The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, October 25, 1901, Image 1

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THE BRUNSWICK TIMES-CALL VOLUMEXI. NUMBER 356 Yog Can't lie Too Catofol about having a prescription filled. A prescription should be taken to only skilled pharmacists, that is what we are and we exerci c e great care and judgment in this work. Let us fill Your Prescription.^*. Our-prices are a 1 ways right. We send tor and deliver your prescriptions. W. J. BUTTS, DRUGGIST. ‘On The Corner." j *. WE CURE THE ILLS s pr that flesh is heir to. v-cvi ImM We make a specialty £/m °f killing colds at this I season. Our presc< ip- j ma^ BA ~ a °| ea| bobax. | T j oa department is WsjPpT — m -~w\ | thoroughly equipped ' a and the drafts are h'gh % J? fade in every respect. \VJ* | \o. \We sell toil -t requisites 9 \\{%r and everything tha.t U,| you would expect to fir.d in a first-clars drug store. HUNTER-SALE. DRUG CO Agents Lowney Candies. 12 COUCHES which we bought at a bargain will be sold at SIO.OO Each, - One to a Customer, Only. These couches are overstnpped in beautiful shades of velour, and sold everywhere for S'.J.OO, our price is SIO.OO while they last. H. M. MILLEB & SON, MY STOCK CONSTANTLY CHANGING HANDS. For the Ladies. We have just received a beautiful line of Ladies Shirt SfiTaLts, Silk waists, Flannel waists, in the latest styles Don’t buy your skirt, jacket or cape before seeing our line. Ait!! AiVoys MM it not mm\i J. H. HELLER & BRO, Leader of low Brices me cronies I lie i don’t s r ay bere until they are absolutely unfit for consumption. li’s a little more .rouble, our way, but in* finitely batter for you. Have just received a shipment of RITTER'S FINK PRESERVES AND JELLIES. In Is 2 33 and 5 b glass jars Would be glad to show them to you. . THOMAS KEANY > 'Phone 11. 312 Newcastle Street. BRUNSWICK. GA. FRIDAY MORNING. OCTOBER 25. 1901 iK mu xim Former Well Known Tone BrnnswlcKian ii Mil HAPPENED SI WAY6ROBS Ed Williams Was Also Arrested But Was Later Released,— Murder Declared. Jaok Williams for j ean a well known naan about town in Brans vick is in seriam trouble in WHyoross, being ao cased of killing a man the .’. A dispatoh in the N. we of yesterday tells the story, T ie Wayoross (pedal sajs: As the' resalt of a difficulty last nigut Hugh B. Ashcroft is co'd in death and Jack Williams languishes behind the bars of the couaty jail, coarged with murder. Mr. Ashcroft was an eagiueer on the Plant System, between Wayoroee and Higu Springs. He was about 33 years of a/ , uii uarrifd and lived at the hamp i ai* br rber.ln-law, Cjl. W.W, Shaip , G 1 ante street Thedifficul ty oocu'reJ on R<y aotds street. Wiiiia-xi*, w o was ouder t, e influ ence of whiskey, pr vokd tbs quarrel and a 11 roe flghi followed, U which both men were sora'ched, Williams stabled Ashotofi, in th • stomaoh, so it is s&id, and both men left the placs where the flgat occurred, goirg in op posite directions, Williams to his room nearby, and Ashcroft up Reynolds street, toward his room He walked about a bice' , and when near Lse avenue fell or lay down. A short time afterward be was found by Beach Harvey, a colored barber. The barber calkd O.oar Smith, ahaok driv er, and they oarr ed Mr. Ashcroft to the home of Col. Sharps, D.*s. Walker and Izlar were hastily summ ned, but the young man was be yot and the reach if human skill, and his death followed in ten or fifteen min afior he reached his room. Ashcroft made no statement of im poriance, as he was too weak and ex hausted to t-lk much. He said he wonld tell them all about it iu a few minutei but passed away without doing si. A courier was dispatched for Cor oner Jicksun Gr.mos.aud he emp tneled a jury and proceeded to inv.siigate the killing. The jury was c imposed oi M, D Bltek he*', f oremtn; Dr, R P. lasT. F Cuihing, E R Jordan, H F. Jobuson V. B, Alber son Tu- jury began an iuve tiga ion of the case about I o’clock and concluded us work ■aboUi dayi.ghr. I'heve'dtoi found tnat tbe and: ctased came to his dea h by a puno ured w u >d by a knife in the bauds of Jaok Williams, and the same la mu and r.” W.thin thirty minutes after the tight Offioers Ed C ottingbam aod John W Le*i w.nt to th-a room of Jack William"' on Reyoo de strep*, near the canal; aoo placed bim under arrest. Uewag'akeo to the oounty jail, wbere heientw. dlis brother, Ed Williams, a printer wa= also locked up night, bat ws lioemed tbi-> morning. Jack WiLiams is about 30 years of age and unmarried. He is a plumber employed b 7 the Waycroes Plumbing Company, and ha* been working here M’DUFFIES ORCHESTRA POPULAR MUSICIANS GET TOGETHER AGAIN AFTER MANY YEARS OF SEPARATION. One of the attractive features of the Catholic (sir which opens io the letter part ol November will be the appear anoe of the old familiar faces of what was fomrerly known as “McDuffi ’s Orchestra.” This orobeatra la years gone by which are pleasantly Bruns wiokians was an organization of good mus’oians seleoted from various liner of oommsroial and older businesses, an,, the members praoiioed and played m r lj fit the pleasure it gave them e'veibndnot for any prefl in any shape whstevef. Th* meetings were held a', the ihst McDuffie resid r C ; out on the boule vard, which was the , oooupied by the present general manager ol the Brunswick & Birin ngham