The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, December 14, 1900, Image 4

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The Brunswick Times. established 1880. The Brunswick Call KitftblifchcU im ■JX:.. •. < Tbe Brunswick Times-Call, CONSOMOATfcD IUOB. . Ptfttejtad • • JBVXKV MORNING *XCEJ*T MOMDAY. . II * ,tr—W|ViiU£y. ARTHUR H UEAVT > - - - Editor BOtAXS A. MULLINS, BruißW. Manager ■ '■'■• notice:*' : ; ;>* Hereafter all legal advertke-: wents must be paid lor after the first insertion. The management has been put to a great deal of trouble and delay In collecting in the past, and in future must take advantage of the Georgia law on this subject. 10, 1900, CHRISTMAS ISSUE. Next Sunday The Times- Call will have a special Christmas edition which will give advertfsers a rare op portunity to reach the Christ mas trade. Get your ads ready. Tbe Atlanta Journal protests against sending in'trior thca’rlcnl companies aontb, and demanding New York prices to wlinots their pertormancas. In setting and distributing type a compositor’s hand travels on an aver age 11 miles a day. Leaving Bnndaya and holidays out of account, this .meant about .1,000 milts a year. More (ban half the dcalhe among compositors ere duo (o lung diseases. In theoiursoof his lifetime sir average man gets through about 2,500 miles of reading matter, says tbe Rome Tribune: Childrens’ Department, to be gin in tbe 'I imks Calc on Sunday next will be one of the features of the paper of that day In luture, conduct :d by Mias Mary McNlsh Burroughs, and all okll dren interested, ere invited to send let ters, stories,etc.tu the Timks C*m office fur publication in the Colomna of the Childrens’ Department, Colonel C. C. Tindall, t dltor of the Wayne County News. Jcsup, has sold his rntiie interest Ui Miss Camilla Mor riss, of Atlanta, and she will take lharge as editor on or about ibe first of January. TbH is Miss Morrlss’ first ventnre in newspaper work, but sbe Is a yourg lady of ability and business talent, and will doubilesi prove a suc cess as ao editor. COLORADO’S PREDICAMENT. lliDS'Wie County, Colorado, Lav an elephant on Uq hands in the person of Dr.R. O. Lacey. Ho killed a man. Taking life becomes a levs and leas ser ious matter tho further one gees West. The doctor was sentenced to serve one year In the jail at Lake City. He r? the only prisoner. Tho sheriff went away on a visit and left, tho key with the doctor, who lives at (ho county’s expanse, and visits his jnUpnts when ever lie deslras. To savo money, the i ' A • '/-.A taxpayers made application fer a pars con fer the prism. He rdustjd to sign tho upplLatkni, and the state board re jected it. ON THE RIGHT LINE. In a talk before the Woman’s Club In Atlanta acme days ago, Mrs. Julius Brown, among other things, said: “The pitiful sights seen any day on Atlanta’s streets, are surely worth at tention. Tbe lame horses, dogs on three legs, mules with sicken! ng sores: and tbe crowded coups of pretty ebiokecs fresh from country grass, of ten the’ children's pets! Realty, <us has to turn tbe eyes from their euffo eating distress and heart, from tbe thought# efrlt. Ifivery woman bore is mote or lese soft-hearted, and at eight of .tain, nwtn’y elwd a tender tear— raYberproud of feetthat she la ten* der. /■:, "*• li Whit a pity the' It in a ipuin Jtnow# nothing of such lender*##*, and -get* no blow the bless! It would not be atrangeif he donbted its existence. How much better to spare those tears, and join the Humane-society here among us!” The Times Cau would publish more of this good lady's talk, but apace for bid*. Cities in ail parts of Georgia are organizing bonane societies, and are doing a great deal for the poor ani mals wblob God has given us for our oomfort and good, The Humane Society of Brunswick needs more encouragement. It ebouid have a memberahipof aevera! hundred, and should not laok Ihe funds neces sary to carry on its noble Work. Lst Me all agree to do more for tbisoauee. Florida * Orenges 25c Dozen * Tbey are juicy, very vh in skinned and sweet. Medium ; aize golden rw*e4l. Also fancy N. Y, Slate,.eat ing Apples, Malaga Grapes ar.d fresh new Cocoa nuts. I'. • - Tr '‘' “>*' *"_ r 1 ‘ H LLOYD’S, ’PHONE 255 B ■ (Next door to Fleming & Waff) Bargain days, Monday and Tuesday, December 17 and 18, at J. H. Htiler & Bro’s. Opera House One Night FRIDAY, DEC. 14th o Au Ocean of Merriment Without a Lobster In It. Harry Wards MINSTREL, Management Ward & Murphy. America's Largest, Grandes and Best Minstrel organisation. 