The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, December 16, 1900, Image 4

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WINE OF CARDUI HEALTHY OLD A6E. #§* Limo*. Burm Go. Am* , An*. 4. I*m <a years eld end her* bees suffering with I. 1 }/*• ■ Ofcsnge of Life, r bed floodlo* spells so bed the* 1 ■OB* tbOMbt Igoa 14 lire. jSty basbend got me Wkr>-*ri£ wins ef Cerdol end it ssred my Ule. lem like W[ M| •sourer person slaoe taking it. B X A MBS. B. B. TOWffSHSD. Jin' WseTort* 1 Vo* ft Is the devout wish of nearly all people to live to a ripe old ageT None of us want to die young. This universal desire can be realized if car* be taken of the health in early and middle life. A little precaution then will add many years to our existences Death caff be kepi away a long timfc Happy, healthy old age will be the lot of the wolnaa who promptly corrects the aliments which afflict her sex. In youth, Wine of Cardui will taka the female child safely over the dividing line between girlhood and womanhood. Asa wife she needs ft to help her through the trials of pregnancy and childbirth with as little discomfort as possible. At. the Change of Life it will help her over the dangerous place that appear* hi her pathway between 40 and 50. Then will come many years of truly blissful existence. She will grow old slowly and gracefully. To tha last she will preserve that charm and beauty which are always charieterlstla _ perfectly healthy grandroottoa. , Ullir AIVttBtT KFANTMHT. - H A* 0 * IrorjuiTiMißGMMrwMrtnewaGW whether they will be healtbv or KJK * !ck -, Tl“ rem ' d J >f sick- Maicixx eo., ciutttanoopt, Tm. j ness 1$ close at hand. LARGE BOTTLES OR WINE OP CARDUI SOLD FOR f 1.00 BY DRUQQIBTS. WINE OF CARDUI J. MICHELSON, Mg’r. F****^t! 5200 Monk Street I invite my friends and the public generally ti oall a'd. inapoot our s'oek of Wines and Liquors. ——We always carry the fallowing .tsridard brands of WhlUfy, Lewis' 66, Canadian Club, • Ptial .Tones, Imposed Scotch Whiskies, The Dukf-of Cumberland, AuJ ' ush brand* as tire needed for medical purposes. Also H Ihe different high grades of oordialv. TOM and JERRY prepared for use in quart bottles. Budweiser, and Schlitz in bottles, Acme Always Fresh o Draugjjjffl Full line of the best 5c Cigars in tho city, includiAK J tic Nobles, Saratoga and otber leading brandj^BM FHONE 144 3 GOODS DKf.T vf.fftjp Free Pool 10 Ou 1 ra . >.x j / Xjloney <& Park:©]? pb'v DEALERS IN V /ood, Brick, L.. i-Vf eiiinrkrx...! baths • t afa fv ■ gpnts for Morris’’Brick. “ ■l 525 Bsv St. PARE YOU FEEUNC BADLY? RICKLYASH BITTERV WILL CURE YOU. -W' CHINESE RESTAURANT ESTBLISHEP 188 it CHUE HAL, Proprietor You can get the best the market afford* by eating her** 215 liRANT *■*'* . ••A Shoe As Good As Its Same '’ , JSSsm # lilGli SHOE #> X I iuEVYS^^: ... ... _ ' L,. Tml£ SHUNSVTIGK 11MES-CALU DECEkB&E FEMALE WEAKNESS CURED. I was troubled with severe female weakness for over six mouths. I was treated fay six very promioent physi cians, without any marked benefit. My last doctor was a (killed epecial iat, and be told me the only hope lay in an operation, I beard of Smith’s Sure Kidney Care, and after using It for one m< nth I find myself cured. and even the doctor who last treated me, now prou