The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, December 19, 1900, Image 3
J. MICHLL&ON,g>, 200 Monk Street I iavit* my friend* tad tbo poblio generally to Mil ud insnset oar stock of Wines and iq uors. Wo always ears/ the follow! ug standard brand* of Whiskey, Lewis’ 66, Canadian Club, Paul Jones, Imported Scotch Whiskies, The Duke of Cumberland, And ■ tub brand* a* are needed for msdieol purposes. Alto nil the difforon blgb grad** of eordinl*. —. TOM and JERRY prepared for use in quart bottles. •mdweiser, and Schlitz in bottles, Aeme Always Fresh on Draught. FuH line of the best 5 Cigars in the city, including Lit tle Nobles, Saratoga and other leading brands. PHONE 144 3 GOODS DELIVERED FREE Fro* Pool to Our Customers Coney & Parser DEALERS IN V \ Coal and Wood, BriofV, Lime, Cement, Plaster, Hair, Shingles and Laths \j Agents for Morris’ Brick, Phone 18- 525 Bav St, (toe no \ V*:; Will buy a Ladifs’ C’liaiultw Bicycle as a holiday offeriug we will include a niceLaii' tern and Bell for These ngjKjß. ijar lent Christmap present ae to offer at this pricey' Don’t miss au opportunity.that is not often offered For further information inquire at The Downing Cos: HEW QUfl£ mm 1 have opened anew IvCkVW WllllC OnUr Shoe Repairing Shop in the Opera House Building Best Material at the Lowest Prices. Shoes made from the Ground Up, Give me a trial. B. Saukbbbsig . ' v Tl Much Expaosion For me. My plants have grown so large (hat I have not room for all of them iu my green bouse. Will sell part or all of them at bargain prices. They mupt go, and the quicker the bettier i’ll like it. C. S. TAIT, 903 Dartmouth < N6fe/ M ‘•A Shoe ,4s Good /4s fts Name.” Jmt jjj IIIUII SHOES 12.50 Jl OXFORDS $2.00 I liE V.Y *HTrNBWfCK DTCriDMBBR 19 ISUb, ELI ZISSIMATO, rail CIGARS AND TOBACCO All Kind* of(Oady. J* W. Watkins will loan you money dp personal prop erty arid real estate. E. S PLUMB. and Scientific Horseshoer. NOW OPEN. felnf the (bap on Oglethorpe street, j”£Betweeo Mansfield and Howe A trial wt'.loearlnoe yon that he knew* his business. 3. J. OLEWINE Selling, Renting, Repairing,* W soil Cleveland, Monarch. CrawSd, Eagle ®k, Dixie. Fine Horses! Prompt attention given at* orders. Drayage a spec ialty. Phone 24-3. Jfi.St LjOpera House, ILL THE WEEK, ' '■ “ '-.asSspStAi',' (Except Thursday ) Mill '.VICKS Favorm-k MABEL ?f —-ASO r(u a - STOCK COMPAMV. . K'/ •*? • SPARKLING SPKCIALtfrES, EVERYTHING TO PE^ASF.. MATINEES WEDNESDAY & SATORIIAY Prices 10, 20 and 30c. 4 EXTRA. Opera House One Right THURSDAY, DEG. 20 Tbs Eagle Screams and io wi 1 yon at HENNESSY LEROYLE, in the racing laughing comedy OTHER PEOPLE’S MONEY. BE WISE FOR ONCE,... And see something big. Prices 25, 85, 75 and sl.OO‘. A PKBrvY WINDOW Among* the handsomest and most beautiful windows ever teen in Brants wick, are-hose of Mssa-s. JJ, M Mil l*r and Soot, where ,insy b* onnd ev i , erythiog that ie pretty tor the furnish* l.ngtof ah<Jtad. frOm the daintirat la e xurtfttn* > cobweb Hite lu tbdir fine neap, *• the haodtomest and heaviest furnl * ar *> *d the pretty pictures and Tate aod-hrlca-a-sric, which add to the t -trsctireosM of the dainty rooms. A walk tkrangh the apartments showajike Tlaitor carpatleg*. mattings, ruge, m foot everything that coLid he tiled hi the home. New, la the holiday time, there are more keantiful article# than usual displayed, snl the pablie U cor* dially Invited to call and spend a little while looking at ike attractive display even thengh they do nit intend to be purchaser. It’s a gentleman’s whiskey, p U r# delicious beverage, and a grand appe tiaer. Don’t forget the pome, “I. W. BlfpW” whiike) —the kind yoor grandfather need. Sold by T. Newman, Brunswick, G. The Christmas holidays for the pub no schools or the eity and county will begin on Friday, December 2t*t, snd teseons will be resumed on Wednesday, January 3d. IflOl. Tne public sebonl 4*chers wrl alt be paid op one kmi-nih’, salary on Friday end Saturday Of, this g|ffi|§kad|g SanM^fieaflgoarters • T* GLOGAUERS Dolls, Carriages, Go-carts, Teasets, Furniture Games, Puzzles very thing in To/src Displayed on our . OUR.^rr^tKL Isdloc 125 c COUNTERS * ■ vIJ C/ Air Rifles, Drums, Wagons, Horses CROCKERY _ f Velocipedes, oil kinds of Meehan- 7TTT/ u m 11 PR ical, lron and Tm Toys ' Tools ’ ■IS v Tool Chests, Etc., Etc. • TIN AND A np,,C A Liberal Discount Given on TP* V/l liv fl// Church Trees. WOODEN Wt 10165916 WARE and Retail. N0.210 NEWGfISTLE STREET 1 m Under MASONIO RaLaU Fruit Cake Talk. ■ isth* time to make your Christ •mu Fruit Cake, jf yon would have ft gnplf blended and fine in flsffv when the time for eating arrives, I hove the- material for making them. Fine California Layer Retains... .ISo lb ilne Cstifo-nia leaded Baltin* 130 lb Hht Select Cleaned euVranM.- SOc lb Fine*. Ct re can Citr0n...........20e lb Fine Glso* Lemon Feel...2nc lb Three Crown Tnrklah F ss 20c lb Sheited Jordan Almonds 60c lb Shelled Pecan Ha’ve.......... 00c lb Fancy Golden Dates. 100 lb Spices o Boil Everybody, IfCHUV HAS THEM Mi 312Hewcastle soiiciii mi mi Who th* liquids coma from’ Ok* W * emrr f enoh a One line of that tt Is imtKHwihl*. to find H hnod mSt ‘a'an-~*o which Is no* oleaetng i-i <• oolnt. I Theo good* are f.,!lv rontii'-Kd, ft RVe ” body nad raHtlnw ExoeUWot for fa mily aa.v us-. B- V- DOUGLAS. v "* 206 Bay Street. fromjthe many; besotlfnlfnaodel* ( sue display of ■’ TRIMMED HATS tbso aieertato tb# price. It win he lees thao yon think the hat la worth. Gar milliners got the Inspiration from ex pensive French models, but the mate riel and workmanship sr* American therefore moh shearer, but non* the res good inch art tstle “iSS MSS KATE SLATER, * eU>PoßTfcff|BT.. Fresh line of nloe candles, j net re ceived for tho Holidays, at DeYes’s, 55