The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, October 08, 1901, Image 1

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THEBRUNSWICK TIMES-CALL VOLUMEXI. NUMBER 336 Ton Can't be Too Careful about having a prescription filled. A prescription should be taken to only skilled pharmacists, that is what we are and we exercise great care and ' judgment in this work. Let us fill Your Prescription.^*. Our prices are always right. We send tor and deliver your prescriptions. W J BUTTS, DRUGGIST i ■ 7 • '‘On ihe Corner.” HUNTER-SALE DRUG CO. The Birth Place of Pure Drug<f. Physicians Patronize our place—- Because they know we carry the puiest obtainable, We fill your prescriptions as cheap as pure drugs and competent service will permit. We send for and deliver prescriptions promptly. Phone 37. Agents Lowney Candies. H. M. MILLER & SON, We invite you to inspect our new Carpet and Rug de„ partment. All carpets and mattings layed free of charge. We have for Wedding presents a nice line of American cut glass, lovely line of clocks, stationary pedestals, fancy furniture, latest designs in lamps, etc., etc. MY STOCK CONSTANTLY CHANGING HANDS. While Passing By Call In And look at our magnificent line of Dress feels, Lais Fnrmslings. and all the latest novelties in Ladies Goods too numerous to mention, just received, J. H. HELLER & BRO, s of Low Prices. lie Meries l Handle don’t s<ay here until they are absolutely unfit for consumption. I'.’a a little more trouble, our way, but in* floitely better for you. Have just received a shipment of RITTER’B FINE PRESERVES AND JELLIES, in Is 2 3a and 5 b glass jars Would ba glad to show them to you. THOMAS KEANY GROO El FR, ’Phone 11. 312 Newcastle Street. BRUNSWICK. GA. TUESDAY MORNING. OCTOBER 8. 1901 i in er IHUpSILE Woman of Dayton, Ohio, Acrafl of Killing: u Kill FOUR HUSBANDS Five Children, One Sister and Four Members of Different Families that Had Employed Her. Dayton, 0, Oof. 7 Mrs, A. J. Witwer, a widow of this oity, has been arrested by the polios at the instigat ion of the oeroner and health commis sioner pending an investigation. Mrs, Witwer, the polioe say, is suspected of 14 murders, the list including four husbands, fire children, one sister, and four numbers of diffe>ent families in which she waa employed as bonsekeep. er. The last supposed victim was her sister, who died a week ago under mysterious oiroumstanoes, An antobsy, berformed at the request of Mrs. Wit wer’s mother from Detroit, is said to have disclosed the presence of arsenio and ocpperes in the stomach. In eaob instance death w--s somewbst sudden and all atrangely alike, Other People’s Money. This comedy will be saen bars to night, and it has more genuine wit and laugbter-crfatiog situations than any production now being presented to the American publio. The press hai sung its praises antil there is scarce a house hold In the land where its fame is on* known, Henoeisy Leroyle, than whom there is no more oapable comedian of the highest order In this oountry, has reasoo to feel proud of hie brilliant re. oeption on tour- Sinoe his opening night in “Other People's Money,” his reception has been a continuous over ore, due to honest, earnest artistic work. Mr. Leroyale has bis ideal, though by no means can he beoalled an idealist. For h e inspiration he has looked to nature, rckncwledging no arbitrary standard established by others. An Error Corrected. In the Times-Cail’s report of the case of Mr. Harvey published Sunday the types made the reporter say that attorneys for the defense submitted in their argument that in view of the past certifications by Mr.Rnssell it was fair to presume that in the testimony last submitted by Mr. Russell he was ‘ not’, wrong, The word should have read “new” instead of “not,” and this oor reetion is made in the interest of fair- ness of repotti >g the matter to all oon oerned, The error itself, however,was so contradictory to the words that pre ceded it as to make itself apparent to the average reader. Mr, A. H. Lane Here Mr, A. H. Lane, a former well known Brunswickian, now a prominent ootton export merobant of Valdosta, Is in the city shaking bands with his, many friends. He is always sure of a warm weloome hare as it is a pleasure to be with him. For Croup use CHENEY'S EXPECTORANT. COL. ESTILL’S LETTER. Asking the Support of the People of This State to His Candioacy. <*• Col. J. H . Estill is asking the sup port of the people to his osndidncy for governor in tbs following manly letter now being sen*, out; "My Dear Sir; ‘la oomplianoe with the wishes of a number of my fellow oitnens, and my ambition to serve the people of Georgia go that high oftiae, I have snnounotd myself a candidate for the democratic nomination for governor, and I take this m tbod of asking your support at the primaries or mass meeting, which may be held purpose of select ing delegates to the nominating con vention. "While it is rather early to begin the oampaign, Ido not see how it can be avoided, as several gentlemen in other parte of (he state have either anuouno ed themselves as candidates or permit ted it to be understood that they are, and I fee! that it is bat just to myself that l should not delay in asking your support. “1 shall greatly appreciate your good will and personal assistance in the gubernatorial oampaign, and will regard it as a favor if yon will let me hear from you. (Signed) Yours very truly, “J. H EiTILL ” “P. B.