The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, December 15, 1900, Image 7

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MRS. M. ISAAC. f 208 & 208 1-2 Newcastle Street . / in &ery Line Special Offerinps For'the Holidays +*■ ■ / Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Clothing .Notions, Etc., Etc. • Speci le Every Day. y “Wk. JW* "W‘"Tfc the 'bond kt'r m WT m Ji , m _ __ _ J. J. LISSNER, Groceries. Tobacco, Flour,’ Bacon and Provisions. .GRAIN, HAY AND BRAN / SPECIALTY. 216 Bay Street, Brunswick, Georgia. - W- H. BOWEN wCNTRACTORS tsu-jii— de;r© - Of Stone*. Brick and Frme Building Mauutacti.jir of C and Artificial Stone- #OUR GREAT Don nrPrpplinp -rUpilll mw) LI u All the Leathers, All the Shapes. . $3,50 and $4.00 !§bsdf I FVY’S a %% S * ifl* BKUMSWIOKDTIMKS-oall DECEMBER ioB ; Cures * ! Coughs, Colds,' Brofltf ; Consumption, Asthma, Throat and i übka. ** DR. J. H. McLEAN’S TAR WINE LUNG BALM An unfailing remedy for Irritation of the Throat and Lungs.- This Medicine positively contains no opium or other drugs injurious to the stomach. 25c, 50c and SI a bottle, at druocjlsls. THE DR. J. H. McLEAN MEDICINE CO., T. LOUIS, MO. FOR BALE BY W J* HtJTTtf, Tbe *jru|r*isr WHEN LAGRIPPE BEGINS. CURE IT! It yon watt roo will ho sorry. Peopl. tak# quinine lor tt, and when they r veil, tbs effect, of InUrlpp. end quinine together, often cuujte more Meknesa. JOHNSON’S CHILL & FEVEH TONIC Cures In a Day or Night. No bad atre u art fell end you don*l hara to pnt y outsell ou a steady dial of it, as you do with Quinine Mr. W. W. Caldwell, of Chicago, writes that sight rio*eM*|ren In one day cured him ct>rupieuiy, it will curs you. , loe. por bottla If ft run. Not ru cm,), it tt iloes not our*- A, B. CIRAftOHAU. < '-!vannsh. (I Cali, job Joftloe is flow In full'blagt again aod tbo:;e twbo desire to save? money 'should lot it b,W on their work. Best’ workmen [aiidl beat equipped. . ' of Uhißta.SU*idai*f#>! Bates, Bgilwsy jf „ ml, points east ( ,r h ° f ,J) e C>h■ :> of one W* 'M- i -riiir^jMjßP roun j , rill 22, 23, 24, 25 a0d.31. I'akl; aft), 1, 1001 with e*tf* 'ViCnK^STr^^fTOin. 1 jjfeT Illv >:< r&jfir, t your Htouaeh after ei*u*v ~-rrfTa|aUf p* benefited by naif* Chaw i.-ria in’s a.v. tlver Tubists. ttNMMjuet.ia fcrkhfn* Sj. w>ur ftomacii. 'fta* i c-ulat,- th* two* too' Price 25c. Sold by bishop's Bt>t* v - CASTORS A For Infants and Jhildren. The Kind You Have Aways Bought Don'llie doco.vcd or hßrnbngj;rf v v p eop i e who claim tho diecovcry of somyj*? ,£,rt,o u/i known herb or root in swamps,® ®t n shine mountain or prairie for tbe cure of Wfney and bladder troubles, Any doctor." or druggist with tell you that such claims or frandnlent. Foley’s Kidney (Jure simply contains jeiiiedins that ere recognised by the; most skilful physician, „ B best for these complaints, so don’t be crrdhloa.' or foolish. W.J. Kntts. • Btlf the World is is Dgrkreee as to’the cense of their ill health. If they would start to treat their kidneys with Foley’s Kid ney Cuie^lheiwisrircesof bedysnd mlMl.bscr scheybeudsclie ? rheumatic pslns would disappear,| W."J.lHnti.. FIRBT