The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, December 19, 1900, Image 8
MRS. M. ISAAC.- *X- 9 ‘■\ \ - ' . • 208 & 208 1-2 Newcastle Street ~ . ■ ... _ , ' . • - . Bargains'ii 1 Every Line Special Offerinps Forjthe Holiday i - ■'• V, -A • ■ ;* ... { ‘ _ • V - *'. Wk Dry Goods, Dress Go Notions, Etc., Etc. THE ENIL, ; IWli ' ' NEWCASTLESTV J. J. LISSNER, WHOLABALK / firoceries, Tobacco, (Flour, Bacon and Provisions, GRAIN, HAY AND BRAN t SPECIALTY. 216 Bay Btreet, Brunswick, Georgia. JW- H. BOWEN AND| BUIUDSRS Of Stone. Brxok and Frame Bnildin* JfanufACttirera of € a.a4 Artificial Steae- OUR GREAT ie lie Kj' All the Leathers, All the Shapes. . $3.50 and $4.00 Mm r , “levy’s tfl*lUnwOJC nMIKr*QA I LL DKCJKB4* 19 1 ' Cu rm ; Cough*, Cold*, Bronchitta, • C uT-suropthm, Asthm*. ITI * ■ ' Lung Trouble*. DR. J. H. McLEAN’S i TAR WINE ; i LUNG BALM Aa unfailing remedy Irritation ef the Tbfeet |; and Lungs. TM* Medicine pillrely ailSu am ’ .plum or other drag* iujarlous to tfco ’ ItiftfHKll ( 23c, (Pc and 11 o bottle, at druggists. ! ; TM* o*. i. H. McLEAN MEDICINE 00,, r. low, aa. WWWV3 FON SALE ST AtWWtA W J.'BUTTS, Tha Druggist Tho.Taias Call job fofflae to sow i* fuilblast agate Sad tboee fwbo desire to iav| money [ttould let It bid oa tour work. S* wtriett ,Ld( baat •sutsjri*. WHEN LAGRIPPB BEGINS, CURB# I UlwnaraiwOlbi PaOMa taka qnluln, lot It, and whoa lan aro waiL Ujo stools of laOrtppa and quinine toculbor. oftoo anas. JOHKSOF3 CHILL * FEVEB TONIC Cara* li a Day or Night, aro bad afoot, oro felt bar. to pat yonrmir on a IUM> Slot of 14. aa poo do with quintan, St. W. W. Caldwell; -of Übnaft'. write, (bat eight doruetakea in on# day earn* kin eomclataly. It will oaxa you. Mo. pr botuo U It cam. Hot oao wot If It doM no* aara A. B.OIRAKDEAU. V Savannah. Oa. Account of Christmas Holiday iyp cur.ion Rates, Southern tll ticket* between all of the Mississippi and south or tbo Oh'o and Potomac rlrera at rat* of ooa fare and oop-third for the round trip. Ticket, to be sold Deoamber 22, 28, 24, 85. and 81.1809; al.o, January 1, 1901, with .xtreata limit January 4,1901. [■k hT. you a M; of f<> Cat.-skin the region four stomach after eatlugf If ao you w.i*t ha by nalun Chamberlain's Stum*"’; and" i'fablela. They also cure . Mug end Sp> ttamaefc. They regulate tha bow alt too. tei'itot#,. Mold by Bishop'* Drug St*re CASTOR IA For Infante and Children. Tbi Kind Yoo Hava Always Bought ... . . - & Duu'tbe decal red or humbugged by Ipnopl. whoolalm thedlaenrery od some hltharau it. knows herb or root In awampa, or oa goat, mountain or pralrl. for th. ear. of kidney and bladder trouble*, Any dootor? or dragglat with tell you that euob claims or Foley'* Kidney Car. .Imply domain, r.medlea that ar. recognhwd by the; mort akllfnl phyaielaaa a* beat tor thea* eomplalnto, ao don’t be .redalou. orfooliab. W. J. Belt*. Half tha World is to Oarkngte aa to|tbe eauae of tbalr 111 health. If tb.y would atari to treat their kidney* with, Foley’. Kid ney. Curaih*,w< arlnaea of body and miad,bacr aeb*£hoadecb* ’andgrhenniaMt palna would and iaappewr. 