The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, December 14, 1900, Image 5

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WOMAN IS UKE A DELICATE MUSICAL IMSrntUMEHT In food condition she is sweet and lovable, and sings life's song on A joyful harmonious string. Out of order or unstrung, there is discordance and unhappiness. Just as there ts one keynote to all music so there is one key note to health. A woman might as well try. to fly without wings as to feel well and look well while the organs that make her a woman are weak or diseased. She must be healthy Inside or she can't he healthy outside. There are. thousands of women suffering silently all over the country. Mistaken modesty urges their silence.. While there is nothing more admirable than a modest woman, health is of the first importance. Every other con sideration shouid'fiv.e vray before it. Brad* field's Female Regulator is a medicine foi women's ills. It is .—-j, thesafestandquick- ' est way to curs leu corrheA, failing, ot. tipil! A the womb,kierveu> \ ness, headache, S ! \ backache and ren- 1 SfiHl era! weakness. You ■ vli'ij ab astonished iSMI •* t the W .-cialiylVyouhavs ' . S*S experiment* ’flfflUffll/' ing with-dther so- ’ called remedies. liilW We are not asking !\[ll!sf you to try anuncer- r J tainty. Bradfield’s I Rtgulatorhasmcde jjtt" .LJgjjNBL happy thousandaef dll, 'ijaSPjSq women. What it imSmMSti has done for others •Eg} (fiSggpi'/d It can do for you. jfjgjj J Sold In drug stores |if J mSfffi&w'; for $! a bottle. By A #r*H* A if ' N>ok w id lx* sent AsJi / :<-■ ail who write lu /&$ ' / ’ Pie BRaonn o .JIPPW. RfOtLATOS CO. |P Atlanta, 6a* " "Wti-o- ELI ZISSIMATO, 302a Newcastle St. \m ii:... ;... Hie is CIGARS AND TOBACCO Ali Hindu of Candy ' iHfiP j—tau-gb*- "Silver Plait that IF. .. * ‘ ©ls the One ofChristmas Presents. We know that this question to solve, and we are ready to help you. There 'l|| nothing better, nicer, more appreciated, or more issting For the Sideboard than JEWELRY™ its kindred lines. Call and see the pretty things already here, the advance guard of the Xmas provisions. Looking around involves no obligation to purchase; we are glad to have your present praise, we know you will buy later. A halt hour in our store will prove a liberal education in the latest phases of t 'beauti ful in art. „Isn’t there anything in this line to suit you? Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry ot all kinds, Sterling and Plated, Flat, Hollow and Novelties in Sil verware, clocks, Cut Glass, Leather Purses, Rich Fans, Gold Pens, French China, Statuary, Potte ry, Opera Glasses, Spetacles, and Eye Glasses, Gold andSilver Headed canes, and Umbrellas, Fine Lamps, curios Souvenirs, Etc. We are going to sell you our goods at the Very Lowest Prices that good goods can be sold for anywheres, and at the same time we are going to give you FREE a chance in the u., i mi. —"Grand Prize Gift W' ii . Ist Prize —Fine Oxidized Silver Clock vausd at S4O Drawing from November Ist, to December 31st, 1900 2nd r ‘ ze pair °^ ne * ar^e Vases valued at #l6. FREE —A handsome calendar to all who purchase $lO These expensive presents are given away absolutely worth t r “ t FREE, as a compliment to my customers, Every pur- W e give Silverware Stamps, Ask for them, and also chase to the amount of SI,OO entitles you to a ticket FREE, your tickets, YOU ARE INVITED TO CAhL AND LOOK. WE WILL GLADLY SHOWYOU AROUND ■ #215 NEWCASTLE ST KFNNON M OTT JEWELER AND BRUNSWICK, GA. I^l \J IX IVIV-/ I* I , GRADUATE OPTICIAN * Time Daily From Washington by wire, Inspector of watches For Southern Railway FEMALE WEAKNESS CURED. I a> troubled with severe femsle weakness for over six mooths- r was treated by six very protnipent pbysl cisps, without any marked benefit. My lsp doctor was a skUled.speoisl ist, and be told me the oily hope lay in an operation. I hswi of Smith's Sure Kidney Cure, aA ft er using 0- for one month I find mf|e If cured,and even the doctor, rto'mt treated me, now pronounces- me ( >l. Mrs, J. R. Faver, Atlanta, £p>. I ‘see 50 oenfa or sU by all <t.