The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, December 16, 1900, Image 8

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Catarrh The cause exists in the blood, hi what causes Inflammation of the mucous membrane . ft. Is therefore Impossible to curs the disease by local applications. It Is positively, dangerous to neglect It, because Halways affects the stom ach and deranges fhe general health, and Is likely to develop into consump tion Many bar* been radically and i>rmanettlr cured by Hood'* Sarsaparilla. It cleanse* tba Wood and has a peculiar alteratlvfl and tonla affect, H. Long. California Junction, lowa, write*: "l bad catarrh three years. lost ray - appetite and coaid not sleep. My bead pained tne and l felt bad all orer. I took Hood’s Sarsaparilla and new have a good ippetlU. sleap well, and barn no Symptoms of catarrh." Hood's Sarsaparilla Promises to cure and keeps the prom ise. It fs better not to put off treat ment— buy Hood's today. CAIENDABS FOB 1001 The Plant System passenger (lip-Tt ment bae recently issued a beajr'iful ealerdar f> r the yi*r 190i, which alao contains a sheet for Decombe*, 1900. You can ob'a none by calling at the Mant System paaaorger office toot of Gloucester street or telephone 52 and you will have ore sent to your tfilce, You can't along without “Oiher People’s Money.” noth makers and circulator* of counterfeits commit fraud. Honest men wtll not deceive jron into buying .worthless eonnterfeitfl of He- Witt's Witch Hard Salve. The origins! is in fallible for curing piles, sores, <vsema and alt skin diseases, w. J, Bulla, Do you need “Other Peo- j pie's MouejT " *“*• .——J ■v i ■|; ■- i. ■■ r r*m* a *r* Njxt Door to the Qourt Hoi ir. \ ss:BiigBl We „■„ ihow you this year lhe finest 4 mos , v „ ied Stock of Diamonds, Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware, Bric -1/llllllU IlUc) a-brac, Umbrellas—and goods too numerous to mention—ever iii - l A a seen * n t M? city ot Brunswick "We also have a complete line ndbOflfiS of spectacles and eye-glasses and can save^ you money. Give us a calt and come early to avoid the rush. J6W6ff our R e P air Department is Complete. Jp QiIUPPUiaPP AUgoods Sought of us engraved free. _ |1 "(II ” We Give No Presents, but Our Prices Make Up. li l\lnr ■ C Time Received Daily by wire from Washington ' "Qhb UlUulVc) jp ll§§ll§§iS3|| ?4>(^A4>4>4)(h6A6d)6cb6(bd>A6<h MABEL PAIGE. Brunswick's Favorite Will be at the Opera House All of Next Week The Captain's Mate is the opening bill, which is said to be a magnificent production The company carrying all the scenery apd electrical effects used In the pl*c. Matinee,will be given Wednesday arid Seturday. Tbs man agers ol Miss Mabel Paige and the Soiborn St'ick Company who will H sln a week’s engagement Monday, Dec. 1? h, have aecitied the sofa right to pre sent the rouuntc Princh military /JrSinc, "A Prisoner of Algiers, ’’ and, ptomiee a mayßlflceit production of the play during the comrsny’e engage ment .here. The part of ‘‘Eugenie,' 1 which Mbs Paige is playing,is said to fit her perfect'y, and her managers claim that the magnSfloeat costumes worn in ihe ptice, cost more than the entire wardrobe of the ayOrage reper toire company. Seats are now on sale. OABTORXA. Burs tbs /> The Kind You Haw Always BouzM •L Odgers.of Frostburg, Md., writes: “I had a very bad attack of kidney oomplslnt; and tried holey's Kidney Cure which gave me immediate relief, and J was perfectly cursd after taking wo hot' lev.” Tke no ruhaiitufe. lieWiU’i VfiUh ; gt*wl Bait* will quickly heat the wornl burn* spa ucalds sad not tT' a sear. It can he applied to cut* and rawtmr fac* with prompt and sootblDK eireot. Use it tor;plte and akin rtheasca. , Ilewara ot worth-, iSS, Bulla. THE BIUNSWICK IClMMlllWi That will attract the attention of those* intending to build cr re; air we ate all kinds of but ding lumber, yellow plr,e fl.iorintß, shingles, la'hs and finish an<! rough lumber. Our offering will look like Kin as gifts when y >u con sider the quality of our well seasoned lumber.' Telephone H7.’ LANG, WOOD & CO. [jSqqd Positions Secured lift* ifeps^h? Young Men ! rara.< , wopiEN (oilrse jjICHMOKQv I * ? w.uj.tV^ "BUSINESS { jj COLLEGE i INSTRUCTIONS, Fuiitaviwinne and EX v > j . * Christmas Bargains 35 cts can of Asparagus for 25c 20 cts pan of Pears for 12c S?*ts can of Apricpts for ........... 20c 25 cts can of white Ciierries f0r....... 20c 15 cts can of Baked Beans for 10c 1? cts per lb. Candy for 8a 5 cts pkg Diamond Starch for 3* ■3O cts jper gal white Vinegar 20 isc bottle .Orange Marmalade at...,15c% These prices gooOTfor a few days only. A. ■ S R" l=" e: F=R 219 iNigW OASTL-g. . * BECOMMENDS IT TO TBAINMEN. C G. H. Hausan, Lima, O , engineer L. E. 4 W.railroad,(writes: “I have been troubled a great deal with back ache. I was induced to fry Foley’* Kidney Curc, *i:dpne bottle entirely relieved me. T gladly reootnmecd it to any one, especially; my friend* among the trainmen, who are u ually similarly ,i ; ’ • When you feal Tl at iifis l* hardly worth, the ! candle tkewdoa* of Chamber torn'* stomach and Liver Tkbtow. They wtU ctaamu- your to.mach, tone a* yowr IHwr and regnlato your howola, rimkiiß* you !eel like a <sv mao. tor writes: “M ■ • ■ Tar. jMHH&vasmoe'K'tlen.draJi /.!•' and ' f 110111 Jjh atove doctor, replies alt HpPMPwook store and rWips , and ■■Kind eeila Mooed-btnd 4)1 /' jdSßj Bdwin Clapp’s 'irk MEN ' S SHOES ' m 'm ViciKid|ss °- Patent Colt Skin #>• O' * LEVY’S Pf' STOVES Rico, tb* stot- ffior, repairs While it is win, you should bave |#M4 or fcocte and respos, buy yu r winter oialbiog put in good oc tant? swts second *#s! stoves, 4 Bar ‘t rest I dsr. Sse Jim Carter. Jib crock of Heinzs fine Preserves for.. 81c 50c size Durkees Diessing for 40c 35c can gf Lobster 25c Beans of Red Seal Potash 25c 35c bu|k Coffee * ,25c 15c Gelatin for £oc 25c HaS Loaf for 16c tsc Brook Tr0ut.......... T 10c Pillsburry’s Vitos lOc