11W.V Jtottte. FIRST A HI) FOREMOST 2d th* Meld of medicine la HoodaSarea partlia It poetesses actual and hnequalled merit by whloh it cure* all disease* canted or promoted by impure or impoverished Mood. If lycu hgfre rheumatism, dytpop <ia, edrofula or ba'tarrh, you may take Hood’i Sareaparilla and be oured. It you are tun down end feel weak and may be sure it will do you good. The favorite family oatbartlo la Hcod’e Villa. 3-*' ; Bargain days, Monday and Tuesday, December 17 and 18, at J, H . Holler A Bit’ll ", 1_•~i k j.’ 'ITL'* X''Q 3mn*wiek| went* “Otter P.eple'. Meaty.* We will p.y the above reward tor any case of Lirer Complaint, Dyspepsia, Sick Headache Indigeation, Conatipntion or CoaUvuness we cannot cure with Llverata,, the Up-to-Dn’o I.lttfe Liver Pills, when Ufe directions air •trtotly complied with. They are purely y, re table and never fall to.giyt antiafaotion. ic boxee contain 100 pilkk U<c lx>xea contain to pille, le boxes ooatMW IS pills. Beware of wh atltutee and iroltaaFins. hr t 11. fttampf taken. HImtwprMKDIOAL CO . nor. riin ton and J tcjgsHTSts , Chicago. TU. kor sale by Brown Dramfo. Brnnawtek. Ca sf Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. It Artificially digests the food and Aid* Fature in atrenuthenlng uud rocon (trading the exhausted dlgestl e or gans. It lathe latest discovered ti igett aat and tonic. No other preparation cad approach It In efficiency. It In stantly relieve*and permanently cure* Dfspepeia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, Sick Headache, Qastralgta,Cramps and AH Other results of Imperfect digestion. Meaiee. and H. Large *lm contain!, 2H timae fenanwt Book all atwutdyapepkl* uiH.,e<ltrte Freaured by E C. OeItUTT a CO., CQlcggA W. J. BUTTS. Fortpalaa, aw > llingaand la a meat aothlnx ao ood:a< Chamberlaln'4 Fa’n Balm rrr lL F6rml*>l Dr. Blabop’a drug ator*. Mr*. T. Biriddleman, of Parabaflvitla Mloh„ wa. troubled with .alt rbeum for tbirtaen years and had tried a number or doctors without relief. Af ter two or three applications of Ban oar Salve, ber hands bsoama better, and in a abort time sbe was entirely eured. Second fchand household furnitureßbought and sold; also pianos, organs, trunks, mirrors, carpets, etc. J. W . Watkins: s#* Yq* Mn't .Ford to sl.k your Ilf. by allowing a okgk or a sold to d.yelop late pneumonia *r poanampMob. t)**J MtajM *&m WU^ nt. threat and lorn* Hyble*jblaker tka. n M*to. m* t *■ **. YOUR FACE j W IOUA fOBUJIW. Wi'fow amarfff watts*. > .'ValS9k Amarie#- .IWomea him, , away ; Aty-flv* milUnw doj^ ; j pjnnnally fov law c iftia'i ißa~’., iJwnio. le irti is • x-othy Complexion, get a VIBQUr RUBBIK MASK. Keatorea original eontonr, permanently ra moyea pimplea, freeklec. blackhead*, os alt oemplexlondl imperfealioae. Absolutely harmless. Besults gnaraatnsd. Write for particular*, msu th.ct by mat Gloves SIOO ud IUS. VIRGIN KUBBKB CO M K. Went lttb Nt H.t Brown Drug Cos., Sole Agt Brunswick, Georgia. Complete is twr link or FI 1 li IMS ||which|l on ’| | jexhibition. CALLLAND EXAMINE Th. F. Winter, THE TAILOR, 311 Newcastle St f ===^' Yoa t along wiUa out Money '