40— Celebrated Artists*- 40 HARRY WARD Tine Mk.vt PitE inr-NT of Hinstkiii.-v Burt Gardner, the greit Newton. Eddie Doyle, Mullen & Vender, The Marvel pus Briggs, Decker & Hatch." The Har tnonlc Quartette, Prof. Sola Grand Stmript Farad® Reserved scats on s*!fst Butts, tfce droggUt. THE BRUNSWICK TIMES-CALL. DECEMBER 14,1906 IB nc SHKKT fhe-gOV'-t” doctors, who treat her for b H‘ s, “’ ets no better. She inti] a,K * pole. She can just “drag :,abpt;t the house,” but has no pieaaur-,-. in life. , „ _ ’ Many V.iev!) women |!I2W!p!LjT .. ifJjT have ffwiiiijlj IlSWlal ffil age or Ifc'.-Lrcc . offer f SL alion bf ttUrr, a.nA i have been restored if* • by Dr. Bierce's ±V> treatment to ner- t. feet .health; -'fWi. i *' . iaaio more wopder-ivk >J ,ful medicine fcr , Wpipen thru: -J tjtJ Piefce’s Favorite #! Prescriptibn. ’ Its '.r ,; Vi “yf t' l ' Kfcfion npoh-the ■ n’tFb/ ia r M': ;v,®' pain’ crease at- / - - *, ‘ . invite*! to cbtafelt >r •IbjSNbC' * Dr. Kreehy letter ■> TT^ fret: All corrcs- l -^ iV ’- nj. ..f; BSfW s***s■ ** f <tocMs treated wVsrfe® house. I ha > /c uftc<J five bottlc* m likt. Fierce'* \f2BsHf- r Vrt “ icT] vtioH and five of tlk Mefittf,! Diiwrym, nnd four of the !? aUA 1 f* vl A ntx * woman, and I tfant the we rid to-knuvr it," ,’>v Tim action of the '• Favorite Prescrip tion ”is assisted by the use of Pleasant Pellets ” when the bowel# are irregular. j.,..; ~i - it 4|m Georgia—Cohlily of Glynn.- - j|S i To all whom it insy concert;. Johu A, Foster Ui.tiof Iq prjlper form an plleil tonic tor ficrmnnent .l*u*r.< of adminis tration <U bonis non cam testament.) ttnnero OS tlw. (-Slate of the fate .tame#.Turno of .aid coun ty This Is to Olio *ll and eia#ular, ihe credit ore ami nest of kinof-said Cecea.i and, to tie and appear, at my other on tuo first Monday In Jan uary next, rod show cause, if any they can, why louses 6f aludnUuati'fi shouid not he granted as prayed, WJtneas mV hand and offl. rial sigfiatbre, tw*istb day nr'thwember. iiitß. , lIOItAOb' IJ AIIT, OrUin#j|£Ai}ytm .County, La. • *# ?; ur>' i w>fi.,fi -a • j ,!~; COKI) WOOD, Large ounßtiry of oak and pine wood' on hand, ft (ivHvery. Ko ruttea. %Mlv us. ’Phtmr CHstibii) Sim from the many beautiful landrls in cur display of ♦ TRIMMMATS then Biocrtain the price. It will he lees then you think th* hat is worth. Our milllnbra got the inspiration from ex pensive French models,-but the mate rial anil workmanship are American therefore mneb cheaper, but nonothe tea good and artistic HISS KATE SLATER, Opera House, ALL THE WEEK, (Except Thursday ) Mini iiif Dec. if BurNswtoßs Favorite MABEL PAIGE, AND THE j SOUTHERN STOCK COMPANY. bI‘AUKLINO SREC.ULtIKS, KVKRVTJIINtI TO I'I.KA-f ISUIHEES fiDHESBiI S SBolillf I 1 FniQiiri 10, 20 and 30c. „* * CHEAP ADVERTISING, CASH IN ADVANCE Adyertisement* in this column will be insert-* ed at the umtorm rate of One Cent n Word for each Insertion. No ad vertlaemect, however mall, leu than 50 cents. Cash In adyanee, • '• -v\ *'.*/? ■? - FQR 6AL.J2—Two gentle horses. Aplly to the Jersey dairy, FOR BEST.--.Unfurnished rooms, wUh use of oath, at 70 G striet. VVAN-TlpD—Three or tour boarders by pWva.efamlly. Tab'e strictly flret class. Appry at this office. .y, .. -- LOST.—Gpid *m tch charm - <fia tnopds and ruble*; Liberal reward will"Tjis paid try returning to this c-ffice.;' ' T\l- KACPORY aelling nulls, faotorfek and genpr*l\r*d offer line on com.' to A? men. '*lFa&ory Box 1871,’ i New 'York. V'./''. ,-f.r FOR HENT.-Thrtt) rodinsup stairs, or-four rooms down stairs. Partly furnished. Otosa up town. “X,” care Times Call.- -— ; —•*■—* ——— ~ LOST. —Hone shoe breast pin, of diamonds and emeralds. Liberal rr- Srard Will be paid for ite return to TlMls-OALt, office. —3^ — , Morphine, opium, landanum.cocoalno habit; myself ented, will inform you of harmless, permanent borne cure. Mary 8. Baldwin, box 1212, Chicago, Hustling young man can make *6O per month and eapenseo, Permanent poaifloe. Experience unneeeseary. Writ!