The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, December 16, 1900, Image 6

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SUGGESTIVE - HOLIDAY GIFTS. For Your Mother, Wife and Sweetheart. Parasols and Uubrellas ■. . • Silk and flannel waists Silk underskirts Handkerchiefs Dressing sacques Gloves and belts Neckwear Bath robes Photo cases Gloves and h’d’kT cases Power and jewel boxes Comb and brush sets Fans and purses Sterling silver novelties Gut glass Onyx tables Velvet rugs and portiers Table coyers ; Hemstitched bed sets Bureau starts Venetian and * Bohemian war Fancy o rn vIILS ShWINGOE 6SgrJ& OUN AMENTA! Dl KMTI RE THIRD FLOOR 1900 AMYCHRISTMS 1900 Bottle and Gan Goods. the Hney. Pie Syrup, JL |2 j ML 1 always havotHWMj nuts on the market. Almonds, Paper Shells. Almonds,Tarragona*. Almonds, Jordon Shelled. Brazils, medium, Walnuts, extra Grenoble. Pecans, Fancy T^xas. Mixed Nuts to sJnit the most fastidepus. • j > ■ j ±W\ch Y n M %nnu fiflf THOMAS REANY. Fancy Lrooer 312 Newcastle Street. „ FRUIT CAKE,^ FRUIT CAKE, DELICIOUS CAKES I am prepared to furnish you with all the nice English' Fruit GakiS that ybu m;y wish during the Christmas holidays. T)on’t wait until an emergency arrives. Fuf hbji Crackers. My stock of fancy cakes ■d crackers is complete. fllSksdy fancy, ■y cheap. MP|rto suit everybody I am headquarters for most everything that goods to cat. I am yours to command THOMAS REANY FANCY GROCER, ’Phoueil 311 Newcastle Bt>tu THE BRUNSWICK TIME -CALL. DECEMBER 16,190 FOf file Fancy Neckwear ! 1 I HIV Juvenile Shirts ■ • A a g m/I Fancy Handkerchiefs | I iff IP IWfitl Junior Three Piece Suit! I *—IMC4II Keefers',.Stvtksh Overcoat# | l'• ■ | ■ . I■ ■, ~ ’ . ■ 1 H J ”-■ • * *■„ - r ' ' 1 Yj&Bs3m£?' % +. C ■ . <.'*. .. " . *“is r i g Gloves and Ilrnd kerchiefs hOl" LHC Sewing Sets * m Caps and Tam’shanters ■ •jj f m/I • . _ Patent Leather Shoes aud Slippers Jttle iVIISS Golf Capes and Jacks . A ' Pocket Books and Purges A Silver Novelties Jg Fancy Ornaments ' J ■' : -7 . _ . ' - ~ • "■ • ; v ? .-t■n Jmf Soft g SEjjfa / Jr' t?- Fine Fruits. I- I ,ried and Grteii p. •FikiNteftta'^Clgfa California Prunes Evaporated Apples Evaporated Peaches Bdh Dried Apples Colden Persian Dates Symra Figs Apples, Bauanas, Grapes, Oranges and Cranberries Can Meats ■ '. • .... ■ .. *.-- ■■■ 'MW w- . Cheese Department. * I ' \*G > l\ My stock is fresh. Swiss, Imported.) Muenster, Geranun cream Neufchatel (Swiss Cottage) Club House, i>omestic Edams, in Limberger N Domestic Cream Pineapple, Medium Roquefo* t. YULETIDE* 9^TY. "JRrln of l Mid ■; ,iu V a* * '■■■■■ ■■;>% **■-. In luimy p. ir,.e' are put in Use wWWwvvs on-' eve, ami the fHSblpuiftt’A the Inhabitants liAtle sti.p.-cb-.g that this usage Is ttuyisand* of .rears old nd hat! it* orijjtuV iu tiie t'aot ev ery devout fite Worshiper kibbled n. fresh fire on hi* ; aWHuuo ou the ere of the ruu god'* re*tlvjlhqnd open ed his doors nail window*, coo's jf be had any. to let tlieTjhlXf ?!.tife but iuno the dnrfcuo*s. The I'l.iistma* , orol is "a relic of the songs cure sung In houer of- the sun; ► the Cbiistitias p adding an min lev of the giant globular sausages made of that shape in honor of the sun and served to our lusty ancestors at this Joyful sensed. Beef, mutton, pork. flsU,„auy thing that was hamly, cute red Into- the opmiMsitiou <d those mou- Strutt - trutvn*. A • hash of all meats that .mill be procured was mixed with tlonr and boiled lu the largest pot belonging to IhoestaWisbatent. Steam ing hot, It was phieed on a trail plat ter, a howl of honey w,u poured over* it, a sprig of mistletoe adorned Its y*aiu mlt, and In solemn suite it w'oorn*f from kitchen to dicing >mtl. Sometime* a chief, •flftstinguiabed him self at Yvnletldc by preparing puddings of eoosrinou* else. aa<l iustanei s are on rseotrd where these festival dainties wrere carried by four men. preceded by fi couple of pipers ami followed by a -Procession of cooks, pot washers an,l scallions, who flourished spoons and spits !t token of their craft aud ex pected to Vue rewarded for their labors •df gratwltie* from the (vests. j Ckrtstuiu Ini. I. Qvt Iwu4 M Hitt Shell I CM. Otlwa lim<.|s < fit W-*. Oa<iaaUtt. Omu: 3s w [ CriwueO I'rSilM*. Tartar. Cranberry MuMs. CkiweJ i M*tj, film rueiylm rt*. TFltilr a- OMB, Cwnar it PoinUrt*. Stmw t BitWiM. * Olh CIJ.V. Cuff*-.. SCOTTISH CHRISTMAS* festival Jfol So Popular as la Some Countries, In Scotland they wish one another "a ; merry Christmas,” like the rest of t hrlstendom, and exchange gift.