The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, December 18, 1900, Image 1
BRUNSWICK TIMES-CALL * •* ■. N? A >•-. • • tu* • ••vCw?S t e.-\ af'J.-iT*.-''*’.-' - ■ ' W** -* *' £ w ..PW■* ■ A fMEXI. HUMBER 104. BRUNSWICK-BIRMINGHAM THE SURVEYING STARTS Preliminary Work Already Under Headway. COLONEL mm WILL GO TODAY Tie fi- k B. is Sew i uortaii Thim ColMol I. C. Maohen Will Make a Trip Over the Pro posed Line. Chief Engineer B. W. Roberts, *f tb surveying orp of the Brunswick * Birmingham Kail road began the pre limiaary surrey of tbe line ot road yesterday. Col, X. <3. Machen will start through the country today lor a ssroral daje trip over the proposed routs. Mr. James F. O’Shaughueiev baa generously given the right of way through hie extensive lands. The land ewnem along the proposed line in Glynn and Wayne have shown a most lriendly disposition to the new road. The fa mers will be greatly benefitted and it is only proper that they sbonld * give the right of way 'or the entire route. AT THE GRAND, A Good Performance Was Given Lt ]/ j Nigtin , ' • ' ■' l'or Mabel Pnge and Snot be* a Stock Company opened its wek’s engage meat last mgbr, to a large anddt lighted house. “The Captain’s Matts” was the play used to introduce this oomp.ny to lb* Brunswick playgoers. Mabel Paige, in the title role, in creased and strengthened her popu larity, earned some years ago at L’Arioso, wiih the playgiers. This charming actress proved herself a ohic and picquante little soubrette. Sbe was greeted with a warm round of plaudits, as sbe made her initial ac- pearance before the footlights last night. W. A. Lar.g, as “Miki Flsnnigan,” captured the honors of ;bi evening in bis acrobatic dancing, o.rtl Hum phrey, as “CtpL well. Roe Bernard, amused the auenenoe. Tbe tpeci*V;es were good, his wonderful joggling aot, doing some marvelous work, wbiob was enthu siastically applauded. Tbe oompaoy, as a whole, is strong, and play with ensemble. Tonight, “Jack’s Sweetheart” is an noustfed. — . ■ - Brand openiig tonight, Meet me at the Elk, 9 THINGS TfIUIICAL. JACK’S SWEBTHEAR 'WIGHT. Tonight Mabel Paige sit. \ a d by the Southern Stock Company’,, ?" Vi seat tbe charming play, Jack ah |et hert. Mabel is a great favorite' In Brunswick and good bosses should rule during her engagement. A mati nee will be given tomorrow at 8 p. m. OTHER PXOPLB’S MOM BY This much talked of play will be presented on Thursday night. Seats go on sale today at Batts’ drug store. The Lynchburg News be* the follovr. log to say of this play: Othf r People’s Money, as presented at the opera house last evening was a and cided euooest. An audience of a fair size wss present, and tbat it fur nished great amusement - .a evidenced in the in. * we. .??.*# which the amilee of wit end thestrlk. tng iltuaUcns were Mr. Henaevey Leßoyle, as Mr, Hutchinson Hopper of, the Chicago Board of Urges, exeruolfttngly funny, and the mirth that fairly bubbl ed out of him was so contagious that bis every word and action was received in a most appropriate manner, M. L-RovTc’* support was exceptionally strong, and at every stage of hie excel-, lent characterisation ho was given by h e members of bis company sueh in oiTigent asaiatance that every fiature of the performance was delightfully balaaeed and entlr, ly effective. Alto git ter, Other People’s Monav as one of the most enjoyable comedies ifeat ha* been seen in Lynchburg for a long time and the refUtotloo which Mr. Le- Royle established will make him a welcome visitor hire in years to come. NOTES. Jack’s Btveethc Irt ton'ght. Matinee, on Wednesday, Tbe Olympia Opera Company will be here all of next week, and they should do a good businesk. Mrs. W. J Lemoyne in The Greatest Thing in tbe World Is a plendid at traction tbat will be here at an early date. . Mr. A. Livingston spent yesterday In fcji city. Mr. Frank D Aiken returned to tbe oily yesterday. Mr. Robert Everett, of New Turk, baaarrivod in tbe city, and will spend tbe holidays with his sister, Mr. and Mrs. K. H. Everett, Grand opening* tonight. Meet me at the Elk. BRUNSWICK, GA. TUESDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 181 1900. niff u i .] 