* quick for p*rticulars, Clark A 4th * Locup Streets. PhiiadeU phla.-Ta.fvW: . ————*#— 'r~ f 08, SALE-BOTjypt’S Ttyt rice j^anf*tifCt uatiit on HpßWrorfsiiQing 17 aero ". P.*to* for further p>r leWri.l E/T. Stamltiri -LjrLAND-,.. c6ui*i,nH>g j ifeCsiO acres (iood gams preseryfedeis dueku, o besides best ooast, wifb bard heteh cf jo Excellent oynter ■ fJ(M)OO^ Also, Canon’s pole , Bt. Himon’e Island, "GB; iWl'* 1 "I 3St> acre*, directly ,:) St. Bi mon’s island. fefadaH.oaa for anew huu#e.*flW(Pfrf'pi‘rjLy i# sixty mtirs frim Savannah, fourtien He from Brunswick, with both of' which places there is daily connection by s’eameri; . ft 19 o tbe Island next to Jekyl, and suitable in. every reepsot fora bunting and fishing club. < Trice, SIO,OOO. For further particular*, apply AI r. James T. Dent, Evelyn, Glynn county, Georgia. E. R. BAKER, Dentist. Special Attention to Crown and bridge work. Office: 5022 GHou’ster St. For Asthma use CHE NEY’S EXPECTORANT: MTUCB OF SAt.K GEORGIA—GIynn County. I will rell Worc thsoourr hour* door of said county, to tho hlghf** bidder tor curb, within the log l Sours ot .ije ou the Sind day of llccem (VOU, the Brlsnatrae “Pablo," aud nil the tackle, rigging and all |,pui tenaneos, and two MDaltlwaM, *,J(I brtgsulfne lying in the port if Itruuawick, Inwiid county, and In Ogtethorp hay t&crria, the cargo now aboard siud voaefel to be removed at the charterer’s coat, and wild rale to h* free of any charter, party or con. traut otaffrclghtment; said sate elng had in I'urtCanoe of an order grant*,! !>y Hl* Honor, •>. O bimrka. jndan of iho City Court of Bruns wick.■etc.,, via, no the *th of Dream her, iw, to ratftfy an ntlachmcm jlondiugin said cour t in favor of Benito Pndrosht again.-t PatUo Gori ralt* This Deceruler s, I<3. W If. BKttniK. h',.; fr Glynn cotr 1 -j tfrergi*. I Year luvogite Oitdy ycu’ii Hod at Lloyd’s ■■ ' ’Rhone 2igj-g CASTOR IA l-v*.'S.%’kVh • WVt V>;.w -vX'-t vw-w. a..-*.--*, c.'. .. . ... Tlie Kind Bon Have Always Bought, ami which has been in use i# - over flO yearr,, has home the signature of l ,i' 1) miW :1 d Las been made under his per /y- y sonfX supervision since its infancy* • ‘'■'W --*****6 Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Ciiu.ißrtcits, Imitr.tHios and < Just-aw-good” are but Kvi>cri!>i*Ml s that trifle with and endanger the health of , . lutimts ;iK Cidldrcn—Experience against Experiment, W%t is CASTORIA Castoria is for Cmipig OH, Pare goric, lit-ops and Soughing SyrWP’k —fC gjl* contai.;:- neither Opium, Morphine nor otln-l*.3fih.wi6tw s, substance. Its age Is its guarantee. It destroy* Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea aul Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, euros Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulate# the StauKti-h and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Tlie Children’s i’anacca—The Mother’s Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS The Kind You Hare Always Bought In Usa For Over 30 Years. TMI CKWTftim COMtPAWT, TT MUM RAY CTRCCT. NCW VOMM CITY, Durino ■“ '.v^S£vl^'*v* .Y '■ -'V DecemDer Our store tfill b* open untii 9 o’clock p. in. Spat* dot s’nt renßit us to ga into detai'? ns to pl onr inagnifieent *tock of goods, it would take ¥ ’ * ' "■ afeg,:. pngen. Ail we *k Is topay.ct vjelt and it will • fully pay you 10 go to that much trouble, D r wiil be ast;;.)ndel 4\ tbe revelation. When in *paroh of a wedding present you flit-,. will find what you want atjour store H. M. MILLER £ SON. Mr, Otto Arnhairter had the misfor tune to be thrown trotn bis buggy near banover park oo Wednesday and re celved several serious injuries. Christmas Things Are better selected rush. A few hints. Bath Robes t.o 18.00, Umbrellas f’ey handles #2.50 to *B. Handsome Neckwear all prices, Walking Canes 50c to $1 50. Handkerchiefs Silk and Linen Muffiers sl.?o' to 12.00 Silk Suspenders $1.25 to $i 50 A*—-LEVY’S. Ship Notice. Neither the" master, owner* or con signees of the Brilieh bark Reform will be responsible for ar.y debts con traded by the crew of said bark. Ross, Meeter.