The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, October 22, 1901, Image 1

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THE BRUNSWICK TIMES-CALL VOLUME XI. NUMBER 336 You Can’t be Too CareM about having a prescription filled. A prescription should be taken to only skilled pharmacists, that is what we are and we exercise great care and judgment in this work. Let us fill Yonr Prescription.^^ Our prices are always right. We send for and deliver your prescriptions. W J BUTTS, DRUGGIST ‘On The Corner.” I y*. WE CORE THE ILLS that tO, B* JWe make a specialty of killing colds at this 1 | season. Our prescrip pbpbabb|cream l-” qRAy: 1 tion department is , thoroughly equipped • ' V and the drugs are high grade in every respect. We sell toilet requisites .9 1 everything that you would expect to find in a first-class drug store- HUNTER-SALE DRUG GO Agents Lowney Candies, H. M. MILLER & SON, We invite you to inspect our new Carpet and Rug partment. All carpets and mattings layed free of charge ■V* We have for Wedding presents a nice line of American cut glass, lovely line of clocks, stationary pedestals, fancy furniture, latest designs in lamps, etc., etc. MY STOCK I £B> CONSTANTLY CHANGING HANDS. Anniversary Bargain Sale and Grand Fall Opening on Monday Oct. 21 Tuesday Oct 22 and Wepuespe/v Oct, 23, at J. H. HELLER & BRO, 220 Newcastle Street Leader of low Prices. Call For Circular, lie Groceries! Hie don’t stay here until they are • absolutely unfit for consumption. It’s a little more trouble, our way, but in finitsly better for you. Have just received a shipment of RITTER’S FINE PKESERVE3 AND JELLIES, In Is 2 3s and s!b glass jars Would be glad to show them to you. THOMAS KEANY csroos:r, 'Phone 11. 312 Newcastle Street. BRUNSWICK. GA. TUESDAY MORNING. OCTOBER 22. 1901 CANDLER ON ROOSEVELT OTHER PROMINENT PUBLIC MEN JOIN IN THE DEMONSTRATION OF THE PRESIDENT’S COURSE. An Atlanta speoial to the Augusta Ctironiole says: President Rooeevelt’e aosion in inviting the negro, Booker Washington, to dine with his family at the White House, is being roundly scored by Democrats on all sides in this city, Nothing but the severest denuncia tion of the act is heard on all sides,and even the few white men who were ad mirors of the president, s<s<‘m dumb founded at this premeditated affront to the Southern people, and many of these censure Roosevelt almost ae much as the Democrats. Capitol officials said It was an out rage and many were not surprised, as they thought all along that Roosevelt was too erratic for the presidential chair, / Governor Candler was very emphatio in his declaration. A visitor handed him tin following editorial by Editor Pecdleion of the Macon Telegraph; set up the barrier between the raoes. No president of this or any other can break it down “A dinner given by one man to an other in the home and privacy of hie famil} means <hat the guest or bis son may roc and win the host's daughter. “Woan the one man Is a white man and tn s other a black it means that there is but one more step to miscegen ation—a sinful and wilful breaking of God’s plain law. “The news item whiob came from Washmgtan and was printed in yester day’s Telegraph told the sad stary for our country. We shall hear more of this. 1 ' The governor read it aloud to those present, and said: “It is true, every word of it. We will hear more from it. It will bring ‘rape’ and Tynobln’ and bloodshed’ and riot,’ but,’’ he added, “like the old woman said about the man kissing the cow,;‘every one to his taste.’ “To expeot anything from Roosevelt beoanne he was half Southern was all bosh- “The people bred in that atmosphere up there are taught to bate the South ern people. Republioans aud Damo orats alike, with a few exceptions among the Demoorats, who are broad minded enough to comprehend the situation in the South, and bave enough to defend her course. ' One mar, who baa a large depesit in the Lowry Banking Company, said to day that he would have less in the fu ture. Capt. Bob Lowery s rec-iot fl u oyer to the Republioans has not made biui any friends here. Oa every hand the action of lioose veit is taken as a direct thrust at the Sou b, and everybody is surprised that Booker Washington didn’t have sense enough to decline the invitation. It will withdraw the sympathy of South- 1 ern whi'e people from him in a large measure 51 nsulted the Kaiser. Berlin, Oot. 20—TheCurr-nt iisueof SimphcifS'mn*, the comic paper, was oonfl cated yesterday at Bresiau for an offensive cartoon directed against Em peror William m is HOW IHI Many laveieiils in Vessels are Being NoM II ARRIVALS IN li NY! And Several Sailings Create a Deal of Activity in A* '. Marine Circles. Brunswioks shipping is now begin ning to inorease. Eight arrivals on Sunday and yesterday and several clearances and eailings have given a boost to the water oommeroe and prospecte for the future are good. Movements noted in the past two days are as follows: ARRIVED. Steamer Colorado, Avery, N Y. Br SS Muroia, Orchard, Philadelphia Steamer Navaboa, Johnstone, Bos