The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, December 13, 1900, Image 6

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WINE OF CARDU! HEALTHY OLD AGE, L**c, Bmrro* Cos. Ax,, An*. 4. W (L.V Imm 4# yexr* old msd hmte bn snßerihg With , aJJAUZ. ■ Changed Life, 1 bad flooding *peils *o bad that A Vine thought l coutd live. Mr husband got o* KlAl In* of Cards! and it u4m lit*- DfflUli Of \T ' W Mother person inc* tarttia* it. \ w MBS. B B. TOWNSEND. Hjfl) Wnel&m" 1 ks&d It IS the devout wish of nearly aD people to Hve to * rip* old age. None of us want to die young. This universal desire can be realiied tf care be taken of the health ta early and middle lift A little precaution then wUI add many years to our existence. Death can be ted away * long time. Happy, healthy old are will be the lot of the woman who promptly corrects the ailments which afflict her sex. In youth, Wine of Cardul will ~v. the female child safely over the dividing line between girlhood and womanhood. Asa wife she needs tt to help her through the trials of pregnancy and childbirth with as little discomfort a possible. At the Change of Life It will help her over the dangerous place that appears In her pathway between 40 and 5a Then will come many years of truly blissful existence She will grow old slow ly and gracefully. To the last the will preserve that charm and beauty which are always chvactertstle _ of perfectly healthy grandmothers. UIIU* asviseat ° r • rorn! In w, r.qawn, nn*l whether they Win be healthy or ■BftlCtHS CO, Chattanooga, Tenn. DCSS IS CK)Sf St tUDO. * LARGE BOTTLES OP WISE OF CARDU! SOLD FOR Sf.OO BY DRUGGISTS. WINE OF CARDU! J. MICHELSON, Mgr, HT—IF=- RARL.OR 200 Monk Street I invite my friends and the public generally to call and intpeot oar itock of Wines and Liquors. We alwny* carry following standard brand* of Whiekey,——- Lewis’ 66, Canadian Club, Paul Jones, Imported Scotch Whiskies, The Duke of Cumberlahd, And uali brands aa are needed for medical purpoerr. Alao all the different high grades of cordial*. TOJVI and JERK it prepared for use in quart bottles. Hudweiser, and Schlit/* in bottles, Acme Always Pt-esh on Draught. l Full line of the best 5c Cigars in the city, including Lit tle Nobles, Saratoga and other leading brands. PHONE HI 3 GOODS DKLIVERLD FREE TOO Much Expansion For me. My plants have grown so Urge that I have not room for all ot them iu my green bouse. Will sell part or all of them at bargain prices. They must go, ana- the - qurcker the bettier I’ll like It. C:\y. ATf^9fl3 v Dartmouth St. m\} ARE.YOUFEELINC BADLY? 0 ► PRICKLY ASH BITTERA ◄ B* wslC cure you* ** M CHIN BSE RESTAURANT EBTBLISHED 1889. CHI3E HAL, Proprietor You can get the best the market affords by eating here 215 grant st. Furnishing: Goods. . . . Our assortment of Men’s Furnishings this season has eclipsed all forinerefforts* Our shirt stock is not excelled by any ’. Manhattan, Eclipse and Cosmopolitan Both colored and stiff bosom, 75c to $1.50. The new NECKWEAR just received, consists of Batwing, Narrow Four-in-hands, Tuffs and Imperials 25c to $1.50* Gloves, Underwear Collars and Cuffs. LEVY’S. AME BRUNSWICK 11MES-CALL. DECEMBER U. IWO SHIPPING REPORT OarrMteil Daily by Oapt. Cite Johaisasen Port of Brasswiek, Dee. 12, 1900. AXBIVEB. ? -', \*" "'f ' , ' V *“ ' •Steamer Nsvahoe, Johnsdn, BoMOiv. via Ports. ' Sc’*'r. Howard B. Peck, March all, Bridgeport. Sct.r. C. Andernon, lUrris, New