The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, December 20, 1900, Image 2

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Catarrh The otiutt exlsis in tHe Wood, In what causa* Inflammation ot the mucous membrane.' ??, v It Is therefore Impossible to cur* the disease by local applications. It in positively dangerous to neglect ft. because fisawayi affeitt* the atom* a® and deranges the general health, arid ls#kc.!y todevelop Into consump- Maer-keff*'b**rt radically end pcrmenentfy •oreti br Haod'i Sarsaparilla, It dan.!, sot efas Wood toil bnt peeuUa. alterative nd tool* effect, K. too*. Ctltof( Junction, low*, wrtteei "1 hud catarrh three year*. lost my appetite and could aotaleVEK My head pained •to tad 1 felt bod oil over. i took Hood's Sarsaparilla and now fcdvs appetite, steep well. Mid boot no symptom*of catarrh.” Hoad'a SmrmaparSHa Promises to cure and keeps the prom ise. ft Is better not to put off treat ment—-buy Hood's today. CALENDARS KGR Ml. The Plant System passenger depart ment baa recently Issued s beautiful calendar for tho year 1801, which also contains a sheet for Deoembe-, 1800. You osn obtain one by calling at the Plsnt Syetem passenger office loot of Gloucester street or telephone 58 and you will haye one sent to your office. You oau’t along without “Other People’s Money.” Both makers and circulators of counterfeit* come,it fraud. Honoet men will not deceive yoo Into buying worth lees counterfeit!! of ne- Witl’s Witch ilatel Hslve, The orlgiuel is in, fallible for curing pile*, sort*! ronraia -aad. -- skin (Ureases. W. J. Butte. Do you need “Other Peo ple's Money? JKm . i m* *m- A A MwtßGt 1 m f— ew * - Next oor to the pourt House. Diamonds watches Jewelry Silverware Clocks 8 TOCKBOLDfcBS' MEETING. The annual meeting of the stock bolder* of the Brunswick Bank & Trus* Company for the ponses* of akcling r board of director*, and transacting an; other business that may come before them, will be held at the bsnktat rooms of said company on Tuesday, January 8,1801, between the hours o ifr‘ V-w *r ISSirffcf* - * -> r * t?~ > ~ '• ■ • "■ 10a. m., and 2s. m.< ; Hovt W. Gals, Oarhier. HOW’S THIS? We offer One Hundred Dollar* Re- 1 ward for any oaaeof Catarrh that oso not be cured by Hall’s Catafcfb Cure. F. and, CHENEY & CO., Toledo,O; We, the; onderslgned, bare knoyrn F, ,f, Chefteyfor the last fifteen and believe bfm perfectly honorable in hit busiorestrannreuons. aba finan cially able to carry oat any obligation* by tkiif.-fifift* >C -\P' . .Will * Traax, wholaiaie'drtiggfat,*, V" Toldo, (>. i 'Cal ' ' Welding Hannan AMarvitf, wholesale druggists,’ Toledo, O. Hall’s Cfiarrh Cofe is taken Inter ally, aotlng directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price 75, per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Hall's Family Pills are the best. OABTOXkXA. Bears the yTto kind lOU fal AIWUyS togftt 3. Odgers, of Prostburg, Md., write*: “I had a very bad attaok of kidney complaint and tried Foley’s Kidney Cure which gave me Immediate relief, and 1 was perfectly onrsd after tikiog we bottles.” Take no substitute. heal the worst burns and scalds sari not leave' a sent. ft den be applied to cots and tawirar fsco* with prompt and soothing effect. Ueolt forjpvies and ekln dlsceece. Bo* uie ot north-' leas ceuntnrleits. W. J . Jlutt*. ■ KllßMiteillllKl That w|d the attention otdfboee ‘iD!wii4ng to build or repair *fe are mailoffJ#’f%nds of balldittg tomb r, proe flborings, alliogles, laiha and fittiSh and rouglh lumber. Oar offering Will Pok like Xmu gifts when you con tideT the quality of oor welt eeseoned lnmber. Telephone 187, LANG, WOOD & CO. JtaODPOSITIONS *L . gwßlif: Young Men { ' COLLEGE 1 f r, IHSTKIOIONS . wmz.ffomtfM/, 7£^ f S - We will show you this year the finest and most varied stock of Diamonds, V/atches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware, Bric a-brac, Umbrellas—and goods too numerous to mention—ever seen in the dty ot Brunswick ' We also have a complete line of spectacles and eye-glasses and can save you money. Give us a ckll and come early to avoid the rush. Our Repair Department is Complete., All goods bought of us engraved free. We Give No Presents, but Our Prices Make Up. v Time Received Daily by wire from Washington THE BRcSsWICK TIME-CALL, DEGJLVWintt 20 ,L. N. B-SANTA CLAUS-N. B. Fireworks |Candy Apples, Oranges, Nuts a-rr-T. 1 Jjßaisins, Oranges, • Nuts, Candy. A. CD . JEFFERS RECOMMENDS IT TO TRAINSfEN. a. H. Hsusan, Lima, 0., engineer L. E.& W.railrosd,awrUes: u l haee been tronbled a great deal withJnmfcr, ache. I was Induced to try Foley’* Kidney Cure, and ooc bottle entirely relieved me. I gladly recommend it to any one, especially; ay friends smong the trainmen, *rho are usually a milsrly afflicted,” - Wbcn j-egpM;,#! t tif* i* aaroiy woith tbe eandl* GntS,'dks. *f Ohinh*rlm*t Atinaacb and S TS btete. Tiuy will clesnse your j stomach, tofikoji yjatr hear “<> 'rgnl*H yot J, write* i lHpi boy was wry Iy'’ Unknown to J him Foley’s AfffMtl l was megtoal vJf'- 7. eMPto'di^toß,a* It Irom-diHifcf ittokhhg cough, and baf Jcklr —m A LS fgy|;’tbe atoveyidib r /repair* all j feiijdf of oook htovet, , ranges, and .tiys*fl<{ sells aecoO* Jind stove*. 414 #l2dwin Clapp’s | MEN’S SHOES. § Patent CoH $6, LEVY’S ■Stovk- rf haire'd ■ ■ Rlc, the Mo<* occ.or. repairs kT#t|br cm I; r'ovft. rrpt t, buy and tells second .hiad stoves, 414 Bay tr-<t : -'V _i. ki;!*• Ui“ warm, you aliculd have Jo*, r winter clotbing pu* in good or- Hrr Jtnt Carter.