The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, December 23, 1900, Image 1

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ff :V' b orEi* •!. If f n to Step t /sL\e friends. V * strat• J . ■'•'ln upham I I me in ■ ’ vestern n cis trip, lie says Wiat everystb-re, there is evidence of life and aotivity and prosperity. Ha stye th* whole Siutbison tbs move, and that he believes tbe build ing of the Bronswiok A. Birmingham railroad will bring our city into line, and cau.e us to get a full obare in the prosperity tide now sweeping over the Sooth. Al! through Alabama, Mr. Brobston says he found a keen infcrest in tbe Bruuiwiok fc Birminghmu railroad, ; \ ty al< eeow! j | aft a short- A route to the sea savings -l'. frsight on coal and Iron, f He eaya be ti yet to find a buaiuesa uatn that dost not say there is merit J the project. /When &Kd it he believed th# riWd f Aould be oaaetrue.ed, Mr. Brube’on emphatically declared his faith in Mr. ■Aftobeo, and said tbert is so much Mr in the construction of tuoh a L that oapitaliati only need to have Smtentuin directed to tt’o insure mML fi falD( bold. So! bar road*, i it to mo oh iet cutting tan thy can atural order are roada t f * fttler* si te daat net expeat FS?il|p growth of neat, but he tblnka ' / so a ,roaad ■/ .ier io ',i*e com- I ort* f.rvs intern • the future holdt -tie of Georgia, quarrel with each R 'rge Stock on i baa failed to 1 not he sorry, loger’a bakery, ewoeetle etreets, both white and they are being Agorae. This ; also has ell oCher kinds of cake, and everything el e usually found at a first clast bakery. y < 1,1 ■e i ' —i I**?IDEND NO. 11 OF THE BRUNS WICK BANK *TRUBrCO r Bjuittawtox, Ga,, Dec. 20,1900, Toe direc'ors of tbs Bruoswiok Bank and Trust Cmipuny have tbia day declared a dividend of $3.00 per share on stock of rrourd December 20, 1M0; out of the net earning- far the past six month*, payable ou and after Jtnnrjr‘J, 1001. H. W. Oai.k, Caibier. Tbe place to get the purest and best liquors la at the Brnntwick Wholesale. Wine and L'quor Company, i,, GMHy smith. If you want the beat, anJlyfly best, order from tbe tljpve firnit^ Xmas preseats of thadjgfelll jewelry etc., at Kenuon / GA. SUNDAYMO&S(P&, DECEMBER 23 1900. A IS >l. . P ti Pi . Jfe Provi y Mrlior S! 25,01 mm 818 Tips Amount May P* Added to Before the Bill'S Made a Law •. r • -MNf*. JU v. , Brunswick ill nuprovmeoi of her harbor; fligHfe. . for the Inner bar and |gii| o iter bar. The r.rcradd harbor oOQ)miltjßßH| pletad their bill Friday eight, hd .t provides that amount for the nuprcve meot of our harbar. It it thought that thia amount will be added to before the blit beaantes a law. MISS MART E ORE DEAD. '*r. - s 'l tieter of Bnperialendant Orr oi Tbia \J. Ox left laat night for At- S £.'• af 1 a telegram an \u death of hit titter, Altai Iflf Betid* of lit’, city. Miss Orr bad been ill for while but no tcrloua r.-enl a were Veered. Her death wad, sudden and a g^ea. blow to her family Mr. Orr will attend the funeral whlcb occurs at 10 o’clock ibis morning. Many Brunswick friends of the fam ily regret the untimely death of Mite Orr aad tympat&izv most deeply with tbo bereaved family. SHIPPING REPORT Otmtttd Daily |y Oayt.; Otte ichiaitaeu FsrtAf Braat-iak, Dte. 22, ISM. saaiTka. Ur. 8, 8. Oairaiela, Anderson,Moral. OLaanaa. Hessian bark Pher <£nge. Wettsr- Innd, Whitehaven. >t Bohr. George W. Crswlly, Raw York, biggest cargo of eroa* tlea from any Houtkern port. J •AlL**. p Br. 8. S. Benedick, Jackeon, B| fcipinieh bark San Jese. ifa leaola. A HF Bark Vilaear, Bol* pal*net*. -'” Bchr. Mabel He / Ho opV, New rork. *Msr ..p* * 7 Schr. Mary J /foity.-Trlsetn, New York. •■•Jr J ■ " ' " ■ bchr. Jo, Anderson, Harris, New York A',jr Schr. J. French, Raw ding, New York. Schr, Alice M. Colburn, McLeod, New York. Schr. Howard B, IXclr, Marchatl, Mew Haven. it' ,>. TAX NOTIC*. / All delta q neat 'tax payers will snve a lditloual edit and cost of executions by calling at lay office and settling elate and county tax before Jao. 1, 1901. H. J, Betai Tx Collector. TIMES-CAL 11l . 1 1 Hi f uiirrßCEfirt- 11l -1 M YORK \ " She Will Carry the Largest Cargo of Ties Ever Loaded in a Southern Port V . ."’Toe six-matted schooner George W, A'clls.'the largest tailing vessel in the which has been loading cros.*. [f ! w ..