York. CLXaKKO Bark Borghild Born, Eriksen, Br.e tel. Schr. Celia F. Lord Norwich. BAILIB. Stermer lncemore, Walker, Man ohestr r. Bargain day*, Monday and Tuesday, December 17 and 18, at J. H. Holler & Bra’i. ■;; t j V- ;V The profit of agold mine depend*, [not on the amount of reek hruxfcvd under the iwnpi out pon the amount of geld wbieh ean be oxtraot ed from the rook, in aaimilar way the value of food which ts eaten doe. not depend on the [juantlty which tatekeo Into the stomach hat upon the amount of nouiiehment exaraotod from It by theorgantd nutrition and digestion When these organs aredlseaseu tbyf*ts to ax tract the ooinietimeot ln eufflolent quAiitltle* to supply the need* 0 f the several orieta of the body and these organs cannot work without j nourishment. The result la heart trouble,liver trouble and many other allmeattf, o'g tierce’s Oeidtiß Medical Dlseovery, acting aaiftpyoia. uU of the digestive sad nutritive system, rer. ore* it W health and. vigor. It ewWrpftavcg' rein ie now. the atomach through the stomach In which they originated. Golden Olieovery eontatus umber nicouol war najjjgj otie*. r T Do you need “Other Peo- i Bargain day*, Mond*y and Tumclgji, December 17 and 18, at J. H. Il.ilef 5 4 Bra*#,' ; V".c*l V C*U Sweated Specialist . :T? ' For 20 year# Dp. fif* Newton fifth awy ha* bo HM&atfhUF treaVedeb ruble disease* that he Is *ckn ;oda to stand at the head of h iprofession in this line. His exclusive method of treatment for Varicocele ac’a Strict are without the aid of knife or cautery edree in 90 per cent, of all case*. In the Utsiunent of ,los of vital forces aervous disorder*, kidney add urijuary complaints, rarSlyaiA blood polsonlntf, rheumatism, caUrrh and diseaae* pecul iar to women, ho is equally successful' Dr. Hathaway’* practice u more than doobiu that’ of any other specially. Cate* pronounced hopeleaa by other physicians, readily yield to hi* treat ment. Write him today fully about your case, lie make* no charge for consultation or advice, either at hi* of fice or by mail. J. NEWTON HATHAWAY, M. D. 86 Bryan Street, Savannah, 0a Bargain days, Moods? and Tjiej # y ( December 17. and l.'tT'J.'H Heller Petition for Charter. GEORGI <\~{Stvnn County. To 111.* Kunmdoi Court at Ulynn county nod to tuc ilottoisld* .!o.W. Bonnett, Judge ln.r.of. The petition ot Kdwnrtl iiom, 1,. H. l'avi, M, . I. Conyers and Alexander Hum. re •psctrclly show,: 1. i'nat thi>y nd such other* a, may hereaf ter ha aaaoolated with them, desire lobe inoor oonttM), and <‘iit At a ’*Mi, politks. under tuo laws of the State f Gwtnt with t’.p name, and for the purposes and utdaeta imd exercise 1 the rights and power-as follow.: 1 The nan,a of *ul corporation to l. “Tbo Mutual Iviievoltmt Association of Brunswick. Georgis," tty wtt eli naim- it shall bo know* contract and be ooatraeted with, sue ami bo sued. a. That aaid corporation shall exlrt for twenty (20) years from the date of incorpora tion, and they desire the right of renewal at the expiration thereof. t. The principal place of business to be Brunswick, Geurgts, Wynn county, with the right to cstahllsh branch offices in other places 111 Georgia, by illiection of the Board of X>i rt-utof'. i. Thlaeoi noratinn to lie entirely a mutual association. shall bare no card is 1 stock, but will derive 'he fuuds for iflt)iug beuetiw and defraying expensed from tho fees, dues and assessments of its members. #. Thu