The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, December 14, 1900, Image 2

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Catarrh The cause exists In the blood, to what causes Inflammation of the mucous membrane. It Is therefore Impossible to cure the disease by local, applications. It is positively dangerous, to neglect It, because Itnalways affects the stom ach and deranges the general health, and is likely to develop into consump tion „ ' * ; Many bare bean radically and permanently eured byMuod's Sarsaparilla. ItcleunsMthe blood and has a peculiar alterative and tord* effect. JR. I,on*. California Junction. lowa, writes: "I had catarrh three years, lost thy appetite and could not sleep. My head pained me and 1 felt bad all over. I took Hood’s Sarsaparilla and now have a good appptite. sleep well, and have no symptoms of catarrh.” Hood's Sarsaparilla Promises to cure and keeps the prom ise. It Is better not to put gff treat ment buy Hood’s today. Both makers and circulators of counterfeits commit fraud. Honcat men will not deceive you Into buying worthless counterfeits of 1- Wltt’a Witch flare) Halve. The origlhel isin falllblo for curing pile*, sores, ectouia and all •kin diseases. W. J. Butts. CALENDARS FOR 1001. The Plant System passenger depart ment, has recently Issued a beautiful calendar fer the year 100 J. which also contains a sheet ter Deoembe-, M)Oo. You oan ob’a'n one by calling at tbc Plant System passenger office loot of ♦louccster street or telephone 52 and you will haye one sent to your office, ForTaGrinne and enza use CHENEY’S EX PECTORANT’. ■ ' it. ' . ' ' A. ROTHSCHILD Tlie Jewfter. ~: '.VI :;.' ! k v'/b . - v ' ''' &■• ' ' ■'' *F? r 'y •'-‘ Next Ooor to the Qourt House. * ~.■■'!■. <*. ./‘.Jr.-.. . . -t.. A - . , -u - . .■' v. -t* ‘ ..’.a*' ? .■■•>• •" • ■*■■-. * • • -• Diamonds watonos Jewelry Silverware GIO6KS PRBTTY CHRISTMAS EDITION, Time-Car.t. Will IssaeOne on Sunday, December 16tb. •, j Solicitors for the pretty Christmas edition of the Times-Cat,t, are on their rounds now and fr >tn present Indica tions till the leading merchant* and business men will have advertiaepuhto iu'lbe earner t • ..*■ , ' This naper vvlll ho. bbasof tkepWliebt ■*, b■ X ,‘.x -■v £■ '• : J ever issued from a ©riinjwl'clt.p’tiir'ng and %i> thd homo? every oUitSh to the city. Those who have not uuvady (idpfe so ateitoid buy inaco at once. ■■ .{r'i 1 ■. A Sight t Terror. •'.“Awful anxiety wai felt for the widow of thi. bratw.tien Burnham,of Mftdilrs.Me.. when tbc doctors said she could rot live till morning, writca Mrs. S. H. Lincoln Who attended hi r that fearful night. -All thought she must soon die from Pneumonia, but she begged for Dr. King's How Discovery, saying It had more than onoe saved her life and had cured her of consumption. After three small doses she routed easily all night, and its further use completely cured her." This marvelous medicine Is guar anteed to cure wt Throat, Chest and Lung bio eases. Only 60c and SIOO. Trial bottles free at U drag story. J. Odgers, of Frostburg, Md,, writer. “I bad a very bad attaok of kidney complaint and tried Foley’s Kidney Cure wbioh gave me immediate relief, and I was perfectly cured after taking wo bottles.” Take no substitute. For Whooping Cough use CHENEY’S EXPECTORANT —— DeVViU’s Witch llatel Halve will quickly heel Uib worst hums and scalds and not leave a soar. It can be applied to cuts and raw aor facss with prompt and soothing effect. Km It for piles and skin diseases. Beware of worth less counterfeits. W. -I Butts. hi Cliiisiinis liaise ’idUjjtMtoMlijKttr aln oun.9 [ fe‘S>wgalie ,;mb?r ; -JwMieii', ayUees the iutobar eu*sroi„ it makeup laef fcisu,ufac tured fr.’.u, y oeittrjmb' r. i A what w claim to sPTIy and rur principal patrons wlj) eorMbcrai|u ur itatementl, Telephone Hr?. LANG, WOOD & CO. ImoNsTW ECU RED j i d WOMEN [OtSVf car ji.avba! usme3s{adrsS bUSINEs! I (siSmttwta/* ’’ COLLEGE I INSTRUCTIONS W*fPU,7?/OMWtt; £ We will show you this year the finest and most varied stock ot Diamondlfatches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware, Bric a-brac, Umbrellas,-and goods too numerous to mention—ever seen in the city ot Brunswick. We also have a complete line of spectacles and eye-glasses and can save you money. Give us a call early to avoid the rush. Our Repaid Department is Complete. All goods bought of us engraved free. We Give No Presents, but Our Prices Make Up. Time Received Daily by wire from Washington BRUNSWICK TIMES-CALL, DECKUBI'R 14 , MM. Christmas Bargains 35 cts cRn of Asparagus for. 25cl 20 cts can of Pears for t 2 i$ cts can of Apricots for 20<I 25 cts can of white Cherries for 20^ cts can of Baked Beans for. iQq \ 5 cts per lb. Candy for. ". y 8c 5 cts pkg Diamond Starch f0r.......... 3c 30 cts per gal white Vinegar ..20c -5e bottle Orange Marmalade at —l5 c These prices good for a few days only . CZ2 * v-iI fr^ m ‘ -.jpii"" 1 . Jj—^ .RECOMMENDS IT TO TRAINMEN. CO. U. Heusau, Dima , 0-, engineer L, K. & W. raiiroftd ,i : wri*cs: “I have tee troubled great dt*i with back aches I was induced to try Foley's Kidney Cure. and one bottle entirely relieved me. I gladly recommend it to any one, especially, my friends among the trainmen, who are usually •uuilarly afflicted." JS&+ l wa;,., '&<'*"■ When you feel Oat life Is tariilj wuiih the eistdletakwf doi6 hf Cbatuberlain’s Atom a.,-b and UVer Tablet*. They will elesnse your 'Kt.jsiluai, my your liver smd regulate your yp teel like anew mao. fur sale st fi ■ 3, W. m&BL c^.JU>w*r^;JtWdoi, writes : ,ow •vib ir v. Tar. Tbs result wn|RHHHHp 7.1-1 the donto>,as it • iiMCfdiately ssfc* slb crock of Heinzs fine Preserves for. .81c >oc dze Durkeei Dtessing for JC 35c san of Lobster-. “ >v 8 CJteg of Red Seal Potash . , .35cWk Coffee *2sc 15c Eat ®eli Gelatin for, 10c 2sc Ham Loaf fof. 1 6c 15c Brook Trout -C- Piitiburry’s Vitos fCc sdjjjL JGdwin Clapp’s MEN’S SHOES. M/ M Vici Kid|ssa l Patent Colt Skin $6. LEVY’S STOVES REPAIRED. While it i* warm, you should have Rico, the stove doctor, repair* kljjd* or cook stove* and ranges, buy your winter clothing put ia good or sad wila second hand atovea, 414 Bay . _ .. „ . -- treot l,#r - * lm Carter. CCTCT t#