The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, December 14, 1900, Image 1

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THE BRUNSWICK TIMES-CALL. VOLUME XI. NUMBER 9t*. STATE IS MAKING STRONG r CASE AGAINST GRIFFIN U~ J! Witnesses Are Sending to the G-aUows • TEE TESTIMONY •# VERY DAMAGING Looks Like He Will Be Convicted Rum Mill The Man Sitß In Cos art As Cool As if Nothing Had Happened. I The case of Trlcy Griffin, charged with the murder of jConduotor Marlon L Latimer, is now we}l under way in the Buperior court, and it now looks as if it will bo finished today. The following is the list of the jar* or*: C. F. Jeffers, Clifford Potto}!, W. H. Bowen, G. R. Krauae, C. Morgan, T. V& Lamb, J. H . Taakersley, A. S. • Dearer, R. M. McLaughlin, J. J. Tickers, J, E, Dubberly, L. A. Roberta. The witnesses who testified yester day made the ease look serious for the prisoner. In his statement Griffin said he was In Brunswick the day of the and told of several parties • whom be saw and talked with. Every ope he named Bwore that they had seen him but after the arrival of the Everett City short. One said, 'Tricy came to my house about seven o’clock and left a bundle of clothes and a pistol,” The witness then described the weapon of death and it is the same gun secured from the home of the prisoner’s mother at Way cross. , Every witness Introduced by the de fence gave equally as damaging testi mony and there la little doubt bat that the man will r>e convicted. Messrs. Scarlett and Connoley, the detectives who captured Grlfflo, hare a case made out against him which is to their credit and skill. They have the prisoner traced from the minute he r*aade the or kill conductor” he was caught at the saw mill near Way cross, and his own witnesses are being used to refute his alibi contenlions. Col. W. E. Kay and Solicitor Gens! oral Bennett are the prosecuting at torneys, while Judge Boling Wbit floldand Col, Ernest Dart represent the defence^ A gentlemen who is closely connected .Kith the oase told a reporter yesterday that the worst testimony for the er Is yet to oome, and that the develop- Htiate in the case todar will convince HHP that Griffin is the man who foully Spidered Conductor Mai ion Latimer. MABEL PAIGE. Brunswick's Favorite Will Hold Forth All of Next Week. All next week, except Thursday, Mabel Paige and the Southern Stock Company will occupy the theatre, no worn out coelo-dramae or rehashed edi tions or Ume-worn plays are to be found in the large repertoire of this company, but Instead a line of metro polltan successes, each play being pre sented with special sceneiy and elec trical tffeets. “The Captain’s Mate’* which i* noted for the unparalleled run it had in New Tork City will be presented as the op ening bill Monday night, a number of bright specialties are Introduced at each play. Prices are 10, 20 aud 30c. Beats are now on sale. OTHER PEOPLE# MONEY jjjT; • We Will All See How to Let and Spend it Next Thursday Night, A leading magazine repeats the story of a Vermont fanner, who, on a visit to city relatives, is taken to hear a cele brated actor and company. On being asked his opinion of the acting, he re plied, “Acting! they didn’t do no act ing, they were just like home folks. Why down in my part of the country people do that sort of thing every night!” It Is needless to remark that more sincre praise could not be asked by an actor. It is this same absenee of "acting” which characterizes the methods of Hennessy Leroyle in ‘‘Oth er People’s Money.” Old in education and experience of the better school of art, though com paratively young in year?,he has evolv ed a bit of character worK in the above production, which, in its way, is inim- Uyble, Go and see him on Thursday, Dec. 20tb. Seats on ssl? Tuesday. HIS NEW POSITION. Mr. Symons Goes in the BsrS Next Week. The present session of the Georgia legislators will oome to an end tomor row, *nd Representative Symoss will : return to the oity and accept the posi tion of teller in the National bank of Brunswick early next week. GOLFER HUTCHINSON DEAD. Fernaudina. Fla., Dec. 13.