The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, December 16, 1900, Image 2

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in* Btniiswifi Times. Kitabliahad 18*0- 6e Brunswick Call. •1 JMoWMuM .Jfife V-iV'.'-' ,r* % Brunswick Times Call, kwr MOKMNyMXCfctT MONDAY. ITKDE H. LEAVY ErtitOf A. MTJtXINB, BDimes* Manager - , , ' t ‘ih • ■ - -—--- . ■ t*< •miiMrtDiMeoi.ajt* * .; > ii ,u *<*wfi <#u , ... „ I-. ■ I ■■i*™wasmMWfimmilfi^ww<wmS*s 111 < lIH . NOTICI. ii. t ftp :i ,,'4vi-tt|ii mects tifJ!- b paid foe after 1 the rt>< in-cri oi Th management baa tmen pn l to,* feat deal f taounie anti delay Jw collecting iu Un. as , ami in futnr ■ ninet tek* AdvatH-ge of lit* Go rgia law c-j this sub.!ec • Oci. JO, 1000, SUNDAY TMiUfiHTS ' 1P,.1! • B1:IS1 '.i U It. I* < X 1 l of n ibli h u : [i.-i'.ii) to n w- pray; *:> out oue S'", nd -o'er in. It in rn m u l sda). W- In a, in ■ tuirietmus engtl-, Tli“ Rlail tloing-i t,-'' { • M-. ii ,n e lo or. afnrtr writi in ; O.jr 1, r<). Kin in a pti ‘l! Ant I(> , <>■. .lilljfe, t’Dltit>* (Jtl .St mat 1) < ! Oiipe ii o-ii, liilfi.e abroad U‘l tl “ nfilp of f tmple Ii plieiili', r iue 111* d’l.r v. roll or .11 ht V. in-',.in v oil. at iutil uii,f..-in a lie Hi, cli m in'll i uii an ai it din *is Lift Up jotfaeiver to ifcn itreai m *ni g ut ih day. and t*ar* In think of you • tin inanity * a nielbing to Plipp. melj poolum Ui*l tl *s oM,j of In-fug made an i lfeiing U (1 4. I oiint it ea privilege to nuke liai ■ ft- nug a dimple eaa poiob mg iinllmiKb fck, and g oo I. UiepMusinpi 'lid dutie.r ■ t Jim lif , Bnvit.g hem duly burn an. ty tli II * *fe*mi*y, .r* He wea born in'fp i or tu day, Wop ii more today h*fore the pad Sou of Man, at down amt letsrt a 'lie feel* the solemni'y and nblimity of tbe UuuiaL l(.'e,toti.. hion tbv Divinity tiay.enterad, Yfe i tnfn ooma ami dnd their King in tbia weak babei i'be shepLerd* ae the nopo of lerael /•lift led, the Savior opm*. tbla Igbriatmaa day. let n* be wltli them 1 mmII ! Let ua feel tbriliing through this Rueianity ahich weyO of'en cirn. the drre of the Incarnation Let n give tip cur lives to Him, and, bag that He will rule tbetn. It U a dray of joj and charity. Moy Ood r.i!ta u< vtrj rich In both by giving eashund sotly tl e glory ef the Inc-voetinn, and the pt noe of Uhriet'e blngehip, and ibe graoe of (Jin ut’* aaftuttiou. Tb* li-*arl iru t r!rg Thy Cbriatmai bell*, Tby Inward ilisre rslee; it* faith ard hope Thy rantiolea, And its oti.-.lKlic pesiM | ALL FUR SOUfN GtQRGIA. Tb* Brunswick anti Uimmuham Railroad Oitipnny was organized in this olty yesterday for (he building of a a< indicated by t e name. Cir Uinly cite co*apn.v becama an iu’iiy under as faTotablc airspioe* a* could bo auggsated by enlLuus ic, moral material support. The parti** lo lbs incorporation are the equals In standing of any to South •eorgla, and II the auooeas lo building ia aa prouonuer and at the good wishes of Brunswick and sincere then thcie.will be little else left to dire. Our people are a ur.|t upon the n< c-a sary ol a direct line that will reach the great western csnteia not eli ne toy the ttaton that our food perdue a are drawn largely therefrom but because Brttnev natural aa|M>rt pod Biß.< s.Hute t i tel derived from this es a floLhcd line, pnt | her in loach with a fofeign businyy that otherwise will patebcr hry. Tbe outside world lf,.