The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, October 11, 1901, Image 1

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THEBRUNSWICK TIMES-CALL VOLUMEXI. NUMBER 336 Yon Can’t lie Too Carefnl about having a prescription filled. A prescription should be taken to only skilled pharmacists, that is what we are and we exercise great care and judgment in this work. Let us fill Your Prescription. Our prices are always right. We send tor and deliver your prescriptions. W J BUTTS, DRUGGIST ■ ■ ' ■ *‘On The Corner- M HUNTER-SALE DRUG CO. The Birth Place of Pure Drugs- Physicians Patronize our place- Because they know we carry the puiest obtainable. We fill your prescriptions as cheap as pure drugs aud competent service will permit. We send for and deliver prescriptions promptly. Phone 37. Agents Lowney Candies. H. M. MILLER & SON, We invite you to inspect our new Carpet and Rug de,. partment. All carpets and mattings layed free of charge. We have for Wedding presents a nice line of American cut glass, lovely line of clocks, stationary pedestals, fancy furniture, latest designs in lamps, etc., etc. MY STOCK CONSTANTLY CHANGING HANDS. While Passing 1 By Call In And look at our magnificent line of Dross Tools, Ladies Fnislis. and all the latest novelties in Ladies Goods too numerous to mention, just received, J. H. HELLER & BRO, Leaders of Low Prices. Be ufoceiies l lie don’t Btay here until they are absolutely unfit for consumption. It’s a little more trouble, oar way, but in* finitely better for you. Have just received a shipment of RITTER’S FINE PRESERVES AND JELLIES, In la 3s and 51b glass jars. Would be glad to Bhow them to you. THOMAS KEANY ) ’Phone 11. 312 Newcastle Street. BRUNSWICK. GA. FRIDAY MORNING. OCTOBER 11. 1901 VIE fi ill ill Poplar Glut) Manager Has Maned 10 TAKE OWE OE JEKYL Preparatory to Opening the Winter Season on December 24—A Friend to Brunswick. Supt. E, G. Grob, of the Jekyl Inland Club arrived yeserdsy from the corih where he has spent the summer months. During the season just cloitd Supt, Grob bas been manager *ot Grindstone Inn, a famous resort for northerners in the state of Maine. His return to Jekyl at present is to prepare everything for the opening of tbe season, which is set for December, much is co be done before tbat date in getting tbe new buildings in order and the regular olub house fitted for tbe reoepiioo of members who have en gaged acoommodatione for the season. Supt. Grob says tbe outlook for the ooming season is very good and he ex pects to entertain a large number of guest this year. His many irieuds were pleased to weloome bis arrival as at all times be has favored Brunswiokians in every way possible, and was very high in his recommendations of Brunswlckianß to be awarded the contracts for improve ments on Jekyl I land. FOUR MEN KILLED. Two Sheriffs With PosseseHold a Virginia Town Middlesbora, Ky., 50ot. 10.—All is quiet at Big Spring#, Va., where on Saturday four Chad well-Morgan feud* ists were killed, and it is believed for the time being there will be no more trouble* Sheriff Hughes of Claiborne county and Sheriff Estes of Lee county both have posses at the soene and have made several arrests. More Americans Killed. Manila, Oct.9.—A detaobment of the Twenty-first oompany Maoabebes to* day enoouutered a large foroe of insur* gents near Lipa, provinoe of Balangaa. Lieuteoant Beauw of the Maoabebes wav killed and one of the force wound ed. The enemy was strongly intrenoh* ed After two boors of fighting the Americans retreated to await reinforce ments. Tbe insurgents numbered over 300, armed with rifles, and apparently tbey bad plenty of ammunition. Tbe entire foroe of polioe of Catan' gan, province of Tayabas, numbering li, has been carried off by the iniur* gents, srmed only with halos. Presum ably the polioe made no lavistance, though tbey were armed with carbines and revblver*. Miss Brown's Funeral. Tbe funeral of Mibi Brown, sister of Mr?, Latsers, oocured yesterday at 2 p. m, from tbe Methodist church. A number of frienda assembled in token of sympathy to the grief atrioken ones who survive her. For Croup use CHENEY’S EXPECTORANT. DIED OF YELLOW FEVER. General Wood Loses Several Members at Headquarters. Washington, Oct. 10-The war de partment has made public tbe annual report of Major General Leonard Wood commanding the department of Cuba, for the last fisoal year. Tbe total num ber of deaths of oftlaers and enlisted men during tbe year wbb 67, a percent age of less than 1.25 Yellow fever bas been almost driven from tbe ieland, owing to the energetio war upon mos quitoes and sanitary precautions adopt ed. However, during $0 past summer five doers of General Wood’s staff ill with yellow fever and three! of them died, Among headquar ters employe* there were 48 yellow fever oases, with eleven deaths. To Rescue Miss Stone. Constantinople, Got. 10—The sur rounding movement of Turkish and Bulgarioo troops on the mountain Queltepe, near Duboitza, has commen ced. The presence of Miss Stone and the bandits iu the mountain is confirm ed, The Inhabitants of Dubntm are supplying the outlaws with food. May be Bad Policy. London, Oot. 10.—With referenoe to tbe announcement tbat tbe Turkish and Bulgarian troops are surrounding the abductors of |M'ss Stone, t'l’he Globe says: “Unless tbe movement is suspended until she is safe out ofjthejhsud* of the brigands ihere will infallibly bi a repe tition of tbe tragedy in Greece during 1870, when Lord Muoeaster ‘-and party were captured. Monoaeu r seas released in ordor toj negotiate -for racson. Then, a> now. an attempt was made to surround tbe brigands, with tjre result that four gentlemen of the party were murdered .