-- but I-*l*&-s|stlvnl of the Nativity has not been popular among the Scottish pco pie, at hast since the reformation, says i For Your Father, Husband and Bean. Bath Robe Smoking jacket WSuit case 8 *k suspenders jfurtler I §if*4 Smoking set Shaving outfit Linen and silk hsnd’ercheifs Pretty smoking table Fancy vest Knox and Young hats Slippers Patent leather shoes Hosiery Full dress suits Neckwear Jewelry Full dress fronts , Shaving sets i ~ . . '•*- —.-- -■ .. _ - ’ "i . Open evenings until m F%eht that Christmas has begun to ii’jfe as a holiday to he observed | %Wi religious and social rites. The I wipUer festivities In Scotland in the j'Outers time consumed fully six weeks lbs- stui entered Cajprleoftl and | tSp*vd again with light giving power ||Pi|ts aptttU-ent course. ffipPlie advent of the winter was mafk j ed hy.tbe Halloween celebration. Tbts ! was ror many years one of the most j distinctive and widely observed of j Scottish festivals, especially among the j rural residents, who practiced with ! great fidelity divers superstitious rites ' associated with it. Hut the picturesque JWile of the festival Is now a thing of the psuet. The Yule festival, a remnant of the oXlPegnn rites paid to the great Scandinavihvn god Thor, is now repre sented by th\Christmas roast turkey and plum ptld\tag, which have found their way TrontUho south acroaa the iKttder, and dtirinlf the Christmas fort night uincli charring hospitality is dispensed In house aV' l *>all. A happy spirit Is abroad rich and poor are more or lees aS.i i/b dTiy it. y flax Putldinic. /f?hop tbretMluartom of a p mnd of very fine and mix with the suet one-eighth of a i>ound of bread crumbs. Heat the yolks of five and the whites of three egg* light and add them to the criunba and suet, with hair a pound of powdered sugar Have three quarters of a pound of dried currants and the same amotiut of .raisins weighed after they are seeded, gift over the fruit one-quarter of a pound of flour and stir this tuto the other Ingredients. Add otle-qnarter of a dessertspoonful of salt, one-quarter of a pound of candled orange and lemon peel finely chopped, one-sixteenth of a pound of blanched aud chopped almonds and one-quarter of au outnw of pulreriscvl clots* and clnnntaou ratked Add one glass of brandy and one nutmeg grated. Beat the mixture very thoroughly before putting It Into a buttered mold or ck>tfa and let It botl steadily eight hours. Serve with burning brandy and two aance*. The Chrfttiun* WlihWoae. The vrlahbone of the Christmas fur kfi}- Is a fayorlte means of divination in Virginia, where ic l calhxl the fortune b-ue. Two unmarried persons, each taking hold of one end of the bone, pull against eaeh other until the bone a *'n 2?!, 00 ® who the shorter end will be tue first of the two to mar ry- Further divination Is by placing I , sh ; r , t of the hone over tb (loot, lb,- firsi nnniarried person of the opposite sex who walk* under the I tmne U suppo*. and to l*e the future wife I or be- ■•am! ,>r die person to whom the i DOR*? fw,‘l(.*tt|£ ; fliriatiußii Toyii. The great toy center of the world Is Bavaria, l-'rotn tit* towus of Nurem berg, Puertli and Sonneberg come nine tenth* of the toys made In Europe. The fatuous Krench doll is made in Nuremberg, hs arc also many fine me chanical contrivances, such as walking dcg and cats and other nrtlmals with natural fur, which, aecording to popu lar supposition, ore the direct output of the French capital. They ore a picturesque people, these toymakers. Whole families and colo nies of them ore engaged in toymak ing. A father makes d<d] heads, for In stance. and the other members of the family paint the features, affix the wig and assemble the parts of tbe body. The decorative painting on toy china ware. wooden toys and blown glass Christmas tree ornaments is done al m*X*7 r xT |>y cbiMr^n Stuffing For narks. Chop the liver fine and saute In a tn bkwpoonful of hot butter with a table spoonful of chopped onion. Mix with four ounces of bread (a fourth of a loaf) and a fourth of a cupful of butter melted in a fourth of a cupful of hot water. Add one tablespoonful of pars ley chopped fine ami the bento* yolk of n egg. Th® Ynletlde Clvir. Wives whose husbands smoke are again reminded lu view of the ap proach that the man who smokes intelligently re ceive one cigar tia* a hundred costing 50 cents. We sound this note of warning merely In the In terests of poach and good will. O thro ifti coming react W hefcr is font gFad wndfi^j; Tte ukm.4. WOJ „< ~-aot, good silt, AJi junta*- dUcurd. blmuSagt O twli. at Gok, ring on. so* tovti To gnuiier icCat ae-vtmt, Till ill our d**i ire Christmas day* (it tiring and of serving. --Caroline A Pugin. umn