcettr each share holder Nihttfc* They, desire taiat tbo board irldirect y(Oik.pcfitiimtnwdsst uitptv* the rlshtand posfet W eoatritot iJO b* cfttitrseiiid with; to ana and beeuo.d: t<> JSiy, splf ud sue,mriier property; to Ijdrrihrpr loan, money aud toyi cuio U'OSame an tire directors may deiln,; to have-ana u*c u cotmtioh AaitJßid generally to hat* all iha >'lihts, lßH/FmA nrlvUegs* granied and given f,iatt#<t*rporafioa uador tlielaweof;lwi*da. ■ I*7 ■ j .ievcnth- tlifteshall he an. indtvldasi ita bnity upon tbo partuf any sharuholiier of aeh corporation flirt her than • such !iiiednt. or anrntintii, aaruay tiedait by. snch -hitreholdera 'i -ci rUi- cr,ii-rt,if,felrf tn he iaoorpcrntmi under #nid usttneJuvlot Th,- bc,t!.-Tc-i* Corop trpfi with ait'.tlfti rtgbW aha p>ivileghs Uereitv prayed f'dplttj for a poriwl of twenty years, sud Vrith the ,<rj ttiaevsl st the oxpiratlda of thftftlaiiß, Apd pstiiiansrs'wUi pray, , . Atfernwait taw'idr i'ettUoiaeKko ! Uoanrla- Giyau Gmoty. : . i pul Lewd* Company was filed ‘ti ths oitlrrs of the t|rf tsungrior otrnrt > f said County on s®. the Ertk dar of OecenthOT, UKin. Willies, my Sa id nnd oßicial aL H. P. t (J IGNON. Clerk sup riorOonttUlwan tkruaty, Ga. *aw~ -- ■ fmm tha tua*y bskn’lfut fanrdrl* in our display of TRIMMED HATS then ascertain tbe price. It wilt be less than you think the hat ir worth. Our milliner* got the inspiration from ex pensive French models, but tbe mate rial and workmanship are American therefore m ;oh eheajer. but nnnotb* ess good and artistic HISS KATE SLATER, Opera House. ALL THE WEEK, (Except Thursday ) Cmil Min Dec. IT Brunswick* Havorite ~ | MABEL PAIGE, • ANl> Til® —• SOUTHERN STOCK COMPANY. SPARKLING SPEiTAbI'IES EVERYTHING TO PLEASE. MATIHF.ES WEDNESDAY & SATURDAY Prices 10, 20 and 30c. CHEAP ADYEBTISING. CASH IN ADVANCE Ad vertiaements in this Column wlllbefnccrt ed at the uniform rate ol Ona Cent a Word for esoh insertion. No advertisement, however maU, less than so cent?. Cash in advaaop. FOB BALE-*Two gentle Dorses. Aplly to tbe dairy, '' FOB RENT.— Unfurnished rooms, with use of noth, af 706 G strfe;..- WANTEI>—I bree or Jour boarder# by privaie famii/. Tab’e s’.rlctly Am class. Apply at thin fftc s t charm--diamonds aid rubies'. Liberal reward will be paid ibis tffioe,.- . ■.....■Vj , , ... FACTORY siiilfog ipills, facto.isr anil general trade oftreFliße a com- U A) men, "Factory,” Bjx 1371, New York. . IOBRENT.--Tnrt(? rooms upsta.rr, 0- fiur rooms down srairi, Partly iMrnlsbe?.-' .Altai* up town. “X,” oare Trmee-Call, ‘ —r—, —*-—u Morphine, opium, laudanum,coeoaln® babit; myself cuted. will inform you ol harmless, permanent home cure. Mary fcj. Baldwin, box 1212, Cblcagio. : Hustling young man can make S6O Her month and expenaee, Permanent position. Experience unnecessary. Write <yik for particular#, Clark A Co*, 4tE A Locus Streets. Pbiladel pbia, Pa. .v'. - t _, ...i— tevcfe-'csT WANTED-MALE. Manager.—Old established mercan bouea wsnts iionest, capable man to manage bajkch. Salary sl2saontb, extra eommiaalgfiie. Na atoßoitrug re quited, buttawpl lAke direc tion and b* itkfftions. God refer ences snd |B!,tofrtl!M-qirired. enoa as msnager not nocissarj,Nf qualified mother respeett. nity,” Drawer 74, New 6tvpn, Ciooo, . FOB SAtjiftS*—BU LLEK’S ISLAND. — Tbie well-known plantation, sit uated m the Altas|iata river, opp-sit# Dir) -a. onritainlp# under bang; also, summer v&itdence on the salts, .yvttb snsall 4 hoee, Hire mile# from Da rien, containing 17 acres. Price for For further particulars, apply to Mr. B T. Sinclair, Dariew, Metatosb county, Ga. FOR SALK-IJTTI.E ST. dt VOX’S IsLAJH>, containing 0 000 acre* G(” (i ram-' prefervo -dee*, and, k*,eto btisiih-* u<*t fishioj; eh trie enn.t. w ! b Land bt aeh of *ovxei tolks iu extent; Ext# lent cy t-r bsi* Prlo*. $20,090. Abo, Canon’# peUif, 90 GreTt St. Simon’# Island, about 580 acre*, direolly St* Si* moo’s I*l#nd. foundations for anew bouse.4pe<,.t<ropfr , y is sixty milrs from fourteen miles from Brunswick, with both of which plaots there is daily connection by steamer, it is on the Island next to Jekyl, and suitable in every respeet for a hunting a 13d fishing olab. Price, SIO,OOO, For further psrtisnlarr, apply M r. J anjes T Dent, Evrlyn, Glynn oounty, Georgia. , '-.i,' ‘ •' -i nr iS'n i, TV. t— | | ~ j E. R. BAKER, Dentist. Special Attention to Crown * and bridge work *. Office: 5022 Grlou’ster St. AL... i.