The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, December 19, 1900, Image 1

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THE BRUNSWICK TIMES-CALL VOLUME XI. NUMBER 104. THE ALPHA GOES DOWN, MANY LIVES ARE LOST Bad Marine Disaster in Brit ish Columbia Waters EIGHT SAID TO BE DROWNED Tie Mi ffas Yaliii At $45,000 ———Jr \ HAD A IAI aim Wsb On v? j to frs™ Vancouver -When M shap < coarred ' ________ V.-opiver, B, C„ i)c. 18, —Newsof the worst marine disaster o t tbe aee toe in Brititii Columbia waters was Brought here b| the ateamer £*#* troa * Union Bay,on tbe #**t (Idecf Van couver Inland. Tbe famous steamer Alpha, whose uoautboCzed trip to Nome last M*j into . trouble with the traasur* - C prtin.->it, Was wrecked on a reef near the ei \tranoa to Uolon By, and not a vestige , of tiso steamer remains. Ll* r OF THE LOST. Bet .paging owner, cap'aio, pur asr, two engineers, two ablebodied seamen, and a stoaway, were drowned, and tbe bklanee of tbe erew of 34 were saved Ja tbs plack of an unknown tbe ship’s orew, who swam in a raging tea from the wreok to a llgbtbouae with a line around bis waisr. The drowned are: Samuel B irboe, of Vancouver, man aging owner. Csp’ain F. N. York, V s'oria, Blas ter. Engineer Dunn, Vioter a. Second Assistant Engineer, Murray, Vancouver. H. L. White, purser, Vacocurer. Croeby, ablebodied teaman. Sullivan, ablebodied seaman. Stowaway, name unknown. The ship Alpha was valued at $45, 600 Hr cargo comprised 750 tons of salt (aimon and 3.V) tun* of Cl's), con-' gn-d to Y-k-'himns, and at, vilo and at *oU 00 0, TU l on the ship and ber ct^Pflßdlj.OOO. It it two weeks s.tee the Alpha 11 rat started from Vancouver for Japan. After she had been four day* oat, she returned disabled, and escalations of tampering with her engines Were made. Some of tbe crew and sereral of tba Officers left tbe steamer, declaring that been improperly loaded, and 0 >e of tbs officers was tried and ten tmced to six weeks’ imprisonment for dtsertion. Last tie Alpha left Victoria for Union, to replenish her coal supply. A terrific gale was raxing, and lata Sunday n ; gbt tba a’eamer ran on a rook L aßsyoes sound, at tbe entrance to UlK\ bay. Sne was quickly dashed to phj f \ and all would have perished btf | \ one of the orew made tba desperate* j oessful effort to swim with i Vto tbe lighthouse on Yellow Island, tbe raging sea only pirt of those, tba lllfated ship managed to read, tifety, the ofl! >rs and owner remain-’' ing oa board and failing to retoh the r jok. The 25 survivors remained on Yellow I'l4, womb is a rock 206 yards wide, until Sunday night, when ithe sea moderated wmwLit, a oop was ables>*U and take them to Union. But the storm which had wreoked the Bmp bad *'-•> prostrated ail wires, and m notld.i*- .# tbe ship wreck reaohed tbe outside world until the fittls steamer Cur brought the ,story' to Vancouver late Ha-, The Alpha ' vri*i. sa#*' spring when, as a OaShcrraAi abip, she Seeded passenger* 'and freight at Nome itr d.'lanos of V :itgos of the traasary'depayfnisn*. *■■ %,is said egslhM tbejadvif- -;i !! Bri'ieh eui. baasy at * well, she wap chased on hbV rjttprn trip froth Ntwjir by a United States revenue managed to ah. w ber pnnri’et a e4dn| psir of heels. S nc? that exmtlgddj perlence, tbe Alpha has beep engaged In tbe British coaling trade until.she starred on ber present disastrous trip, ministers named. John C, Letshman, of Penneylvan>a Will ®o to Tnrkey. Washington, Dec. 19.—The president today named joha C. Lelihtnan, of Pennsylvania, minister to Tu-key; Ar thur Hardy, of New Hampshire, min ister to Switzerland; Charles B Fran cis, of New York, minister to Greece; Koumania and Brvia. It is also announced that Captain Aaa Rodgers, of Petersburg, V*., would be apyointed collector of internalreve-, nua MANY VISITOR-. Tnrongs ofoitigens daily vtit the huge six-masted schooner, George W. Wells, now lying at, Emanuel’* dock This is arqasftonably (be largest vessel Brunswick bas ever s no, and tbe large crowds are courteously potor tainrd by tbs genial ciptoiu. —— ■ ——.i ■ ■ ' NO NEW