The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, December 18, 1900, Page 6, Image 6
6 SUGGESTIVE - HOLIDAY ' ... . . < ' . For Your Mother, Wife and Sweetheart Parasols and Uubrellas Silk and flannel waists Silk underskirts Handkerchiefs Dressing sacques Gloves and belts Neckwear Bath robes Photo cases Grloves and h’d’k’f cases Power and jewel boxes Comb and brush sets Fans and purses Sterling silver novelties Cut glass Onyx tables Velvet rugs and portiers Tabic coyers M Hemstitched bed sets || " Bureau starts Venetian and Bohemian wares Fancy ornaments - - ■ ■ '■ i"'■ ■ v 1 —" — _ • SHcfajNG t>.P ‘US.EFI' L 9 uJMfFUKN ITURE THIRD FLOOR -.~r*mil ■*■■■ T 1 -. - 1 . 1 • 1 mi. .—• -—^i^ssae i9oawPo.caßjSTMfls i9ii Bottle and Can Goods.. This departmental* most complete iu the cjjy, Fruits, Vegetables, Jellies, Jams, Honey, Preserves, Maple Syrup and Extracts. Fields, Olives, Olive Oil, Salad Dressing Ketchup. Sauces, Etc, Fish, Soups ill Kinds ol Nats I always have the newest nuts on the market. Almonds, Paper Shells, Almonds, Tarragona, Almonds, Jordan Shelled, Brazils, medium, Walnuts, extra Grenoble Pecans, Fancy Texas, Mixed Nuts to suit the most fastidious*. 1901 I Wish You a Happy New Year 1901 JWttfflfcANY. T^yiOmcer Street. frwtSake, DEI*p2uJS CAKES you with aPraNifee English Fruit Cakes that you may wish during the Christmas holidays. Don’t wait until an emergency arrives. fici files w. Hite My stock of fan&y cakes i and crackers is Candy, Fancy, Candy cheap, Candy to suit everybody I am headquarters for most everything thats goodeto eat I am yours to command THOMAS KEANY FANCY GROCER. Phone It. 313 Newcastle Street. THE BRUIiS’WICK riMEVCALL. DECEMBER 1 )); POT thC Fancy Neckwear, 1 V 1 tIIV Juvenile Shirts. ♦ Fancy Handkerchiefs, W •j f _ mm Junior Three Piece Suits jtie man ***&& T"** Gloves and Handkerchiefs HOT the Sewing Sets * Caps and Tam’shanters Patent Leather Shoes ahd Slippers A f * J_Jt IWI • Golf C’apes and Jackets / 1 JTtle I 1 1 Pocket Books and Purses *—4* V 1. W a Novelties, Fancy Ornaments P? * % i 1/ ■ ; : v--. jpjP^ Mi # w v ft I Jfi Jm / m jm m ■k J jr| /// Jar / m Sr Jr W . ■'■ ■ ■ ■'j# I y/z' Ms /m M J* h •>.•#<#* • WBmf Mob* ’-riJm. ■■ mJrSi & 'mis msm Jr* M- * ■ '****%£ S "-V X. 1 rj. JK|- — >ls* r iT ■ 7. Fine Fruits. " Dried and Green $ ' "Fine Santa Clara ' ■'Rvapo rated Peached Sun Dried Apples Golden Persian Dates Symra Figs Apples, Bananas. Grapes, Oranges and Cranberries Can Meats Cheese Department, My stock is always fresh. Swiss, Imported. Muenster, Hermuh Cream Neufchatel (Swiss Cottage) Club House,"Domestic Edams, in Foil, Limberger, Domestic Cream, Pineapple, Medium Roquefort. . St'a vrili occur tonight. Tb**M **rl tth- will be prspMtjjpipP igpbSfl chef, end o excellent erefceetra % ftlrhish muio. The Elk is now oorafartably quartered In its new piece, the Warlike building, next to the Chi* nese rettanrant, and it ia one of the prettiest cetabiehments in the city. For the serious diseases that attack the kidneys, Prickly Ash Bitters is an unf*ll rug rnmt dy. Re Here b backache, swelling of the feet, and persistent headache— symptoms which indicate kidney tumble, W. J. Butts. , " ‘.tfe—■ ■■ A Card. B*aner;Sa!ve hare u thorixnd the undeiidgimi ;w guarantee It ter bums, outs, seres, utears, tetter,lieeiema and all skin disease* Youibvc';your .njooeyjbtc* >4>V t* t'U It t*Utia. *J. Butt*. This is the season when mothers are ala.'med on account of oronp. It is quickly cured by Ooe Minute Cough Cure, wbiob children like to take. W, J. Butts. The kidneys are stnaU but importan organs. They need help occasionally. Prickly Aeh Bitters la a successful kidney tonic and system regulator. W. J.|Butts. Before making yoor Holiday eelees tlone, call at DeVoe’s, where you can be suited iu the grooery line. A bottle Of Prickly Ash Bitters kep in the booae and naed occasionally msans good health to the whole house hold. W.J. Butte. Candied oherrlee, Moraaehlna cher ries, just reoeired, at DeVos’s. 4; Father, HosbaiuNßL Bath Robe Smoking jacket Suit case Silk suspenders Muffler Moves Smoino; set G* Shaving outfit Linen and silk hsnd’ercheifs Pretty smoking table Fancy vest Knox and Young hats Slippers Patent leather shoes - Hosiery Full dress suits Neckwear Jewelry Full dress fronts jfiptevtng sets X i L__. I—- ... Open evenings until io ■BNEY DISEASES HPrhe most fatal of a!i dis till cyio kidney cube is s fviXl 0 Guaranteed Ramedy or money refunded. Contains remedies recognized by emi nent physicians as the best for Kidney and Bladder troubles. PRICE 50c. and SI.OO. O There i* no pleasure in lifts it you dread going to the UUo toi-at and can't rest at nigh! ou ac count of lodigoitton. Henry William*, of Boon villa, tad , *ay* he that way tor yean, till he commenced tbe use ot Kodol ilya popda Cure, and add*: -Now Icn eat any thing t like nod *U I want and aieep soundly every night." Kodot Cure will dl (eat what yoa cat. W J. Butt*. For Croup use CHFNEYS EXPECTORANT STOCK VALUES FLUCTUATE, * BUT OF Stetsonmats THEY’RE A SURE INVESTMENT This is one reason why they have earned a world-wide reputa tion. The new styles maintain it. We recommend them and carry a Are you in the market for one ? Only A. P. DEYARIS, Gocerifcs, Country Preset. *-—Vegfttabtss to. Also CoSfecttftßarC MONK STREET. BRUNSWICK, Gi Rico It is a high grade laundry soap, it is a good soap. It is a hardwater soap. It is kept by all the leading grocers. Ask for it. Florida Soap Works, Jacksonville.