The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, December 21, 1900, Image 4

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n ft t t ij it MUD *= , -"■■ ) aasßß*e*Kt"~ NOTICE. Rpreafter all legal advertise ments must be paid far after the first insertion. The management has been put to a grr at deal of trouble and delay In collecting in the pant, and In future must take advantage of the Georgia law on this subject. Oot. JO, IS!00, Brunswick will extend a warm wel come to the Cor dele delegation. LI Hung Chang has tha grippe. I.i bellcree in keeping up with the pro sac ssio*. The Brunswick and Birmingham railroad seems to be an assured lact - Waycross Herald. BRUNSWICK L BIRMINGHAM. Tbefc'avannah News yesterday made ••me suggestions regarding the build lag of the Brunswick 4c Birmingham Sadroad of a pateiaal future and which were, of coarse, unseiish. For instance the expressians of men •on nee ted with other roads whose in terests are bound up in Savannah, could telsaUy be otherwise than disinterested, Ac fore Impressive sgainsJ Hfr peoplo taking any ate/.' ||||||| l sv.3L v -y ottxiSj& * , --- - - —>•*-, *’Vj • It may bo lemvrity or. OQi , hold to the view that a road represent ing the wire grass eectiou might 'bo come a profitable enteiprlso to the builders but at the risk ol a challenge of the statement by the disinterested rallftad men tf other lines we will Treniui e the pronounced opinion that H will be a blessing to the wire oral* region which has passed all other sec* lions of Georgia in increase of popula tion and weal'h during tbe last decade. With this Une finished, Brunswick will become by reaeon of Independent railroad facilities, what she was made by nature, the great South Atlantic seaport, i>qd take her proud place as Georgia’s entree port-not to the hurt of Savannah, bift to the benefit of all , South Qeorgla. CHANGED CONDitiONS Men change, Ideas of men change,and with the change of men and of Ideas— conditions change. Fifty ye*re Bgo the terms of the now famous Clayton Bulwer treaty were enunciated, whereby the United States agreed to rcfr%ia from the duty of tail ing cara < f its own back ward, leaving to Great Britain the right to dictate when and in what manner it should be mleaited, oared for and used. This •agreement Includes the further stipule* tion, that tbe United States will never, no never, attempt to build a fence, dig a ditch, construct a sewer or do any- ’ jag else, eithgr on the right hand or the left hand unless Mr. johnny oHamM so..:^.^.' Sk-g,***'. 1 Amih in effect is the Clayton Balwer treaty. " // Condition have cnanged, and with the changed oonditions. poeitlons have Had bur country remained In etatuo quo, our guarantee could and doubtltg,wocJ<l'haVc'teeei( irfftfbut pro gress changeS pdsjtloneidid, Mmhientnl ij condKitna. * , U- V . ..Jz > •• • 4. W'£ *.X' '-'ii?" ' ‘ l V\' ..i '-=itAbi' : /*' */? of L has eome. for tne Hdijed jSutlo die j -u- * v .. s*? 