TRIAL. Thera wi'l in all prnbibtfity be no new trial in tbsotse of Tricy Griffio, convicted of the mordewof Conductor Litiassr, and tbe marderer will, if a* setion Is taken, be banged io tbe jail yard on January 11th. BRUNSWICK, GA. WEDNESDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 19 1900. ii ii a FOt II If DU Is will Leave EiiM Sairtay ; - 1 PRESENCE NECESSARY :4:' r m The Ambassador's SaM@Loaly Enough to Pay His ."f Rent y NewYark, .Dec. Journal ftup gtt 'iti tbs partn*r<*H&j* C. Bran at bv>ng S tg/'New Y -ra necessary. ItJ^pieveo’ ■p*w “r --to London. He is not * rich msn.iand hi* life bare as ambiseador ents only tbe loss of bis prnleasidiiit | coute, but likewise Is a heavy drain oi> his purse, aa hi* salary i,Jj^e^;anftiS Alt >OUgt all the c* . .befuw Die ifuperlw court were swunewhat >(mg winde^'yi BU‘.rJv, ft number were <U tf -#go have ft very bad , b * list rtf tin; C. Johnson, 'fets gUiUy, aaoteneed 9 tentiarjr. Clifford Johns, n, to murder, guil’y, 9 years la tb<f}pE| teotiary, Charley Green, burgtsryf guilty Fred Harmon, assault on trial, WILL BE IKIED TODAY'. The osse of W. J. Hint, charged with assault and intent to murder, wilt bo tried in Giytm Superior oourt this morning, This osse Is familiar to tbe Tmß*<t,'Ati. traders. Judge C. Bym m -s represents the defense, and Solic itor Genernl Bennrtt, tbe State. RIV.’jBD. F. COOK HERE. Rev, LI. F. Coo*, -who oumhere hie frieodk by the hundreds, l* spending some time in the city. Mr. Oook was for a number of jears pastor of the First Methodist church here, and all are gtd to see bias." Y : baffle tonight. Tbe haodsome clock will be raffled at ibe etore of A. Botbsohild tonight, and iboae who bsve obaooee on suns aro requested to b* present. A RKCKBS. Tbe Grind jury bas recessed until after tbe Cbrtetmaa holidays, when a uomber of other important matters will bs liken upend disposed of. Mim Will Get $165- 000 AmriaieA. V' Th 9 Committee Has Decided Not to f Purchase s Dredge But Use the Money on Our Harbor. was pubbtsbed Id the MgcCiftted Press psprra yesterday: %asbington, I>ec, 17.- Tbe House Committee en Rivers and Harbor* U acting to gi ve *o appropriation of $lB5- 060 for the inner harbor at Brunswick, wuil wi 1. in all probability, appropriate *4O flog for tbe outer bar. [ -r.T-r.-mE. . 'i* win <r teue'u re JSupendauobt ibis i*uter bar that t# > JtKF I? j .*eb#.-;ivti! 26 fM” '--deep and 200 feet I by.arodsiyjera ehouldbeex ,ooo for a dredge. With That dredga he estimated ihst H'.WraUd £,Ht *2"i,OGO to maintain the pre#lht channel,*s4o,o3o to get an nd di, tonal foot of water and *64,000 to 'straighten out the channel. The committee has deeded against ths ptirobusc of a dredge, and In H*c fc blll which H has still in process efeuctlon. has put an itom of $25 000 lor work there. A* U would take some time to build a dredge, Congressman tßrantley aud Col. Lester, who are pfeokiug oat for lhe Brunswick app -op- Ate of the opinion that one Is BSmaterml. Bub arc working Egj|M* the committee to *f sure at u#?t JtO.OOO to be expended upon the oir u aPt Is probable the committee will flaco that figure in lhe House bill, but If It does not, Senator Clay will see rtrtt' gets on wbcu tic bid is before the Senste uf which hr las mo>f ha Tbe appropriatin'! of $123,W) fofiia: inner hurbor at Brunswick Is very much more than has ever been expand ed there herelofore, and means much io lhe splendid l.t’le city. bXAHTMNG FACTH. West Point, Dae 19.—Some etartlirg ' facte were disclosed at tbs iiquiry this Afternoon , by tbe Arqiy Court of In quiry, into tbe bating of Cadet Boor, A number of cadets leetitled tbst haz ing still prevailed at the National 'Academy, in the roost cruel form. A GOOD RECORD. New Port, Djo. 19.—Tbe torpedo boat Bitley, In her trial tripupNar ragsnsett bsy, developed tbe wotder fdi speed of thirty nautioat knots or J4.f> miles per hour—the average rate of speed of e fast mail train. IN NEW YOKE. New York, Deo. 19.-The Daks Daonese of Manchester arrived beie this afternoon, to do her Christmas 1 shopping. ARGUMENT IN CITIZEN OR NO CITIZEN CASE - • '>’ 'Yvv.''