The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, October 16, 1901, Image 1

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THE BRUNSWICK TJMES-CALL VOLUME XI. NUMBER 336 Yog Can't bo Too Careful * about having a prescription filled. A prescription should be taken to only skilled pharmacists, that is what we are and we exercise great care and judgment in this work. Let us fill Your Prescription.^*. Our prices are always right. We ~ send for and deliver your prescriptions. W J BUTTS, DRUGGIST ‘On ihe Corner.” HUNTER-SALE DRUG CO. The Birth Place of Pure Drugs. Physicians Patronize our place— Because they know we carry the puiest obtainable, e fiil your prescriptions as cheap as pure drugs and competent service will permit. We send for and deliver prescriptions promptly. Phone 37. Agents Lowney Candies. H. M. MILLER & SON, We invite you to inspect our new Carpet and Rug de partment. All carpets and mattings layed free of charge. We have for Wedding presenis a nice line of American cut glass, lovely line of clock.*, stationary pedestals, fancy furniture, latest designs in lamps, etc., etc. * - .. . - i MY STOCK Is CONSTANTLY CHANGING HANDS. WATCH US. We are Here to Please. Watch our announcement for Grand Millinery and Dry Goods Opening, J. H. HELLER & BRO, Leaders of Low Prices. W ■[ dHTh Hie Groceries I Hole don’t stay here until they are absolutely unlit for consumption. It’s a little more .rouble, our way, but in* finitely better for you. Have just received a shipment (f RITTER’S FINE PKESERVE3 AND JELLIES, lo Is 2i 3d ard 5 b glass jars Would be glad to show them to you THOMAS KEANY ’Phone 11. 312 Newcastle Street. BRUNSWICK. GA, WEDNESDAY MORNING. OCTOBER 16. 1901 s n 11 JB SHE Urges ttit Relief Euilitim Be Called Off BRIGANDS MAY MURDER HER And Other Members of the Captured Party if Pursuit of Them Continues. Sofia, Oot. 16— Although tbe time fix ed by the brigands who abduced Miss Ellen M. Slone, the American mission ary, for tbe payment uf the ransom de manded expired a week ous b* appeared to ol&im the money or an* uuunoe the fate of the captive. 1c is Relieved the bandits have dissolved,bat that Mias Stone is kep. under snrveii isi.oe at seme distance from tbe iron tier. This is due in tbe enow and cold wi aiber in the mountains. Tueiffurts of tue police to arrest B;roif, formerly p> csident of the Macedonia oommlitee, who is su.p cted of complicity in the Hindus piling, are still unavailing. Tbe fa.ute is due to tbe fear of the local authorities, Heard From Miss Stone. New York, Dot, 15— Aoooruing to a dibpatoh to tbe Journal and Advertiser from Sulla further word has ojme from M ies Stone in the following letter, written from Macedonian* W.W. Feet, treasurer of tne Tarkidn mission iu C mstantinople: Heartrending Letter. *‘My Honored Friend : I write to in* form yon that uu Sjpt. 3 I was cap*ar ea by a great number of armed men, some 40, as I travelled from Banako to Diumala, with about 150 teaobers, stu djnts, and others. The reason why I was captured is for a ransom. Tnu prloe is 25,000 pounds Turkish, which sum must be paid in gold, and this is entirely without the knowledge of the Turkish and Belgian governments, within the term of 18 days from today ‘‘The condition of Mrs.Tslika deoided the limit, as she is to give birth to a child in three months. *'We were pursued by the Turkish srmy. I beg Dr. Haskell himself to go to Constantinople and exert himself tor the payment of the ransom at Sama kov, where the men will reoeive it on presenting an order from me The men who oaptnred us at first showed ooar tesy and consideration towards ns, bat oow, since the Turkish soldiers and Bashi Bazouoks began to pursue us Campbell’s Jam, Any Flavor, per can 10c. r~rnu hustler Phone 158 If it’s nice, we have it* Pickle Pig Feet, Fresh Twice Week. and delayed our ransom tbe.r treat ment has o lacgod- I beg yon io hasten sending tbe ransom d-. mended and ec ergetiualiy as possible you wui repre sent to t>e Turkish goveri msnt ihst it stop the pursuit ol us by toe soldiers and tbe Basht Bsaincbs, otherwise we will be killed by ibe people in whose hands we are. I pray you to oommu nioate without delay the oontentsof this letter to a representative of the United S.ates and the porte and n. quest his most serious or- periioD, Fray tor us. We are at peaoe with God. With hearty salutations, yonr friend. Ellen M B one.” The parents of Madame Tsllka, the Bulgarin teaober, who was oaptured by the brigands, with Miss El en M. Sione, the American missionary, have reoeived cither letter from their daughter, ntging the step already taken, namely, stopping the military pursuit, because tbe brigands threaten the prisoners with immediate death it t ie event of danger to themselves. The writer says she and Miss Stone ar,.