7 ’: r ftr* ■ , -H tme terms, not #t?y ; dictate,, term”, Snt •* • - " ! '^^'frarwßwlPlS Rica and Nicaragua to iwUB thecanaMoso, it, foster it, make if a toll gate for the,na tion*. "'f" - S' If it. be necessary to bnild warships for the takes, In order to protect our lake cities, build them. Fortify our lake cities,mak* them what they should be, and w|at they would have been, were it not for thifl same Clayton Hut wer treaty; |#j No amendment will answer, nothing short of abrogation will meet the chang ed conditions. Should war ensue, swore better J moot the issue, that to occupy a paai ,tiod unbecoming, a great, a growing, and prosperous nation, whose manifest destiny is to bring about the unitic&li* of the world. * fI&S &J& t, r traded by tb erew I iillvlV* til V*irsr- *. * t T] xd X J.JLC jg* ,•- ’1 ' Herald Square Opera company. In Comic Opera. : nces 15, 25 anti La* ceiits. Fancy * New Crop f Mr Nuts. ™ Finest ever hjought to Bruns •*“ t'Lr'&r* wick, just arrived by New York steamer, Large Greno* b’a Walnuts, Paper Shell Al mentis, new BrszilJNuts, Ac. * . Also, fancy N. Y. King Ap ples, fine Malaga Gravies, new Cocoanu'a, and fine Cranbor ries. LLOYD’S, ’PHONE 356 2 (Next door to Fleming * Watt) am BRVmWI(JK TIMEB-Cai*l, DECMMUtSfy iet. 1 —j~ rXvS^fe CI%- • Jr ■ j? .. ■ '-•luscfi oy civer-*- f/ v<v . 4 ly^'l i”Ork? ' Wrt l iArli- \ \s \; • X—lia. wwr ‘i - i&nr ’l l | £9*#*' fww .. If! i in the blood fount of life ia g> bn a Strike. Bf. neTee's Golden Medical uisseovery cures dieeases of the organs'of W mitritioD, purifies the l&torik body with P&JWit** *s** J>r! to hni woo n*t ptr* f't’ wc# "^ h Or I'ierce’s Mwtteai Adviser is sent /r, ' oti Slanrpe to pay cost of .WaamgdSMr. Ber,l -.j on e -cet sttuj i(>r taper ewskmi book, or st stamps for doth, ta Dr. &. V. Fierce, itufSaJo, N. V. gw-wagatteggi&mj.~^ SHtITING fIBPOBT *€ Hi tierrw; U Qrtj Ji Osjt.' Otis f O 4 jfcp*. •- * **" jj ' X :M&& r T York. ‘ c 8.8. jSS r ** very New York. kvslencia r ' New 1 Yew ’ ' : V A; ■ \ • ■ F y ■ < JL, Je ° ‘ ■V* t ’ . ■.■*'*** Of H *P : ■ £ ‘ ? Ilifp ’' • ■ £ *{ ■- jf \ funswioa || >■ ‘ Jr ! f •' v this oi *f3oo prr share on st ygmJ^r and Dsceuiler£o, mO, out of the■cSfUjmlngf fottbe past six month*. piyabfCon and slt-et Ja**iy 3,1901. H. \V GAt* Cashier. Xlw proas of a act on tbs .rnimt at ruck rushed r * f ,H I pouihe i,mount *,£ jsolU which act ed fmu tin' roc*.. lu.dmtMr wayUhf'valu. of *** oB I*® -uaiuiixinto the ftornAch ifcl Upon the amount fit wni tfWp* •from it by tfieoiw>f>cf nutrition and digestif When these orghß are diseased they fall to ex tract the nomtehnieiit in sutticient quantltlee to supply the nrwls of tbe toTfersl orgausol the body and these organs r.nnvrt Wrh without nourishment. Xho resnlt Is heart tr-iiMc, liver trouble und many other ailment*. Or. Pierce'. U olden Medio at Dhcovei S’, acting on every or nn of theJigestlfe and nutritive sysum. r ores tt to health mdVlgur. It cures remote from iho stomach through the stomach In which they originated. tiolden Medical DtHswty ooutaln* .neither alcohol -hor-nOi otiee. • . /' .. * LOST,—Between my house ami de pot,'Sunday morning, a black silk um brella; wiih.rame Leolt Calvin inside. Will reward finder (f ra'urned to Timxs-Caix iftioc or HkiO Gtouoestor .street. G. A. H. JKNSiNaw. SHAKE IHTO YOURISBOEB. Allen*. Voot-Kess, a powder. It cm-cs palnfoi. •martlng, nervous foot and ingrowing najlfcunti ui.tantlv takes the stingetit or corn* and ben onsTlt'. Uiegreawat comTyrt discovery of the a*. Altvu’s Foot-Kmc makes tight or new shecs feel easp. It Is a certain vuro Tor sweat 'ng.oailyus und hot, tired, aching feet. TryU t.viky. Sntd by atl druggists and shoe .torea By matt for lie in stampa, TrliUfpaokßge Pree. Address Allen S.Ulmatoad, Le B6ov, N. I. THINGS THIATBICAL. PRISONEK OF A COPERS,’ IX'"; TOIHSHT4. % ThßigM’th.