older;* and hn.v.ness of ssid associa tion to be: (a; do pay weekly bcr -fltu to its member* lac use of sickness, accident or per lonal Injijjlteß. rendering such members onabtt to perlnfm their usual avocation; ib! to pay a funeral or Math benefit upon (he death or each member of *4ld association, 1. bald osnlntton to have the follow leg powers) Tiro right to have a corporate seat, to msko by-laws, to prescribe In .salt by lows ti c plaeaofmeeting of satd association thru be held to name the ofiloera of said asatelation, for terms ot office add compensation to lie paid them, to proriee tor a board of -lucetom to control the business, to issue policies to mem ber*, to provide the amount of sick,acoldont and death tone lit-, and to make rules to pay tho same, and to do all things that are nocee-ary to nroperly control the business of sell associa tion, and the sutbonty to exercise all powers Incident to private corporations, as prescribed by law. Wherefore, petitioners pray that they may bo moorp, rated, with their associates, under the name uforasald for tho period and the pur poses named, and with the rights, power* and privileges iuskod tor, and they will ever pray, KRNKBT DART, Attorney for Petition GEORGIA—GIynn Connty, I hereby oertify that the above application lor •barter for ••The Mnlonl benevolent AseoeU tlon of Brunswick, Geotgia” wae filed in oft re this VSth day of November, A, O. 1900, H. g. DrBIGOX, Clerk Superior Court, Glynnconuty, lit. STOCKHOLDERS’ MEETING. The annual meeting of the stock holders of the Brunswick Bank & Trust Company for the purpose of sleeting a board of directors, and transacting any other business that may come before them, will be held at the banking rooms of sad company on Tuesday, January 8,1901, between the hours of lOas-tn., and 2p. m. Hoyt W, Gale, Cashier. Wood Wood Wood. King up phone 31 or oall at yard oor oer Gloucester and Grant streets- On exhibition today :*j|Large assort ment Boys’ and Girls’ Reefers. Get them now! J, H. Heller & Bro. m A Monstertf)evil Fish] Ueatroylßg IU victim, is a type ot Coneump. Mon. The power of this murderoua malady i* ult ton organs! and nerve* and muscles and brain. There)* no health MII it’e overcome lint Dr. King’* Mew Life i’UU are a safe and certain cure. Beet in the world for Stomach Liver, Kidney* and) Bowel*. Only 25 cent* at an druggist!. George A. Point*, Upper Ssnduaky, .0., writes: “1 have been using Fo iey’a Honey and Tar for boarsenete, 'I&4 |d it Use .best reinfuy I ever Hb-d. _lt atoM4>ed the cough itamedi '®t’di*tly,. 8 all •drene**.’’ —- Will Wwie-SuTn, Sbaid, Cut or Brui-e.* StKWsn’* Afwei tSive, the test In the woiW.wiH kUt tlie pain *a# promptly heal it. Cores Old teorw,' Fever.Sore*. Clccre, Boil* tl!irr, t'oroe, Beet nio. ware on Seartfi. ot*. a ho*. Cnre guar ilitti, Soi lby all druggi*!. - vk’ Sight's Di*rs, Klgh llrtug, lntoroiran*w. exposure and many other'thing* hrlifg efti Bright’* disease. Joley’s Kidney Cnre will prerent bright’s dl eaee and all other kidney or bladder diaoniera if tahenin time. Takol noUjingJtlse. W. J ■KP’SfM PARKER 1 ? ) smmrn hair balsam BBiBME JBCvhw u. 4 tbe nuir.; rtotne-lPS*lu*l.rn> ! fcyowth *^BNf v * r K(M 2tMV>r <}r*v Pdra3g ; v4OQ HAir tAv n* vonthfui coia , hti i-i-u f >a;M!ri.!i hi’ j *w!fSlL_3 “T At T>o‘jpse is my secure from t -taeks of Aioii <3ioij e rs of th stomach as cbajUraworJas, cramp* and diur rhoeh: fcw : t * V -,, 8S complit nt* eoa mo® sSi|tbe tienteil ferns , when it l*Atip*rt>t7?