lunoee me well. Mr*. J.B. Faver, A Unfa, Gs. Price 50 cent*, oy all druggistr. - —-i—_ Money loaned on personal property and realestate. Ap ply to J. W. Wat Kins. - WOOD--Most for the mon ey. . Phone 31'. Y ard corner Gloucester and Grant streets •. , After exposure or when you feel a cold coming bn, take Foley's Honey and Tar. It never fail* to cure, and will prevent pneumonia or consump tion if taken in time . \ Stops the| Cough and works off the Cold. Laxative Bromo;Qutnlne Tablets cure a sold la one da,. No Care, Vo Pay. Price cents |— - y TAX NOTICE. Tax-payera are hereby Botified tha all taxee due tbe e ty of Brunswick, Georgia, for tbe year 1900, Bfire due and parable on or before the first day of December, 1900. In compliance with tbe rax ordinance* of force, I •lull at once begin issuing execution* delirquent sax payers. wL C: y wk. s -■. | l Jji/sfe AiiM * * .:i Ii .* ..3. D.rr*. rr* s. tn .., > ■ Uoldam hiarl i • ■ : :% 'i v -V | j.p.rMtr..t’oß, l.oaci fa La • ■ " ' *e\ ~ ’ - 1 •-> 3C -o u ..‘i of t;H> BBC-., afSust, and that la ail they took.when fwilog dull ami bad with headache and &*b#2 laches., You only need a few dory* .w*R&i|g£y *£ s gust Flower, In to you satisfied therejp. ujthing '[prwus' the matter with vfpu Sample was a* at Butte drugstoipiir Browo' Dreg C-; S'lOuld ba tn MM h-,.iaep4jgjWfaaila •i a wtVßajEy Gi. j|W da wrtid©wß|**B ’ ■g'ltiiMijfa mine upemt*;lisot<*Mhe smOrfß under tho etAmpii, but pen Sjnbotmt of gold wtuoh curt b extract ed from the rook. lo a sirnlUr wjr h* tkluo of food which 1* eateo <l<ia not -lejrerta on the ijukntlty wtilcli ietakftnjßti tS* but upon fca-oißi*. m- t tiipu.fWfflieai.kMAotcO from It kgr.nooi'jiwiii of ntm^kn^ pud digestion ViUiea theft VtWtK* dttaaaedfw VJ to ox tract m nourishment inßUfliciooi i utlwto •upplp tbo oeodh'of the •ever., a. in of the body Dd these organa oonnot work without nourishment. The rexnl tto heart trouble, liver troubto and ninny other olltoento. Dr. Fierce'* Golden Medical Dlooorery, acting on every or aa of tbedigeotlte and nutritive system, re ores It lo health and vigor. It curra dieeates remote from the stomach through the stomach in which they originated. Golden Medical Discovery eontaius neither sicohol nor nar oties. i’ HEPrSI PARSER’S ‘ , HAIR BALSAM • *>'•*• Uf*s tfte nlt. ‘•'“AS PmooU • a luEur.F’iJffWrlh. B3Sktos.v . rails to Ke*tJpe (*rmv ElJlv r ‘wSyl Hair to Its Yo* .!•♦>?! 'ol w. 1 i**iu|nt:- il t i ttrUnL. qHutidJikto tf* Xxksi** RICHMOND'S BUSINESS COLLEGE, > SAVANNAH, GA. This old and well established insti tution hat probably done more lo de velop and At young men and women for cusiness tnan any other in Hitutb n of it kind in the entire South. Thou sands ere the benefioiarie* of thia col lege, and (hey are now to be found in every I-ailing business house and counting room in Savannah, and in faot, all over Georgia, Florida, North and South Carolina, The lateat and moat improved method* only are pur sued in the ouricolnm of thie inatitu- Ition, wblob give* thorough bubiness /courses in stenography, typewriting, penmanship, book-keeping, english branches, etc.