- Mabel Fsige C: will prewnt the stirring piiy, “|>he Pria ;<m of Algiers.” Th it one of the strongest plaja In bo: h from a scenic and dramatiifaf and - Mebal Falge and her company #ira, beyond a doubt, t>*.beat repertoire comjmja tlmt hM iiiiu# oufectty, and our fheatre-goers sheuid torn out in I tofjifcfcr fbrc6 thtk^jj j. ing. The Saturday matlheewiMbetb* pf*y of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn. Every eh lid should attend, and witness the antiesaf these two weil known character*. THE QEBALDBQUAREOPERACO. The Herald Square Opera Cos. wl.'C begin an engagement of five night* and three matinees, oommenoing with an Xmas company j**, weil known and j will present a nil.Bf.r I Ticket, adl'MIH Mocday. Manager TpHpi;|b'- - ■ ve them iarge ' I • 6 '* SS J |y f .V wO!r—~~ fi NOTES. ■ §/ The nw “Spicer ,v Fly” wi!l#/. r , K c‘.'. 0 M * 9 .in m# Year** day. It is b* a dear, ehew, fu I of QrM-cWi,^ ptratie . m / sAL-rw )J,SovS -■, %js ’ ’IN OLD TU’ H IUH w " Wl ywj Ti| . r , Jh / '\ ***!• Vhest bid rI *r .be r.A, * c t‘u two-story hou*-, -iiuateo Ilk .and Town of i his city. u<i EUii, /v V r fjf ab'd koowu as the wesuru ooe \Zof tb northern one-half of Old /wo lot m AIM, that boo-story Dioufe, sitnstvi on Egmoot stree', *id Ho being or. lot know.. ** tfco r.t- T'hi*pr<t|trty is in gnod'condition, and both rented. BkobsWS*. * Cos.; NOTICK .. All bills against lue British stearu 6hip lim.edick.must be prea, nted at our ofliue before soon today or payment ' w.i( bu btrred . Wuu JohßStua & Cos., LVd, A tent*. H IP NOTICE. fir owners •of Mary H*- rough wiiifor any (irbrs ooritr* |h eeew of aatd bark. 'W** Xr.oifALD. Master. . ''j .Ui’i ai. a>. . ■ : v ’ THE MAN wna A 810 HEAKT Mskss large provision for the flpTOb animat* undr hi care. They csn’( sVk bsok, you anvw : nevertnei-m their appearance will the tain. Tceai sour dumb trieod* aa faifhfnl servants —feed tten--wUfi the good, feed au f gr in joy *n g'ttare, steep wore cnnfortablv b’aisb *, and, If you-repfiuoy-wisei coups the bene' ficial resoiis. J. H. BORN BIT, FEED STtIKE. CASTORIA The Kind Ton HaveAlyyays Bonght, and which has hoen in use for over 30 your-;, has borne the signature of fjjr ,/ " 1 7 “*** been made under his per l ■£-£-•.. sonal supervision since its infancy. , K'wcAllow no one to deceive you in this. AU * ounterfeits, imitations and “ Just-as-good” are but ivxjicriments that trifle \vith and endanger the health of futants and Children-^Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castorla is a harmless substitute fob Castor Oil, Pare goiKc, Drops and Mootbing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is Its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Peveri-hness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind r', ' 11 r ‘ ll,!Ves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation atm Flatulency. Jt assimilates the Food, regulates the suiter- CENUIKE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears tixe Signature of peKMYou Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. —-al!l—s—T*y* OOMMWV. TV HDMW BTWtgT, NtW TOM CITY. pH A*EIYqt*FEEUHC BADLY? * 4 ►PRICKLY ASH BITTER\ ◄ wilCcure You. " ** m H. M. MILLER £ ION. Girfistmas Things J[re better selected before the rush. 4 few hints. Bath Kooes $$S {) to Umbrelhs 1 y handles $2.50 to *B. Handsome Neckwear all prices, Walking Canes 50c to $1.50. Handkerchiefs and Linen Mothers |1 -50 to $2.00 Silk Suspenders $1.25 to $2.50 - TTVY’S