The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, October 20, 1901, Image 1

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THE BRUNSWICK TIMES-CALL VOLUME XI. NUMBER 336 Yon Can’t lie Too Careful about having a prescription filled. A prescription should be taken to only skilled pharmacists, that is what we are and we exercise great care and judgment in this work. Let us fill Your Prescription. Our prices are always right. We send tor and deliver your prescriptions. W J BUTTS, DRUGGIST ‘‘On The Corner.” | WE CURE THE ILLS J mr that flesh is heir to. VvVl | We make a specialty ■JwkvSihfrC &/M of killing colds at this |~ >/-• JL ' | season. Our prescrip t!^^ Aaa |CBEAM tion department is thoroughly equipped ac ra^s are high 5 \ grade in every respect. 'dm * m%. \ We sell toilet requisites - you would expect to find in a first-class drug store. HUNTER-SALE DRUG GO Agents Lowney Candies. H. M. MILLER & SON, We invite you to inspect our new Carpet and Rug de partment. All carpets and mattings layed free of charge We have for Wedding presents a nice line of American cut glass, lovely line of clocks, stationary pedestals, fancy furniture, latest designs in lamps, etc., etc. MY STOCK l S CONSTANTLY .CHANGING HANDS. Anniversary Bargain Sale and Grand Fall Openinc on Monday Oct, 21, Tuesday Oct 22 and WepuespßA Oct, 23, at J. H. HELLER & BRO, 220 Newcastle Street Leader of low Prices. Call For Circular. Hie Groceries I Me don’t stay here until they are absolutely unfit for consumption. It’s a little more trouble, our way, but in* finitely better for you. Have just received a shipment of RITTER’S FINE PRESERVES AND JELLIES, In la 2s 3a aud Sib glass jars Would be glad to show them to you, THOMAS REAM GROCER, \ ’Phone 11. 312 Newcastle Street. BRUNSWICK. OA SUNDAY MORNING. OCTOBER 20. 190] 111 I W! filMll Alabamans Can Sue 1M in tie Presifleit ILL OMEN M TliL SOUTH Booker Washington Was Consider ed a Man With More Sense than to Accept Invitation. Birmingham, Ala., Ootober 19.—The people bere are Incensed with president Roosevelt for entertaining Booker Wachirgton at bis priva“e din>ng table, and th y are also disgusted with Washington, Alabamans believed Woe*- Ington had too much judgment to accept the invitation. Congressman Bowie to* night expressed a decided diesatlefac'ion with the president’s conduc'", Conqreia* man Bowie believes it will pat talso no tions of social equall y into the beads of the southern negroes, which will prove unwholesome. Adjutant General Bran don says Roosevelt has ruined the best negro in Alabama. Fj m?r Congress man Shelley says he thought Washing" ton had better sense. Judge Dan Green says It’s an ill omen for the sou h Roosevelt’s administration Secretary of State MoDavid says Rocseveit’s conduct shows that he is either a ruffian or devoid of judgement sufficient to rule this union of statei. Hod, John B, Knox, presi dent of the constitutionrl convention, in his speech last night, severely roast ed Roosevelt for bis effort to promote ssoial equality, and warned hta hearers to protect themselves from the threafer ed danger _by eliminating the negro from politics in this state by voting for the ratification of the new constitution. There is only one opinion here, and that is that boffi the president and Washington have made an unpardorable mistake. RICHMOND’S HISSES ROOSEVELT. The President’s Picture in Theater is Not Well Received. Riohmond, Va., Oat. * 19—Pr/aidcut Roaevelt’a picture was bisaed at the Bijou tor.igbt. Tbe people adopted this method of expressing tbeir die!!p* proval of the preridai.’e course in en tertaining Booker the ne gra educator, at dmne. at the White House, When the picture was thrown upon rue caovaa biases cme from all parts of tue boose. A voioe asked what tbe presentation of Roosavel.’/picture meant. Tbe teply was given from many quarter*: “Dined witn uigg Tue ino and int created quite e sensa tion. The p c.are of P esidaut McKin ley was next exhibited, and this was raoeived with tremendous applaiioe. Roosevelt's oou'se has ueeu tho subject of muoh comment here, and will tend to destruy me friendship felt for him. Al! of the Riofamond ptp-irg condemn him for treating Washington as a coert and pltcing him on a plena of sooial equal, ty. For LaGrippe and Influ enza use CHENEY’6 EX PECTORANT. ..lid: . Keep the fire, if , A TREAT TO ALL. Theatre Goers Enjoy the Beit Peiformance Yet Seen at the Grand. Tba theft!re goers of Brunswick are Indebted to Frrd G Berger for pre sentir.f. to them Frederick Bnnme> flt-ld in Sol Smith Russell’s g.sat play, ‘A Pc or Relation,” It was on at the Grand last night and redeemed that popaiar play house from whatever mlrh bat* bees presented thsre heretofore which may have piov ed uuea,(factory. No better portrayal of a e'erviDg inventor, born a gentle man and clinging to the instinct > inherited lrom his ancestors who were gentlemen before him ouutd have been presented eban in Snuame<field’s ohar- of “Noah Vale,” Tbe artist in make up, facial exprts ! Hon, vocalization and manaarism was h r->toafi i*ned degree in Hummel* tl ilu'o no iug sad he reoeived a support that was a credit >a hie ability. At no time did there intervene a suggestion in word or act which couid divert the jmtndsofthe intensely interested sudi ' eucs from tbe line of thought on which j the play Is worked out ana tbe grim pathos of tbe poverty strioken inventor brings to him the unbounded eympatyy of his hearers nntil tbe finale is reach ed and be stands before them supreme ! ly happy in the realization that at last i k'i invention, tbe