The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, December 19, 1900, Image 4
the Brunswick Times. X.UblUbftd 1889. The Brunswick Call ■ Eiwabltehud mi. J ■' • r, Ik firußSWick TimesCaH, i }w, ':*■ lufca©b<M ’ -r-’\ tVK( HOUSING EJHJEtf MOVliil, J JUKT&OK H. LKAV? - I^itw JtOLWtJI A, jmiiNS, Bn*'ne& fctengef NOTICE. Hereafter ait legal advertise ments must be paid for after the grat Insertion. The management has been put to a groat deal of trouble and delay In collecting in the past, and in future must take advantage of the Georgia law on this subject, Oot. 10,1900, It ttkos little trains to fathom the shallow man.- Bennet and Bennett make a strong team. Cuba will get the promised freedom— when tbecatoomes back. Wasbiogton, according to tbe Obi* cago News, as the seat of government is 100 years old and still Is not old •faough to yote. The Whaltoo News deolsres “tbe Christmas story, like the poor, Is al ways with us; but that no., one has •gmalel Dickens in his fun and pathos.” A guide in _ Washington city says* •'When both the man and woman have •b new shoes that are hurting their feet, and e*ob la tiying to smile at the ether, then they're bride and bride groom. Neyer knew it to fall.' 1 THE CANDIDATE. £ThB life of on not pleasant these dy& 3b- '' _ He This candidate meets him and then that aaadidate meets him. It It a case of candidate, candidate and candidate. The alderman-elect is ■set on every byway, hedgeway and aornerway. He must bear of each cans dldate'e merits, and from the present ■mtU election day bit life is not one of saashlnesnd roses, BMKBKBBK. In th’s season just prior to Christmas tkars are some things worth remember ing; ; Komcmber the poor and needy. A few penniee may cheer and comfort a deso late 11-aside. Remember to bo considerate of the people who wall on you in the stores. It if easy to be ooarteous and kindly in your demeanor toward those tired and patient workers if you only take time lo think. Remember to keep within the bounds of your means in giving, Kztrayigance will serve only to distress you, and les •an the true esteem of the recipient. Remember the significance of the day era celebrate aa Christmas, and guard your action* accordingly. Remember that we are upon the dawn •fa new century. What can we do to strengthen our own lives and uplift those about us? Remember to be an oatimiat. Yoa will feel better, and may save some (tinting soul by your cheerfulness. Remember that the star of a world’s redemption was set in the heavens on Christmas day. Remember that childhood's sweet est illusion is belief iu the reality of Erjs Krlngle, Dili!'union meat doer rntrt-alwsyalirlnj;hapfSpesar.-' •- v ’ s> -asat ' <■s£■/. VALUABLE,O2IECT t-ESSCNS, [ te positwm-. : lc 1904, uayji-;th6 Auguyta has been arsing for suggestions as to its conduct. Mr.. D, A. Tompkins, of Charlotte, suggests in part:’ "An exhibit of new and di versified Hues of manufacture Iu the textile ante what would make the show more attractive. Get exhibitors who are doing those things that ear young men and young women can also do on small capital. Get an exhibitor who weaves handkerchiefs, another who weaves ribbons, another who weaves suspenders, another who makes laces, another who makes embroideries, and another who make* shirts, another who makes overalls, another who knits socks and Btofckinga, another who knits un derwear, Me. OTHER PEOPLE'S" MONET This much tslked of play wilt be presented on Thursday night. Sean go on sale today at Butts' drug store. Tilts Lyuvuburg Nwx: hs; Ute 7cJ!