The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, December 19, 1900, Image 2
Catarrh V The cium esrtsts in the blood, hi viwt cause# Inflammation of tie mucous membrane. H is therefore impossible to cur* thedisease' by local applications. h is: posftWely dangerous to neglect It. because ffcalways affects the stom ach and deranges the general health, and is likely to develop into consump- %. "-’tf ...' Hur her# b*M radlosttr *s<l ear* 4 bf Hood's gM-yeparili*. H cl*nS* ttu>- Wood end her a peculiar ititfcrstire end toni* effect K. Lou*. Celifomle Junction, fowe. writ**: "I bed eaten* three read*. lost tar (appetite end could not sleep,. Mi heed pained ace and I fH bed ell over. 1 took Hood’* Sayaaparill* eod new have e pood' eroctlte. eiee'V well, end have no symptom* of catarrh,“ Hood's Sarsaparilla Promises to cure and keeps the prom ise. It Is better not to put off treat ment— buy Hood's today. CALENDARS F<#R 1001. The Plant System passenger depart meatka* recently itsaed a beautiful •ai coder foe the year I#*!, which also easulnea sheet for December, 1909, Tst osa obtain one by ealllng at the Plant Syatem passenger oSce tool of •louceater street or telephone 62 and yon will hays one asbt to yonr ottee. Tea oan’t along without “Other People's Money." Balk aoskers sad clrealators or eoaatarfciSa earn-, 11 fraud. Boaeat tnea will not deceive y* into baying worthies* oounterfolla and De wwi's Witch Hsaeiaarre. **oorigswh' f alUale for eertng pile*, eorea. eoaaaes aad •hit diseases. W. J. Baths. Do you sued “Other Peo ple'* Money* AO n i JtvvJ X jEjLXT jI/ We vyjll show you this year the finest and most varied niamnnrK I stock ot.Diamonds, V/atches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware, Bric- UlUlHUllUd I a-brac, Umbrellas—and goods too numerous to mention—ever —rr: ' I seen in the city ot Brunswick "We also have a complete line WflltfinßS of spectacles and eye-glasses and can save 4gg II U UUIIUC/ I y OU money. Give us a call ana come early to avoid the rush. Jewelry our Repair Department is Complete. jg| Silverware yn e Give Ho Presents, but Our Prices Make Up. If! I /x r\ 1/ /% I Time Received Daily by wire from Washington (iIfIGKS | H 10CKHOLDER8' MEETING. The annua! meeting ’of the stock holders of tha Brunswick Bank & Trust Company tor the purpose of sleeting a board of directors, and traesastiog any other basine&a that may come before them, wilt be held at tho banking rooms of sa'd company no Tuesday, Janoaty 3,1901, between the hours of 10 a. m., and 2p. m l HoVt W, Gaia, Cashier., /.-V". 'mow’sT'inaf'' We One Hundred Dollar* Bar ward for any ease of Catarrh that can not be cored by lUli'e,Catarrh Core. ; v ;- i\ J. CHENEY A CO., Toledo,O. ife.rtb* undersigned, have kobyrh F. 4. Cheney tor tpe Mat fifteen year* fad believe him perfectly honorable m at! buslnee* transactions, apd finaft aially able to carry out any obligation* made by their firm. West Sc, Truax, whole*ale druggists, Toldo, O. Welding Kinnan & Marvin, wholerats druggists, Toledo, O. Mall’* Catarrh Cure ia taken later ally, aeting directly upon tbe blood and mnoons surfaces of tbe eystem. Testimonials sent free. Pfloe 760, per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Hail’s Family pill* are the best. CAVTOnXA. Bear* the IM Kind You Haw Always BogM J. Odgers. of Froatburg, Md., writes: “I had a vary bad attack of kidney oemplalnt and tried Foley's Kidney Our* ifbiob gave me immediate relief, and I was perfeetly cured after taking wo bottles. ’’ Take no substitute. I>*wcvritcb JHauet Sales wffl qtrtaklr heal She wont burns and mbM* and out Jggm aeaar. It es4applied tocta fere* with prompt and eseshtog, 0 farlpUe* and sSrtn iUmmslU. A^toSßM fi' J&F lev nnunMia W. S. 7 mwnuMtmusL mMin-cAtta 19 . **. That tbe attention Of those jirttwdfng re build of- repair we are making in all kinds at building ! umber, yellow pine fl lorings, shingles, laths and finish and rough -lutaabrr. Our offering nil! look like Xmas gtfi* when you con sider the quality of oar well seasoned, lumber. Telephoae 197. LANG, WOOD & CO. | fOODPOSITIONS J *IUSMI£99 < COOED & INSTRUCTIONS i L J— CTjsaMm* * MWMM|BWlMßaitS£as' li nimissi i*f~ xftritwe ahf ' Irotorant: r rrt . k .-• , .‘“.J'fe N. B-SANTA CLAUS-N. B. Firewosks, & Fireworks |Candy Apples, Oranges, Nuts Raisins, Oranges, Nuts, Candy. ■ vJ Ef~ F*"' fcn. FR. S-I & M£WOA©TLn.E:- KKCOMMENDB IT TO TRAINMEN. G. H. Hansao, Lima, 0., engineer L. E. A W. railroad,lwrilee: "l have been troubled a great deal with baek aebs. I was induced to try Foley's KidneyMCare. sod one bottle entirely relieved BM. 1 glvdiy recommend it to toy o*. especially! ay friends treiptoeo, who are atually 'afiKetefi.* When wn*4tt>e e*sdi#e dw <* QmmbMl-MZ’* *km.*eh md liter Whist*. '3Mt.. ;W® r :eto*a*e. year Stomaeb.tone opjgt^Vfdud <lil*u yoer, tale ** .0: / • U|, and Lowd>, iwvtff, writekJ. very low wltyjMjHfcgli, .. Unknown to tbe (famuirV Foley’S Honey and Mf Ttawtertt eras magical and pna eiedlba <l.->etor, at jt immedUtely stop • .t-.MTBmte9.le 1 -eat* TMingti'ifci ***--<• etnUkU ~ 9 *, , f BTOVJBS RBTAIRWr). I 'Mlee, Ue rtptirs all | kinds of oockjptorse and raogee, and ay* and seiffesoond-baßd stoves. 414 Edwin Clapp's JWi MEN’S SHOES, f ml /A V ici Kid $5 50. Patent Co/t Skin $6. O' LEVY’S BTOVEB REPAIRED. Riee, the etove dcoior, repair* kind* or cook etOTes and ranges, buy and sells second head stores, 414 Bay t reel While It 1* warns, yen tboald tut *# yaur winur olething pat is gegd O'- er. tee Jim Oertar.