<lrawing largely upon Alabama for supplies of Iron and coal and tbi* busjnesa can be. increased to mueb greater extent when traoepor. tavli n charge* cao be reouce l tveo to a aiight eXtciik, bet when 'the iiidbd a4 - vantage of tjuiotfer, .bg’.fer ai t}. m > e di. reel service can bv c mt.i and -|r p O Jd bp bnt reasonable to.'jxp.ct letul'? vood alike to Uic trttftpuc.aHpa Tin,- pfl MS'W V'wSP*# ttt tho ch nsed con 2". V .> •.” ' V ■ ii'ijo.., • '/v "• 't e fact tbrt;.t)Vo; W ij'rgrssi aectioii' Jt Oeot gia ot’hors.ln'vppaltrtlp), and dc ve Jo pin out rb- dc bfl* .cioif. ed hs*dr%wii aue;tibn to it to ah e*- ten -ttuit tvilVgrVe'rt n still. gfeatisr Ipi* pwVHa and' Brunswiok and- all South tieoVgt'v can be counted onto lay. hold tbe,ad vantage thus gained and increase ■he hereaf .sr. The heirty sympathy and p opera, ion or every citiz n of bouth Qeorgla ii de Ircd in the great undertaking set on' loot >o thia-clty yetderday by Col, Machen and his associates for the fur ther dcvr'diimerit of our favored see* lion and wo f> el sure It will be gir i'n with a cheerful will. The Timws.l all, pledges Its sapport in every way possible to tho work ihiad nhd Im-ls styre that, tbe people of Olynn count , U 1 soiidly support every move mAite, lo fuithter ifNowJeta ail pall together. - “IVrupeiweJf & Birminghamff This real y eoubcle nlo*. ; ;* * r. v Bg~saa! jErasr attuaii Mr. Hrywo la to ea,t a newspaper, We gladly welcome Mr. Hryo. | W*- , .gi l i!!iiJ._j|U;.!i.U. ,iii, J Assess property real jktfl Lot ttif* be-the ory "t-i'ltl t'.,|l , ,-J ' |'j, yi, , w / , 1 mrtmeß mm works HARO .. Kr a livittir. He has t*. He taail ajke hay wlliic the atn?*W|g|V matter ho.v tic feel* Tim result isovtry wore, yt>r dtomdeb ustiaily gtveft tEe first siyn yfstr.di: organs 4" diges tion an ! ntHrititHi are deiiutgcd. ,-00,1 does *<W. nourish. Indigestion appears. In such n cave Dr. Pierce's Golden Med ical rb.V'overy re-rstablishe the health Uy a-complete cure of the diseased organa of digestion and nutrition. It demises the sPatnach, purifies the blood and re niovha the causes of disease. Jt ia a temperance medicine, and contains no whisky nor alcohol. t w* 1 ; nuM<M with imtlgaation for abert iwa year*, Writ™ Wio. Bowker, Bsq., of julUrttr. Latah Cos.. Idaho. **x tikd difßcrert doctor* *s<a reraetiD. hot to mo .rail, until / wrote to fir. fiterct and he told me what to do. I offered with It pain In mr stomach and lft side and Ihonaht it wiaild alt? me. lam atad to write and let veil know that 1 am all .I*ll can do mr work now without pain and I .fon t have that tired reeling that l used to have hive bottles of I)r. Werce's iioliiipt Medical lnaeovcry and two vlata of hu ‘Pteaannt Vetleis' cut and me." Sick jwople can consult T)r. Pierce by letter free. All correspond cnee private. V Hiiq.ik,. K. Y. SHIPPING KEIOKT, Daily by oapt. 4 Otts /skaaataan Port sf Brunawiak, Drt. IS, 180*. ' aaaivCß ( Sohr, Laura, Limbec, Philadelphia. sutaia, Sithr. Kate B. Ogden. WiJbarr, New York. rtcbr. Blanche H. King. Norton, Neyi York. \ SB IP NOTICE. Neither tbe master, yior owners * fit be Aisci ioau bnrkM'try Uaebrough wilt b> reiponaibt* for any debts OOtKrsnted by the crew of said baik. LataSanp Master. Tmlß BRUNSTfiei-r l lMfis-ClLi. DECJfiMJEJI i| # 1900 mm DEPIRTMEIT Conducted tw, Ifias Marr ilcMh Ilamaigha. A titjAUßia r* ** oven, O the piußßrljresd fidy and pie must girt. They hvJ a q u*rrci i tl,, •. ' - Together iiity sat oh thh oyr n shelf, The plectUßt lav and the