[ ■* ■ ; ' "V.'-L.i The Contest is Indeed Inter esting - AT TBIC GRAND. “Jack’s Sweetboari” Well Presented Last Night. The Pslge Company produced “Jack’s Sweetheart,” a light comedy in four aats to a fair bouse last night. Mab-l Paige cast as “Mercy Baxter,” made an exqulsltsly "naive” little country girl filling the role accurately, free of all out res mannerism* which mo;t soubr t ttea inject generally when cust In euOb parts. This little twinkling footllght itar la tupportsdbv a good company and at jocular prlcaa there Is no rer.srn why |lp.touß6 should not be packed nightly, '.”' ,s ¥ l |t , k| r lfa|A' " J acl{ Hender iisi.did well, Robert Me toadnatlp lip tpeSTH i . *>? -r- . Among't he apeolkitles the wfmder ful juggling of Fred A. Pclot woe warmly enoored. Today at toe matinee ‘Jack's Sweet heart” will ba repeated, and those who will witness same will not b* disap pointed, Tonight Mliobell’s ijwil. success, ot Savoy,” igßl he the VARIOUS ENTERPHISEB. • ■ T~ Hunting Luostlnhs "AT (7. Atchison, Kansas, 1* looking for a location fo establish a furniture faotory. Tbe Bradley SienoilOo.,of St. Louie, Mo,, is looking for a location. pJt The Soowden* Jon*sMsnttf(ic‘uring Cos., of Springflld,'Gblo, i# arekin(r >. n.w location to establiuh a factory. Tbf Grant Cooperage Qb., of Auatir - burg,‘t>hio, is looking for anew loca tion. The Lsideoker Tool Cos., of Marietta, Ohio, is looking for anew looation. The International Power Cos„ of Providenoe, K, 1,, raaoufaoturers of automobiles, and emplnyiog 5,000 men, are seeking a location to eatabliab their faotory. The MoCullougO Bros., Of D e*deo, Ohio, are seeking a location to esttb lisban iron end steel faotory. A. Pierce, cf Camden, Oblo, and G P. Buell, of Houston, Texet, are in vestigating with a view of ettablfsbing brick works; Tbe Rogers Locomotive Worka, of Patterson, N. j , are seeking a looa tion. Tbe Carson faotory, knowo as the Harmonr Mills, ajt .taper, tit., wte de stroyed by fire, The ptaot of the New Pr. oess Man ufacturing Cl, at Broadway aud Jef fereoo street#, Dallas, Tixar, burred. Loss *30,000. P RICB FIVE CENTS | MANY ARGUMENTS TD BE MADE fiat fill tlie Result Be II MYSTERY AS TEE Swam Deiioaie Law Questions Are Involved In These Cases Washington, Dec. 18.-In tie Unittd States s'jpvemc court todav argument was continued in two causes, the decis ion of which is expected to fix ths ftiatuft of Porto Rico and the Philip* pine islands, and other isolated posses sions obtained through tbe war with Spain, with respect to the United Sta’es proper; to sty whether their oltizan* are oil)/ ns and indicate whether the constitution follows the flag. *->■ of the cases is H. a quail' "VT ■ .1. jjplh, t.. k mm j v. i ■ l t •.. cla.Miog that tm|- ject t i. up; because time was not a foreign coura< The other case is known a?f J aa rod ring case. I u that suit ttjl ant is one Manuel I’epke, whoyMf/ as a'soldier of tbe United Slate* iii# zon. ' A'tornev Geu-rai Griggst argued for the Ual ed States. He contended that the United States baa tbe power to ac quire territory; that, having acquired it, it has the right to govern it; that the administrative eoastrnction of the cons gressional action and judicial precede enl affirm that every port in the ceiled country ii property regarded as fort go until tbe iaw are extended by congress to the new possession,; that the clausa of the conULutian of the United Sta ea declaring dutiti uniform throughout the United Slat .-B is not applicab e to the new possessions aud does not extnnd of its own force over acquired territory. There la no principle of justtc ■, much less of constitutional reetrlcUou, which torbiils congress from taxiog in this way merchant! se of outlying pcssessiont of the United dtaws when brought Into porn of the Union. Taking up the eon* eUtutlonal question, the attorney gener al declared that there la no doubt of tt intention of tbe Paris treaty not to make the oa led Islands a part of tbe United Sta *i. and also that it was ia teufed not m<k < the toh thl anta of <faoss Islands oltizen*.