“ Miss Leah l.essi in East Lynne, Tonight there will be a grain! raviv al of ‘‘East Lynns’ at the opera house. Dramatizations of Mrs Henry Wood’s great story are aiwsys welcomed by the play going public. For that reason Miss Leah Lessi has made a dramatiza tion of her own, of this popular novel, Critios are unanimous in averring that it is the best revision yet given the stage, and that Miss Lessi is the best Lady Isabel seen in years . Tbe story ol "East Lynne” is so well known that it stems superfluous to dwell on tbe temptation, trials and elopement ot Lady Isabel and her return to her bus band’s (borne disguised as Madame Vine, there to watch over the death bed of her child, or to point to heaitless yilliany and subsequent punishment of Sir Francis Levisoo, or note the mig. directed interference of Miss Oorney, who insisted upon being “tbe guardian angel of the household.” Miss Lessi has engaged a competent oompany, in* dueling Mr. W. 8. St, Claire, who will portray tbe polished villiao,Sir Francis Levison. Funeral of Mrs. Stiles. Tbe faneral service* over the remains of Mrs. John C. Stiles were held yee> terdsy at St. FranoU Xavier ohurob in tbe preaenoe of a large number of sor rowing frienda. In all her life Mrs Stiles was dear to tbe hearts of many who loved her for those traits of char acter wbiob endear a tweet, good woman to to those who know her. and tbe sincere*! grief was felt by those who assembled to do honor to her mem ory. Lost—One small black and white setter puppy, reward of SIO,OO bj return ing same to H. 8, Johnson, 702 Union Street. II l 111 IJE flue of lie Largest Ii tie Stale at Screven 118. 1 B. i A. Several Hundred Thousand Ties Will be Cut and Shipped Through Brunswick, At Screven on tbe Brun,wiok A Birmingham Rtilroad Mess. Brown & Cos. the big orositie dealers have one of the largest camps in the south. Asa feeder to Bruns wicks exporters this camp is to be of vast benefit and it is odo of tbe developments brought about by tbe new railroad. The B. A B. tracks are gradually moving towards the new eampe while a email army of cutters are busy daily hewing out the s.-veral hundred thous and orossties tbat will be out from the timber owned by the firm, Brown A Cos. are prominent dealers in ties und for years operated at and near Barnwell, 18 C. Since opening an cilice in Brunswlok they have done an immense business through this pirt and their new investment means a great increase over what they have formerly done. GEORGIA TOWN EXCITED Judge Fite Orders Out Soldiers to Protect Negro Prisoner. Cartersville, Ga , Oct.lo.—The Bar tow Gaards wsre ordered out this morning to guard the oourt house dur ing the trial of Bill Johnson, a negro charged with assault. Judge Fita is holding a special term and it ia| ex peoted the trial will be concluded to day. Ths populace is g eatly arous'd over the oase and tbe sheriff had to spirit Johnson away yesterday to avoid lynching. Special Mattinee For Ladies and Children. Ai G. Field h Greater Minstrels will give a special mattinee for ladies and children at the*Grand opera house at a .30 p- m tomorrow. This is an op portunity rarely offered, to see tbe big gest minstrel show on earth and every one should see it. Curtaio rises promptly at a :30. Prices 26 and 60a. No re-.erved seats. Tioke'e now on sale at Fleming & Wtff’s New Things, in ladies waists, skirts, un derskirts and underwear for Fall. tOur assortment is of the best quality, and as low in price as /r;l good qualitv and up nSoII to c * ate st y ,es can k e p’uy sold for. Jp^LEVY’S PRICE FIVE CENTS SHOT BY A STRANGE MAN. Brooklyn Woman Wounded and a Man Commits Suicide. New York, Oot. 10-Mrs. Luoy H Carroll, who lived with her father at 76 South Elliott Placa, Brooklyn, was •hot and aerionsly wounded a’ her home early today by a man known ee Captain John B. Neileon. The woman waishot three times, Neilson then shot himself and died immediately. Mrs. Carroll told the police she did not know the man who shot her. Har hus band is said to be in tbe Uoilippines. The police founds portrait of Neil son in Mrs. Carroll’s room and when she was told of this she said ahe had known Neilson for gome time; tbat be paid her muoh attention, and had beeu very jealous of herreoently. Neilson ws 25 and at one time was a sea oaptain. Mrs, Carroll is 30 years of age. East Lynne Tonight. Of the many noted actresses who have played in “East Lynne” tho dual role of the Lady Isabel and Madame Vine, none have won more well deserv ed praise than tbe young aotress, Miss Leah Leaei, who will be seen at the Grand opera bouse tonight, and who, by-tbe-way, is well known in musioal oiroles for some very popular composi tions. MPORTANT. By placing your order for groceries with me, you will be sure of having the fresh est goods ou the market, and you know that is the most important point in the grocery business. Can supply you with everything that is good to eat. Have just received the finest lot of mackerel ever shown in Brunswick. W. H. DeVoe* 428 Newcastle Street. 'Phone 109. Notice, In addition to affording evary faotlity to our customers consistent with safe banking, we are prepared to act as Administrator or Executor of Estates, Guardians of y-operty of minors, and to make Bonds in judicial and other matters—Generally to exer else ail our powers as a Trust Company Brunswick Sank £ Trust Cos. H, W, Sale, Cashier •