—[From the Guidon, Meldrim, G*., Deo. 8,1900.] For Wftooping Cough us® CHENEY’S EXPECTORANT T.f POOL, Contractor and Builder, |ll9 South Stonewall Street. Bs'Jiw* ics, •• C::.:: CITY COURT NOTICE Jurors, parties and witneaeea io tbe bnsineae pending before the City court of Brunswick, will be on l|Rid at tbe court, at 8:30, Mot day, December jtj. Take notice, and govern acoordtogly. JErraßsoN D. SrAsifs, Judge City Court of Brunewlck. ,v— ... >■ , *4' • Candied cherries, MoTaSchina cher ries, juat received, at Deyoe’g. .■ , 1 ■ **.' • . ..: BAB BESIGNED. Burrell Alexander for the past few months bead waiter at the Oglethorpe has tendered fa'is resignation and will lease for Atlanta bia home, in a few days. “ ; \ aroCKHOLDERB’ MEETING. The annual meeting of the stock holders of the Brunswick Bank & Trust Company for the purpose of electing a board of directors, and transacting any other business'that may come before them, will be held at the banking rooms of sad company on Tuesday, January 8,1901, between tha hours of 10 a. in., and 2p. m. Hoyt W. Galb, Cashier. Wood „ • raj ft T^’itv i..- ~T, >}• 4 - A nißtjj. loli* gop*!b '* * '* A bo*. Cor* solve ad .irngjriau Brigkt’a W.saM.' , # ■ I High linn*. lntempjtK;rv! eXpoinri' *ml i many othrr thinxs bring n ayi/tiVt: cllsanae. i ioley'a Kidney Cure wil#®prevent - i earn and all other kidney or bladder cUaortlrr* if taken In time. Take nothing elae. w J Butte. SBAKE INTO YOUEISHOES. Allen** Foot-Kaae. a powder. It cure* pain foi, BDiamng, norvoos feet aad Ingrowing nait*,and instantly tame* the -ting out of corn, and bun ion*. 11* the proateet eomfyrt discovery of the K.c. Alim’* toot-Kaae ninhe* light or new this* feel*m>. It la*eeHatsdurefor avnat ‘ng, callous and hot. tired, aching feet. Tty it today. *oltl i,y all dvuKgjsia ai -hoe Horen. By mail lor Sc in stamp*. Tri vl padkain Free. Addroan Allen S,uhnotoivd. La. Kay. N. V. When yon want prompt acting little pill that never Blip- use DeVUtl** Ilttlo>nrly Ulsere. W. Jr. Butte. fn Stop * O dd. After exposure Ol when yon fool a cold eon:- lng oa :Hk a <k> rol Folov’s Honey sod Tei It no rat fi' * in stop a cold if taken in time. W ttt *. r. .-y’ Ddyou n-d "O' bar People’s Mosnej? '' 1 c 0'*,.,.r CHRISTMAS COMES BUT ONCE A TEAR, But ihai'a no reason why you should not give yonf stock the beet of feed ail tk time. Christmas quality of feed given to your stock all the time ie like bread o**e upon the wa’nr—it brings its sure reiuro. i ia> Senta Ciaue to yonr live etook every day, by buying their feed bare. 1 J. M. BURNETT, r'SKI? STQSEi- $35.00 Will buy a Bicycle au a holiday wc will include a nice Lau' tern gil tor same. These make ex cel- Christmas present as we only have a few j to offer at this price. Don’t delay or you may 8 misa an opportunity that is often offered ■ For further information inquire at Thd Downing FOR SALE rWiPC )JL) n . IN OLD low.' .i K H'lGrf- EST dHkft. -1 We will ssli <£||puesdajri January Btb, to the for the cash, that oertain t? jjlgtofy h ius*, situated in the Old Tf, id of this city, on Ellis street, a6f|l®own as the western oae half of tfirf northern one-half of Old Town l(p( 320. Also, that one-story boose, Situated 0 n Egmoot street, said being on lot known as tbe east ern Sue-half of tbe northern one-half of Gjd Town lot 3*o. This property ie in good condition, and bbtb rented. Bhobston, FxNwti Jk Qo. j We are agents for the celebrated BazirGlove Fitting Pattern*— toopen paper patteru in the world 'or R-ffeil Call and get the latest f**Uor WffP'Tree of charge. J. U. B-lier ,v r ' extra. 