“W iug to say of this play : Other People’s Money, as presented, at the opera houso’last evening vpMysi decided snooess. As auditmeex-tejlM fair sine was present, aufrij MnWjur- 1 ■# nished great amuseraant Wfftj in me hearty U:f*E|w l ;wf.ib' v biuk tie smiles otwn and humor and SMuaarik iug sUuatlbfls were,greeted. Mr. Hen nosey LeßoyU, aS Mr. Hutchinson Hopper, of the Chicago Board of Trade, was excruciatingly funny, and the mirth that fairly bubbl ed out of h m was so contagious that his every word and action was recjlved in a most manner. MV f.eßoylu’a support waWxceptionally strong, and at every ntags onifce exoel- Jout characterisation he was gn'eo by <>f hi* company such in hRM tout every feature of the 1 y y ;V’ " balanced and entirely effee(HwßMg gather, Other People’s Money was one of the most enjoyable comedies that has been seen iu Lynchburg for a long time and the reputotios which Mr. Le - Royle established will make him a welcome visitor here in veers 10 come, Mrs. 3. it. Wbitialre, of St. Simon, spent yesterday in the city. . l“ I iB fßm ': -• ..-.-Ar mmL Li Fancy ~ New Crop Nuts. b Finest ever brought to Bruns wick, just arrived by New York steamer, Large Greno ble Walnuts, Paper Shell Al monds, new Brstll Nuts, etc. Also, fancy N. Y. King Ap ples, fine Malaga Grapes, new Cocoanuts, and fine Cranber ries. ■ LLOYD’S, ’PHONE 955 3 X (Next door to Finning A Waff) THIS BRUNSWICK, USUtS-CAbb. DECEMBER .19, imp B9# WH Sse fsa? Just fresh, so fair and,fine tbat we turn to watch her as abmijasses, she"trips aioi g the street a pictclcbf health at ,1 bea ji/. Among the passing crowd of wm and PUSH Wiitikiod v/ometi, he looks a *•“. ** * m .. - JEf * - r ;7 v 4*fe. ■ u •£%>: i v. J.M wowe<t.*t#et J 8 a ■HkwftMU? W‘&- U te-ssde- Q&SffiW' S'* ■' V3 •'-’<?. T-hov ror-.du lyNßkjf -A §• new * t* and +1 form it they'WßtUd Wmi dlf V '3i* ilcuie the disastrous" ■W ft tV-W diseases y-bifb Hi eil AJ \ M affect' the wotnau -1 lf/~&~7wk H ly organs. Women Wf <7 J TANARUS ILB ttrc C ' ir< ‘ li °f such W[ 1 •*/./..'>/ A s diseases !))• the use W lSi Tf rijsdl'ttjHiJv vorite I’rescrip ~J 4 !■! Hon- It stops the ’/ f\ fSAM * llf <icWing flrains, i beats inflamttia tion and ulcera- tion i cures bear ing - down pains, ' •**"" —— strengthens the nervous system, and restores the gen eral health. It contains no opium, co caine or other narcotic. •I Kid been a Brest -uUerer from female wekae," writes Mrs. M B, Wallace, of Muen ater, CookXo.. Texas. " / Intd four dodort and mnr did me any good. I auffered eix vrans. !>t at last X foam] relief, I followed your advice, sad took eight bottle* of Dr. Meroa’a Favorite Pre*criptio arid four of bia Golden Medical Discovery.’ I now feet like a utn rueman. I have gained eight*** jxntnds.'’ Dr- Sfimce's Flefteaftt Pellets cure bil iousiics*. “I nave always used Foley's Honey and Tar sough medicine and think It the beat,to the world,” ey Oha* Bonder,* newsdealer at Eri* Pa, Tsfcewn substitute. W J Burts. The odlto of rtba foriville, Kj„ Sfi-eeHta- j t£Fmgm&tl w ABumtl Wiu aud t, ; quor Ooftipay L, smith. Tf you want th h*t, uott .!'?.- best, order from Use ab,.v Brio, “• ""n 7 pool, Contractor and ’Builder, |ll9 South Stonowail Street. Brunswick. - Georgia petition fur Charter. County. T<> the Supenot Court at Glynn count* amt to the Ilouoi able Jos. w.Bri'n-ti, Judge tbrwf. The cetnion of Kdwaiti llnru, L. 8 Davis, M. 1, W t. Omycr* and AlexanderHurn, re p*ctfiiUy allow*: 1. l'het they end such other* a* may hereaf ter be aaaoeiak’d with them, desire to V moot, uorstod. and exist as a body politic, under the law* of the State ef lieornia, with the name, ami for tlio purpoa#* and object* and exercise! of the right* and power* a* follow*; 2 The name of aaid corporation to be -TkeJ Mulual Benevolent AMiocietion of Brunswick.! Georgia," bywh eb name it ahall bo knowo,! contract and be contracted with, aue and be I sned. s That laid corporation shall oxiet for ,1 vetuy 1*0) years from the date of incorpora tlou. acd they deair* the rignt of renewal at the exuiratlon thei-oof. , . , The prtncl, -dare of buaineaa to 1* Urtwswiuk, (Man... ’-o county, with the righttoestablishCraneaG.d-e* mother place* in Gwi-gts, by direction of the Hoarded l I rector*. ' -.fed S, Tbie corporation to he entirely a mutual attoiunfciett, snail hare uo capita! stock, but will dartre the fund* for paying benefit* and defray mg expense* from the fees. does end * r /-anneal* of it* member*. S. the object* and.lWm**s of.