* Emiinnel A Cos,, cleared wi H tail early Hii* 0*” 0 W’t'. ’ . loaded fttiut '■ Boatharn peg*. ns cargo ooanist* of 385,000 orosatiet. $$ r Wht’ds, she oarrie* at rnatiy la an* trip at oanba osrrled by t#o bun drstl b(i* ,6r. The ties that are car* rled by tbs Wells this trip, it enough t* build twenty miles of rfcllroad, Bittss the Wells bat been in port, thousandi sf people liavirf itUed her, and they have all been very oourUoutly treated by olever Captain Crawley, Xmas pd|tentt of the best, in jewelry uajit Anon Mott’*. \ I THE BEST. a V. wip-tylrsu wm Fmd a \ ' Good*. H is u iration to eay that Kennon h r leading ttweler, baa the prettiv' 1 '- of Cfarittmai j ” 1 ■^pPnty. Mia tiore .vel of beauty, with its evergre# /ration, * ’ r . ■/■*&- v*r and ft /wb ,isit is wall *worth yi J° u 10 get •qpj'j nine, we would tty, “Go jir A bey all gc—to Kennou Mott’s jsweUr." f'“ rf the best, in jewel aMott’s. fX — £?*** BMSY. All Kept In a VyX*lbh UouF-for closln' cam# last alght tbe‘Brunswick merchant gave a sigh of .relief became ho wae'tired. '•* -■•“'♦A , . . Holiday shoppers were out ih full force {ind all tbe etores did exceedingly well. HOLIDAY PACKAGE 1 !, You Can Buy the Beet at the Elk Saloon. The SlksalooDbas Juat received a large stock of what it terms “Christ maa Parkagee ,, ~ i -tlne brandy, rum, whiskey, and other things. Remember, tomorrow the Elk will serve excellent holiday lunch, and tha public ie invited to be present. “Meet ms at the Elk.* Xmas presents of tbe best, in jewel ry, etc., at Kennon Mott's, AUDITOR WAR DEP/i MEETS TRAGIC DEATH A Former Disbursing Clerk Uses Pistol THINKS THMp. COAfIC OPERA AIiLXMAS/^® I*’ 1 *’ At an expense of over seOQjjT^ I ' 9nßßer Wolff > has teoured the H^ f,usro Opera Cos. for nn *' v ® nights and three ntlfllef,i 1 ef ,i eb ~ ■ Br * noon, when the “Alter . aemed. Avot'p.v •• t ; T^| opera, “01ivei\‘ I JT TC Danville - 4 . \ ■'i’naH raid i l } ' .j* w ij err* glared tj'li.i-"' t'WW, 1111 ' hs ... 4 oiu * r ‘ c ' ;Uf it taken by thine in any compa/ y ’ wlli! * th * cba * rat ie etrong, welt voice. excelV-vt, th * irU you! *- pretty an. * rMeful in form and it._> 9r - The.ppi.u.e was a rapid flr. %#*&**** ' discos ferating a coo ’“icompa nlmtnt. The comody Tom Whyte end TWv^* n,h * B '* great, and kept the a tt < aoe in 008 roar of laughter, We J b f y have booked a return datesfter Cifp> mas. ) GEOROK CLARE AND Hi A (*1 f 1 company. , Crowded hoi^d’btve-' / fIH everywhere that George <: , bla great company have pr “When We Were Twenty-One : 1 1 we remember (be charming a’orjf i/ the play, it* maitorly conception and brlilianoy of Its dialogue, the able mingliDg of sentiment. e the enorm'- „ it made at tbe r' V .osarbooker theatre, New York, and tbe noallent company wbioh Mr. Ed ward E. Rice has organized to present Mr, Clarke in tbta remark- b'e and olaver play, tbe large receipt) can readily be accounted for. Mi. Cl.rke and b<s asioclate* wyi proeewt this brilliant and powerful oi ■ c -tram* os Janaary 9n<: CHITniTAT, g X aits matinee at 3p. m. P* f J|j 20 aud 30 oents. Night.Fxim 85 and 50, and etaU iof dt> r Ml day. M The Herald S<jUgj|i ’’ M play to big goer# * r *<Jf£9Pw ‘Nvhen WeWere ivu l 9 bs bore on Jan. dud. J 0 Prom now on our theatre have the pleasure of witoessiijf,! of the very best attraction* road, and all the u— liberal support. The Xmas matinee will bafMra with tbe house lighted up by eleS( trioityr PRIC&FF/E CENT WAR DEPARTMENT A LIVELY SCENE irierer ini a Desper ate Efoii IN RPR. sll He Will Viih/iDiy Hie The •* ' v Attending Physioian Say —j. /i. ,mwm '■ • Mb ' * ' j '■ IfSingtoo. Dec. 22.—A sbeckiff and most tentatlonal tragedy occurred hero tbit afternoon, F. H, Alorrl* of j ttis atate of Indiana who held the offv;' of auUtakfa the war departnaent’w, ehot Is UU cjtjtoe, which ia located | the Wmator .building by SataneJ D maid who formerly was di>. ; Cork In hi* office.. dtt H Morris was shot thro' j and ne died almost iu*|i murderer made a despe4i eave ’£%lrom nirr^Aw -9i 3BM gus* out of fiU pe-t- _ 1 • . i ai •••! ii'i'g'Tpf witp th<i same b-ik, which be bad just committed niPM blooded act, in addition to this BIT slashed his throat with the sharp blade of hie pocket knife. It is though if tha* > McDonald will die, the wouSij Mg‘®>>i flteted upon himßelPhebyrf| labil by His a-