#<j neg'eet -Bain. Killer is a remedy that **W> it fail ! and, and (lie <rVTa cowd by it. Avoid eubstituiM; There is but on* Paio-Ktllrr, Parry &**)’. 25c . and 600. CURISPMAS COMES BUT ONCE A TEAK, But tbai’s no raaacn by job ghottld not gif# jour stock the best of feed all the time, Christmas quality of feed jjiyen to ycur stock all tbe time i* like bread cast upon the water—it brings Its sure return. Day Santa Claus to your lire stock every day, by buying tbetr feed here. J. M. BURNETT, FBKD STORE. tTpool, Contractor and Builder, # • |ll® South Stoadwall Street. Bbokstwiok, - Giohoia Advertisers j j LWAYS P PR EC I ATE § f\E APING f:\Jj KICH F IIETURNS AMO THAT IS EGULAR ETURNS / By Advertisers Who Ose These Colonic JuLntiiyJwi Jsaatit; .ki 10] is Misers And We Give Both *-. WE GUARANTEE TO GIVE SATISFACTION IN JOB WORK. ENVELOPESr LETTER HEADS, - • BILL HEADS, SHIPPING TAGS, ETC., .T When you canget them at home for the same price andibeside3 you save the cost of freight and drayage. OUR PHONE IS 31, and a message will receive prompt attention. We don’t mind calling an talking the matter over and giving you our estimates, m and if we fail to get your order th?£jjSf® r -• * . not yours. 4 ■ * ALL m lANT IS A TRIAL. ’ Times^Call, 206 and 208 GUoueester Street. # PLANT SYSTEMg i’ArfSRNuKK DKPARTM KKT, 'f. r feaXTT i>‘WN ' ~~~ " ~"''hSaUTcp -^ ...... So m wo w . Time iabi© no.n No.t*i BbEf tgestiv* 1 ... . ".V.VIsC. Passenger Mixed I'aseenger Mixed M| 1 Daily. Dailr, Ullllliril.— Bally- Dally.’ 1 ’ , . 00 am.... S<Spm... lv hrnnasnek eoipm..,. ..... Uam ... soopm... ar Waycrvse lv tlSPin . 7 30. in tio JOam... 10 IS pm... lv Waycrose ar toopm-.. a tSsrn .- !Utpaa... Stiam... ar Tifton iv iSOpm.... * Uam l* tit pm... 104 am.. lv TUtson ar ill to pat.-.. ii-tOam.. ar favaweah lv ttoaa ;.i 41 via... gaarn... ar OBarlostnn lv It 19pm ill ,K!*m... ill) 90 pm... ar Jarir.onvUl* lv J(pm.... S Warn ...: peaepm J ar Tamp* lv suop. Via waycross a montqomep.t. '* oe am... 11 42pm tlv Brunswick a- 5"0 pm... 10 00 a m >.. it to pm.. 8 at Montgomery Is 7 45 pm ...........iif 96* in... U 59 am... *i Itirauagham bv ... 4 05 i,m... . a man... flopin... ar Sator.lle is 9 00 am !\. .: If 6 l 0 am.., ar iuutsvUle lv [ 2is am t t*pt 7 05 am... nr Cincinnati 1| 1100 pm ....... ...... i VIA SAVANNAH and charleston. ' cuoam. 545 pm ..IS Brunswick Ar r fibOpm 10bo am 77~77Z77! 2Sam.. 7 25pm.. Ar Richmond Lr | ... uO6 am BETWEEN BRUNSWICK AND SAVANNAH VIA JKSUP. * * 640 am .T 905 pn, .j lv Hjanswick ar I SKpra 10 15 am.. lllOta ai davanrsh _ lv_J_ pm Dlreai aonneotiou made at Warcroaa .with Pullman Sleeping SetweenlPort Tanpa. Ksy West and Havana. GOIXO. [ RSTTCRNING Lv Port Tampa 11 00 pm Mon. Thurs. Sat. Ar Port Tampa 2 80 am Thur. Sun. and Taea. Ar Key Wtxt 2 00 pm Tues. Frl. Son Lr Key West 10 OOp. m. Wed. Sat. and M0a..... Lv Key Wet 9 0# pm Tues. PTi. Buuilay. Ar Key Weal 9 00 pm Wed. Sss. and M0a...... Ax Havana 5 uOam Wed. Sat Mon., Lr Havana 2 SO pm Wed. Sal. and Mc*„.... E. S. PLUMB, Practical and Scientific Horseshoer. • NOW OPEN, ioltbe shop or Oglethorpe street, ~ between Mansfield and Howe. ▲ trial will convince yon that be kngwi _ 3hl* business. J. W, Watkins will loan you money on personal prop erty and real estat^ A bottle of Prickly Ash the bouse and used cicasicaaß means good health to tbe whole bold. W.J. Bette,