6pera House One light THURSDAY, DEC, 20 The Eagle Sc earns and so will you at HENKESSY LEROYLE, In the raging laughiog comedy OTHER PEOPLE’S MONEY. BE WISE FOR ONCE,... And see something big. Prices 25, 35, 75 and sl.oo‘. Freth bn* of Pic* ctndies, ju*t rr < e:ved frr the Holidxy*, at OVueV. George A. Points, Upper Ssmfusky, Q., write*: “I heve been using Fo iej’s Honey and Tar for hoareeness, and find It the best remedy t ever fried. It. a'opped the cough imoaedi rqediately, *i,d relieved ail sureneas.” The Quakers Are Honest People. tThe Quaker Herb Ton ic is not only a blood purifier, but a Blood maker for Pale, Weak and Debilitated people who have not strength nor blood. It acts as a tonic, It regulates di gestion, ettro* dyspepsia and lends strength and tone to the nervous sys tem. It is a medicine for weak woman. It ia a purely vegetable medicine, and ’’ib b taken by the moat delicate. Kidney disease, Rheumatism and all diseases of the Blood, Stomach and y*rve soon succumb to its wonderful effect on the human system. Thoes and3 of people in Georgia recommend it Priae 11.00. QUAKER PAP*BALM is tho med icine that the Quaker Doctor made all of hi.* quick cure-, with. It's anew and wonder fill medicine for Neuralgia, Toot tTtc lie, Backafhf 4 , IJheumatiam, Sprain*, Pain In Bowels; in fact, all pain her be Tcliewd I-v it. Price 2'>c sntl no<\ L Qt AKER WHITE WONDER SOAP, a medicated soap for tie- skin, fu\aip slon. Pi ice 10c a cake Q! AKER HEALING SALVE, a vegetable tuniuienc fur the euro of tetter, eczema and eruptions of the skin. Price 100 a box *r R . BA k?, B r T alt, DRUGGISTS. „DILLINGHAM, Proprietor* vaaa*aw*.wt. g a * - ■ y ± ny<:! \Prijrr- r Khwi Becoino Si from’the many beautiful model io our display of TRIMMED HATS then ascertain the price. It will beless than you think tha hat is worth. Our milliners got the inspiration from ex pensive French models, but the mate rial snd workttranjfaip are American 'therefore m oh cheaper, but nonelhe ess good and artiatio MISS KATE SLATER, 6MIGLOCCEBTKB ST., L Ili t inrtK, (Except Thursday ) Coimesoiiig Mondsf Dee. 17 Brunswicks Favobitk MABEL PAIGE, —AMD THE SOUTHERN STOCK COMPANY. I■, H ' ST’ARKLING SPECIALTIES, BVERITHINO TO PLEASE. MATINEES WEDNESDAY 8, SATURDAY Prices 10, 20 and 30c. ELI ZiSSMATO. 302i Newcastle St. fii i.... .... ini is CIGARS AND TOBACCO All Kind* uf Candy J. W, Watkins will loan you money on personal prop erty anstate. A bottle of Prickly kep in the house and us*d occasionally mean* good baalfh to th* whole house hold. W. J. Butt*. E. S. PLUMB, Practical and Scientific Horseshoer. j NOW OPEN. I in] the shop on Oglethorpe street, between Mane field and Howe. A trial will crmyince yon that he knew* “Km business. At no time i man secure i., tacks of inch diaordera of the stomach s cholsra morbo*, cramp* and diar rhoea; bur. ttoe complaints at* com mon during the heated term, when it Is dangerous to negirct them. Paio* Killer iia remedy (bat has never fail ed, aid ihe severest attack* have been cured by it. Avoid subititutes. There is but or.e Pain-Killer, Perry Davis', 235. add oQc,