ANII FOREMOST X In the field of medicine is Hood's Sarsa parilla It poeseereeactual and unequalled merit by which it cures all diseases caused or promoted by impure or impoverished blood. Iffyou have rheumatism, dyspep sin, scrofula or catarrh, you may take Hood’s Sarsaparilla and be cured. If you are luti down and feel weak and tired you may be BUreit Will do you good. The favorite’family cathartic is Hood’* Pills. Bargain days, Monday and'Pjs sdsy, December 17 and IS, t .1. 11. IT - 1 r A Bro’ . _ j* B'urswxk wants "‘Oibcr People's Money.’’ 500 KevrsFd. re will pay the abaye reward for any case Uaigdmp “H MfPcpsia, Bidk Benda,.be, ffgeWlOJi, i ouslipatten or CpstMansa wc ?o,o’ m „ o!ST®£* la ’ S 1 ! MP-to-lmto Llttfe Liver .PlUi, WMi Hie dfisottonM aie strictly corapliod wfth!jfccy fire pnr< lv vei? - table and never fa\| to W f c boxes conttun 100 niUs, lyfif.tSJfSSlSffißfc owrorsuii.- • For * 4 " i I>y .. .. # fll fv|. wp&jk fiji -i M dyspepsia Cure uvm youuatV i it artlttclally digests the food and aids Suture ! strengthening and reeon r'ructiug the, exTiatletcd digestive or ;aiis. It is the latent Oiscovied and igest- and tonic.- No otlier preparation can approach It In eUiclete y. it in -But’r*iv relieves and portcaneutly cures Dyspepsia, indigestion, li.artburn, Flatulence, Som .Storftach, Nausea, Sick Headache, Gastraig..; :’i snips aud all other results of imperfect dig' • ion. Price Me. and sl. Large m'Contblm, Umes small sire. IWi sli a.boiitdysbm o. rmitledfsee Prspr--'II c O.WIT' '.lpeaqw W. J. BUTTS „ r. " F>r<p .ini, , v , iinii ni notliing o ood>s Cbamlierluin’s: I’sin Ilalm rrv it. For sale>t l)r. Bishop’s drug store. Mr? T. BrUidUrnar, of I’aifiballville Mich,, was trinbled wifb salt rheum for thirteen years and had tried a number of doctors without relief. Af ter two t.r three applications of Ban ner Halve, her bands became better, and in a short time she was entirely cured. ———---■ -".-cv;-::::: .rarar. Second ■ hand household furniture bought and sold; also pianos, organs, trunks, mirrors, carp<%, etc. J. W; Watkins'. You enn't affyi’d lo oisk joor life hy allow a cough or a eoid to develop Into jmetmuMifft or conKMtnptJoh, Obo Klhnte Cough Cure will cuii! (hrout fltul lung troubles <;u joker than any other propanuion known. Many doctor <• ft a* a Bi>elflq for erippe. lt it an infallible JTtmpJ < iTllZirrTlikilt and motb ra endorse It, VV J, Bn Us. t YOUR FACE is YOUR > o million /uinuaii) ltd- fac ; jpPPv lerajdticua, etc’., mo Whirh :tl.< " • ,<I F ' ,-it Ti Mttai ■ ■ 1 jJ* J f * 1 I . bpqilaxion, :iot a \tUK Htritlllili MASK, Jflr ->Ti ß fna 1 contour, permanently re ,'W .opi, fieckloa, blurkbeuds, and all Sssapi Aionid imperfections, ffWlutety harmless. He,suits guaranteed. ror partlculsri. I'.-icc js.oo by juai GtoV fioO and i2am VIItOIN ItUBBER CO., No West lttb St N. Y • Brown Drug Cos., Bruhswick, Georgia. Comolete is the line cf Ml id id H HHwhicbJf now have on^ | (exhibition. / B ■ * —— CALL UWSIMINE, Til. F. Winter, IW-TAILOR, 311 Newcastle Sf. ■ "’’ -.-t.*'.l. ’ Vou can t get along ou 1 , ‘-‘t)ther’People’s Mcnoy”