—Thomas Hutchinson, professional golfer from Scotland, who has been engagecTwlth the Carnegies for some time past at Cumberland Island, giving instructions on the Stafford place lines, died yes terday frem injuries caused from a fall from hie pony a few days ago. BRUNSWICK. GTA. FRIDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 14, 19oa i imi I • , , T. • • 1 ' ”r- - ' ’•' V Ysas Slvlv Five, Hays Seventeen OFFER OinMFHNFS They Came Rußhing In From All Quarters Amid Great Excitement, Washington, Dec. IS.-The Davis amendment to the Hay-I'auncefdte treaty, by a vote oL eixty.five yak* to seventeen nays, tfcawastetag ay adapt ed|the nayfnmedrtiut: other amend ments oaroe ’’ipw various and nnex peoted quarters. It was proposed to abrogate the Clayton-Buener treaty, alto providing specifically that the United States shall hkva full authority to fortify,the canal. The canal oouttoSe! tgmorrew. The pension appropriation bill,!# complete, and will be reported in the house in the morning. AN OPEN LETTER Nearly 12 O’cleck, in the Year of Lot# and Blessings. Tbs minutes are fljing,i|dd before you realize It, the long hand‘will have swept around the dial, and Twelve o'clock will have struck on; the Christ mas bells! Father Time, though a steady goer, goe* unprotected, and the thief, Pro crastination, follows psrsistently at his heels, waiting the moment when he may rob the faithful old plodder of his treasure of Opportunity. The thief draws closer as Time nears the ware houses of his wealth, along the path of tbs year. Easter, and Birthdays and Wedding days and Christmas—and the beneficiaries of bis largerg, stand sgbast as they see Procrastination filch the best things from bis sack, leaving to these belated ones the choice of the thief's rejections. Now is the time to make your selec tion of Christmas presents, and we of fer our large and varied stbok of dia monds, watches, jewelry, silverware, novelties, etc., to piek from. There is notbiog that will please better than an artiole from our store, because our rep utation stands behind it, and you know it is good. Remember, our drawing for *16.00 in prizes is absolutely free to yoo. We will guarantee our prices to be low, consistent with good goods. You are invited to call and look * Respeotfully, Kenson Mott, Jeweler and Graduate Optiofao, 215 Newcastle street. It’s a gentleman's whiskey, s pure delioions beverage, and a grand appe tizer. Don’t forgot the name, “I. W. Harper” whiskey—the kind your grandfather used. SoidbyT. Newman, Brunswick, Ga. n in id lislib In Fin mi ll a i uni • The of Commerce of That City Meetitoa Endorsee the Convention. . " .■ Now Orleans, Dec. J3.—The call ts sued by Governor Candler, of Georgia, and which is Indorsed by Governor Bloxham, of Florida, for a ’‘national maritime congress,” to assemble at Brunswick, Ga., on the 30% day of January, J9Ol, meets with favor here, and the New Orleans ohapiber of com merce will send a delegation, with /s#?- :taio A. K. Milder as who will advocate Ayfpfrioaa jupjMtof can cargoes. Tho above by the As sociated Press from New"OliSftPS yes torclay, This is the flrat city to aot. bn! It !e generally BeiiaVed that every sea port city of any Importance will send delegations to the convention, which meets here the latter part of Jaonary. IRISH ELECTION. Dublin, DsO. 13,—Nationalists today unanimously elected John Redmond obairman of the frfsb parliament party. NOTES. Watoh the big parade at noon today. Muller and Vonder, the greatest of all acrobatic and grotesque comedians are with llarry Ward’s Magnificent Minstrels and are one of the special features of this grand organization. PRETTY CHRISTMAS EDITION, TiMJis-C'ALt Will Issue One on Sunday. December 10th. V Solicitors for the pretty Cht-Jattna*. edition of the Tiueb-Cali. are on their rounds now and from present indica tions all the leading merchants and business men will have advertisements in the same. This paper will be one of/the prettiest cve.