'iV ■ .ft-.5*•; He Ip tie BriHsl liois m IllCt REPULSED Bat This Did Not Interfere At All With the Brave General era, Dec. If.— It appears that I> e Wet’s force was ifrlee repulsed before It broke through the Brtttsh lines In the neighborhood of ThabsnChu. Tbe third ‘-attack OeYVet ladJ§||i. person. With a few he charg ed and broke the the rest oithe command He was forced, however, In the haaffa of the British on*. IS -pbtjjofler and IB wagons, 1 with amiaunfl i 100 stores.' &SB* ANOTHER BATTLE report at battle, resttlt- *° * WKk**** Orange river and tbtai’y defeated, with very heavy losses in killed and wound- A y number of Boers, it i* aildt-d **: •&2uj&r'mx£i3Mt&&sN&h 'vire • ■■ Washing.^ Uomaut?se -in C. nsus a -ptfs* tbl* .iftt i'iMion, when, uy a of 1 it ordered a Tavorabli report on tbe bill introduced by its chairman, Hepresen ativs Hopkins, fixing the fixing tbe membership of the hodse tt! representatives at 357 for the next ten years. The voting on tt* Ilay-l’aunce fote treaty wiiibrg i’ on Thursday. ——" ' CIIYCOL'RW The City court, Judge J. D, Sparks i, presiding, ti w sborf, ,e<sion vest*r dsy, and many matters ot importance wore of. SHIPPING RETORT ' f LS/vS * '.;Sr yr Correotsu Daily by Capt.* Oils Jekaaisasn Pert f Brunswick. Dee. 17,1906. sour. > i*. BS, Colorado, Avery, New York. SS. Carib, Ingram, Boston, via. Porta. Span, bark Progreao, Lojo, Tarra gona. fiebr. Alice J. Crabtree, Cotabtra, Mayagnz, debr. Alice Archer, Gibbs, New York. Sobr. Dora Matthews. Lablanoe,New York. WANTRD -A lady to fill posltien of nlgbt operator at Telephone Ex change. Apply at “Telepbote Ex change," Newoaatle street. uftYS 111 Si Is neinocracy's Holy. •- iik *v- *{#“*s?<; - 'A — II ■ Bill f ' ■ And Explains Briefly flow He Thinks It Must Be Aot ; , oomplishei *•- V'-'vi'--,' 1-' *'• •' ' '" ! Atlanta. Hoc. 17 —-The Journal this afternoon prints an Interviews with ex- Prealdent Cleveland, obtained by a staff correspond cal at Ifr. Cleveland’s home. . " - “In my opinion,” said Mr, Cleveland “the great need sf the democrat to pan* ty la to return to flret principles. The democratic party has not been fatally disorganized, but sadly oee<i nhablii tatloa oa purely is tbe matterwith od *’ : TL*bkwWfc'if democratic voters saw jtbWxsrap'Oto'fMt election. They re- tba id vofs they said* -This Is not de msorscy.’ ■ “As i see It,’* said Cleveland, “it Is the duly of democrats every where to oia in the rebabillta’ioh ‘cf ; tbe party. There weta soihe signs of tmLtenca upon a t') democratic doctrineUlo hut they are not as gecerl would PriiT'o ate.” Ol the future*” be was asked. |jgftfl|R;tec<ira return <4 Hie old time m rinee,” be snitf, “old tune vi,-torie or the demoot ate parly will oeitifniy; MKETING, The n eetiug of Ihe stock of the Bruuewiek. ILck k iVuet, ■ imr.aay {prili. , ofpoee board or^Nemo^^xi,.;*,srsttetin,; any, other boalpefß that may conic tftfgue them, will be held at the banking rooms of said comosny on Tuesday, January 8, 1901, between Die hours of 10 a. m., and 2p. in. Hovt W, Gale, Cashier. SAILOR DEAD. The Man Who Was lujured Some Days Ago Suooumbs. The unfortunate sailor who fell from a mast of the bark st. Jose some days ago and was seriously injured, expired Sunday, and was burled yssterday. Tbe unfortunate man died far away from borne and mother, but his ship matte did everything possible for him. Account of Christmas Holiday Ex cursion Rates, Southern Railway wl •ell tickets between all points east of the Mississippi and soatb of the Ob'o and Potomac rivers at rate ef one fare and one-tbird for tbe round trip. Ticket* to be sold December 22, 28, 24, 26, and 31, 1900; also, Janaary 1,1901, with extrsme limit January 4,1801. MANY CANDIDA EES FOR FEW The oITY OFFICES •’ ■ ■ 1 Over Fifty , to, \pply for Police PiL es.. ! ADVERTISE!) LETT i LIST. * I . Tt)e foliowiug is a list letters re- Atining in the p<f6t-cff at Bruns wick, Ga., for- -veea andirgDec. 