-aaid *ocU PoaSohe: (a) To pay weekly bcneCis to it uj*mber In caaa of piclmeea, accident or per* funeral or death benefit upon the death of each member of eald association. % 7. Held corporation to have the toUrtwing fsmuint Too right to hare a corporate seal, to ;inkkf-lawa,to preaertbe in eald by-law* the tSare oraaetlng of aaid atMOciatlon rball be ■hsld to name the officer* of aaid aaaoclation. for terma of office and compensation to lie paid them, to prorlee for a board of dliecton to control tb business, to issue policies to mum ben, to provide the amount of sick, acoident ami death benefit*, anil to mako rules to pay the name, and to do all thing* that ate naeeasary to properly control the bualnoca of aaid aseocia -1 ion, and the authority to exercise all power* incident to private corporation*, aa prescribed by law. Wherefore, petitioner#' pray that they may lo incorporated, with their associate*, under the name aforesaid for the period and the pur poses named, and with the right*, power* and privileges naked for, and they will ever pray. ERNEST DART, Attorney tor Petition UKOBGIA—(Iimn County. 1 hereby certify that the above application tor charter for The Mutual Benevolent Associa tion of Brunswick, Geoigia” was filed in office this 28th day of November. A. D. 1800. a r. dvbigos. Clerk Superior Coart, Giynacounty, Ga Nuts, ranine, currant*, citron. In ft, all ingredients lor fruit oakea, at. DeVoe’a, At no time is man aeoure from at tacks of suoh disorders of tbe stomach as cholera morbus, cramps and diar rhoea; but these compliints are com mon during the heated term, Whan it Is dangerous to neglect them. Pain- Killer is a remedy that baa never fail ed, and the severest attacks havs been cured by it. Avoid substitutes. There lie but one r*in-K tiler, Perry Davit iso. find 00. FOR dADE-CWOUGOOO HOU3 IN OLD TOWN—TO THE HIGH C BIDDER. We will gelt on Tuesday, January Btb, to tbe BlilfhMt bidder for the cash, that certain two-Ctory bous*, fiiualtd Ic theO'd Town of fhi* city, on Ellis •'reef, end known st tb western ooe t.slf ef tbe ;orUa ohe-hlf f old T-wu Ut •... Alsu,-, tiikt - onc- f ory ' buuse, it 11 alC'j, ft ß &{&!on; step\,.<aid ; hiii’ie iieitg.-jr:. T6t Vu iwr*b,li e east-: ■ft obe-bad!'-of ,til# puribarb bAkahaif pf Old To wo lot it®;; 'list*prwperty is' in woditnin, aad both rsftWAL "i S'- Extsstpib & 00. . ■' ?’ •• * • -- ; ■■■ ' The profit ofagokl mine depends, [not ob the amount ot rock crashed under the stamps but pon the amount of gold which ean be nstract ed from the root. Io a similar way she value of food which 1* eaten does not depend oo the (juaiitity whien I* taken Into the stomach but upon the amosnt ot nourishuienl extracted : Horn it by the organs of nutrition and digestion When these organs ate diseased they fall to ex tract the nourishment in snAcient quantities to supply the needs of the several organa of the body and these organs cannot work without nourishment. The rejnU Is heart trouble, 11 ver trouUp and manytkthgf’Min, enta, l>r. Pierce's Golds#ModiitJpiltwmyr m **ers r -na of the difAjfcfe gad nutritive system, re ores it l bdwßiNliAsKor. It ouraa diseases remote from thMtowasch threugirtha etomacu in Which theyirtslaatod. flrdden M< Uci Discovery A,>r otles. ,-yji v.