—l shall be glad to have you send me the names of snob of your friends who are favorable to my election." The Latest “House of Hitts" Publications. ballard by the Primrose| & Dockstadei Minstrels was made tnis season by them with ‘ While the Convent Bel. Were Ringing.” This is anew beautiful song by Max S. Witt and Robert 8. Roden. “No Use in Asking, ’Cause You Know tbe Reason Why,” is an odd ooon song, featured by Lew Dookstader him self. He sings it Inimitably, and the song, whiob is by Bub Cole, J W, & Rosmond Johnson, is a great snooess. “A Thousand Leagues Under tbe Sea," is the title of Petrie’s latest and greatest bass song. Our readers of course know his “Davy Jones’ Locker,’ but this is the finest song be has writ ten. “Wbeb the Irish Are on Parade,” is a oharaoter song introducing all the old favorite airs. It is by Heelan and Helf, writers of “Every RaoehasaFlag but the Coon. ” “Ma Heart’s u-.slah is Miss Marian” is tbe greatest bit iu a .ooon song ever featured by Lew Dookstader, the fam out minstrel. He says himself tbat the melody of the sons fascinates. "Bast Lynne 1” Just think of tht bautiful but sad inoidents embodied In both the story and the play we all like so well. This song is one of Heel an & Hell’s greatest efforts. These songs are issued this month by •‘Tne House of Hits,” Jos. W. Bteru <fc Cos., who will be pleased to send any one writing them their vooal and in strumental, orobeetra and band, Hawkes Band Instrument. Besre Ma jeitlo Violin, 8. S. Btewart’s Sons Ban jo Catalogue, free on application to their headquarters, 34 Bast 21st street. New York City. B. & B. Pay Day. Officials of the B. & B, R. R. were busy Saturday paying off the various employes of the road. Quite a large sum was disbursed, and it did lots of good to tbe general trade of the mer chants, HIM IS ■m m Lient. GDiflmanfler Stain! 00 all rn on Stani THIRD IEEK OF THE THU Sees the Crowd as Large as Ever and Interest Continues to Be Intensely Felt. Washington, Oct. 7,—The Schley court of inquiry today entered upon the third straight week of investiga tion of Admiral Schley’s conduct in the Spanish war before a crowd as large as at any previous time. It had been ex peoted that the navy department had completed its presentation of the oase at the close of I-.bc week, but when the court opened today Capt. L-mley’s list of witnesses still contained a dizen names. Tbe program for the day in cluded those recalled for correo'ioaof testimony. Lieutenant Commander Hodgson re sumed the stand this morning and when he began today’s testimony tbe judge advocate bad not entirely oom pleted the questions. A few of the let ters constituting the oorrespondenoe between the witness and Admiral ajvuavj uau wu uo iqau auu nucu uurn pleted Captain Lemley and Mr. Hanna proceeded with questions. Hodgson’s testimony was favorable throughout to Admiral Sohley and has greatly strengthened his cause before the court of inquiry. Millinery Opening. The fall opening of milleuery at the establishment of Miss Ka'e Slater promises to be very interesting, A handsome lino of goods is to be display ed and lovers of tbe beautiful in millin ery will have much to select from. Miss Lionora Caldwell spont sever al weeks in the northern markets eeleO ing this stook and it. is fashionable in every way Suit to Recover Property. Judge Spencer R. Atkinson arrived in tbe oily yesterday to take part as at torney for Mrs Owen Johns n in tbe hearing of the suit brongbt by tbe oh * dren of Mr A. T. Putnam, deceased, to reoover property. I New Things, in ladies waists, skirts, un derskirts and underwear for Fall. tOur assortment is of the best quality, ffietf?\ and as low in price as , l, good quality and up to date styles can be rl -LEVY’S PRICE FIVE CEJi T3. THE play last night By Miss Adelaide Thurston Was Enjoyed by a Large Audience. "Sweet Clover" by Miss Adelaide Thurston and her able support at the Grand last night was one of the clean st and prettiest plays ever presented to a losai audience. Miss Thornton thoroughly charmed her audience by the manner in which she portrayed, first, the innooent oountry maiden and later the wronged wife of a distrustful husband. Io the scene where she discards the dishonorable love of a former sweetc heart who eeeks the privacy of her apartments to press his unweloome suit the highest gifts of the talented young woman are brought into play and the power of emotion in whioh she portrays her portion of this ecene •ways the audienoe to the highest pitoh of admiration for her art. Laok of space forbids an extended mention of others in the oast but all deservo mention for the exoeilenoe with whioh they acted thoir respective parts. Gen. Mgr. McDuffie Improving. Gen, Mgr. McDuffie is gradually im proving from painful injuries r c ived some days ago by beiDg thrown fr, m a hand oar. IMPORTANT. By placing your order for iHtfcflri rifwaSi est goods on the market, and you know that is the most important point in the grocery business. Can supply you with everything that is good to eat. Have just received the finest lit of mackerel ever shown in Brunswick. W. H. DeVoe. 428 Newcastle Street. ’Phone 109. % Notice, In addition to affording every faoility to our customers consistent with safe banking, we are prepared to act as Administrator or Executor of Estates, Guardians of property of minors, and to make Bonds in judicial and other matters —Generally to oxer cise all our powers as a Trust Company Brunswick Bank & Trust Cos. H. W, Ga!o, Ur-