The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, December 15, 1900, Image 8

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p THE DIBCOVERER OF Lydia E. Ptokham’s Vegetable Compound The Great Woman's Remedy for Woman's Hls. No other medicine in the world has received such widespread and unqualified endorsement. No other medicine has such a record of cures of female troubles or such hosts of grateful friends. ... : ,Oj Do not be persuaded that any other medicine is just as Any dealer who asks you to buy something else when you go iste#| his store purposely to buy Lydia E. Pinkham’a V^etable has no interest in your case. He is merely trying to sell yo.< some thing on which he can make a larger profit, lie dues not care whether you get well or not, so long as he can mak# a little money out of your sickness. If he wished yott w*B he Itpaj&A without hesitation hand you the medicine you a$ for, knows is the best woman’s medicine in the world. ~K * .follow the record of this medicine, and remember '||Me / • of women whose letters are constantly s|intef ln lhis brought about by " something U,” but by Lydl Zj‘A Vegetable Compound, Tho Great RomoOy for Woman's Me. Those women who ret„„/„ a acccp t anything else are rewarded a hundred thousand timet, *!. get what* they want-‘-a cure. Moral Stick to the medicine that you ; ~ ■%, When a medicine has been hi restoring to health more than a million women, you cannot well say without trying: It, “ I do not believe it will help me." If you are ill, do not hesitate to get a bot tle of Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound at onoe, and write Mrs. Finkham, Lynn, Tfiass., W special advice. It Is free and helpful. Coney <& Parker DEALERS IN Coal and Wood, Brick, Lime, Cement* Plaster. Ha : r, SUinjjki and Laths. Agents for Morris’ Brick, Phone 18 525 Bav St. Ladies^ Silk Waists, Silk and Sutt’een Capes, Fur Neck Pieces, Golf Capesi SkirtvDressing Sacks, are a the many tive things you can get here for Christmas. HKBNSWICK TiMEb-SALL, DECEMBER 15 19UO, . TANARUS: . BY MAB.Y MSISH BUUBOCOirs. . .. • ; ** Miss Whir!, *fVr a ; • r < ‘v;. .* Tv-j'*. . jJL - •v*' to Brunswick, tb <>nm*ol k * '• Wyllyv 8t her Si*mc on Unlou Mr- 'returned to her hdmiu K'irjr, tot he . ■, jv* . ’ , reiret of many' fju nd made . Juiing ‘ . - ' , • Ue< short Vf-H. •. rje Many friends of Mss Francs W reach wiH be ?lel to know that na to mak ing a success ot journalistic work, be lug society editor on the Madison Ad* yertlrer, one of Middle GeorgtVo brightest paper*. One of the moat interesting enter tainments ever given by th public school i will be given by the BMWibws of the Excel sior LHeniry Sort%ty on Fri- day evening neftp 'i<P Auditorium of. tbarlynn High school, on Mansfield street, for the purpose oCraising fnods' with which to boy a book ease. There wilt be,music, readings and recitations, a Shakespearean play by the girls, “The Daecing Du'ohrasn,’' by the boys, ana drills and songt and choruses by all. The public Is in vited to atun l, and a pleasant evening Is promised ro all. Dr. Taylor, president of the Baptist Orphans' Home in Alaota. Is expected in Bruns aflkit Segpscgpw. to conduct ter- Arad At, charming and attraettte |gt rls. wak'Mt# nwawtifui debutante at a jgesinljJjjg)KM Jjj Mr, J. E. du Blgnon i J§s|j(SF'la night from a buslseEJgj^M^err<Ntfl weeks north. It will be gratiUwfig u*wKjt many •'*“£ . . P Brunswick ..... ' W/ ’ Carrie jsaK^yifeß log a great saecess the Atlanta 4 ' Journal, where she bolds a responsible position. Atr. W. JfL.'Jjybage Is spending ser-1 in §ruß<clf, from Atlanta.! where Y.e ba* lived tx some time past. V ' I M.Vujr friends o' Miss Tsllu’ah O’Neal, who vLsitr! Bruuew.ek last winter, will be glad to weiconm her among them sgain, wd to know that 6he expects to sperl some months to Brunswick, tho claying guest of Mrs. Samuel Carter^. Pinion, at her homo on London strevi. MmA'ft-e Morris, of Atlanta, will bs