The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, December 13, 1900, Image 5

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WOMAN IS LIKE A DELICATE ggfp. MUSICAL UtSTRUMEMT ‘‘Si good condition she is sweet and lovable, HK|fng life’s song on a Joyful harmonious |Bag- Out of order or unstrung, there is Sißcordance and unhappiness. Just as there Vis one key note to all music so there is one key k note to health. A woman might as welltry to fly without wings as to feel well and Ipok well while the organs that make her a woman are weak or diseased. She must be healthy inside or she c'an’t I>e healthy outside. There: are thousands of women suffering silently all over the country. Mistaken modesty urges their silence. While there Is nothing m<jre admirable than a modest,woman, health is 1 of the first importance. Every other con | sideration should give v,-ay ; before it. Brad field's Female Regulator i3 a medicine fot -women’s i ___ v.'Omb, nervous. V' l 3 1 'V | wHMje' astotttshed' '|| ' called remedies. jj We are not asking \ jt SSSIT^f youlotryanuncer happy thousands of A jjMMWbA Said in drug stores ||jy jjGjßi&£h till BltVDllf lO tl GU AIORCO. jQy ELI ZISSIMATO, 302s Newcastle St, Eoreipn oim:... CIGARS AN ) TOBACCO All Kinds of Candy "Silver fair that Hearn." . , . - The All Important Subject ,s the One of Christmas Presents, We know that this is. J|ard question to solve, and we are ready “'t' to help you. There-frothing better, nicer, more appreciated omioie -lasting* for the Sideboard than JEWELRY and its kindred lines. FP - g Call and see the pretty things already here, the advartte gqard pj>Jw'‘Xmas provisions. Looking around involves no obligation to purchase; we are glad to'have your present praise, we know you win buy later. A halt hour in our store will prove a liberal education in the latest phases of tie beauti ful in art. Isn’t there anything in this line to suit you? Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry of all kinds, Sterling and Plated, Flat, Hollow and Novelties in Sil verware, clocks, Cut Glass, Leather Purses, Rich Fans, Gold Pens, French China, Statuary, Potte ry, Opera Glasses, Spetacles, and Eye Glasses, Gold andSilver Headed canes, and Umbrellas, Fine Lamps, curios Souvenirs, Etc. We are going to sell you our goods at the Very Lowest Prices that good goods can be sold for anywheres, and at the same time we are going to give you FREE a chance in the 'Grand Prize Gift, WAr V' ii f lst i>rize ~“Fine Oxidized Silver Clock va.j*d at S4O Drawing from November Ist, to December 31st, 1900 2nd Prize—A pair of fine large Vases valued at sl6. FREE—A handsome calendar to all who purchase $lO xSslj These expensive presents are given away absolutely worth FREE, as a compliment to my customers, Every pur- V\ e give Silverware Stamps, Ask for them, and also v /J)) chase to the amount of SI,OO entitles you to a ticket FREE, your tickets, ' YOU ARE INVITED TO CAfeL AND LOOK. WE WILL GLADLY SHOWYOU AROUND 215 NEWCASTLE ST. KCW IVI f\ (VI MOTT JEWELER AND BRUNSWfCK, GA. iT ■ IV!V-/ II , GRADUATE OPTICIAN Time Daily From Washington by wire, Inspector of watches For Southern Railway ‘ \ >•/ ' FEMALE WEAKNESS CURED. Ith troubled with severe female weakness for over six monfbe. 1 was treated by six vtry prominent pbyai eiaup, without any marked benefit. Mj Let doctor wss a sklfted spooial ist, and be told me the onr hope iaj in an operation, t heard Yl Smith’s Sure Kfd ley Cure, ; and after using It for oaa'niooth I fled myself cured, and even the doctor who last, treated me, no w proqonpces me well. Mrs. .1. R. Paver, Atlanta, Gs. Pnoe 80 cents, or i lie h’y at 1 lru < gnt<. . Money loaned on personal property arid real estate. Ap* ply to J. W- Wat Kins. WGOD-Most for the mon ey;. Phone 3H Yard corner Gloucester and Grant streets After exposure or when you feel a cold coming on, take Foley’* Honey and Tar. It never fails to cure, and will prevent pneumonia or consump tion if taken in time . Stops the’Cough an J works off tbs Cold. L**Uvoßroino.<3tnlne Tablets core a cold in one day. Ho Cure, No Tuy. rrioo }.5 cents TAX NOTICE. Tax-payers are hereby notified tbs all taxes due the o ! ty of Brunswick, Gsorgia, for the year 1900, were due and payable on or before the first day of U;*oeuib:r. 1900. fn compliance wilh the tax ordinaoses of force, 1 shall at once begin iaauing executions vs. ail delittjaent ssx payers. ' ~ City Clerk, ... THE BRUN WICK riMES-OAL DECEMBER 13 UJQ No External Symptoms, •- .A*-;r .W- **•>. - ? . The blood may bc|a -bad coodUimt, jret .with no external signs, jjo skin eruption or sores to indicate it. The such cases being a variable appetite poor "digestion, an indescribable weakness and nervousness, lossoT, flesh and a general wu-down condition of the system —ejesariy-showing the blooAihaS lost ifcstluSyitive'qualities, has become tfehj and water}-'. - It is in just such cases that S. S. 5. lusj dbue some of its quickest and most sSoctive work by building up'-the blood ail Supplying the elements lacking to make it strong and vigorous. <■ ‘ '‘ My wife used st-v --oral bottles of S, B, S. as a blood purifier and ’ firw -Bjfl , 1 to tone tin a weak arid emaciaU’i'system,with . \ very marked effect by way cf improvement. "Vie regard it a great tonic an 1 Mood Princeton, kin. ’ |f : % the greatest of all Wk tonics, and you will k/Wi fi fid the appetite im 'Ms' proves at once, strength returns, and nervousness vanishes as new rich pure blood once more circulates through all parts of the system. S. S. S. is the only purely vegetable blood purifier known. It contains no min erals whatever. Send for our free book on blood and skin diseases and write our physicians for any information or advice Wanted. No charge for medical advice. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO.. ATLANTA, GA. ■’ ' SHAKE IHT6 YOUKJ3HOES. Allcii’s Foot.- Karo, a yfwder. U eunnwinim. smarting, nervous reStruM ittwoWltuf^altc,:ind ißMnuMy faxoa itaa.tiajro'itqr c-irnu aiM bun ions. •Ttts K ay w at.-A dw-erinr' of the te shoe etores. j sc-, ‘- • , ■When you wont prompt tt -tatij; little pjlh that never gi llie use tro Htf* I ittle l Rrls Uisew. W. ,I.Putts. - , OHr Airn iti fo give the public iierfeot bntiYfaction boaglvt at u i-• l.Li Bnn The people have berni very Onerous in' g-ivTng libui-al. sliani of tlieit patronage;for Prescription Ihe prescription department and our general business has grown to such an extent as to demand the .services of a first class assistant. Mr. “.Tamerson, who is now- with us comes well recommended and will take pleasure in serving you in any Department Our stock is now complete, includihgbest lines of Toilet Articles. We handle the best stock of Soaps, from any imported to the'qheapest American brands] We can satisfy y>.„ll.n,<i.Mm.m m mm, m——■ m f