-JgA'l.'.,J.■jg.'-'gL■■ ■ !.■_ ■ L' For Asthma use CHE NEY’S EXPECTORANT: notice Of nay: GEORGIA-Oh-no County. t will led before the court hou-e door of and county, to tbe highest Mdder for eah, wilhin the leirsl hour* or aie on the Sind day of Decent her, USie, the !<ri|taatiae “Pablo." and all the taeklo, rtgßln* and Ml ajipm tenanen, aud two ■tuolt boats. sold brigantine lylug in the portir Krr.nendck,in -aid countv. and In Oitleiborn lisy therein, the cargo now aboard said v#e)l to lie removed at tbo chaitereCt coat, and ns Id tale to lie free of any charter, party or eon tract of affreightment; mid sate loin* had in Surananceof an order granted by Hl* Honor, • Spiuka, .indite of tb* city Court of Bruns wick, Georgia, on the sih of December, 1809, to tatlofy nu fttiaibimm' pending in .tid court in favor of Benito Psdroe.i ajrninst Pnbio Gon * vice. This December s IMX>. W 11. HKKRIK, Sheriff Gb un comity, Georgia. This is the season when mother* ate os. roc .unt of croup. It is quickly cured by Or.e Minute Cough Cure, which ch<tLa lit t,, take. W. J. Bulls. I Fancy can crop peanuts, fr-abilj lro*t*d nd the bi s-you ever tried I | at LbiyaV ’Pbone 3(16-0j: CASTORIA The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been in use for over 30 year:q has borne the .signature of _ ■ .it. and has been made under his per {j£. <f. * superktskin since its infaiK-y. L Allnw no one to deceive you in tills. All CouiUerfeits, Imitations and “Jnst-as-good” are but -.JKxpei imciits tliat trifle with and endanger the health of ‘lulull and Children—E.vperJeuce against Eiperimeiit. What is CASTORIA CJastoria is a harmless substitute for Castor OH, Pare goric. Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant*, It contains neither Opium, Slorphine nor other Nuruotie substance. Usage is its guarantee. It destroy* Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colie. Hretteves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatirtqucy. It assimilates the. Food, regulates the Stomach unt! lioivels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children’s Panacea—The Mother’s FriaL GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Mb Kind You Have Always Bought Sn Use For Over 30 Years. TH* etTw aoww>N*. rv vkt. ncw yosh errv- Durino * N, | December j Our *tor# will be open until 8 o’clock p. m. Space doeg’at permit us go into detail# as to ; " oar magulficctt #tock of'goods, it would take ti 'T&mm..- ■*- ykj'?''- t’ 1 * * page*. All we ask is to pay us and It wilt fully pay you 10 go to thut much trouble, t?r will be sstounlod at the revelation . . , ;*• " WTi : When in search of a wedding present you ‘ ' will find what you want atfour store. H. M. MILLED & SON. Mr, Otto Aruheirter had the misfor tune to be thrown from bis buggy near hanover park on Wednesday sod re celved several serious ir juries. The Ladies Your attlection is called to our elegant assortment of Fur Collarettes, Fur and Cloth Capes Golf Capes, Flannel Waists, Silk Waists, Walking and Regular Length Skirts, Silk *nd Sat teen Underskirts Not the Oieai* kind but tbe Good kind CIIEAI'. -* Ship Notice. Neither the'master, owners or con signees of the British bark Reform will be responsible for any debta con traded by the crew of said bark. Ross, Master.