- hiddtn in a Bubt rranenn retreat and treated oonrteousiy She al o says tin only means of securing their ra'ese is to pay tbe ransom demanded • Battered Out Brains. New York,Oat. 15 -CharlieM. Diok li son, United States consul and diplo matio agent to Bulgaria, is quoted in aSjfla dispatch to The J u nH and Advertiser as follows: ‘‘When tWf Stine party was oapturtd they were oompe lrd to wade a stream up to U rin, In the mountains. Mist Stone and Mine. Tr.ilka were hurried up the mountain and the other prison' ers were released the next morning. Jmt before the Stone petty appsereo ’he brigands captured a Tura and bat tered out his brains with the butt of a gun to prevent him from informing Tne whole band was dLguised as Turn ih soldiers wheo they oapiu-ed the Blond party;” WILL BREAK GROUND TODAY. Work on Brunswick’s New Public Build ing to Commence. Ground will be brekea today for the site of the new government building. Contractor Bowen has completed all the details inoident to this work aLd the start made today will result in giving to Brunswlok within the sixteen months time limit one of the hand somest public buildings in the star*, i The details regarding plans and eprci rtoationj for the building have been printed In Times-Lall and the general reading public is familiar with same. The site seiioted, will give tbe build ing a from age on Gloucester street boulevard in close proximity to th' business portion of Branswick snath work of ereoting tbe building will five employment intoy men for a long time. Coffee Goes Up. Njw York, Oot. 15.—An advanoe of }£o, per pound in tbe prioe of their paokage oeffee bae just been announc ed by tbe Arbuokle|Bros , wbiob makes tbs net pries bouses affiliated with the Amerioan Sugar R fining Company have doi made any obsnge in the price of pack age ccff e. | Large Fat Mackerel 10 and 12k. For Croup use CHENEY’S EXPECTORANT. Opening of fail nd winter millinery Will begin at Mias Kate Slater s today. An invitation ii expended the pablio to attend the fall and winter millinery opening which begins at Mine K>>te Slater's today. Clover Hill Butter per pound 30c, 1111 hi in Name $87,000 as falia of s oallora’s Teriinls ID REAL ESTIIE HERE This is $59,500 More Than the Company Had Returned,— A Compromise. lh C.institution yesterday says: “At a mae log yesterday of tbe arb‘* trators named to fix ibe real estate and terminal property return* of tbe S u-hein railway at Bmnsw ck, a oomprumue was reached after several i hours of disousßlon, The arbitrators have agreed upon #B7 000 as tbe valua tion oi ibis propeity, “ This is just $69,600 more thaa tbe oomp*' y returned, Tbe St utbern had estimated its real estate and terminal property at $28,000 Comptroller General W. A Wright inoreastd tbe oomptny'e returns to $>26,000. Thie was not eooep'able to tbe road and the matter was then referred to arbitrators Hon. C. S. Northern was selected by tbe railroad, while Hjn. Pope Brown was named to represent the etate. * Tnese two gentlemen went to Brunswick a sbort time ago to look into tbe mat er thoroughly. Mr, Brown was willing to make tbe return SIOO,OOO, while Mr. Northern thought $60,000 would be about tbe right a mount. “This ctse about co fiple’es the arbi tration matters that have oooupied tbs attention of ths oomptroll-r general for some month) pis'.” ‘‘A Stranger in a S.range Land, ’ wbiob aitrac ed Itks a magnet at t! e New York Minhat’an theater for len weeks, oomes to tbe Grand tonight. The ingenuiiy of its aloiiß, the novelty of its theme, and tha fresh and wholesome quality of Its humor, are said to combine to make this one of the moßt successful faroea of r, cent yeare In the oast are such well known .tames aa William Friend, Charles Drake, F. J. Donnelly. Harry Bond, E. H. Be ider, Charles N. Lum, E V. Giroux, Cyril Yoong, L R Wil liam., Mi-ses A moo da Wi'ling'on Fannie C. Ferris, Elsie Willard and Vara Irving. McGee Patent underskirt, no strings, no bungling, adjusted to any size, moderate in price. Anew lot of silk yy skirts, the finest ever /f&W\ brought to the city (MA\ J ' ust rece ‘ v ed. Fit guaranteed, T | 7 no charge for altera- I i|\ tions. J||LIEVY’S PRICE FIVE CENTS. COMPETITIVE EXAMINATION For Cadet to United States Military Academy at West Point, N Y. Congressman Brant ey anntunc.s that a oompeiltive examination con ducted by Profs, E. A. Pound of Wey oroas, W. B. Merrett of Valdosta, J. M. Gu.Hiatus of Douglas and Dr. J. L. Walker of Wayoros .ortho purpose of seleoting one oandidste and two alter nates from tbe 11th Congressional D i triottothe U. 8. Military Academy at West Poin , will be held at Wayoroas, Ga.,on Saturday, November 23rd, 1901 The examination ia open to ail v <e youths of the 11th Congressional i> • trlot between the ages of 17 and 22 years. Tbe entrance examination at Weat Point will be held on on Mey Ist, next, and a candidate who ia 22 year on that day will not be admitted. Par ties desiring further information con cerning said competitive examination can obtain same by applying to f ithn member of ibe examining board, or 11 Congrsaman W. G. Brantley at Bt n ■ wiok, Ga. Hon. W. G. Brantley passed thr ng i the oity this morning on ruo'e to Dou gla-. Coil nel Brantley is fine hea tb and spirits. He is in tbe prime of life mentally and physically, and we hop) bia life of usefulness will ba long in be land, —Wayorots Herald, IMPORTANT. By placing your order for groceries with me, you will be sure of having the fresh est goods on the market, and you know that is the most important point in the grocery business. Can supply you with everything that is good to eat. Have just received the finest 1 >t of mackerel ever shown in Brunswick. W. H. DeVoe> 428 Newcastle Street ’Phone 109- Mice, In addition to affording every faoility to our customers consistent with safe banking, we are prepared to act as Administrator or Executor of Estates, Uuardians of property of minors, and to make Bonds in judicial and other matters—General ly to exer cise all our powers as a Trust Company Brunswick Bank A Trust Cos. H, W, Gale. Cashier •