The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, December 21, 1900, Image 7

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MRS. M. ISAAC. 208 & 208 1-2 Newcastle Street - “■ ■ ■ : . ■ 1 > - ■■v -#-* ■ • :'ji t Bargains in Every Line . . - •. -,. . / - . - . i\ % ,;•,•• ' • . • ■ ' ; - Special Offerings For the Holidays Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Clothing, Notions, Etc., Etc , Spec 1 Day. —--V MRS. A IVt. • ISAAC, the I.KMHg'frM aos-aosj NEWCASTLE ST. J. J. LISSNER. * •• ■ jgf'f • : M.' * -• •- S' v; Groceries, Tobacco, [Floury. Bacon and Provisions, GRAIN, HAY AND BRAN ! SPECIALTY. 216 Bay Street, Brunswick, Georgia. W- H. BOWEN Arvl £ZD| BUM DEIKS Of Stone, Brick and Frame Bnildinp Manufacturers of C Jsment,'.TUe and Artificial Stone OUR GBEAT & Pooir Price Line All the Leathers, AH the Shapes. . ? $3.50 and $4.00 •sa*****j* - °” yat ■HT LEVY’S itiJS BKUNSWnK /i'iMEfci-GALL DECKMBfiR 21 I9uo Gomolete Si IS thk limb cf Foil id filer Oils whicb|l nowjhave on , | lexhibi t ion.'-" e3s U a ‘ CALLCAI EXAMINE: Tli. F. Winter, THE TAILOR, i 311 Newcastle St Brunswick, wants ‘‘Other People’s Money.” WHEN LAGRIPPE BEGINS, CURE IT I Ifynu weft you will be ony. People take gritrilfiu for It, land when they nr* well, the effect* of luOrlppe end quinine togutber, often mum more elikoft,*. JOHNSON'S CHILL & FEVE3 TONIC Cures la a Day or Night no bad effect* ere felt *oa you don't tauTttopatToarne'fcn eiMf diet Of It. udo tin uuiuiue Mr. W. w. rei<i>.lt. of ctiuxiKo, T.-rltee that el got doeet taken la one doy cured hlru completely It will cure roll. too. per tiottl* if it core*. Hot or.e cent If It <loe not enrw A. B. aiRARD^U. Wiviuntli. On. FORGET. ■liar's Drug Store, 'ypft vosgJjß, out on your Christmas shopping. Call at my store where yofy the nicest and finest line of / P ERF UMEEY . l if the state of Georgia, put up nicely in boxes from 2£c up to Also Brushes, Combs, Looking i Glasses and Other Chrismas Articles Joerger’s Pharmacy. OPPOSITE THE OGLETHORPE