The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, December 20, 1900, Image 7

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MRS. M. ISAAC. 208 & 208 1-2 Newcastle Street - ' . • • •••■ -•> - *". '• V-' .• • ■ ■' •••■?. •'*: ..V V.• ..Vi* ■' • • •; .• \ r . ■’ .•' . "V>- <V; • . ' v ; - . >* \ Sv'-* • ; 'x^• *' -‘l • • *' rSiftr \*c •* V.” 1 ! v .-<*<Ly**£ f"' -**v\... .-'* .'S'*sv•*;•.’ ■'••'.i. ’ /- v j '.>'?• •' " ' ’*’* * x 4‘.- “A •;*. > ' •'••.. ' : • Bargains in Every Line 1 . .-'.•■• v* i' ■ :. -. '.’■ ■*"* 7.' : ’.,•••. • v • • •-■;•- . "•• ••. : - s fe ; *v••. .".-■ ,;?r ‘•' ' ■ 'sv , - . :& . ' . '.’ ■ • K ':\ ••• ■ ’• > i Special Offerinps For the Holidays ’ V Dry Goods, Dress Goods* Clothing, Notions, Etc., Etc. 3 very Day. mrs. \ mi- i r irunr rrr ms-m mm astlest. J. J. J^SSJJERTT Groceries, Tobacco, Flour, Bacon , and I ■■'. . t, mM Provisions, GRAIN, HAY AND BRAN ' SPECIALTY. 2s> Bay % Street, Brunswick, Georgia. W- H. BOWEN C 5 O FR ACCnr CD f==? s BUIL-OEIKS Of Stone, Brick and Frame Bnildin^ Manufacturers of CJtaent,',Tile and ArtlfldaS Stone m OUR GREAT JS Pflpui Price Line All the Leathers, /pi fr* AJi the Shapes. ? SSSSSSSI- LEVY’S (till BRdmSWIOKi.TIMJKb-CA.LL DICBMBAB 2J I9u . is like of illiliLMs whichjl | (exhibition-: v , t ! CALLPAP-EXAMIiL Hl F. WigL THE TAIWH 311 Newcastle St Brunawiok. want* *‘Oibr People’* Money.’’ WHEN LAGRIPPE BEGINS, CURE IT l If yoo rraftyou will be .orry, Pwpl. take (joltilnn for It, and when they are w.ll. til. effect, of I. Grippe .ad quir.ln. together, ofUia cMue inert dtlntu JDHMN'S CHIU t rEVEH TOMJ Cures Id a Day or Nicht. So bad effMt. ST* felt auo jou don't bar. to pat yourtulf on . tt-crlf diet of it, a. yon do with qomtne. Hr. W. W Caldwell, ot Chicago, write, that .'.HI doe. teken In on. dny oarwi kun completely. U will our. yon. (On. per BotO. Iflt cure.. Not on. cent If It doe* not .nr*. A. B. dIRAKDEAU. Savannah, On. V Px'T FORGET When you Start out on shopping. Call at my store where you will tind tjiejiwtfstand finest line of . r'-..' i"," '■% In the state of i'eorgia, put up nicely in boxes from 2‘>c np to $lO, Also Brushes, Combs, Looking Glasses and Other Chrismas Articles , v ■ '/ r ■' ■ ■' -f . ;; ; w . '' r> . ' Joergec^ Fl tarmacy. OPPOSITE THE OGLETHORPE