The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, December 20, 1900, Image 8

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O ' Sk TO TANARUS” 1 : . ,7.. J-4 - ‘ ' ' , Sfi .> ' AY MART M’JflttJl ÜBttOl'oS ,y.- 7 •■■ - sikia. c&mmuic^kmw*tmb MBXT MUtl SB tMKBD iN TW.L. A> •/ ' .; £ , ' *“■ ~‘ ‘ % H in Kir; beaOrovatt will be among the charming eishooi gi ri home for the holiflaja. Mr. friend* of Mr. Colombo* Down log regret to know that he baa been seriously ill io NawYork, b itiregrat ified to knot* that he i* somewhat im prored. .. y'; '.j The return of Mia* Mrte D.Yoe to Broniwiok, after a long iUot-A in At lanta, ia greeted with delight by bar ■any frlanda, Mr. Robert Smelt, after an abtenoe of two years in New York, guaat af hia parents, Mr, and Mrs R, B. Everett, at their home on Halifax square, for the holiday*. Many friend* regret to know that Mr. Malcolm McCullough bee been quite ill for ihvaral day*, at hia home on Union atreet. Mrs. J. B. Wright, of tit. Simon Island, ia expected in Brunswick this Dressed Turkeys; Dressed Chicken, •r ' *"'■ •- ** ■- y *v ' • •; Green Groceries . RYTH IXQ ' Ns "" GOOD TO EfoeW C. ARNHEITER. City Market. Ladies^j^^ r'ur Neck Pieces, Golf ? "ts, Dressk*„'Sacks, ' attrac- , f here for weak, for a few day* with friend*. Miaa Hsllie Brobstoo, of Brown wood, who ia apending the winter in Brunswick, the'guest of bar brother, Mr. Edwin Brobaton, will apend the holidaya the guest of the family of Dr. W. ft. Burrougha. r.-’X".: ’ — a- -u Mr. and Mrs. Bhinoas Nightengale, of Jacksonville, were called to New York soddanly by the illness of Mr* Nightengale’* father, Mr. C. Downing, but many frlanda areglad to know that be is sOmewhat irnpeatM. , A little sou is the guafct. of M*. Mrs. Robert Meyoar'et their boms in Savannah, Mta. Mercer i# remembered by many friend# in Brunswick as Mrr, Katharine Btiiea, who spent moob of her girlhood here,; t&i'gaeat of her aunt, Mrs. Charles* S, Wyily, at bar home oii Uoion street. Miaa Edjtb Barker, of Brooklyn, the guest of tba Mieses MoCullougb, at their'home oo Union atreet, la spend ing some lime in Brnnawiok, and re ceiving many charming social atten tions. Mr. Samptar, of New York, arrived in Brunswick a day or two ago, and la spending ’tba winter itbe guest of hia daughter, Mrs. M. Kaiser, at her borne oo dlouoester atreet, THE JBRUNSWICK TIME -CALL, DECEMBER 20, 1* Many friends of 'pm ft! rdi* Po.tell will be interested ip Knowing that she is spending a p tautest wmte t with friends in Psonf jinia. A little ton isbAi''' and Mrs. John Mpsrrdw, at N*w York. Mr*. Sparrow is r,<n.m bered by rosnT Brunswick frieniia as Mi-s Mude Boa’wtctj. Wbo .-formerly lit and hsru ' 1 ’-‘l X- ' ; SfeV£- ; Uv The,oDt to h- given by the member# of tba Exseiaior Biterary Society of tba Glynn High, tcbool to morrow earning, promises tube an ■ Bishop Nelson is expected in Brons wick in January, when he will pay hie annual riaits to the Episcopal church** Mlsa Olivia Reaney baa abarga of St, Jude’s parochial school this year, and kaa many bright little pupils. Mrs. Harris Casaill is axpaotad home next weak, after spending soma time in Southwest Georgia. It will be glad news to many friends of Misa YeSymona, who ha* been studying Tccafmosio In Naw York for soma months peat, to know that she made her debut before the pubiMgß Carnegie ball a abort time whs loudly encored ereepi Since then, sh. ha. ' Si, °f eoMmaeompanJ, i'ffcjPoa}) tsk t;i. t) it. Johnson. * f'oiciocut I farmer and mill o* cerof wan- I ty, speui Beuts*.f cY. m and Dr. W. U. BorrLgbs, Itbe BxeouUTeOt jmrAtee at ifcfc Ust niA if l l :' Lb\Jy# ■ - y i f• W :-y \ h *■ ¥ . '• m: i ! } ters will build! i g #wA;arrnw, to jer o,*iye ootribuijKor ibe dfirlitras* i.'tfSßjtr.iTn to the^JU^- At the rest . the bride’s par ents, Mr. and Mr*. J. and. Spottawood, H-rfeckßonyille, Fla., yeaterdky at high Boon, Mies NViHio Spottswood and Mr. Roland Anguatus MtW nss -ge're usftadj in the holy bond* of n atrlmooy. The wedding was a quiet homo lifter j but the popularity of the befcnUfuly yoong brhle was by the gm ber of friend* who wefe present to wlt nestiha.lmpreMire ceremony, and