-^ Dr. j. * vssStMfajUy io 9 Jfc,v - V • fossil • i m-dlwßjCTKywxclusivc Method -.>? VArloooete" iuQ Suit tut-- • • - s* ceht. ofjtll cases. In IK IPMHinit of loss Ht jritai forces ;fiyßnflß disorJors, kidney and urinary | qt>n|plalnU, parulysls, blood poisoning, | rbCHfllatlsm, catarrh and diseases pecnl :n wOMm, be le equally successful feri lii.Unawar’e practice ts more than Miwtd th*t of 'aav other specialist. bßasb* prosontts'-i bf">e'oe* by oibcr fphyvifilaps, re#<’’‘y ute treat mni. TVrile bite 'wiay fully abot• case te*ka* 89 el urge h or bdvte*!,, cHfcef at hil ol ilOJ '’ r J. NEWTON HATHAW AY, M. D.U 46 Dry an *wvset 'BaS qali, qB o*l4 Bfooi or D- *U. -There i* but oa# stnsU chant* to *xvs yoxw ife and that is terete* en operation.' was tbs awful prespeyt,' whln-fure Mr*-1. W. Hunt, at Unto JBWgC, Wnil by her doctor aftv vamly rylugtdcitw her of frightful easeotsli-m^'C trii>% He didn’t count mi tbe atarvnlima power of K>wctrle Bitten* to core ffebmaefc odd -Mwtr tripled, bufsiw beard Of it, teekteveu ivitfcvwns wholly cured, avoided surireos's kaif-, row mtraiu tuoro and fccUi tier, v- tSan irwr, It’s poit>r"- ly guaifiotcwi Miaul* fiipWacfoldver ad K); nsr tn*oi'ifw, i*d iSiveVdfnapaburte. Frio* mk The sSs^#er‘‘Ctry of Naasan," ( tp t*ic,;vtetly in <Jmnnai now lying y & par|gt’s wtfurf, with a Hoe ctlr*o of or*ngei,%aoanae, aboil*, eto., *: sold (It low price*. in purchasing fruit Mid do well to call and *ss®j&wain K^y. W&P NOTUJE. tbe inaater, nor owners Nrk'Marv Basbrotigh will be respooetble for any debt* oontraoted by the orew of said berk. Leorald, Matter. .. . ~^ .. — TBE MAN Wirp A 810 HEART Makes Urge provision for tbe dumb animals uoder bid care. They can't talk hack, you *nex ; nevertheless their appearano* the tale. Treat your dumb frieoda aa faithful servants—feed them with the good, feed and grain you can get hare, deep more comfortably o’nigbts, and, If you re poiioy-wise, notice tbe bene ficial results. J. ft BURKETT, FEED STORE. CASTOR IA The Ttinrt Vc.u Hiive Alivays Bo’;g;ht, aivdavUieh lias Iteen in use Cot ov*r 30 bait Lonie the- siguattire of v, ii .iK** bcon Buwle titidcr I\iw per \ J . -uiH-vv i kih since if - iniitivc.y. AlloWuo one toslf-cotve you in this. Ail tJmiiktortbU.i, liiiitAtioa.-i ;vfl ‘*Vlasf-us-jrr><l” svr* 1 I>t Tb;ycriiici3a tliat tritle with; and otulatifror tlio IteaUh of r Xntimt n {tad CTdWiVeifli—iO.vporicxice stgainst Ex;eriiuGiit. What is CASTORIA Castoriu la a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narwotio substance. Its age is Its guarantee. It destroy* Worms * anil allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieve* Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates tbe Food, regulates the Stomach and Dowels, giving healthy and latHral sleep- The ChitTicn’s Panacea—The Mother’s Friend* CEiyyfeE CASTORIA ALWAYS S) Bears the Signature of _ The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. ~ tx CwteyAuW fcOWrthV, * Ai UdaiV STREET. HEW TOUR Cl TV. §n are youTfeeukc BADLY? r 4 ►Prickly ash bitterx \ Vf WILL CURE YOU. ** * During Decem&er §' l i Our store will be open until A o’clock p. m. i Space does’nt permit us to go into details aa to onr magnificent stock of goods, it would take pages All we eek is to pay os visit and it will fuliy*pay you to go to that muck trouble, tor will be astounded at revelation. Wben in search of a wedding present you will find what you want at'out store, H. M. MILLER & SON. Ghristmas Things Are better selected A few hints. Bath Robes shs o to SB.OO, Umbrellas f’ey handles $2.50 to *B. Handsome Neckwear all prices, Walking Canes 50c to $1.50. Handkerchiefs Silk and Linen MuffleraSl.SO to $2:00 Silk Suspenders $1.25 to $2.50