the attractive guest of Miss Msry Lilia Blanton alter the holdidays. at her horns on Ncrwich street. Miss Morris hue visited Bruoswick before, and has a host ot friends who will wel come her back. After a visit to her old home in Brunswick, the guest of her mother, Mrs. J. Southard, Mis. George Brad nack left yesterday tor ner home tn New York, to the regret of nuny friends. Miss Marie Chyrohlll, of Pensacola, is the charming guest of Miss Nettle Nobles, at her home corner ot E and G streete. The next german will be given under tbe auspices of the Brunswick Cotillion Club on the evening of the tVrentv seenth. A pleasant ..german, given ny tbe members of the Brunswick Cotillion Club, was dancsd in the parlors,of tbe Ogleihoryp a ft eyeniegs ago, a num her of cpui-let' taking part-. The co- ca-ion was nhapsrontdby Mfa Hugh Turlpr ank MfSr’W. F. Fai^ ; The i* SO ~ dancera were t ' ■ • Mr. and Mrs. J: c.. Stiles, Mr. gnd Mrs. F. D M- Siracban, Miss Qenrttdo Allen, Mr. Howard. Smith; Miss Retia McCullough, Mr. Howard- Waff; Mlse Fannie Grant Nightengale; Mr. Jen nings Butts; Miss DolUe Green, Mr. Laurence Von Weller; Msi Olivia Raeney, !|r. Eugene Wh’tfield; Miss El zabeth Parker, Mr, Harry du non; Miss Whirl, Mr. R. D, Miss Julia Wilder, Cullougb; WBfl| M ~t AeO; Miss Reta KcKinnon, Mr. Hoyt Galt; Mtsf- Mary McCultongh. Mr. B. T. Coleman; stags, Mr, Morton Marye, and Mr. Bayard Butts, fpEdwin, .Bcobsu* .atiilikob v Mater Stanley Brobitoaj are est'jsHivtd toiiic today, after a piewan* trip., *ijL Nw Orleaok-kKq.othej ptrfteji 'Jtfb-i&t. isa Mamie jpy^Br^kCfr-.a a pica-nut and r^pjlton Captai*,£iichn and dang ifSSCwf Borchild en^Hß ~~ ';j;dldwaid, or. \mm SSLlsae. . -VS^- ILL... : , ,s- -m- •- P it 4 ; ;if , f tl7tCto Tfcuywass, :■ ' t~~ WgM j up t , yon tuie hfjtf i>o Put* hssl slow ift tMjg* HH lieu or burnt Ibfn/da/gJmaJ Eruptions? Aob or bnokt Bcxeinn ? Old ScrofuU? Rheums- Myat Foal Brest bt Cstarrhf Are IQ* Plf Then B. B. B. (BoUnto Blood Balm) wlfl your blood, best every sore, and give a clear, smooth, heslthy skin. Dep-s*BteA‘ oases, like ulcers, osnc.r. eetlog sores, Painful Swellings. Blood Poison, are quickly eared by Botanic Blood Balm. Cures when all tl.e fails. Thoroughly tested for thirty year*. Drag stores. $1 per large bnttl Trial treatment free by writing BLOOD BALM CO., Atlanta,' O*. Drectihe irouble-r-free medical dvt srlvetl. Over 3,f100 vol untary tn'iimmuli of cores Py B. B. B. Barei> deyr. Monday and Dsoeinbor 17 and 18. at J. H. Hrl'tr A Bro’s. FICKLE TALK. Sweet Plckla Peaches, jar,... 1.. ,23c Sweet India Cbop. jar 160 Sweat Mixed Pickles, bottle. .. ;0o Oh Hi. Sauce, bottle fsc Stnfffcknßocs (iu bulk) German Dill (w huik) SouriHieumber, In bulk. - Bor ootli ~Po Wt^‘j. ; Wv;' _ ■yf r ' t <'■ ; -^’^7 \ BEITS, The Drugs!. l BROWN’ Hot Chocolate and Cold Soda Something Delicious PRESCRIPTIONS f Filled accurately. DRUGS ~. . ■ . Sold cheaper than the cheapest Ail we want is someone to enquire into the truth ot if the above assertion to make a customer of you Perfumes and Toilet Articles in abundance, Call in and mak? ymirsAf at home \owo Drug Cos. Jr-'- I SPECIAL I Ph A M w (m immj OFFER.? We invite the attention of Christinas Buyers to our magnificent display of Oak ana Mahogany * f=? o cz: k: e: f=? sb in cobbler seats and plash, exquisite designs and novel fin ish . Selections at this store are made easy and every taste gratified. Wood bottom chairs 75c, better ones in cane &1.25. The largest and most diversified assortment of Children’s Chairs to be found any wheie. Our stock of RUGS will be found equally as inter esting. Many great economies will be revealed by a visit and critical inspection of exceptional offering* throughout the entire stern, CD. bE.^ LOOK THE WORLD OVER cream of mrrnx i Whisky SI.OO PER QUART ; SI.OO PER GALLON. NOT MADE'BY ’A TftUST- I- Trager & Cos., Independent Distiller?. Sold Exclusively in Brafkiswick by FR. V. EDOI-JC3L-. 206 Bay Street.