*as|titMi Money loadedjpi personal property and/re® estate. Ap ply to J. Vt MKins." WOOD-Most for the mon : Y:'i ,s corner and Grant streets After exposure or when you feel s cold cesr.Lg o®. teke Fuloy’a Honey end Tar. It cever fails to cure, and will present’pneumonia or consump tion if taken in time . Stops the'Cough and works off the Cold. Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets core avoid in one day. No Cure, No ray. Price 15 cecta ' TAX NOTICE. Tax-payers are hereby notified tfca ail taxes due tbs o ! ty of Brunswick, Georgia, for the year 1900, due and payable on or before the first day, of December, 1900. In compUsflee with the tax ordinances of force, I shell at once tegin issuing execution* ve. ail dclicquent six payers. V Ci i y Clerk. THE BRUN WICK TIMES-CAL DECEMBER 14 IMGf No External Symptoms . .The blood may be in bad condition, yet with no external signs', Bo skin eruption or sorss *to indicate iL Tfifl;; symptoms in such' cases being a Ariable, appetite; gooo.cliges'.ioti, an indescribable weakness ati4 uen-ousness, • loss el flesh and a general run-down condition of the system— kihrtr-ly showing the bjood has losttt-s nuiritfye qualities, has becomeihiti fend watery. . It is in just such cases that S. S. done some of its,quickest And mqsTtSective work by building Vp -ihe bkfdiljfthd supplying the elemcifts lacking it strong nnd vigorous. Ik-* , ~r% ly wife used sev* * era! lidiies of 8. S. S. * /bf'Wfei'Q , as a blood'purifier and 1 to tone up a Weak and emaciated system, with - effect'by way of improvement. pf'ljaStfeMyS - "We regard it s grerd tonic and 1® tlie greatest of ali %. N and you wiJJ: the appetite im- MUgx proves at once, strength and nervousness vanishes as new rich pure Bloal once moire circulates through aif parts of the system. S. S. 6. is the only purely vegetable blood purifier y nown. Xt contains no min erals whriever. Send for our free hook on blood and skin diseases kud wjtfte out physicians for any information <*r advice Wanted. Vo charge for medical advice. IHE SWIFT SPECIFIC COi. ATtANTA, OA. , SHAKE INTO TOTR’SHMiB.* > 4 lam's K.HU-Kasel ft prwuen • smarting, tmrvMafeet ai'.eqriirrtiwfWfe'.aWlsyivA intiuatly *tlnv>'. One lons, i t*g Hie CTAatasty jp.dtwpsry "ftht as*. Allows fob*-'- Uoi-<get •)*-" '*• kwoa*. ’.wedf"#;:- .w Try it today. Uiffl ' jettsiianus tUue M,m l<> Uiatliu 4gSpiak::TlpSaeSayi WhCa ylu want acting litlie pills Mint Uever gripe use icufift’B I.Htlir.i'arlj Ttisein W. I. Butte. iOw Sij *• • 'v . > ' ’ ' ; Aim is to give the public,perfect sal.isfaction'foi' ey.erytliing bought'&f on- The people have beebyi’ery generous tisja Rbpral shave of thou patronage for which favor we slndl make renewed efforts to please; them : >. PreHoHptioii . ii* "'LtF*' ••'*: b * ' .• • • • r " r The prescription department and our general business has grown to such an extent as to demand the services of a first class assistant. Mr. Jamerson, who is now with us, comes well recommended and will take pleasure in serving you in any Department Our stock is now complete, ipcludihg best lines of Toilet Articles. We handle the hi st stock of Soaps, from any imported to the>heapest American brands! We can satisfy fastldious in Ferfumefc, as we carry the most complete assortment to be found