Binge .bread elf, ■ And the quarrel eoinmeueed this way; Sajd the gingerbrsad boy to the piecraat girl, ‘Til wager (uy aOw, brown bat... That I.’ratatter than you and much uioia tana- W, v - ' • , -y : -- ■- -)f **-q , , ,” ■ . ... T’ S . ... r u .', .. * TtfoUßh you’re flllatl nithprW* till yon cannot ktted iPA whut Is the good pt that?" Their th* pfaerat girl Mrocd iier tittle nose Dp ln a neat rrovdking way. •Oh, untybe you're brown, hut yau’re poor aa e*d)Bk^>; w Vou do not know lard tront a round green pest fa ther* anghl tkat yon do kuow, prayt” Oh, the’'gingerbread boy, ha laughed loudly wUh acorn " As he looked at the flaky piecrust, "Jnst watch how 1 riaa in tho world!” tried he “J out see how I’m bonitd o grow lifhV* eried she, . ■'\ ‘, ‘Vi^ “While yoa atay the eolorof ruet!* :;• ' J Bo tlw gingerbread boy and the plocruat girt, Thej each of them swelled with pride, , Till a noise waa beard In a room without, A cry of de>t(ht,then a very glad about; And the wae opened wide. Thoe thd gingerbread httf nd the plecruat girl Could hareacteunurgaad wept with pain, fern roey-ehyeiicd lain and a email bright eyedlad ; • Took n hlte.Of raah -ye, *iiu tal*’ veryaad - , they'Ji.aßsw w*Ver aghin. Dea r.LitDb , 'itii tbi j lieu ibenr; fni of tbe fUtls coutius lo read. Tb* liWia fiirls and boy* 1b 1* wb*r* tUi* l>np<y! bav* ever "WAMjf let ua w&sr ygat you \of’fill *&&&>** the* days just before{Chrig!tfMW,%Jp.ow tfisi am good, better tbac jAflljfW bea fare la your lives, amwibat Claus, with hot wooiJSwtu) paek of-joya Will give you just @ i :Vaiß reap. After be mjiei**; suppose yed flli wbht tM gam VO, M t P ßice lUBgS could |fi lu gtocklug*. or if there were gregl big funtryjloukluj? bundlea lied oujk# c f tfie .<*s& whs are too big fee Sjfcnta Clu| t* come to aes, foe he only comes (to sea little people, wa would like to;htar from you about just what aver interesta you, tbe parties and osne griodingr that you Lava bean go* mg to, aud|baya. tbe bird egga that you are collecting, tbe bunt* that you are going on these wtitter Saturdays, Mid what you are ftolng to do when tha Chriatma* helidaya came. We will all be ao Intwcated. and so glad ta bear from van. Hu pi to ha* ever lo many lens's. from yon next wceA, and that you' ,(|i tattuaatwui ev i y thing that Toteraata ' you, 1 am,! f Tours' lovingly Mary McNtsyf BeMOrotfa, It will iotereat r may of tbe little coueina to know Bbat; Misses Miriam a-iA jllreaa KiSiti | are making many friends Jn Jfew York, where they are living' and that they (are attending schtk’ol, ami getting fine mark! la their UA‘oo*. J Maas- fyiacdg of li tie Mis* Annie Dyer regrrl i(> It now that she continues quite 111, at fte home lof tier grand parents, Mr, end Mrs. W. H. Herrle, on E street, bj>SteT*<\l. ♦ Prom a little girl who- "has many 'friends la Rrunawick, this Better will V*'rea<?\ a great, Th# little. Kiri 'las been array for a tuns: lime, and. it 1< with great disappointment hat Ue{ li.tle pljyratc*.j and cider friends learn iat sbe la . think in,; of making fo ure home elsewhere. ■'She writes: . - • XadUn Spring Uj. . Dear Cousin—/ " * ' lam having a erjr pteaVaot il®e, t 'Talked ever to Floyllla today; and wa>tA r>d I "fo-tfed U frail > * no-’ffjj - ed it foollj” like Airy rair L-Jliaw. J lore dear old Indian Spring, and tease • "- - y.