The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, December 14, 1900, Image 6

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WINE OF CARDU! HEALTHY OLD AGE. jpgj| Linos, Bhxtos Cos. ASS., Ang. 4. W )l! , [pM I am 49 years old and hava baea suffering with M *Jhl\ }JJ' M Change of life. 7 bad flooding spells so bad that A pone thought 1 could Hoe. KyTiusbsad got ms wine of Cardul and It eared my Ufa. lam like ' s| anothar pcrsoa since taking It. B \ MBS. H B. TOWNSEND. Jm Wiue^Gird 1^ - ft is the devout wish of marly all people to Hve to a rip* old age. None of us want to die young. This universal desire can be realized if care be taken of the health In early and middle lift A little precaution then will add many year* to our existence. Death can be kept away a long time. Happy, healthy old age will be the Jot of the woman who -promptly correcta the ailments which afflict her sex. In youth, Wine of Cardul will take the female child safely over the dividing line between girlhood and womanhood. Asa wife she needa ft to help her through th* trials of pregnancy and childbirth with aa little discomfort is possible. At tht Change of Life It will help her over the dangerous place (hat appears in her pathway between 40 and yx Then will come many years of truly blissful existence. She will grow old slowly and gracefufly. To the last the will preserve that charm and beauty which era always characteristic ■ of perfectly healthy grandmothers, fetio&sa jfe '& th<ir ** bxßii ni ca. cnTtDoot, Tcm. ness is close at hand. LARGE BOTTLES OP WINE O F CARDUI SOLD FOR SI.OO BY ORUOOIBTS. WINE OF CARDUI J. MICHELSON. MgV -j-(—jpr ps^FRL-OFR 200 Monk Street I invite toy friends and the public generally to call and inspect our rock of Wines and Liquors. —We always carry the following standard brands of Whiskey, Lewis’ 66, Canadian Club, Paul Jones, Imported Scotch Whiskies,, The Duke of Cumberland, And ousti brand# as are needed for tnedlckl purpose#. Also all the different high grades of oordial*. TOM and JERRY prepared for use in quart bottles. Budweiser, and ScliHtz in bottles, Acme Always Fresh on Draught. Full line of the best 5c Cigars in the city, including Lit-., tie Nobles, Saratoga and other leading brands. PHONE 144 3 GOODS DKM VERI.D%SE Froe Pool to Out Customers A, -■-hi fi.if'i TOO Much Expansion ■ me. My plants have grown so Urge that I have not room for all ot them in my green bouse. Will sell part or all of them at bargain prices. They must go, and the quicker the battier M like it. C. S. TAIT. 008 Dartmouth St. >f| ARE.YOUFEEUMC BADLY? £ MricklV ash bittera '* WILL CURE YOG; ** CHINESE RESTAURANT ESTBLISIIED 1889. Chl E HAL* Proprietor You can get the best the market affords by eating hen 213 GRANT ST. ••A Shoe As Good As Its Same. ” Jmjf J4>r 4 1 HIGH SJloKs | §LEVTS^^^ mE BRUNSWICK 1 iIIJBS-UALLi. DtOinECT4, 1W POUR HOUSES ROBBED. Thieves- Getting in Their Bed Work With Rtpidity. Tuseil'hy night, four housee in the Southern part of the city wtre robbed. Dipt. UfiMlie Anderson, who lives oat on G 'ifpi street, was the heaviest loser, thsj'feK.yes. 