ton via ports. Bark Maria Emilia, Port, Riavia, Sapelo, Spanish bark San Jose, Oliver, Maul Spain, Bark Essex, Smith, Savannah, Schooner City of Augnstine, Adams. Savannah. Sohooner E H Weaver, Weaver, New Haven. CLEARED. Bark Maria Blangua, Urg, Pascal, Valencia. SAILED. British steamer Cayo Mono, Friend, Liverpool and Manchester. Norwegian bark Robert MaoKenzie, Hansen, Rotterdam. Sohooner James Davidson, Jansen, Norwioh. Schooner Aline C Stubbs, Philbrook, New Yora, Sohooner TANARUS, W. Dunn, Bond, New London., Hard Wood Mantels. Reed E. La- Manoe, Manager. Mice, In addition to affording every facility to our customers consistent with safe banking, we arc prepared to act as Ad,. j'Hetrator or Executor of Estates, Guardians of property of minors, and to make Bonds in judicial and other matters—Generally to exer cise all our powers as a Trust Company Brunswick Bank Si Trust Cos, H, W, Gale, Cashier • Campbell’s Jem, I Large Fat Any Flavor, I Mackerel oer can lOcjlO ail 121 Phone 158. If it’s nice, we have it. I’lokle Pig Feet Clover Hill Butter Fresh PcrPonnd Twice Week. j 30c. NEW LINE OF STEAMERS WILL PROBABLY BE PUT ON TO TAKE IN BRUNSWICK AND SAVANNAH. The Amerioan Lumberman, recog nized as the standard trade paper of that industry has sa article from Its Savannah correspondent in this week’s issue of the greatest interest to Bruns wiokians. The correspondent under date of Oot, 15th, says: “The feature of the week in lumber circles was the partial announcement of ih6 plans of a steamship company that purposes to establish a line be tween this port, Brnnsvrick and New' York for the transportation of yellow pine. While no defimto details have been given out it is reliably under stood that all arrangements have beer made to bring the steamers from the lakes and put them in the coast trade, It is expected to build up a general trade, but the new line has a guaran teed amount of lumber for its vessels and hopes to make this a basis for a large business. Lumbermen here have expressed themselves as favorable to the new line, though they take this stand in the interest of the port by orea'lng competition and not. out of an antagonistic spirit toward nay of the existing linsa. In speaking abouo this matter one lumber exporter said ; “ ‘Heretofore lumber bae been com pelled to take a back sett, as it wore, for all ether olasses of fra’ght. 1 ; , many oases great Inconvenience follows because of the fact that many orders are given with time, bml' siring ataoh ed, and the failure tput tha shipment through in time cancels tbs o der The importance of large f oiiities In this irada is there'ore app'j p ent. The njw Hue will establish coi/jpetition, and that doe-not hurt any pi rt.’ “It is said the tew comer lias all ar-- rangemeot mde for docking. It will no 1- use the terminals of eimer the Ooeai Steamship Gonipa> y or the Mer chant - & Miners Trau.po tat>on Com pany. It is further u derblood tha r 0. W Howard, for several years a lead ing sn 1 f reivht broker here, wtli ba the local age it of the usw iiau.” LOST- O ie fountain pen; finder will bn rewi-roed by returning same • <:. this office. Po-t' ble Ora < 8 Kenl E LsMance, Manag-r. PLAIN SAILING Stetson Hats Uncle Sam knows a thing or two about hats, as he does about yachts. Stetson Hats have distanced all competitors and successfully de fend American hat-supremacy against aU comers. No hats like them—they're worn the world over. New Autumn styles—stiff and soft hats both., Isjok for Brand on Sweat Leaf fie? PRICE F FATS. Inir YfiMTiiTimi ! line unpyiup i liiiu Uinli jCaae and Cassava fill fig Ite Ttiu DiscissM B y IN OF EXPERIENCE Who Will -jive Practical Talks On This Most Importaat Subject. The Case and Cassava Convention w'.'l bo called t> io m rniug at 10 o’clock in t.he City Hall President Prank D. Aiken of the Board of Trade ? ill call the oonvention to order and Mayor Emanuel will wel come the and ..legatee on behalf of the city, Col. C. P. Goodyear will then adareu-i the meo lug on the line of the call iau’.i ■ ed for the convention, aid he will ie followed by Prof. Block bridge the noted student of Cassava growing who hue made such a great success of its ouPi. vstiou in Florida. Other eminent men and men of prac tical experience will be present and make addresses and the prospects f-tr a moat successful convention are very good. Tb hi Izens of Brunswick are cordially invited to participate in this meeting and especially aid m glv og the delegates a cordial welcome. For JLaGrippe and Influ enza use CHENEY’S EX PECTORANT. B placing your order for g ocerie'’ with me, you will be sure of having the fresh" est goods on th market, and you know that is the most important; point in the grocery business Can supply you with everything that is good to eat. Have just received the finest I it ofi mackerel ever shown in Brunswick. W, li Mm> i 428 Newcastle Street M ’Phone 109- ’ -*■ •’- *■:’&:■ , •./ * 'u*ob £3 u i* ' iso so! 3 agents for Dunlaps, Gotham and Knoxalh Our Fall styles are ready for yoor inspec tion, only at LEVY’S.