child of his brain has proven a euooass and he will re ceive tbe just reward he so deseives. ‘ Scoll pa ” the terror of the top floor by Miss Laura Oakman, Rip and Fatcb, tbe heritage of ihe poor, by little Misses Margaret McKinley and Lillie Verna and all others to the oast prov ed exceptionally good in the portrayal of tbeir respective parts, and the num erous curtain ealie which followed sev eral subtle dramatlo situations attested tbe deed iuterestedoess of those who assisted in giving them, There is lots of good in suoh a play presented insuoba manaer by a com pany of the k'gh btandAd that Mr. Berger has sent out and tbe memory of last eight’s performance will prove a pleasing o. e fo all ao foi innate an to have witnessed it. MAN BADLY SCALDED Southern Railway Short Line Meets With an Accident Last Night. “BMckum” Goff a negro fireman on the Southern Railway wae badly eca'd* 1 i ed last night. The short line train bad passed Sterl ing <aben|ccme of th pipes connecting the boiler blew onl. the fireman was so badly burned hv may die. A relief was sene out and brought the train to. A $50,000 Piece of Aii Stolen, Ttia sensstion of tbs mealing of the Celebrated Gainsborough paAclig has created the now reuowneJ ‘'Gems borough Hats.” These huf ate now Very s yi.Bb ur and bsve ju<t boea reoaive by that enter prising Ann of J. H. Holler & iiro., and will be on exhibition daring the aomverser; ard Grand Opening (lay., Mondsy, Taa.d.y e,. and Wednesday. Ah the ladies are oordlally invi.od to oall and see tbs prettiest stjl >s in mil linery ever eaeu In B.unswiok. Oaea you Sunt som-ihiog good to oat call on C Ambelter, Every article is marked in plain figures; when you got a discount ycu oao figure it out yournelf, no fake, we deal honest, and through hunenty we aucoetd. J. H. Heller & Bro. All kinds of cheese and smoked her rings at C, Amheiter’s. I Wi DIB 10 li ie Prefers to Serve lie Board of Education THINKS It BIN BO Bill Work For the Citizens of Glynn In That Capacity Than if He Were a Member of the Council. Mr. A V. Wood has decerned the nomination for aldermen tendered him by the mass meeting wb'Oh assembled Friday night lash Hie formal deodnatiou in writing was sent to Chairman Constance Miller of the noWficUinn committee on yea* terdsy Liter Mr. Wood was se*n by a Timee-Call reporter and asked *o give his reasons why he had declined tbe nomination. Mr. Wood said in sub station: “I appreciate very highly the honor conferred upon mo by the mass meeting as well as ail suggestions which have been made from time to time in con nection with naming ms as an alder manic candidate. There is a question however, in my mind as to whether 1 oao legally fill both an aldsrmanio position and be a member of the Board of Education at the same time and in addition thereto 1 am sure that 1 could not devote as much time to Board of Education mature as I would like if i were an aldeiman Therefore, my first Large Fat Mackerel 10 anil 1584 Campbell’s Jam, Any Flavor, per can 10c w ll r Li in . h." • i t Phone 158 If it’s nice, we have it- Pick la ldg Feet Fresh Tv ice Week. plain sailing FOB * Stetson Hats Uncle Sam knows a thing or two about hats, as he does about yachts. Stetson Hats have distanced all competitors and successfully de fend American hat-supremacy against all comers. ; , No hat, like them—they're worn the world over. New Autumn styles—stiff and PRICE FIVE CENTS. preferenci is to bu Id up the schools of Brunswick, I have deemed it best to devote all my time to the Board of Education ; and endeavor in every way pees b.'e to better the publio schools of Glynn county,” This expression from Mr, Wood removes from the alderman c ticket one of tbe best men that c-u)d have been secured. He is absolutely beyond reproach and no man stands higher in this community in every way. While the municipal ticket is a loser by Sir. Wood declining to serve tbe schools have gained much thereby, at; be is most heartily in sympathy with them, and as president of the B jrd of Eduoaiion is devoting much time, money and energy to the osuse of educational advancement of tbe chil dren of Glynn. It is not known just wha‘ effect Mr Woods dec slou will have on the political situation. 8-verst men who were ao ive in prop sing what b,d been dubbed ibe Lv-v and Order League’’ lionet have expressed them selves as being satisfied personally wim the tioket named by tbe miss meeting Friday night. Whether they will still be sat sli d now that Mr. Wo id is off of the ticket is a question to be determined by the ir future actions. There will probably be another meeting to determine who will go on the ticket in Mr. Wood’s placv, as #d) interested want a harmonious choice of the people to be made. The nam* s of Capt. W. M Tupper and Dr, C V. Cate have been mentioned and b 'th are most excellent men to select from. Nurseary Fetders. Reed E LaMai ce Manager. Everybody is invited to call at Hel ler’s and see tbeir display of new fa l goods at their new headquarters et 220 N iwoaßtle street, fotrnerly occupied by the 100 store, IMPORTANT.' % By placing your order for groceries with me, you will he sure of having the fresh est goods on the market, and you ki>ow that is tne most important point in the grocery business Can supply you with everything that is good to eat. Have just received the finest 1 >t of mackerel ever shown in Brunswick. W, H. Devos* 428 Newcastle Street. . Phone 109 Clover Mill Butter Per Pound 3Qo. A jso sole agents r -r-N for Dun! a P s, Gotham and KnoxaiK otwloc vUI ICI 1 1 oLJyltJv* &rG reaOY for YOUb inSPeC t‘on. only at LEVY’S.