'ftesab. AMtC him- •nf Me-er# IV H Bawer, Miuj Tjjtotppwp snd George Fsbrn, *h- burglar* uCce-ded in osr ryiogoff o ly & fe w artioio*. Tlfe profit of a gold mine aepemfi,, nert on Wo Amount of rook-crashed under the stamps hat poll the amount ot gold wb ch cm,** extract edJroin the rook. In a similar way the value Of food which la oaten does not depend on the qaautity whie* is taken Into the t tornacb but upon the amount of uouilihoumt exwacled from it by the organ s of aotr. cion, and digestion When these organs are diseased they fail to ex tract tuamnurisbaicat in snffleient to supply the . of tsovsril orjitaaot too body apd these organ* cannot weft* without nourishment. This result is hpkrt treble, Uvtr trouble and maay other aUnsouta, Or. Pierce’s Golden .Medical on every or an of the digestive and nfrtritiye system, re ores It to health and vigor, ft cures diseases remote from the stomach throng toe atomach In which they originated. QoJdeu Medical Distovery contains neither, altmlioi nor nar otioa. i.. -,n>... ■■ . . RICH MOND'S BUitNfcSS COLLEGE, SAVANNAH,GA. Thin old and wo 1 ! established losti* union lia# probably don* more to de velop and tit young man and women for cuines toao any oihrr in tUri n of ita kind In tbs entire South. Thou sands are the beneficiaries of this col lege, and (boy a'* now to be found in every Dadtofr' bunines* house and, counting room In Savannah,4nd iq, fset, |Jt over ®> orgm. Piorids. North and Booth Carolina. The latest and most improved methods only are pur* sued in the curioWbm of this institu tion, which gives thorough business Cannes In stenography, typewriting, permanshfp,. Umok -keeping, eoglisb branches, efo,—fFrom the Guidon, Mesdfim; Ga., Dec. 8, loop.) Charter. and W. It h-. 1 -” • -i n, *i<vlndfluararTliv Sftffiait-Tho olyoefa of said *-r ... lATij -,’T 1 toh,.,yand sail all kinds ot ait tv i esolaSmerat map-hand (c; to do rtMtoafi'e g’WwseHtwM hew i to do a uaral storw cuaimtuton htfhMha, j and to h.iy and sell turpansiae. r*Ml&aSids*Z^J -Mores gt norally; aud to buy,owal IMtonijSaw rate Such turiwiutine prirUspMe:- .the opinion oi the board -sr <Urt-,i-vor4j|f am oori'uraOou aoy|be to Ut ints*pt <r Sm cor- J puration.' Third—The principal office of laaid corpora-1 tluo Shall la- in tbs city oi BruaawCk In said county of Glynn. Fourth—Too cartful stock of said corporation shall ld> ths sum ot ssvcnty-fivn thousaud dol lar'<#rs,(Ki; such capital stock,to be divided into seven hundred and Stty -hares o( the'par value ot one hundred dollars (ShKJ:- each. That such capital stock may he paid for la aoods, werea, merctmndlsc, notes,lecoaat*. choacs in Rctioo and other valualdos personal or reel property at a value to be filed by the director# of said corporation. They desire, tko right upon the part of such corporation to increase aueh capital stock, troni time to time, m> to the sum of irae hundred and fifty thousand dollars (•UOAM.I Fifth —That toe petitioners heroin named, or a majority ot ifcffin* smii have the anthority op r toe toriling M' tge cbm ter .herci’-i prayed oi. to open isrotafWlsubseripMoa to the cHpi tai stock OI said mnvjtuk ; and alter such seven huuured aud '’iunjßsns and! sfock have heca suhaertbea fosrthlpE (rmeethtrof such stock holders on tohr > .written notire, for ihe p&rputo ot a#epHu#4ft etrtrtor and a.Teciiag organization of the conripatty. f grtth -That they desire to purchase, own nnd lioMrcai estate and other property aud to lm prore the anutu. , Sevorttlr-That ti:e officers of said, company , *halitr.