6>h, 1900. •' . . A—James Andrews. B—Add Brinsmade, W. E, Br< . . C-J. L, Carroll, Mrs. LiwJjfitj. ’oo.John Coolly. * ' • * D—Ja spb Dorant, L. C, Daniel, *. Daniel. F—Mn. M. L. Florie ooel Floyd. \ Q—Yular Grant, Mies Nellfb-uriflu, Mrs, Betsey Greku. O—Chart . Harklie, Ernest H, Har rison. , J—K. JaoksoD, Miss Emma.Taokson, o. Johnson, Miaa Emma Jr bn ion, Miss Victoria Joson, Miss Joai IK—Miss Carrla King. \* |SMmIY Moltie Lee (J). M'—’WWter Morrow, Miss Ntllie MoQanther, E. Mcßride. F- -Miss Lizzie Parki, EdftPebdletor. K- Columbia Beddick. S-Mr. J. W. Styles (l>). M s* Eliza beth Swestwine, Maok Sumerset, Cbsrlee Stevens. W-*-Babe Way, J bie Wal’on, Join Wilkie, Mi|ji Ada WiMfen, Mr*, Wright. lj—Union LSfnbor Go, Parties calling for any , will pleaaeslate that they s 'iMivtu tiaed. aud pay ooe o^ut, T'*> apprjißßhiiig Cbri taisi time fringe brivVier bosine** iu thc aud I would request ell partise to bring to their packages|ffbjvr inailing. j-t. MjthmQr Clime ter!;, and avpid ifeu ru. :i.-f . K- giit-r you.r yfeMor " 5 /’• wr doVLoit Skf ap!*/,';. Will n*it*?iget (Jiapa.oatd u#tr) Rflfe ji.•.{ the feiowtngMjf i ’j . Bkov. .. P. M, — *, A PRETTY WINDOW Among the bandtemest • and most beautiful windows ever setn In Bruns'', wick, are ibore of Messrs. H, M.Md ler and Sons, where may be ev erything tbat is preity for the furnish ings of a home, from the daintiest lsce curtains, cobweb like in their fineness, to the handsomest and heaviest furnl ture, and tbe pretty pictures and vases and brtoa-a-bric, which add to tbe at tractiveness of the dalntr rooms. A walk through the apartments shows.tho visitor carpetings, mattings, rugs, in fact everything,that could be used In tbe home. Now, in the holiday tlma, there are more teamitul artioles than tk usual displayed, end tbe public is cor dially invited to eall and spend a little while looking at ibe attractive display even though they do not Intend to be purchaser. PRICE FIVE CENTS -FOUR ARE AFTER, THE CITY JAIL _t 7817, Few Will Be Hii- M oppose! Aldermen Are Pledged to Make No Promises and Are Liring Up to That Pledge. t •• --v , , ‘ ■Jr'f'f ■ There arc always six times as mail candidates as there are plaoes to fill, and tbe oomiog seieotion of tbe oity’s working force is not an oxoeptioo’te the rule. Candidates are on every corner, and the lives of tbe eldermen-elect are not exaotly made miserable, bat very busy, listening to the msßy who desire to serve their couutry. So far, th-re will be not iesi than fifty applicants for tbe police force, and ftr the jail four applicants are already out, while more yet to be heard from. Tne raayur-i-leot and aldermen are mum, though, and the warn; 1 -~ office bolder ge’s ■ Those to make <>nd the way they /lartba* pledge ii a caution. Wj&mvtn is not a oirnumatsnee —they juat.veiu i9 to nhow their teeth at ail. •Tba ctcdida'ee wi l simply have to wkif. THE ELK'S OPENING, rGood Music and Gcod Eating There Tonight.'' 'if- The formal opining of the Eik sa loon win occur tonight. The dinner to be served wf'l be prepared by a ouUd chef, aud.air ixoellent orchestra will furnish music. The Elk is now comfortably quart' red in it, new place, tbe Warnke building, nex r to the Chi nese rertaurgnr, and It is one of the prettiest estabisbmeots iu tbe city. After exposure or when you feel a cold coming on, take Foley’s Honey and Tar. It never falls to cure, and Will prevent pneumonia or consump tion if taken in time . Wood Wood Wood. King np phone 31 or call at yard oor* ner Gloucester and Grant atreets* Music and dinner tonight, Meet me at the Elk.