bid! wail peed to th* bpppv youug couple 03 thelf departure fer thwfr tutor, la Brunewick. , iy Mr. MulUaa w* BccoanmuMk to Jacktonwille by hi* Mr. C. W? Demtag and Rey. W. r. flollinjjsworih, paetor at tae Presbyterian church, of this city. The home of tbe bride on North Main street wa*boost tastefully decor ated with out flowers, holly aud ever green, and mad* a fitting setting to the E. R. BAKER, Dentist. Special Attention to Crown and bridge work. Office: " 5022 GHou’ster St. “Other People’s Mosney? momentous erent in the lires of the M tw popular yoong people: After the ceremony an elegant wedd ing dinner was served the bridal party and a few friends, during which meny telegrams af congratul*liens were read *ukequect to which the garsts accom patied the bride and groom to the de pot and gave them a food farewell c n '• r '- ..r • '*•' '. . .. - theccmmoaceßsesft Of tjiijf Brnrheyt© their new bome-to-be. On arrival here the bride am groom repaired to the Oglethtrpc hotel where Ihey will be at home ta their many The sonville, Brunswick and other piece* were nwnercu. and beautiful, consist ing of maoy pieces of cut glass, room ornaments and furnishing*, j Bruuawlok Is indeed fortunate in gaining from Jacksonville one of her loveliest and moat lovable daughter*. A* Miss Spottswood, the charming young bride, was an admired favorite of a large circle of friends and on* of the dearest members of a fond home circle. Her beauty of per oo and character baa endeared her to many and the •witness IJut has ebat- 1 aetp*ed ;*' alt J. ’ m/p ’i" r Ph? forme/ home to r- ’• -J . .vccedifr*iy M£pt.?hQa !♦•, *he ff* hosltice t Sterida'# A jLI cir- tb -Mttbm at [iack*Viiin>* .portal ,|# v, iU be EitlgiiiKlv / . gMT. Mull n, U*% jprooa, ig one of j</ j men, whets* busi 3il tg* Tares-cam. has made - JF / .i_ .. ■ , " g jjn/r** •P* im * *** ekgpf" ears wj JjSPd .*MtP%3ShKkrh da Igsira, a.” was prc-.,pet efi bebaoM' • !. ■ WB"V ijniije, Ws. t,y r,<sr doctor afti- Vying to care her of.* of , fwoolile .i,l y'*(l(jw j.Aajuli 1 un the ipsrvciotts ponor of Bitwj- u l ienre stomsen and Uver tfooM n but a*, j,.T s . “ U wren botUoa Kr ,, , MI , ,*¥.r;a, avofiwg:' njtrjseos** kajle, n„w Wr:gb j Id* -’“'•fwiahwiae Cheaerar. irt positive- | |Bt3|giaUatoa.t tbontowtowaoh. Litf/jr two K'p- ] For Asthma use C&~| TB £x pectok . | ■ WANTED.—If you are rn r.eefl of a dru-cisst California Cbi an oook, nice srd cleat), apply to ,imn £.**, lilt Mansfleld street, !fs ! gw j AHr ipoiurfi or when you feel ! cold .coming 00, take Foley’s Honey and T#r. It never falls to ogre, and pneumonia or consump lioo if iakeft in time . j. wk<gjfon wsi prempi scting little plU* , use DeViitfs littl* ImrJy . JH Santa Claus JgY Coining Aud we lave what he waat g Orange#. Apples, Bananas, Rai sins, and Candies. Fruit Cakes sod Fancy Cakes: Fireworks of all kinds. i. 1.11 The Hustler, Phone 158. TRY_ Boromol Tooth Powder. BUTTS, The Druggist. BROWN’ Hot Chocolate and Cold Soda •. - Something Delicious PRESCRIPTIONS , :\ Filled accurately. Bl DRUGS i: Sold cheaper than the cheapest All m want is someone to enquire into the truth ot the above assertion to make a customer of you ?erfurna& and Toilet Articles in abundance, Call m and make yourself at home > *'• v ?v"" ‘ ’• ’.i- V9r. J;. -’S h s* Brown Drug Cos. a .. . * h cTOday We jovCfe the attention of Christ mas Buyers to our magnificent display of Oak ana Mahogany ROCK EF^)S in cobbler seats and plush, exquisite designs and novel fin ish. Selections at this store are made easy and every taste gratified. Wood bottom chairs 75c, better ones in cane #1.25. The largest and most diversified assortment of Children’s Chairs to be found anywhere./ Our stock of RUGS will be fomrd~*equa 11 y as inter esting. Many great economies will be revealed by a visit and critical inspection of exceptional offerings throughout the entire store, s*,-**- 3*^' ,.. JS^ —Bans—''illl.; . , ■■■■ .——— , . ■ ■ LOOK THE WORLD OVER -ANDiyoTXCAS’TSBEAT CREAM OF KENTUCKY Whisky SI.OOJ PERCQUART ; $4.00 PER GALLON. NOT MADE2BYBA!TRUST’ . I. Trager & Cos., Independent Distillers; Sold in Braunswick by F*. V. DOUGL.AS, 208 Say S^rcot.