-! urosnunt. riee-pfesbluiu, and seer*, lary and treiU,urer and suyii otiigr officers or (ißeots as the stoCh I; .tderaorboerd of dfrictora tney deem neeetaarr and advisable in the con duct of their etld business. That th. t .vavd of director..shall consist ot not lees t! ar three uuimliers nor ntoro Uma Sesea. who shall be elected by the stock holders ai their reguiar anhnal mcettug*. The president nod other ot lleei-i slialt bo elected by the board of di roc tore Kighth ■ The stockbuldors shall hold annual meetings in the Llianswick, aid ootjn iy, at sued tiute as may he lived and prescribed by the board af dlreetms. At such stochhold era’ luoetlnCT. eaeh .shareholder shall be entitl ed to oue vote for each share of stork in gomt standing held by turn; and a majority of the stock ahull eoeatliute a quorum. Sprclalor called meetings of the stockholders mav be held at any time upon seven days' written no tiee to each share holder Ninth-They dee ire that the loard of diroetore shell have autfesrity to* and prove ,-tbe by-law,, rule* and regolatioue for the govern raent and comtoet of said company; aud the - hare holders shall haTo like authority to make aud amend auch by-laws, rule* and regulation* ai any regular or called ineetlag. Temh-.Under such corn..rule name and ntylo vour petitioners de ire to have thv right and power to contract and be contracted with; iq sue and be sued ; to buy, sell and encumber property; to borrow or loan money and tose curo the ssine as the vlirectora may desire; to have aud \ifc a common seal; aud generally to have all the right*, power* ahd priVllvges granted aud given similar corporation* under the lows ot Georgia. Kb vcußh-Thertahallbe no individual lia bility upon the part of unyshareholder oteuch corporation further than *ueh amount, or amounts as may he due by such ihoreholtler a* unpaid subscription tor hlsatoek.or shares, in said corporation. T\velfth--Tbat they desire to lie iucorporafed under said name and style of The Lott—Lewie Company, with all the rights and privilevt* herein prayed for, aud fora ftertod of twenty j ear*, aud with the privilege of renewal at the expiration of that tune. And petitioner* will ever prav. SPARK?; ,v TWITTV , Atto-neys at Law for Feutloneis, Gergta--Glyn > County. I hereby ci itlfy that the above and forego ing arblicatUin for incorporation of!,The Lott- Lewts Oompany was filed 'a the olllce of the clerk of :he*utwr.or court of >d coumv on this the ISth day of December, 1900. tv i’, my hand and official seal. U. F. DU BIGNON. Clerk Superior Court Glynn County, Gi. STOCKHOLDERS’ MEETING. The- annual mooting of the stock holders of the Brunswick Bank & Trust Company for the purpose of sleeting a board of directors, aud transacting any other business that may come before, them, will be held at the banking rooms of fa and company on Tuesday, January 8,1W)1, between Ibe hours of 10 a. jn, ~snd 2 pTtn. Hovr \V. Gale Cashier. i - TANARUS, ' Wood Wood Wood. Klogr up phone 31 or oall at yard cor ner Gloucester and Grant streets ■ •‘ J - " J - !! - ; ‘ . For Croup lige CHENEYS EXPECTORANT ' Monitor t>ev 11 Fish; Deatroylnptit* victim, w a type of Con*ump tioo. The grower of this mrrderoa* malady i* ett’on’organa: and nerves and muscles and brain. There;* no health dll it’s overcome ButTir. King’ll New Life lills are a safe and certain cure. Best Ur the vrvrldfor stomach Liver. Ktdueys anil; Bowel*. Oily SS cents at ail druggists. Gor* A. P;oißt, Upper Sandusky, OJ; wrif.efir : have been using Fo tei’s Bhfiey jfnd Tax for hoartocew. ?> cid ’ the beet remedy I ~ver r vjt; Bright’s ' High living, HltT4|ii and many other Mng*rt > ’ipAo | B <U*ea*ct f. .icv’wKlfeift^y.aißaityi*bt’ .tu,. uawend dteor-jera fetRHH PARkWp!. T /■■E9 HAIR BALSAM MC ':■;> >’ ’i bvn.Avflr* Vft* AfcijC. -J§s? to HWi. f it%y f.j Yv’tVifxV ’ofor. ■ : At bo time Is m*o“seSnre froni ai Uoks oi mich dlaprders of tb itomxcti * ohoivra murbu>, oramps and diar rhoea ; but are ooaa rnon duriojt term, when it Is danffor' tbs- l’ '■ a* i #vpr fail ed, ar.d ihe wig&bi. azrorfe* have: bssn cured by it. # , Jta'lr|Seituue*.,a’hsr# is