• J •’ ’ beautifully clear days, wish ws turn'd live here, among tbe rocks and rilia. I do not have any liitls girla lo play with, but the birds and squirrels are aopretty, and I lore t'em. 1 have letaoos too, but CTI like to run about ay er tbe bills and net biTe to learn books, wish we could just km v, ’tbout eiadying, dont you, coui'ns? Good JWj Y**r loving little ccnsin, Etta Pu’nam Johnsor. From a bright little girl in the pub - ltd school, thU lrtlter is tralcomed. Brunswick, Oa. Dear Const of-* r, ■ As * ;• . 'V • 1 '* 1 * ■'‘9’- 4 From a little gi.'J wbo will UpM teak* friends among tbs lb f foilowiap JettM I* W<,l - ’jSSaL Jbfc m-*ing, Ga. E w &ORa you about the hickory nut &sit wa took last Saturday. Wa gift a buhbe’i and three j'ecks. We did not go by the Big Tree, lot wa weat upon the bill above i'. WheSf wfi cam a borne my brother, Aubrey, went to the mill and got a half bushel meat* ure ud measured them. We went e a plaoa wbere no one had ever been alnce the nut* begao to ripen and we got most of them there. Some of them were aprouiing and did not want them. Whae 1 wa* com log home my sack fcurat, and Daisy of fered to carry It lor me. And iuat a* tbe was taking ill from my hand*, it bnrat merO and so ins of ike nuta werp. spilled. Then mama brouthHlrem all th* way bom* T'oir ftttle fnsnd, . Liszie Saundar*. Florida i Oranges 250 Dozen * They are juicy, very thin shinned and sweet. Medium size golden ruaaets. Also fancy N. Y. Slate eat ing Apples, fancy Malaga Crape* and fresh new Cocoa nut*. LLOYD’S, ’PHONK 255-2 5 “ (N*t door to Fleming & Waff) J CASTORIA .... S .ML . ViijfLC .. * -.-£■ T. . . .. -O Tbo Kind Yon Hr.vo Always Bought, and which lias been in use for <A'er BO vean, has; home th© signature of _y? I— amt has been made under his per r sffoal supervision singe its infancy. * CmsJUfr. Allow no one to deeelve yon in this. All CouuterJits, Imitations and “ Just-us-good** are hut Experinu-nt-i&iat trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and ISiildreu—Experience against Experiment, What is CASTORIA Cnstoria is a iPjfmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Props ait; v Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains urithrdpjjti>iiim, Morphine nor other Narwotie wfeinute. Its j-; jis its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Pe’. B jt ness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It re lie '®|l*'ee thing Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulent/fylt assimilates the Food, regulates tho Stomach aiid/yAwcls, giving healthy and natural sleep. •Tlie Childriafii Panacea—Tho Mother’s Frisatd* GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. ■fit* THC CCNTAUH ceuMfif, MUMMV •TMCCT. MEW VOW* CITT. Duping. December Our -tqrf will he open un'il 0 oVlock p m.' C Sp:-wf'T o a'nt perni't ur to go in'O tle’ails aa to our magnificent ateck of goods, ii would lake pakca, Ah we ask 1* to pay us visit and it will fully pay you to go to that much trouble, tor will be astounio'l at th* revelation. BheSt When in leArcb of a wedding present jou will find what you want at'our tore. H, M. MILLER £ SON. CHINESE RESTAURANT EBTBLISHED 1889. CHU L, Proprietor You can get the best the market affords by eating here 215 tiKANT Ghristmas Things Are better selected bef ire the rush. A few Lints. Bath Kobes SLSO to*B.oo, Umbrellas fey handles $2.50 to 18. Handsome Neckwear all prices, Walking Canes 50c to $1 50. Handkerchiefs Silk and Linen Mufflers sl. SO to $2.00 Silk Suspenders $1.25 to $2.50 .-——LEVY’S.