Railroad when be was manager of Brunswick & Western, Occasionally the orchestra appeared in public and <t was always enthusias tically reoelved. Now after many years the old orowd is getting together again and it will be a source of muoh pleas ure to Bronswickians to meet them a : the Catholic fair. Several new name* have been added to the roll to fill in places left blsnk by removal from the city of former members, but they art all good mußioiane and will play their parts well, Toe members and the instruments they will play are: Messrs. □ John Baumgartner, oiroet. Constance Miller, piano. Herbert Miller, clarionet. J. Q. Wilson, Violin. Burr Winton, violin and string base. J. J. Pieterse, violin. Allle Blkan, violin. Charles Baumgartner, trombone. Geurge MoCullongb, oornec. Romalne McCullough, tap drum. Jake Rotiolz, violin. J. A. McDuffie, violin. the past two years. The case against Williams will prob ably come up for trial at the approach ing term of Ware (Superior court, iL November. Owing to the short time before the oonveniog of court it is not likely that a preliminary trial will be held, or that bood will be granted. Tbe remains of yonng Ashcroft wort taken to Nownan for hu*ial tonight. A orief funeral service wsi conduc ed at tbe home of Cjl Bbarpo (Uis afternoon by Rev T M. Christian and Rov M O. Au-tin of Warehboro GOLDSMITH LEHMAN BETTER. / Passed Safely Through a Dangerous Sur gical Operation. Toe meny friends of Mr and Mrs, John U Lehman, now ol a lama, ano then popular son.Goldsmi h, wil< learn vith pi sure that be has paised saf ly through aid fiicult ‘urgioul op r lon and is oow prso'ioaily well. Goldsmith was s if. Ting from a dan gerous oase of appendioitie and toe sur geons th< n; .bo operation '.bat he bad a narrow escape. H s-plendid physical condition polled him through however, and everyone down this way will be pleased te bear of it. on. ns m i ii To BstaUbb u Fipiriunt station ii sooth Go. GLYNN CWf if OH 11 As This Soil is Peculiarly Adapted For the Growing of Cane and Cassava Capt, VV F. Symons. G'ynu’d abl* repreeota r ivf, is at work in Atlanta and was one among the first of the legisldtors to offer anew bill. Tna re ports from Atlanta yesterday state that Symons bill proposes ihe e>a’di->r, rn-in of an experiment s atioi. in io South Georgia, no paroicul r county being named. Tne pas.agn o, th a bil', winch is certainly a good 01 e will leave tne field open to any county lu S. utb Georgia to secure this farm. It is and. sirud to experiment pardon larly with oa‘>e aod css • va and Glynn couaty soil is particularly adapted for raising such products There Is reaeon to believe thal Glynn will stand a good ohanoe for the sta ion. Ware oouoty, however; is pulling for it and may give Glynn a hard fight lc event the bid goes t;,rough, FOR RENT—Two famish id rooms. G. ntiemen prefared. CO3 George St., opposite Hanover park. i. Hatd Wood Mintele. R-ed E. L,- Manoe. Manager. Freth Buckwheat Pan Cake Justin. Flour. Phone 158. If it’s nice, we have it* Georgia 1 Maple Syrup I Svrup. PLAIN SAILING FOB Stetson Hats Uncle Sam knows a thing or two about hats, as he does about yachts. *.• < Stetson Hats have distanced all competitors and successfully de* fend American hat-supremacy against all comers. No hats Ilka them—they*f worn the world over. * A New Autumn styles—stiff and soft hats both. Look tot Broad on Sweat Leather < PRICE FIVE CENTS. UNITED STATES WATCHING The Bubonic Plaugue at Constantinople, Turkey. Washington, Oit. 24 —To-* United States eaaitary oornmnsiouer at Cor. stantiaople has made a report of tl e p ague in :hat oi*y. which. ne ears, hrs not been preva.ent sine., las April. Be reports that 30 oases beve occurred, although the local authorities, follow ing the example or me Rultan, has ihown that there is mmh and lay iq taktng the neoa-stry pr.ivsaMvi step*. The sultaa has appointed a sanitary oammls)on of exaerie, wnose Instruc tions immediately on the manifests tion of the bub.nio p ague an to tal e all neceesary prcve.itftlve steps wifi out b J 'ng obliged to rep irt to any offic ■als. Tae Ottoman government, be cause the result oou!d not be obtained in ten yer“, has accepted tne oommis sirner’e proposal to get rid of the pla gue by opening tho large streets abut ting the baok to back houses end im proving the sewer system. Prayer Denies It. J -epa Prayer den e* the report that he drank laudnum and says it was all a mis ake whloh he wishes oorrec , and For LaGrippe and Influ enza use CHENEY’S EX PECTORAN T. IMPORTANT. By placing your order for groceries wilh me, you will be sure of having the fresh est goods on the market, and you know that is the mosi important point in the grocery business Can supply you with everything that is good to eat. Have just received the filled I>t of mackerel ever shown in Brunswick. W. H. DeVoe* 428 Newcastle Street ’Phone 109 Noiice, In addition to affording every faotlity to our customers consistent with safe banking, we are prepared to act as Administrator or Executor of Estates, Guardians of property of minors, and to make Bonds in judicial and other matters—Generally to exer cise all our powers as a Trust Company Brunswick Bank & Trust Cos. H. W, Hale. Cashier ■ Also sole agents for Dunlaps, Gotham and Knoxalk Our Fall styles are ready for your inspec tion, only at LEVY’S.