but one Pain-Killer, Perry Dai*. aSo.and 00c. . CHRISTMAS GOMES BUT ONCE A YBAR; But that's do reason why you should not give your stock the best of feed all the time. Christuis* qaaiily of feed gieen to year stuck all the time Is like bread oast’upon the waier—it brings its sure retain, f’iay Santa Claus to year live stock everyday, by buying their feed here. J. M, BUBXETT, FBJfiD STORE. T. POOL, Contractor and Builder, Rl9 South Stonewall Street. Brunswick, - Georgia Advertisers lways PPRECIATE fIEAPiNG High IIETURNS A r--THAT IS | fIEGULAR lleturns I Heported By Adwrtisers Who Ose These Columns. . ‘wliljjsd {uailly|oi' Miiias R |iTM Joanlit; .iJ }S' 4 ] to Advertisers And We Give Both ALSO——aa. . GUARANTEE TO GIVE SATISFACTION IN JOB WORK. OON’TISENDIAWAYt FOR ft ENVELOPES? LETTER HEADS, BILL HEADS, SHIPPING TAGS, ETC, When you eanget them at home for the same price and besides you save the cost of freight and drayage. OUR PHONE IS 31, and a message will receive prompt attention. We don’t blind calling an talking the matter over wit|T you and giving you our estimates, „ and if#we fail to get your order that is our fault, " hot yours. ALL WE WANT 18 A TRIAL. Times-Call, 206 and 208 Gloucester Street. PLANT SYSTEM, PAiWENORR DEPARTMENT. He.'’,... .... Kiri; iiown ~ '~+'" \ '{"‘ymcAb'Vp j... isSf"’”'!!!!!!! No. 8T Ro.t*. Tim© Table j no. as : I::;:::;:-- cset!e<Kti,nai j MKi...... Pawengcr Mixed __ Mixed Patlr. Pally. j 8t!’...!..’ 00 am ... 545 pin... It I.rohnwck r eoClpnfiAvffiwfam.... .*.!.! ' 945aif1.... SOOpra... ar Waycroa* It tlOPm7 mam... ii. .........J0 00 am ..1015pm... It Wavcron* tr 4 fWpm. .; li 45am. i! 12J20pm... lir.ani... ar ’nfioo It 15pin™.! I Isan> —t ............ la.Wpra... 2 o*m lv TOtaon ..i i 2 Warn-.., ‘U.i • SOS pm... 4On an:... ar Albany ly .1250pe*....'1l Siam....; ..... 4 tom... S s|h am. ar Chariest'*'' vy , ,1213 m... PttWsm... lQßopm... ijr Jacksonville >v -j 2 00pm— 5 ooan j 16 pin... |l 0* am..l ar aTßmnasvtlla It r~.... ... ..Woof'S# 1 ar Tampa It : ; 6 00p<r ... * ! :-! L i L : VtA waYOROSS A MONTGOMERY ...... - . II 111 maei V. s Bmnawtall wfCOOpm 10 00 m..t 4b Jim.k.' *':# w*y®rt** . U}.4Umb...; 7Nata..i fi . $ Monigbmery vi.- : 4f. pm. it .**a m. li .♦ fta.. |*i B rnasv£tt*m W, ;4 05 pm...' ... — h som ... JlMpm.. r lv .i9 00mm... ; • h 2 s>a 3d am...far. tcralanilo m 265 am „.j :,pa M , t a.... ftn.Leu.‘a H (8 55 pm...j,....... VIA AND CHARLESTON. aop am,. j * 4-jpm.. ; Lv iininawiea Ar| #oopm ,0 mi am I SJiSam fMpm..!Ar Bicbmond Lv 0 05am B 1 265 am j llipan.. I 00am .| Ar New York Lv j ' 0 25pm ~ betw:kn~brcn3Wlch and sAVAyyAH~viA~jesup." tuoa-u.. *6V pm .i lV Brunswick “ar i-~Bjura #3* pm.! .!....."". SOSam,. 10 30 pm.. | ar Jwni lv I 500 pm . 0 55pm ...... 1015 am 11 IQ am .I at Savannah lv I 335 pm 500 pm.. Direct connection made at WavCroM with Pullman Sleeping c&ia for all point*. BetweenlPort Tampa, Key and Haia.^,^ GOtKO. RCTtT^^|^ Lv Port Tampa U 00 pm Mon. Thars. Sat. 1 Ar Port Tampa 2 30 am Tnea. .tx Key Tfeit 00 pm Tuee.Frl.Bnn ILt Key tv<t ,0 00p.m. Wrd .... Lt Key Wen OO pm Tne.s. Fri. Sunday (Ar Key Weet SOO pm Wed. Sat. and Mon. Ar Havana 6 Ooam Wed. Sat Mon |Lv Havana 1 SO pm Wed. Sat. and Koa E. S. PLUMB, Practical and Scientific , Horseshoer. NOW OPEN. , in] thu Shop ou Oglethorpe street, - between Mansfield and Howe. A trial Will convince you that ne knews _ business. J. W, Watkins will loan you money on personal pro# erty and real estate. A bottle of Frickly Ash Bitters kep in the house and used oocauontlly means good health to the wbole%)use< hold. W. J. Butts,