\issued from a Brunswick printing press &Vd will go to the homes of every citizen in the city. Those who Have not already done so should buy spacO, at once. CALENDARS FOR 1901. The Plant System passenger depart ment has recently issued a beautiful talendar for the year 1901,'which alao contains a sheet for December 1900. Yeu can obtain one by celling at' tbe Plant System passenger office loot at 01 oucester street or telephone 52 and} yau will haye one sent to your office, You osn’t along without "Giber People’s Money.” i $150,000 FOR HARBOR SAYS CAPT. GILLETTE That Amount Is Needed For Its Improvement AT THE GRAND. Harry Ward’s Magnificent Minstrels Will Appear Tonight. Besides a great lislt of all star per formers with Harry Ward’s magnifi cent minstrels, which will hold the boards tonight at the opera house, we would like to Inform the loyers of music that this is the only attraction of Its kind carrying two complete bands Of soloists. It ie a very hard matter to engage a band of such musicians for the reason that they are very scarce and when un der contract always get largo salaries, their services being sought for by man agers who appreciate the fact that "it not pay Jo carry an Incompetent musician because he can be gotten cheap. The company’s bandmaster, Mr. W. F, "MssOa, ft most conscientious gen tleman, ttstpg e-ery precaution to guard against being shrroundod by bad musicians, has chosen bis men from the best known soloists, and Is now rewarded for his hard work by having the distinction of directing the best band connected with any traveling organization. This wonderful band will give a grand concert on the day of the company’s appearance on the street in their big parade, Mil MIS Col. IJ. W. Krause is confined to bis borne by illness. The friends of Mr. F. Warnke will regret to learn that he is seriously ill. The sobooner “City of Nassau,” Capt. Kelley, is here with a cargo of fruit. The Phoenix club house ou Union street is being hsmlseuely painted and improved. The shell sidewalks being laid out Union street, from Glqjjoester to J street, are improving the appearance of property generally. Mr. George W. Harper, tbe popular grocer, has received from the North ern kennels a very fine thoroughbred Highland Scotch Collie puppy. It is a beauty, and very smart. The ’urge two-story store, being erected on the corner of B street bou levard and G street, by Mrs. M, Itaao, is rapidly neariog completion, and will be quite an improvement to that por tion of tbe oity when finished. CITY COURT NOTICE. Jurors, parties and witnesses in the business pending before the City court of Brunswick, will be on band at the court, at 8:30, Monday, December 17. % Take notioe, and govern youreelvsi accordingly, jEFFBUtOK D. SJ'ABKS, Judge City Court of Brunswick. P RICE FIVE CENTS TO BUILD A LARGE DREDGE He So Reminds to River aid HarDor Committee IfIUHFORBRtim The Captain Has Not Yet Submits ed His Report, but This is Of ficially Given Out. A special in yesterday’s Atlanta Constitution, under a Washington date, says: “Capt. Gillette's recommendation for Brunswick harbor is the appropria tion of 1130,000, all but $26,000 of which is to go for a large dredge. He thinks that this $25,000 is enough to in sure water after the dredge has been built, and with SIO,OOO additional a year for maintenance There ie a disposition on the part of some ef those interested in the Bruns wick work to doubt whether this will prove satisfactory, as they think it will ttke some time to bnild the dredge, and that something should be done for the bar in the meantime. The Gillette report is not yet made public, but this is understood to contain the recom mendations stated above. THE LAST DAY. Those who desire advertisements in the Christmas edition of tho Tings- Cali., should make contracts today. Work on tbe edition Is now in pro gress, and all advertisements will here to be In by tonight. PRETTY CALENDER. Mr. 'Max Isaac, district general .agent of the United States Fidelity and Guarantee Cos., has presented this office with a handsome 1901 calender, whioh excels anything of tbe kind we have yet seen. THE ARMY CANTEEN. Archbishop Ireland Advocates It Be fore Committee on Military Affairs. Washington, Dso. 13.—Archbishop Ireland went before the committee on military affairs today as an advocate of tbe army canteen. He said it pro moted morality in the army and de creased drunkenness. YERKES NAMED. Washington, Deo. -13.—John W. Yerkes was named as commissioner of revenues this afternoon.